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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Anyone know how knockout is able to pull this off?
Q: How does knockout create functions from property bindings?

Spencer RuportWhen I set a knockout binding property as some javascript statement how is knockout able to wrap it in a function? If I create an object like so: var myObject = { 'text': Data.Info.Title() }; The text property is going to be set with the value of title. How could I get this to be a func...

2 hours later…
how do i create css for PagedList.Mvc?
Page @(Model.PageCount < Model.PageNumber ? 0 : Model.PageNumber) of @Model.PageCount

@Html.PagedListPager(Model, page => Url.Action("Index", new {page, sortOrder = ViewBag.CurrentSort, currentFilter = ViewBag.CurrentFilter}))
Check out "Styling the Pager Yourself"
Thanks @SimonSvensson I have done it...
Hi guys !
Hello Guys! I have a query about sql server replication
Can Anybody help me out?
good morning
1 hour later…
Hi there
If you guys have a minute, could you please have a look at my question at stackoverflow.com/questions/24525459/…
1 hour later…
I need to compress the image base64 string to desired size in Windows phone 8
how to that?
2 hours later…
How do i write this line in javascript using razor engine?
function getfunction(id) {
    var url = '<%= Url.Action("Details", "Person",
                 new { Id = -999 }) %>'.replace('-999', id);
Hi @Shell
hi @scheien
how r u?
@Shell don't write your razor code in javascirpt. instead try to use data- attributes on the element like [email protected](...) and then get this value in javascript
I'm fine thanks. How are you doing today?
I'm with @Yoda on that
At some point you may want to fetch urls from different elements
yeah... great
Im just doing practice in MVC.
yeah... great
Im just doing practice in MVC.
i want to use some ajax call like this @Yoda
function getPerson(id) {
    var url = '<%= Url.Action("Details", "Person",
                 new { Id = -999 }) %>'.replace('-999', id);
    $.get(url, function (result) {
this example is taken from code project site
I dont want to concatinate string like this
var url = '/Person/Details/' + id;
@Shell yeah so when you use razor code to fill that data- attribute's value, you can have whatever params you want in the url
var url = '@Url.Action("Details", "Person",
new { Id = -999 })'.replace('-999', id);

is this correct?
Why are you setting the Id attribute to -999 and then replace it?
@Shell That should work yes
@scheien I would assume it is to 'hard code' things that are unknown or something, to have an explicit condition under which to replace said number with a specified id
@scheien Not best practice though
@scheien this is just an example which i have taken from code project.
i just want to know that how can i use @Url.Action in Javascript
@Shell You can't. It's not JavaScript
@KendallFrey i know that but, we can execute that in javascript by defining in a single quotation.
Not execute in JavaScript
Maybe inserting it into the JS would be a better term
@Shell well I asked you to insert your params using ur razor code in data attribute. like <div data-sample="@Url.Aciton(...., new {Id = "paramvalue"})"></div>
then if you are using jquery, get that div's attribute value
and use the value in url in ur ajax call
once your page is rendered in browser, the data-sample value will be a url with proper controller/action/{any pyarams} you specify
yeah that's also a good way.
that is what I told you in my first post to you
I have a NHibernate problem... when disconnection the computer from the network (pulling the plug) the nhibernate session stalls my whole program :( do we have anyone here with any NHibernate experience?
Q: How to set Nhibernate LINQ Command Timeout using Session.Query

kingpin2kIs anyone aware of a way to set the UnderlyingCriteria when using Session.Query? I'm trying to set a more restrictive command timeout (or query timeout) for one specific query and I am trying to avoid adding that constraint on the connection or other querys in the session. I've found in the old...

Problem is just that I don't do anything in my transaction, I only do a Commit on the session. And it's the Commit command that stalls
It do still wait for a timeout won't it?
How can the session know that the network connection is down?
It tries to fire a command, and waits for a response
See if it's possible to set a timeout
or handle it yourself
how to mergre to arrays using linq?
var newarray = arr1.Concat(arr2).OrderBy(a=>a).ToArray();
Ok, so I tried just to before the commit just do a query onto which I set a timeout, but still no luck (I'm not running the query though). After a while I get an exception from the Commit: "Could not close Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection connection"
@HarshBhavsar or u can use Union
what is the diff. between contact & unoin?
even if I run the query It doesn't seem to timeout before the 30sec that I think is that default time...
A: Union Vs Concat in Linq

Sergey BerezovskiyUnion returns Distinct values. By default it will compare references of items. Your items have different references, thus they all are considered different. When you cast to base type X, reference is not changed. If you will override Equals and GetHashCode (used to select distinct items), then i...

(or I don't get the exception until 30 secs)
I need to use Union as per my Requirements..
If u want to return distinct value from both array then Union will be the best option.
Hello is any one available to solve my query in building setup and deployment package in c# win app with SQL server 2008 R2 express edition.
where u r getting problem?
hai steave
how to build ffmpeg with libquvi to use in windows?
whats up
Besides the obvious
!!urban up
@KendallFrey up (adjective) hard or erect
Annnnd you killed the chat :P
If I have the following code; http://www.pastie.org/9346914
How can I make so that the first <li> gets a certain class or just visible="false" if GetBugCSS returns an empty string?
Can't you wrap the first <li> in an <% if !(GetBugCSS(blah == String.Empty) { %> etc etc?
rather than applying a CSS style, just don't render it in the first place?
Also you've just reminded me how much I don't miss web forms :)
Yeah but I need the FEA_Bug and FED_Name values for the parameters and therefor the datalist.
Along the same lines wouldn't something like the following work <%# String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetBugCSS(Eval("FEA_Bug"), Eval("FED_Name"))) { class="someClass"} "%>
@Squiggle Haha I usually do PHP but my boss wants me to fix this Admin system they have and it's in ASP
@Jack Wouldn't that need to be inside the datalist in order for it to receive the parameters for the function?
Is your function not getting called? I thought your question was how to apply a class based on the results of the function.
It is but I mean, since FEA_Bug and FED_Name is fetched using DataList I'll need to have the GetBugCss function inside the DataList. How would I then echo class="someClass" to the li?
What about using a bound data repeater or your ul and li.
@MagnusBurton <%=myvar%> is exactly like <?=mvar?>
So just use it like that.
@RoelvanUden Oh sweet thanks! Could you quickly make up a small example? I usually don't work in C#
@Jack If it lets me use a HeaderTemplate that'd work too, I guess
@MagnusBurton It does.
... <?=$var1?"class=$var1":""?>?
@RoelvanUden But you still need to have the variable in context somehow, if his ul isn't bound where are the variables coming from?
@Jack Yeah, it isn't bound..
@Jack Really? <% var state = "Boooohhaahhh"; %>
And then <%=state%>
@RoelvanUden Yes, but this is a variable that is supposed to be coming from his datasource, if I understood correctly.
@Jack Correct
Web forms?
@RoelvanUden It fetches data directly from a SQL Server
So, Web Forms. Oh well then, good luck.
@RoelvanUden You mean as opposed to MVC? Or classic?
(I'm assuming/hope you meant MVC)
Hey guys and gals, anyone used DotNetOpenAuth to create an OpenID provider?
Not here, but I believe there's some decent documentation on it, no?
Yes I have a prototype running based on the samples. I am a little confused about claimedidentifiers and provider identifier
I am using the MVC samples
does minitube use ffmpeg?
So in my RP (Relying party) Login page you just stick your OpenId-Identifier in the text box and it redirects to the provider site login, now in the sample the OpenId_identifier is localhost/user/identity. Whe we come back to the RP as authenticated the claimedidentifier is the same ???
I would expect something like localhost/users/username or some such unique identifier
Am I supposed to implement that part? I think so but I have no idea where in the flow to do it
@HollyStyles sorry I can't really help much. It's been a couple of years since I last touched OpenID. Too rusty :(
@Squiggle Boo hoo :(
LOL don't log out and in again on stackoverflow in another tab and expect chat to keep working when you come back :)
I'm always popping in and out of this chat in various tabs using Chrome. Doesn't break for me...
You're obviously using the Internet wrong.
Yes but you are not logging out of your stackoverflow account right?
Why is this parameter of a HyperLinkField not working? DataNavigateUrlFormatString='~/ShowFAQ.aspx?FAQ_Id={0}&PrintPage=<%# Eval("GetPrintPageFAQstring()") %>'
@MagnusBurton what's not working? is it HtmlEncoding the link?
@MagnusBurton try adding HtmlEncode="false" attribute in your bound field
Engrish FTW
> There is no such a entity exist
@HollyStyles The thing is that I want it to print the result of the GetPrintPageFAQstring function and append it after the PrintPage= part
Engrish is the fantastics. I enjoyably readings with and laughing.
@Squiggle My brain....
@Squiggle This feels like those Dolan Duck and Spoderman stuff.. Intentional misspellings and stuff... Makes my brain cramp :D
Have you seen the cartoon Baman Piderman?
@Squiggle Hahaha, no
I have however seen the Dolan Duck, Spodermn and a few others
I leik dolan.
Why does my brain always fail me whenever I encounter foreign key constraint errors?
I have a many-to-many linking table with a clustered PK and two foreign key constraints, each pointing to the PK of the relevant table.
@Squiggle Because a serious lack of diagrams? :P
I think it's something to do with Entity Framework.
ah yeah - it's my mappings. D'oh.
your nuget server is on the buildserver on port 80?
looks like its asking for credentials too...
nvm read the rest of it
get some fiddler goin between them ;)
Im having trouble finding this info online. Does anyone know how this gives me access to Session in my ApiController? http://pastie.org/private/q2aomuvshojwue0k0mog
Without it Session is null, with it, Session is fully loaded and ready to go. Is something else happening after Application_PostAuthorizeRequest that checks the current SessionStateBehavior and if its required loads up the session for my use in an ApiController?
hey guys
My fiance got a job! Yay!
@ton.yeung Yep :)
I always get busy right after I send messages...
We are super excited though. And he will be working at a safe alum plant and making sure everything stays efficient.
I'm sorry :( And work has been weird lol
Anyone know about the DllImportAttribute?
And yeah... we have made a lot of huge changes and everything is broken right now.
People are getting angry... it has just been weird.
The guy who essentially caused it took vaca this week lol
I've been slowly going through and fixing things...
haha he doesn't give a crap
We moved to EF 6, made a nuget server, switched versions of telerik, changed our TFS structure, and implemented some cloud stuff.
The TFS structure was my idea, but I had not planned on implementing it this soon...
We did all of those things in a weekend though...
Do I have to reference the dll being imported if I use a DllImportAttribute?
We have a file that is causing the install to break and I just want to get rid of the dang thing lol
But we have a "senior dev" here who thought he would just do everything at the same time
Didn't really consult with the rest of us either.
I think his plan was, let's break everything and then leave it for everyone else to figure out lol. Oh well... Not much you can do.
I am going to get lunch :))
I'd revert everything and do it one at a time
@JLott No
DllImport is mostly useful for pinvoke, where you can't reference the dll
:( wtfing so hard right now
sup dogz
posted on July 02, 2014 by Visual Studio Blog

Today we’re announcing the Release Candidate for Visual Studio Update 3, which is now available for download; direct links for these downloads are at the bottom of this post. You can read more in the announcement on Brian Harry’s blog, as well as the Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 RC release notes. As with all VS updates, Update 3 offers new features as well as reliability fixes and bu

@KendallFrey Why?
@JLott someone overrode a property to return null every time
@KendallFrey :(
It's the least of my worries today
I'm sorry you are stressed
Did they just create a new gold badge?
I know they created a bronze badge
for what?
I got a Curious award today :D
@JLott Not stressed, just sick of this code
Socratic: Asked a good question on 100 separate days, and maintains a positive question record.
@JoJo So did half the world
@TravisJ ah, the gold version of Curious
@TravisJ Wow
that's a lot of questions asked ;)
Sometimes things get technical
If you looked up "tightly coupled" in a dictionary, I'm pretty sure you'd find some of our code.
@KendallFrey - Was that the first name of your company?
@KendallFrey - The post for the question badge exposes part of the qban formula
@TravisJ interesting. or is it?
How do I open a file from desktop without having the C# application open which then displays the file contents in your application?
@KendallFrey - Well they never indicate what it is. But I have actually read a lot on the qban stuff lately, and that formula seems to pretty much reflect what they have to say in writing.
I have a file (.se extension) and I have an C# application which opens that extension.
So how do I open that file and display it in my application by double clicking it on desktop?
Do you have your application set as the default application for that extension?
@JohanLarsson - Looks like my team is out.. Go Orange! :)
Or Germany. Germany would be cool too
Yes, I have set it. However when I double click it. It opens the application but no text appears.
I haven't decided yet.
@TravisJ yeah, Belgium was better though
I was cheering for whoever US was playing
^ not nice
Yes, I have set it. However when I double click it. It opens the application but no text appears.
They were. The US team still has the old school style players in the roster.
Well, Canada doesn't have a team, so I have to cheer for someone
I was neutral, was gonna pick the team with the fewest dives, did not see many. Good game imo.
Our first touches were way out of control and the offense really lacked any structure for completing passes.
@Script47 Do you have code to handle the filename passed in as a command line argument?
I think US has a better team than players. (Not a bad thing)
If we had someone other than Howard in goal that game would have been a complete embarrassment.
US defence kinda fell apart in that game
@TravisJ Yeah, he did great given the circumstances
@KendallFrey no, I thought I would need something like that but I am new to C#, so how would I be able to load it in to rich text box?
@Script47 What part are you stuck on, loading it, or putting it in a textbox?
I think we still have another 8 years to go before we are actually competitive for winning the Cup.
@KendallFrey can I show you my current code?
the cup is not easy, football is the true world sport. Maybe not big in Asia.
didnt we win the Cup one time recently?
@Script47 If it's code that you tried to solve the problem
I'm not going to just write code to fill in your gaps
@JohanLarsson ping pong :)
and vidya games
@KendallFrey No, I understand. I would just like some pseudo code which could help me out.
@KendallFrey stripclub right?
Our Women's team won in 99. But our mens team has never won
@JohanLarsson huh? ping pong doesn't involve strippers
oh ok, ty
@KendallFrey one day you will learn :)
I've watched professional table tennis
what kind of pros?
I'm pretty sure they were fully clothed
@JohanLarsson The pro kind
ok, just keep an open mind
Not like I'm saying it can't, it just doesn't.
bruce lee playing ping pong^
wtf am i watching
huh. I saw that meta post, then I saw that I got the badge. :D
didn't ask for a black and white movie, tyvm
@KendallFrey - come on, it was bruce lee playing professional table tennis with nunchucks
looks fake
Its not
neither does it look professional
okay so maybe its fake
well that escalated quickly
19 hours ago, by LINQ2Vodka
so drch is right
escalator jokes, classic :P
In MVC how do you guys handle session expiration? Do you have javascript on a master layout redirect after a timeout?
It depends on what the session is doing.
But really, the session ending shouldn't affect the current page much. What it would disrupt was new requests. So that is where all of the handling I deal with is.
Anything client side can be overridden so you might want to avoid using a javascript timeout.
(function clearAllTimeouts(){ for(var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) window.clearTimeout(i); })()
well all it would do was redirect them to the login page
If the session dies the page stays there statically, and then they click a button that would normally do $.getJSON() it will then .fail() with some generic "We cant process this request right now"
I think you could probably store access to the response in a background worker which is then actioned by the session end http event. And then use the response to redirect.
How often do you allow their session to expire?
Is this finance related?
No not finance related
Session has expiration of 45 minutes
Forms Auth Cookie expires at 45 minutes also
Actually Session 46 minutes, Forms 45 minutes.
This ensures that forms expires first so the application can redirect to the login screen if they arent logged in
We have a WebForms app that was causing problems because session would expire before forms auth and that would cause pages to throw errors because they would try to access Session['Some_Variable']. If forms auth expires first then the request would never hit the page and they would be redirected to the login screen
You are storing information in the Session? Is it InProc?
Store in RAM
That is generally discouraged. Do you screen for session swapping? Is the server load balanced?
@Tunix2 that's not good for scalability
MemoryCache is not very desirable either. If you need to use caching you should probably either use a database or another server.
or look into one of the elasicache type solutions
Our environment sucks
If it were up to me id throw the whole thing onto Azure
I guess having a Database for caching is a good idea then?
Let it scale on demand
@JoJo - It is cheaper to have a db for caching than a separate server for it.
IIS can cache datasets?
A Redis server is really where you want to end up though for caching. That is overkill for small projects.
@TravisJ can you elaborate on what you were talking about before? Right now I am using MVC and WebAPI. On my Index.html I simply have $.getJSon and $.post I dont see how to handle API calls after a timeout. They return 401 when AuthForms cook has expired or been removed due to a logout (from another tab with the same site open or something)
Hello lovely .NET folks.
@ton.yeung - redis?
Ton Yeung-Redis is a cool name.
@Tunix2 - You would store the response in request_begin inside of global.asax.cs and then in session_end you would action it.
image not found, use imgur
!!image i'm not even mad that's amazing gif
@Pheonixblade9 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: idoge
@Pheonixblade9 Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!bring me Paprica, Six.
@TravisJ Input not matching /(\d+)\s(\d+)/. Help: User-taught command: <>http://place-doge.com/$1/$2#.png
@rightfold That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!doge escalate,that,stairs,wow
so escalate
                  very that
                             such stairs
many wow
!!idoge escalate that
@TravisJ Input not matching /(\d+)\s(\d+)/. Help: User-taught command: <>http://place-doge.com/$1/$2#.png
!!idoge 123 456
!!idoge 42 42
!!idoge 512 512
!!idoge 123 456
I think everyone sees a different one.
If I refresh they all change.
Yes. Is yours? No.
Quiz: write an if statement with a constant condition in C# that executes both branches.
any of you have experience with BetterCMS? I am just starting to play around with it
it's pretty neat
you can use Razor in the CMS engine
write an if statement with a constant condition in C# that executes both branches.
how to do this?
@Joish slap the professor that asked you the question in the face
@Joish No idea. :D
In C++ you can write if (true) { goto e; } else { e:; }.
But in C# that doesn’t appear to work; it says that e is not in scope.
if (true) { goto e; } e:; works fine.
that is a joke/
@Pheonixblade9 TIL I’m a professor.
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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