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6 hours later…
6:27 AM
@Roland that's what I meant too; to me it doesn't look like it changed
hello btw
6:38 AM
6:50 AM
@Jaap It could depend on browser settings. With Firefox default settings, I have a font in code blocks where < and - have a really shitty alignment (the < seems to be too high and the - too low). If I change Firefox's settings and don't allow websites their own fonts, it looks fine. So, SO uses their own font.
7:16 AM
sup @ll
7:32 AM
@Roland Any specific reason you are using FF?
7:52 AM
@DavidArenburg Preferred by my employer. Generally, I'm happy with it.
7 hours later…
3:13 PM
GH Copilot has a chat feature now for VS Code, kind of cool, trying it out right now dev.to/github/…
2 hours later…

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