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4:19 AM
Discuss: how welcoming should we be? Re this. Question incorporated via code from a tutorial in an URL, and OP would like to do something like in the video at <timestamp>. Not related to RStudio.
1 hour later…
6:31 AM
Good morning all
Oh noes, Friday already?
Fry-day :)
7:04 AM
Still no takers for the highlighting of points from the same group.
I wonder if this is something that could be implemented using R and not javascript.
(talking about my question here: stackoverflow.com/questions/52532428/…)
@RomanLuštrik I m also waiting for an answer there. I have a lot of use cases where that would be helpful to me
btw, I am very impressed by this [site](www.windy.com)
Looks nice.
I ve been playing with it for the past half an hour :)
7:20 AM
Can someone hammer this one ^^^. I already voted as too broad.
@RomanLuštrik No hammer for python, but it's gone :)
Good as.
@Sotos you could have hammered it since it was also tagged R, so could I but I am not confident of my Python skills. :P
but the question is too basic and should have a duplicate on the site.
The most indecisive answer ever (library(tidyverse); df <- data.table::fread(...)) stackoverflow.com/a/52550320/5635580
@RonakShah I tried but would not let me hammer. Maybe because was before
ohh...I see. I was not aware that it works that way.
7:40 AM
Whoa, data.table engulfed by tidyverse? :>
8:20 AM
@RonakShah I decided to hammer this since re-structuring his function would make it an XY problem
@Sotos I do that all the time, especially when reading string input
fread is used by lots of people that don't necessarily use the rest of data.table.
@Sotos yeahh..it looked like a duplicate anyway.
@Axeman I know. It's just the way the library is defined and then you see the data table code below and nothing else, since you need to scroll down to see 'verse code
8:48 AM
@Sotos OK edited it for a bit more clarity
@Axeman much better :)
@Sotos wow, they have an app!
9:04 AM
@zx8754 and the more you play with it, the more functionalities you find.
@Sotos I see now how you spent 30mins :)
Will check it out with my kids later
hehe yup :)
1 hour later…
10:10 AM
close as unclear, or as dupe for system call post: stackoverflow.com/questions/52552115/…
10:40 AM
@Arber Sorry, we have rules: davidarenburg.github.io/GMTs
11:24 AM
same as "import" tag?
11:51 AM
user image
I think something is duplicated
12:09 PM
@zx8754 at least in combo with R-tag
and hello @ all
@Jaap thanks, we met somewhere in the middle :) all [r] + [read.data] is gone.
and answers are already piling up...
1:12 PM
Just received the printed copies of my PhD thesis:
user image
1:30 PM
Looks very dazzling. Our theses have a prescribed form and do not allow deviations.
@Jaap Slick! ;)
the design was my own idea :-)
(though the actual design was made by a professional designer)
@RomanLuštrik luckily we are allowed to use are own designs (as long as the logo of the university is included as wel)
1:48 PM
Which makes sense. We get a word template and that's it.
You can imagine how much time I spent to port everything to LaTeX. :)
lol :-)
thought about doing everything in LaTeX as well, but judged that I should learn that at another time ;-)
Don't. It will spoil you. Word editing will suck from that point on.
2:54 PM
just managed to do a non-equi join in base R :-)
2 hours later…
interesting attempt to pipe-ify DT[...] github.com/hadley/dtplyr/issues/38 their example "works" (uses GForce as seen after options(datatable.verbose=TRUE)), though "summarize" seems like a misnomer (should probably call it do)
3 hours later…
7:51 PM
background: trying to determine if i should tell colleagues that RDS is a viable format for long term storage of some data. i have a data.table with 30+ million rows, takes up 1.2 GB in RAM; 2.8 GB as CSV; 8.8 MB as RDS, so it seems like a no brainer, but was looking for some confirmation re this usage
it's compressed so small because rows often repeat with only small changes, i guess

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