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Dumb C# parsing
I have finally put it up as a question.
Q: How can I export the names of all the methods in an assembly?

abhiI am able to see all the methods in a referenced library in my object browser. I wish to export all these methods to a text file. I also have access to dotPeek but I could not locate any export functionality in that software.

I wonder when was Skeet in Philadelphia. Kendall Frey did you meet him?
Nope, I'm at home today
What will them buying it do
them -> microsoft, it-> whatever I assume?
I don't see how MS buying a bunch of open source and non-monetized technologies will do them any good
@abhi aye
@ton.yeung Yeah what about it
I find it extremely curious to say that developers walked away from microsoft
ms has never been an especially consumer-oriented business
are they? last summer ballmer gave a keynote to us interns in which he very clearly said that consumer revenues are extremely low compared to business revenue
and asked us
"if individuals stopped buying windows, do you think we'd see a huge dent in revenue?"
and proceeded with "if people pirate software, we want them to at least pirate ours!"
just to give an idea of how much they care about consumers buying stuff
haha true
Notch once said he wants people to pirate minecraft
Q: How should I log performance parameters to Sql Server Database (possibly using NLog)

Mahesha999I am quite new to logging. So actually I have couple of related questions. Now I have quite complex situation in which I am invoking listener callback on the reception of the request on a particular port. As a part of request handling, many methods are called which transact with various servers....

anyways, about the app store, I feel that most software today is either too small to be worth a paid developer subscription, or too big to fit the restrictions of the app store
you wouldn't see adobe putting the creative suit on the app store
even though it's very reall development
I'm actually an apple fanboy, I'm just absolutely not convinced
microsoft is as relevant as ever in the business space and that's where they really want to be
holy fuck, stinky sneeze alert
bar a few things like IEB
can't say I see the point of the app store
Morning all, I have 5000 rows, each row has 23 columns. any suggested way to implement a "print preview" control?
telerik sucks, so I'm looking for a new way :)
@NETscape That is a horribly vague question
Using the word "fanboy" in any context makes you seem heavily biased.
Well then rant on!
I only just got here
Is there any point to any consumer app store besides gimmicks and games?
@KendallFrey ....? In an WPF/MVVM fashion?
@NETscape Still vague
Use a datagrid?
The author of that piece is clearly terrible at business though. Perhaps that is why she writes.
You've given 3 unrelated details: You have a table, you're using WPF, and you want a print preview.
Shoe, how when its 23 columns wide?
What are the links between those two?
Put some of the columns in the RowDetails
@Kendall - I swear like 90% of WPF questions involve those 3 details.
Why does it smell like hamster in here?
Yeah me either. Way over my head.
It's not a reference. IT SMELLS LIKE HAMSTER IN HERE!
@NETscape Are you looking to generate a report? Another option is making a RDLC
I thought the smell of hamsters was weird, now I'm getting hungry. That's weird.
Shoe, yeah you could call it that, have you ever created a RDLC before?
@ton - It is a woman. The main point was poorly written, but the quote you show about buying up 10+ companies... I mean, what an utter disregard for running a business. Buy all teh things!
Yeah, but you have to use a WindowsFormsHost to host the control
guinnie lol
@ton - Yeah, but the caliber has to be right. Those companies buy up what they view as competing in some arena. There seemed to be no overlap in competition with the list of companies above. I think github was probably the only viable option out of the whole lot.
@TravisJ Well when you have no investment in the company and it isn't your money. It's easy to spout off "just buy everything"
@ton - Oh, I see. I think I took her out of context. It was the linked quote that was poor. She actually does a good job putting that article together. Jon Ludwig, that is the buy all the things guy
@ton.yeung Look at her username (!pc)
@Shoe - Yeah, it is. I guess that is why it is called "blogging" and not "primary sourcing" or "formal writing."
I mean, why doesn't MS just buy Apple. Would solve all their problems
That would violate anti-trust law..
No worries, just buy the government. Buy everything. The solution is so easy for microsoft why don't they do that
I broke Visual Studio's syntax highlighting
Obvious sarcasm
@Shoe sarcasm you mean
Can't be sarcastic without sarcasm
I thought that was snapchat? :P
The hipsteripsters use REBEL
I figured you would have somehow regexed hipster in that sentence.
Q: `using` with commas can cause a memory leak?

Benjamin GruenbaumC# lets me do the following (example from MSDN): using (Font font3 = new Font("Arial", 10.0f), font4 = new Font("Arial", 10.0f)) { // Use font3 and font4. } What happens if font4 = new Font throws? From what I understand font3 will leak resources and won't get deallocated. Is...

@BenjaminGruenbaum "From what I understand" where did you get that understanding?
where specifically?
Ohhh, yeah, I think I understand
I personally use using (this) using (that) { }
I do too, we're debating using for JavaScript and I wanted to know what C# does.
JavaScript doesn't have disposables
Are you debating those too?
Yes, we're debating Promise.using
oh, promises
Now I get to debug a test that only passes with the debugger attached.
@BenjaminGruenbaum - The Dispose will be called for both Font variables regardless of what happens. However, since using is only a try finally it will silently catch the exception without letting anyone know about it.
@TravisJ thanks :)
You know what JavaScript needs? Continuations
Or something else to deal with callback hell
@StefanNuxoll that's what we're working on now - no one serious does callbacks anymore - use promises.
callbacks have no error handling and are hard to read, promises do both.
@ton.yeung $q (and even Q) is slow, naive and Limited. Look at Bluebird - much better stack traces - a lot more useful and a magnitude faster - it's even faster than the async module.
I'd still like continuations
being the highly functional language that JS is I think they'd be useful
It'd then be the closest thing I can get to smalltalk without requiring I deal with the crappy smalltalk implementations we have today
@BenjaminGruenbaum - If one of the animations of a promise set throws an error in js, will that break the promise?
@ton.yeung it's naive but nice.
@StefanNuxoll A promise then is actually really monadic.
@TravisJ animations of a promise :)?
@BenjaminGruenbaum - promise set. As in $(".class").each(function(x,iter){ $(this).fadeOut(10*iter);}).promise().done(function(){ alert("all done"); });
Where one of them fading would cause an error
don't use .done and also .fadeOut is not a part of the promise.
You prefer when?
If you use .then instead of .done , throwing synchronously in a promise turns into a rejection and not an async exception.
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Is this in a node.js context?
Yes, but I use it a lot in the client side.
tipranks uses it extensively
Hi can anyone help with this im so close
List<string> values = _productAttributeParser.ParseValues(item.AttributesXml, punchOutDocumentId);

                    String docID = String.Empty;
                    if (values.Count > 0)
                        docID = values.First();
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(docID));
                    cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
im getting the errors, item and punchOutDocumentId do not exist in the current context
@Corbo152 you probably want to look above where you use item and punchOutDocumentId
@BenjaminGruenbaum - So the keyword of choice here is then for promises? For me, and I think this isn't too far from the norm, using statements are in place only to ensure that Dispose is called in order to avoid leaking unmanaged memory. How are you trying to adapt that into promises?
Yes, promises are kind of like Tasks in C# in a sense
@Shoe both of those are not used in that document, they are bought in from the shoppingCartController, im guessing i need to pass those variables into this document?
using(getDatabase(),getDatabse2(),getFileHandle(), (db,db2,file) => {

    // when leaving this block, promise.finally gets called on every handle passed
   // so they get disposed
So node.js also must dispose of connections?
@Corbo152 Yes those variables have to be defined somewhere
@TravisJ what do you think ^^?
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Does node.js support => syntax?
@TravisJ JS has => in version 6, NodeJS supports it if you build it yourself.
(Node, not the syntax)
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Ok, so you instantiate the 3 handles, pass them into a work function, and then dispose of them at the end of execution? Seems pretty readable to me.
@TravisJ I instantiate a Promise on the handles, I get them asynchronously.
getDatabase() is an asynchronous think of it like Task<DBHandle>
So the work function only executes when all promises are complete?
Something similar to await Task.AwaitAll()?
like await Task.WhenAll(acquire1(),acquire2(),acrquire3())
But using safe
Right, WhenAll
@BenjaminGruenbaum - I tried to do that with a using statement in c# actually. But I found it to be rather hackish. Perhaps it will work better in js's syntax.
i found this: public void CheckoutPunchOut(IList<ShoppingCartItem> cart, UrlHelper urlHelper, System.Web.HttpRequestBase request)
any useful?
it's actually a very hard problem - we've been at it for 2 days.
@BenjaminGruenbaum - The heart of solving the problem for me was how to properly get the results out of the set of tasks being awaited. It is easy to WhenAll a set, but it was a little harder to know where and to pass the results of each task as it completed since they are grouped by Task and not by Type.
Pairing that with a using block gets a little hectic.
@TravisJ the big issue is handling rejections and errors and acting accordingly.
@Benjamin Gruenbaum - That is getting a little too specific for me to help with :( I am not sure how you are implementing the whenall
this is killing me lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum - From that link, Ralt states "The question is whether it's worth it to support multiple resources". To me, at least in c# with asynchronous database calls, it is essential to support multiple resources in this sense. It allows simultaneous querying which is a highly efficient way of implementing single string searching for relational normal databases.
@TravisJ yes, it should definitely be supported. The question is whether or not the promise.using should support it or the disposable should.
You're welcome to comment that though in GH - that it would be a lot more useful with multiple resources.
@BenjaminGruenbaum - It is definitely a non trivial topic. I didn't want to intrude :P
Fair enough :)
(You're welcome to though)
@Benjamin Gruenbaum - Also, I am a little conflicted on the multiple resource per using statement. On the other hand, it is possible that the using statement should be confined to each resource and not to the set. When using multiple resources it can save time to only await them in subsets determined by some condition in the code and dispose of them at that point. Thereby disposing of subsets of the multiple resources instead of the entire set at once.
Dispose is also asynchronous
Yes, but the disposal should be trivial. Perhaps some success logging or whatnot. I am not sure if there are different approaches for node, but most of my dispose methods just call Dispose on the managed resource and move on.
dispose on the managed resource is also asynchronous :)
If you want to dispose them manually in subsets you can use .try(...).finally(dispose)
@Benjamin Gruenbaum - What I tend to do is set up a large series of these resources in tasks. Each resource will dispose itself upon completion. However, each one will naturally take a different time to complete. This is where the WhenAll occurs even though the Dispose will be expected to have already taken place.
So if there are 10 resources which must all complete to move forward, and there is a a set of 5 of these groups, a single group of 10 will need to all complete before being processed (but the completion will be assumed to have included the disposal).
@BenjaminGruenbaum One reason for this approach is that calling Dispose on everything once the entire set is complete will actually cause the first finishing resource to be open for as long as the last finishing resource. This essentially ties up the resource without using it at times (even if it is small).
@TravisJ not in JavaScript it wont :)
When it's done (well settled) , .dispose will be called on the resource.
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Okay :) Well, that is most of what my point was.
Oi all.
My router is not moving. My laptop is not moving. Yet I will have anywhere between 1 and 5 bars of wifi. how...
Have fun!
of course not
They don't
Um, no
If they started moving, I would shit myself.
They do move.
The distances are just too small to be noticeable.
fuck relativity
and that
I think…
I’m just shit myself
I think therefore I shit.
There is a beautiful lady.
@ton.yeung if it's from you, it's NSFW :)
So I learned a new pet peeve of mine today.
getEntity(primaryKey, parentId)
Are you kidding me?
Good question!
That's exactly what I'm wondering.
@ton.yeung beautiful lady
@KendallFrey Are you microwaving a smoke detector?
@ton.yeung ); DELETE FROM episodes; --
Bobby Frey
Don’t overestimate your impact.
I've already made that joke like... 5 times :P

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