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@zx8754 heh, Isil can also be a woman's name
wonder if they'll also see a crackdown
1 hour later…
Somehow I don't think this will work stackoverflow.com/questions/33769004/…
For @DavidArenburg. Not sure how close it is to you r-users.com/jobs/data-scientist-israel-2
@RichardScriven how's the job search going?
Not so well, lol
The San Francisco area tech market isn't hiring?
2 hours later…
Yes, but my degree is not in tech so I'm kinda screwed. Haha
The problem is that out here, everyone is either in or trying to get into tech.
3 hours later…
hi @Tensibai :-)
good morning!
hey @Jaap !
(avoiding the hi ;-) )
@Jaap yep, trying to put some variety in the greetings ;-)
we could switch to bonjour ....
Or in a old fashionned but nicely sounding French: 'Mes hommages matutinaux gents damoiseaux.'
Sounds like there's alot of action going on in PAris right now
a guy posted a NAA as a community wiki
A: Regular expression to stop at first match

user3153614I am also having the same issue and i cannot seem to get out of it, I am trying to capture the number that is in the sqaure brackets AND NOT until the last know bracket. This is the regex that i have conhjured so far :\[(.*)\] this is the sample of the data that I am working with: effectiveDate...

@DavidArenburg I'm not sure for the "right now", I think it's over. It was on from 4:30 am, special forces were tracking down terrorists (among which, it seems, the "brain" of last friday's attacks), one kamikaze woman made herself explode and 2 others were killed. 3 were "captured". This is what I understood from the last news anyway...
@CathG dont think its over
in our news they say the main arch terrorist is still fighting back and we even have a live broadcast
They were assaulting the last one when I was on the road to work if I understood properly.
@DavidArenburg I've been on the page of a newspaper and they were talking about the 3 arrests but they didn't state clearly if it was over or not... how come I cannot get clear news from my own country..............
ok, I have a "live news", it indeed seems still on
and they killed a dog...
@DavidArenburg haha just tried to fast forward the live feed video...
Good morning
i wouldn't be worried about a dog wen you have so many dead an wounded
@DavidArenburg that was actually ironic (the fact that the news report it)
@zx8754 You discovered a bug in the Matrix :)
hi @tzhx
I dont understand why Ed Cottrell is getting so much love
@zx8754 there is no alternatives i guess
josilber joined to secs before the end and got the second place
@DavidArenburg is it only 3 get elected eventually?
so they say
so our R mod should be in a safe place
@zx8754 It may depend on how transfer friendly he is.
@zx8754 he was second in the first phase
in the second phase he is quite behind
things could chsnge in the final phase
My guess that Ed and Undo will get thru, not sure regarding the third guy
@germcd transfer friendly ?
It uses Single Transferable Vote
The ice caps will completely melt before I can understand how this system works! — Trufa Feb 2 '11 at 16:21
according to some, that's not far off is it?
yeah, some say within the next decade or so
Wow Federer beat Djokovic
these votes can't decide who the mods are.
We are not in the final phase/..
Because many people who did vote for all the nominees..
yes, the last phase is yet to come
why there is no screenshot which tells how the mod tools page on mod account should look like?
@AvinashRaj question for meta again :)
@zx8754 They should downvote these type of ques...
@AvinashRaj probably, but we will get to see the screenshots!
@DavidArenburg little confession, lately using fread most of the time, and ending up using data table syntax more and more down the line... and I like it more and more.
Donno what ED Cortell done to the people. He has been here for just 2 years only and also his rep was 20+ k only. How he got more num of fans?
@AvinashRaj I'm unsure, asking about how the site works sounds on topic for meta
THrough fb,twitter?
@AvinashRaj Mostly the answers and his interaction on Meta I think
@AvinashRaj probably 2 billion fellow christians
Why mods on other site willing to be a mod on SO? Mod tools given to all the site mods must be the same..
am I correct?
@zx8754 :-) Since only one Indian running for this time, vote can't get broken..
being a mod on SO is probably a lot more interesting than being a mod on other sites in the network.
just the volume of people on SO means that there's much more juicy drama going on
@TZHX ya, large num of flags, blah blah blah. Whaterever it is, must be large not new..
@zx8754 Glad to hear
Before get into SO, I'm an active member on AU. There I find only 200 questions appears on the cv review queue. But here it's 10k..
@AvinashRaj Power
Pretty much the same old motivation for people running into Politics
@DavidArenburg Like, "Employee to boss: Now I became a mod on SO. I'm expecting a hike of 100$. Ok or not?"
@AvinashRaj no
its not about your actual day job
its about your influence within this 2mm users community
@TZHX Come for a programming question, stay for Meta discussion? :)
please close as very unclear, downvote, whatever..., with 3 attempts of the OP to clarify the question, each time saying we answer the Q but actually it doesn't work on its data and blablabla and that he found the sol, which is a nested 2 (or is it 3 ???) for loops which I don't even want to begin to read.............
so much time lost on that stupid Q :-(
@CathG I was surprised you even tried it
@DavidArenburg it was bugging me, I had the (proven very wrong now) impression it could be simply stated...
I started reading this "I want a1 be in a2 but not in a3 while b2 == a1 at d4 < e5,..." and then decided I have better things to do in life
that sounds all wise...
well, at least the OP accepted my answer, +15 for the effort, not that bad....
Thanks really really much for your effort despite my bad explanation. It is working now. I've also found a (bad programmed) solution by myself with for-loops (see above). — user5514978 3 mins ago
@CathG at least they are thankful
Finally the Paris drama ended
@zx8754, yes, it's quite enjoyable to read ;-)
I asked this question on AU meta before I fully involved to this site..
Q: Fake reputation scores

Avinash RajIf there is any security measures are in Ask Ubuntu in case of fake reputation increase. For example if a user has five google accounts,and login with each account and made upvotes for all the posts which are posted by the same user using another account. Did you observe these kind of culprits ...

@DavidArenburg where I'm looking for the news, it said that it is still in process... I need to find better sources for the news... so, did they arrest the "brain" ?
@AvinashRaj "if a user(AvinashRaj) has five google accounts,and ..." :P
@zx8754 :-)
@CathG They didnt say yet
I guess you'll find out soon enogh
@CathG the Dutch news reports that "a spokesperson from the French government confirmed messages that it's over" [paraphrasing by me]
@AvinashRaj now we know your 100K secret
@zx8754 ya, go and ask for SO mod to check my rep scores manually..
@Heroka thanks ! I'll try to see if I can find news about who was arrested
@AvinashRaj I think by now your methods way too advanced for mods to see
no, these are my real reps..
@AvinashRaj joking man
acting man..
@AvinashRaj lol
Flood affects Chennai city. Street water came into my room..
Now, my area looks like Venice. Boats used for transportation..
@Heroka focus is wrong. Media trying hard to show these acts as a deterrent, it will have zero effect. It is more like, hey we caught the "baddies", now all go back to your lives.
@AvinashRaj nice that you see it in the bright sight, I hope your room didn't get too much water though...
@CathG a[apply(a,1,function(x) { x['a1'] %in% b$b1 & (!x['a2'] %in% b$b2[b$b1 == x['a1']]) }) | !(a$a1 %in% b$b1),]
Not far from yours
@CathG ya, they are all drained off. Think i'll be there in coule of days..
@AvinashRaj you'll probably have some cleaning to do :-(
@CathG ya.. many insects should be there..
@Tensibai I first tried with apply actually but couldn't work with the first (or second ?...) explanation of the OP, so after I sticked to sapply. But anyway, basically, the problem was just to define the condition. Actually, I've already spent too much time on it, I'm just really glad it ended well (my sol eventually doing what the OP tried badly to explain...)
@AvinashRaj and mud... won't the insects be all dead by drowning ? ;-)
@CathG indeed, I was just trying to see if it could be done without *apply, but I see no real possibility
Well in fact I just extracted the second option (if a1 is not in b1) as it don't need to be checked on each row
@CathG You never saw a spider getting out a sink ?
@Tensibai yes, I wanted to think about that (like doing it with data.table) but I refrained myself because it would have meant even more time not usefully spent...
@zx8754 looks nifty, got to try it out.
@Tensibai don't even mention "spiders" to me (but no, it's not from sinks that I see most of them) and anyway there are no insects ;-p
afk (been called for lunch by my colleagues)
Time for lunch too, 'bon appétit' :)
@PierreLafortune this guy somehow managed to store a POSIXlt class within a data.frame. Not sure what sorcery is it stackoverflow.com/questions/33777070/…
works for me
str(data.frame(dt = as.POSIXlt("2011-01-01 00:15:00")))
'data.frame': 1 obs. of 1 variable:
$ dt: POSIXct, format: "2011-01-01 00:15:00"
@germcd POSIXct != POSIXlt
dput(data.frame(dt = as.POSIXct("2011-01-01 00:15:00")))
structure(list(dt = structure(1293840900, class = c("POSIXct",
"POSIXt"), tzone = "")), .Names = "dt", row.names = c(NA, -1L
), class = "data.frame")
@germcd There is no POSIXlt class there
I have no idea how that OP achieved it
@DavidArenburg I thought you said the code in your comment failed
@germcd it failed to keep the POSIXlt class
Im really confused whats going on honestly
need to RTFM, but too lazy
Morning :)
@StevenBeaupré hi
@DavidArenburg Ah right, I thought you meant it gave an error
Seriously, what's ging on
> DF <- read.table(text = "dt
 '2011/01/01 00:00:00'",header = TRUE)
> str(DF)
'data.frame':  1 obs. of  1 variable:
  $ dt: Factor w/ 1 level "2011/01/01 00:00:00": 1
> DF$dt = as.POSIXlt(DF$dt)
> str(DF)
'data.frame':	1 obs. of  1 variable:
  $ dt: POSIXlt, format: "2011-01-01"
> str(data.frame(dt = as.POSIXlt(factor('2011/01/01 00:00:00'))))
'data.frame':	1 obs. of  1 variable:
  $ dt: POSIXct, format: "2011-01-01"
@zx8754 I see an opportunity for eye-tracking research ;-)
Opinion-time (don't hit me, it's about hadleyverse). What is the general stance on (unless specifically asked by OP, I think many people are very much used to plyr) answers using plyr?
@Heroka Why not?
Because dplyr is the 'newer/improved/whatever'version of plyr?
dplyr covers only a small part of what plyr did
it does it more efficiently, yes
in general, if you can solve it with dplyr, why use plyr?
if not, than you can use plyr, but in either case its fine. Just dont expect a high vote count
Doubt this on topic here
Q: Turn off Completion in RStudio

Daniel BachenJust updated to the most resent version of Studio, and Completion is driving me crazy. Is there a way to disable this function? Unless I missed something it seems like they took out the option to turn it off and are forcing users to accept this "improvement".

if they removed the rant, probably would be?
@TZHX its just a general software/hardware question which are OT on SO
and yes, we have a 10MM of these on SO with many upvotes
isn't RStudio a tool for programming?
iIts an IDE
This question has nothing to do with programming as you can see by the answer
in the same way we have questions about configuring visual studio, android studio, xcode... my undestanding was these questions were on topic.
and even in cases where I've gone against (like generic text editors such as notepad++, vi[m], etc) they still seem to be accepted and / or welcomed.
dont know about these. But this one seems blantly OT to me
and, no, now days most of the software related quesitons are not very welcomed
it has been in the past
completely agree it's a poor question, but think it falls into the horrendously broad "software tools commonly used by programmers;"
k, meeting...
gl, hf
I see a Q with title "data manipulations in R" and I have a feeling it will be one of the rtfm kind...
@DavidArenburg Hi. That's interesting. That seems to be the only way around it
@CathG and a fsod-one (f**** screenshot of data)
@CathG confirmed
yep, although it's more like diff(x) by i, no ?
is that like asking about list processing in lisp?
With as.data.frame, data.frame, and cbind. None work. But df$newcol <- as.POSIXlt.. does.
@Heroka nice hack
@Jaap thanks
dt <- Sys.time()

'data.frame':  1 obs. of  1 variable:
 $ as.POSIXlt.dt.: POSIXct, format: "2015-11-18 08:11:46"

'data.frame':  1 obs. of  1 variable:
 $ as.POSIXlt(dt): POSIXct, format: "2015-11-18 08:11:46"

df <- data.frame(0)
df$dt <- as.POSIXlt(dt)
'data.frame':  1 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ X0: num 0
 $ dt: POSIXlt, format: "2015-11-18 08:11:46"
@DavidArenburg it actually works :)
and here I go again spending time to answer unclear and bad asked question...
Q: Draw the national flag of France

steveThere have been many other flag challenges posted but not one for the national flag of France. This week seems like an appropriate time. Produce this flag in the fewest bytes possible: The image must be in a ratio of 3:2, with size at least 78 pixels wide and 52 pixels tall. Each stripe tak...

@CathG how badly do you want 10K? :)
@zx8754 yes, that's exactly what I was asking to myself... (but actually, I won't even get rep from that because new SO user => cannot upvote and doesn't know he can tick....... so I really don't know why I'm doing this...)
@Tensibai is this actually a language name? :) codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/64188/42971
@PierreLafortune yes
A: Draw the national flag of France

flodelR, 59 bytes frame();rect(0:2/3,0,1:3/3,1,,,c("#0055a4",0,"#ef4135"),NA) Output is displayed: One can also do 49 bytes with barplot(rep(1,3),,0,col=c("#0055a4",0,"#ef4135")) if you do not mind the axes and borders:

@zx8754 yep, hard to compete with flodel
@Tensibai I would like to see how they would plot Uzbekistan flag
Found one for @DavidArenburg :
Q: Festival of ASCII-art lights

dan04Write, in as few characters as possible, a program that takes zero or six command-line arguments menorah menorah YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE SECOND (Both forms must be supported. The zero-argument version shall be equivalent to calling the six-argument version with the current system date and ...

@Tensibai How did that gobshite get to be a Unix Admin
@Tensibai Steve's profile picture is a character from the sitcom Father Ted
I've absolutely no idea about it :)
Google "how did that gobshite get on the television"
Youtube: blocked, imdb: blocked ... boring
@Tensibai why me?
As the first coming to my mind when talking about Jewish related things :) (And so probably knowing ways to convert between hebrew and gregorian calendar)
(Found one since, the challenge is interesting)
@Tensibai OH, I haven't looked in the question itself, rather just the title, I see what you mean now
@Tensibai and.. its put on hold
those Anti-semits :)
It's perfectly clear, take a date, check if it is within Hanukkah, if yes wich day, and draw the candles accordingly
its with Jewsih dates though :)
they didnt like it
And ? it does not make the challenge unclear...
I told you, anit-semists :)
One thing I still didn't get is what ConvCalendar gives me: `as.OtherDate(OtherDate(day=7, month = 12, year = 2015,calendar = "gregorian"),calendar = "hebrew")`` claim the hebrew month is 3, where I expected it to be 9
@DavidArenburg Kislev is the 9nth month in hebrew calendar, right ?
@Tensibai its should be 3
Ok, so wikipedia mislead me :p
The Hebrew or Jewish calendar (הַלּוּחַ הָעִבְרִי, ha'luach ha'ivri) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, yahrzeits (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm readings, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is used for religious purposes, provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes, although the latter usage has been steadily declining in favor of the Gregorian calendar. The present Hebrew...
Showing a 9 next to the month Name
@Tensibai yeah its the bible way of counting month
but we had new year 3 month ago
so counting from Tishrei
Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה‎, literally "head of the year") is the Jewish New Year. The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah (Hebrew: יוֹם תְּרוּעָה‎), literally "day [of] shouting/blasting", sometimes translated as the Feast of Trumpets. It is the first of the High Holy Days (Hebrew: יָמִים נוֹרָאִים‎ Yamim Nora'im, lit. "Days of Awe") specified by Leviticus 23:23-32, which usually occur in the early autumn of the Northern Hemisphere. Rosh Hashanah is a two-day celebration, which begins on the first day of Tishrei. Tishrei is the first month of the Jewish civil year, but the...
Wow, hardening even the challenge
Aw, ok not that much, just using 3 and not 9, all is ok :)
@Tensibai I agree its a bit confusing
but this is how Judaism is I guess
Well actually yes, gets confusing when you read about hollydays are in the 9nth month, but this 9nth religious month is the 3rd civilian month, and tools used are based on the civilian one
@Tensibai they are both religious months :)
its just different traditions to count months
Yes, sorry
Though wikipedia calls it a civil new year
but i gess they mean it was a civil new year back 3e3 ago
and arguably today too I guess
Dunno, I have no clue what calendar is used in Israel nowaday
(as I've no clue for china and 80% of the world in fact)
We need to create a GMTs Law (equivalent to Godwin's Law) that each discussion here ends up talking about Judaism
Well, this one started on it, so obviously :)
Well put
Putin: ‘To Forgive The Terrorists Is Up To God, But To Send Them To Him Is Up To Me.’
Could be a Rambo quote
The challenge is quite promising anyway
yeeha, I got one part done, the function to compute the Nth day in Hanukkah
hn = function(d) {
  h = as.OtherDate(d,calendar = 'hebrew')
  hs = OtherDate(day = 25, month = 3, year = h$year, calendar = 'hebrew')
  n = round(difftime(d,as.Date(hs),units="days"))
  ifelse(n>0 & n<9,(1:8)[n],0)
could probably be golfed again
@Tensibai lol @ Rambo
as.OtherDate ?
The best I found to change calendar, I'm open to any other approach indeed
yeah, just saw it on GH
interesting, never heard about it
if you are using a package on code Golf you'll probably need to do ConvCalendar::as.OtherDate which isnt so code golfed
The first step being to compare, basing myself on gregorian dates and time sounded wrong
Even if the op had give the equivalent date and times, it sounds wrong
@CathG It hard to find a dupe for every single comination of date formats, maybe this is close nough stackoverflow.com/questions/15072955/… ?
Q: Integer to string conversion in R

Elzo ValugiI am new to R and I am trying to find a function to transform an integer to a string so I can use it in initiate a Date object. > v = c(20081101) > date <- as.Date(v, format("%Y%m%d")) Error in charToDate(x) : character string is not in a standard unambiguous format I found a solution with ...

@germcd nice find
@DavidArenburg yes, that could do it, for now, I voted to close it as OT ("Q asking us why the code doesn't work.......")
@DavidArenburg Thanks, it has the same answer as the comment on the dupe
its the same question too
add r-faq
its just dickoa seemngly did "20151026" instead of 20151026, which is the same as as.character if you operate on a vector rather a single value
The title of the question I linked to seems misleading
2 hours later…
> "*Please ignore my use of get() for this example as I am aware it may not be the best approach."
> http://stackoverflow.com/q/33786372/1191259
let's see if we can give that a shot this time...
2 hours later…
@Heroka The user is obviously new here and doesn't understand how to ask questions with replicable examples and etc. Whoever downvoted this question please un-do it. It's a pretty challenging question , our new user here just needs to learn how to ask it more appropriately — road_to_quantdom 1 hour ago
@Heroka I think it's a bad question (due to screenshot), -1
@Heroka -1 + CV
I mean, read this sentence too. I can't make clear sense of it.
I want to know how I can find out how many rows include a "yes" at ANY '...type3' var, and a "no"/na at ALL '...type1/2' vars in the df.
It took me three slow readings to get it
Of course, I am relatively stupid
@RichardScriven I have no idea what the question is about and don't think anyone will find it useful without a reproducible example, desired output or some meaningful wording
@Heroka same response as David (-1 & CV)
Aww man
I wonder if I could write a function like that. Hmmm
you should post a question to SO about making such a function
I might be able to do it, now that I think about it. RCurl does html forms
cool. for irony, though, it deserves a post
i imagine passing your credentials might be tough
i might upvote such a question
Oh yeah, credentials. Damn
maybe use RSelenium as well?
Stupid security
Never used RSelenium actually. I'll take a look
Does it allow you to stay logged into a website through R?
me neither, but know about it's existence
when you don't restrict yourself to R, PhantomJS might be a nice tool too
Upon further thinking, it would be pretty pointless to write that function because you have to be looking at SO anyway. Might as well just do it there. Haha
you could link it to the posted questions here .....
(but that would probably trigger a huge meta effect)
hey, but you can use it to vote blindly, autograbbing questions

and if you publish it, set default values: do.vote(richards_question, up=TRUE)

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