Discuss: how welcoming should we be? Re this. Question incorporated via code from a tutorial in an URL, and OP would like to do something like in the video at <timestamp>. Not related to RStudio.
@Axeman I know. It's just the way the library is defined and then you see the data table code below and nothing else, since you need to scroll down to see 'verse code
interesting attempt to pipe-ify DT[...] github.com/hadley/dtplyr/issues/38 their example "works" (uses GForce as seen after options(datatable.verbose=TRUE)), though "summarize" seems like a misnomer (should probably call it do)
background: trying to determine if i should tell colleagues that RDS is a viable format for long term storage of some data. i have a data.table with 30+ million rows, takes up 1.2 GB in RAM; 2.8 GB as CSV; 8.8 MB as RDS, so it seems like a no brainer, but was looking for some confirmation re this usage
it's compressed so small because rows often repeat with only small changes, i guess