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@DavidArenburg Congrats on the new gig
^---- Another palindrome :-)
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@fortune_p thanks, how's stuff at Airb&b? Learning new stuff every day?
Morning all !!
Hellows :)
Could be worse :)
@RonakShah wow... nice 1!
I think I ll go with Ahhrrrrrr (with a patch in my eye and a parrot on my shoulder :)
hello hello :-)
good morning :-)
@Sotos here you go:
user image
@Jaap Niiceeee 1!!!!
It should be our mascot!!!
I like that thought :-)
A pirate as a mascot for RRRrrrrr...tell me you ever seen a more suited mascot for anything anywhere :D
Would you like to intern for @RStudio this summer? I'm excited to announce that we have an official program for the first time 🎉 https://blog.rstudio.com/2018/02/12/summer-interns/ #rstats
"We value diverse viewpoints, and we encourage people with diverse backgrounds and experiences to apply.", as long as you live in the US.
unclear? (to me anyway...)
@Axeman Tareef actually goes out of his way to hire people from other countries. I live in Belgium, Gabor and Andrie are in the UK, and Barbara lives in Portugal. There is no guarantee they can hire an intern from elsewhere than the US but that shouldn't stop anyone from applying, it's worth a shot!
@Axeman pretty cool!
@lionel I know it's not out of malice, but Hadley is quite clear in the twitter comments that international candidates cannot apply this year (perhaps with the exception of Canadians)..
@Axeman ah sorry I had only seen his reply about Canada
tbh not entirely sure why, as work in the US would be remote anyways..
any dupe for this ?
I don't understand his continued point about zero values
There seems to be a lack of contributors to open source projects(?) Does anyone have tips for someone that wants to start/try contributing to projects? How would I find projects that could do with some additional developer bandwidth and for which I might have the right skillset?
@Florian Haven't you run into projects you like? My advise would be to stay close to what you like (and have the required skills)
@Jaap, how do you just run into projects? I don't really know where to start looking
@Florian stuff you use? ;-)
otherwise: HackerNews (you'll have to weed out the fluff though)
anyway, gtg; have to concentrate on my PhD thesis now ;-)
@Jaap, thanks for the tips. Good luck with your thesis!
@Florian I occasionally contribute on projects of others, they are always to packages I use, often on problems I run into myself.
@Axeman it's been deleted (sorry for the late answer, I was in a meeting)
@Florian I agree it's best to contribute to projects for which you have a personal interest. However you shouldn't necessarily restrict yourself to problems matching your skillset, a contribution is a perfect learning opportunity. How much you can afford to learn depends on how much time you can spend on the contribution. If the contribution isn't accepted you'll still have learned a lot.
@Cath Yes, my point is that they are from the same person, with largely the same question, and tokhir closed the other as dupe
@lionel I agree that is fine to write a PR as a learning opportunity, it forces you to figure out the internals of a package you use, and that can be quite useful!
@Florian ropensci could be relevant, or search github issues with R help wanted: label:"help wanted" language:R state:open
@Florian this event might be interesting for u: meetup.com/PyData-NL/events/247702845
also on github some issues are flagged with "help needed" and such, so can browse those for packages / projects u are familiar with
Any good dupe for this? stackoverflow.com/questions/48806220/… or close as whatever
@zx8754 typo?
Thanks a lot all! A lot of useful resources. I will let you know if and when my first contribution is accepted ;)
@zx8754 That is a great suggestion, great way to contribute to lesser known packages as well.
Also nice to find new (funny) packages in general: github.com/henrikny/coffee
Was looking at this
apparently tibble cuts digits
@Sotos it formats, doesn't "cut" it. Try tibble(survived = 68, N = 70) %>% summarise(new = (survived/N)*100) %>% .$new
@zx8754 aahh...so It's just for printing convenience
@milo526 Welcome. You now have write access
The dev version of tibble does a lot more even, with colors and justification
@Axeman As expected...to go with the colors and bells & whistles of the newest version of RStudio
I don't particularly care for the colors, but the justification is nice
I like formatting, but not happy it hides the columns when too many.
I like the red NAs to be honest even though I am currently using visual studio more
@Axeman I do feel they have the best of intentions but are going in the wrong direction. At least they are trying to do something about the default which IMO is terrible.
I like everything there, except the red negative values
Heh, why "-0." is not in red
yeah...They look as anomalies
I guess because 0.5 and is taken as .5
I don't like how it feels like the numbers are misaligned. My main beef with what they are doing is that they don't treat significance as a column properly.
@zx8754 Only significant digits are formatted I think
the rest is grey regardless of value
For example, in hp col, they feel the need to show the zero hp < 100, but only for those because that way they are showing three digits. But that silly, clearly the significance is to the HP level.
As a result, you end up with numbers that are zig-zagging left to right which is visually confusing and slows down the assessment of the magnitude of each number relative to the others.
I second the non-aligned part. It messes with my OCD
It gets much worse when you have numbers in a column that are several orders of magnitude apart. Coupled with the resistance to use a sensible thousands separator it ends up looking real messy and hard to read.
@Axeman Can you throw a couple of NAs in there...are they also red?
The concern with the thousands separator is width, which is a fair one, but then what I don't get is why they are okay displaying c(1e-4, 1e4) with three digit significance for each number, which means the column ends up super wide.
Anyhow, gah, I told myself I wouldn't hang out on the forums today and I got sucked. You all have a good one.
c ya @BrodieG
@zx8754 thanks (that's for the "by" problem? I had to do a small meeting right after I pressed "send", didn't check it works ok, as I had the desired output...)
@Sotos NA seems slightly brighter red
@zx8754 hmm ok no totally diff stuff, sorry, seemed familiar, now I see why...
@zx8754. That was marked as duplicated. That's y I created a new post — Monica Steffi Matchado 23 mins ago
just new user confusion
more playing.
@Axeman Well, that defeats the purpose...
I like where this is going, but can't agree how it looks at the moment.
@Sotos I'd prefer just red NA's, yes
This confused me recently, who thinks these numbers are equal?
@Florian They could be, but don't have to be. What is the confusion?
@Florian I think they are eq...
ok, yeah not good
ok...so not equal!
Haha, thanks @Sotos for playing so naïve to add to the revelation
that's actually a proper issue though
@Axeman I still prefer ".$myCol" instead of new "pull(myCol)"
@Florian hehe ;)
@zx8754 fair enough!
@Axeman sorry, may I ask: what those screenshots refer to? (I feel like I missed a whole episode :-/)
Tbh I can't remember comparing numbers by eye and decide on anything, always plot or "==", etc.
I think the .$x is confusing because that won't work in expressions because of magritter symantics
@Cath We were discussing how tibble prints nowadays
pros and cons
.$x looks hacky
@Axeman oh ok thanks :-)
@Sotos that's what Hadley suggested before "pull" came along.
Compare mtcars %>% .$cyl and mtcars %>% mean(.$cyl). So I prefer teaching pull.
it's not obvious to people to do mtcars %>% .$cyl %>% mean() or mtcars %>% { mean(.$cyl) }, but more obvious to do mtcars %>% pull(cyl) %>% mean()
@zx8754 I can see why. The other methods posted there are not at all in line with the 'verse purpose/framework
This kinda sucks:
DT <- data.table(V1 = c("A", "B", "C"), V2 = list(c(1, 2), NA, c(10, 20, 30)))
DT[, list(unlist(V2)), V1]
# Error in `[.data.table`(DT, , list(unlist(V2)), V1) :
#   Column 1 of result for group 2 is type 'logical' but expecting type 'double'. Column types must be consistent for each group.

DT2 <- data.table(V1 = c("A", "B", "C"), V2 = list(c(1, 2), NA_real_, c(10, 20, 30)))
DT2[, list(V2 = unlist(V2)), V1]
#    V1 V2
# 1:  A  1
# 2:  A  2
# 3:  B NA
# 4:  C 10
# 5:  C 20
# 6:  C 30
Any convenient workarounds that anyone knows of rather than having to ensure that NAs in a list would necessarily match the element types of the other list values?
@Sotos, well, they promise that they are happy to clarify it for you.
@A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1 Well of course @Axeman interpreted that very easily
they are subsetting their data.frame by a variable, and assigning them in the global env, all giving them the name of the factor level. But it don't work cause they got them hyphens in there
Anyway...I need to go wash my coffee mug, go to my mother-in-law and get my kid and then home. Tomorrow we are allowed to come to work dressed up (carnival) and Monday we are off :)
@Sotos Do you celebrate carnival over the nest week-end? In Germany, the final day was last Tuesday. So, it's all over now.
@A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1 i wouldn't call it convenient DT[rep(1:.N, lengths(V2)), c(.SD, .(V2 = unlist(DT$V2))), .SDcols = !"V2"]
or lapply(V2, something) first
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
yep @DavidArenburg working on deploying work into production
Also kicked off the Introduction to R course for our internal data university

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