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15:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

3:08 PM
hello chatbot
chatbot is sleeping
never mind
3:33 PM
@Romain Sorry about that
2 hours later…
5:04 PM
!!/spec null
@Zirak Nothing found in spec
!!/spec null
!!/spec null
!!/spec null value
5:24 PM
!!/spec foreach
@Zirak [ Array.prototype.forEach ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )](es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.18)
2 hours later…
6:54 PM
@Zirak Available commands: help, live, die, forget, regex, jquery, choose, online, user, listcommands, define, norris, parse, tell, mdn, get, learn
@Zirak Command istcommands does not exist. Did you mean listcommands
@Zirak Command commands does not exist.
@Zirak Command bistcommands does not exist.Did you mean: listcommands
7:13 PM
@Esailija Command rul does not exist. Did you mean: roll, help, die, tell, mdn, get
maybe have maxCost = 2 and insertCost = 1, replaceCost = 1 and delete cost = 2
though in the current version those have to be hardcoded
!!/choose hai bai
@Esailija Command jqaury does not exist. Did you mean: jquery
@GGG hai
7:15 PM
@Esailija Command rollin does not exist. Did you mean: roll, online
@GGG Command trollin does not exist. Did you mean: roll
!!/zirak's mom
@GGG Command zirak does not exist.
7:17 PM
!!/define list
@GGG list: A series of names, words, or other items written, printed, or imagined one after the other: a shopping list; a guest list; a list of things to do. (source)
hmm can we get more compsci definitions
@Esailija Command defianet does not exist. Did you mean: define
7:18 PM
@GGG Command dolphin does not exist.
!!/learn ridiculous
@Esailija Illegal /learn object
@GGG Command delphi does not exist. Did you mean: help
ooh it solves anagrams
that's what we have been doing the last 2 hours
7:19 PM
@GGG Command fenide does not exist. Did you mean: define
though they are not anagrams
that one was
you just got lucky
it had only 3 replacements
@GGG Command rosinr does not exist.
7:20 PM
if there is any command that can be made from the word using 1-3 replacements/insertions/deletions or combinations of them then it will suggest it
@GGG Command command does not exist.
@GGG Command commands does not exist.
@Esailija Command tcommands does not exist. Did you mean: listcommands
@GGG Command give_me_the_commands_mofo does not exist.
7:22 PM
shouldn't it be able to figure out listcommands from list
like tab completion kinda
no it's not autocomplete
though that can be implemented as well
but it could be
the levenshtein is good for typos
ie redicalous would match ridiculous
but ridic wouldn't
7:24 PM
unless you put maxCost to like 10
@GGG Command frog does not exist. Did you mean: hang, roll
which is infeasible
it's kinda bad for short words =/
yes maxCost should be 1-2
7:25 PM
maybe maxcost should be based on word length
yeah that's easy to implement
with 1-4 words definitely 1 maxCost
5-10 2
and rest would need 3
so maybe length/5
or something
len/4+1 maybe
yeah and cap at 6 or 7
i don't really see a reason to cap...
i could have made a lot of mistakes there
it's optimized for short words though
lots of short words
instead of one big word
because commands are relatively short
7:28 PM
@Incognito Command ninjas does not exist.
!!/Command does not exist
@Incognito Command command does not exist.
!!/"quoted command?"
@GGG Invalid command /"quoted command?"
7:29 PM
oh weird it kept the slash
@Esailija Command slash does not exist.
@GGG Invalid command /"slash"
oh that's a different thing
7:32 PM
@Esailija Command regexp does not exist. Did you mean: regex
one is command does not exist, the other is invalid command
command does not exist when it cannot even find a suggestion
@GGG Invalid command /
7:33 PM
I mean invalid command
no it think it's two differnt things?
like old hangman stuff or something
I should integrate this with my memebot :D
though it sucks
7:45 PM
maxCost = Math.min( ( word.length / 5 >>> 0 ) + 1, 6 );
(word.length / 5 >>> 0) + 1
i mean how long is the word really going to be
and why >>> instead of | ?
I dunno I'm usually flooring with | or >>>
maxCost = Math.min( Math.floor( word.length / 5 ) + 1, 6 );
better ? :P
@GGG @Esailija "Invalid command" is when what you entered doesn't make any sense, command-wise; for example, "meep" isn't a valid command name, but meep is
So, for 4- letter words words, there's no room for error?
oh the +1...nvm
7:55 PM
yeah there can be one replacemenet/insertion/deletion for 1-4 words
cos look at this
@Esailija Command frog does not exist. Did you mean: hang, roll
it will basically match any 4 letter command you have
I see
instead of just fixing a typo
@Zirak Command bla does not exist. Did you mean: help, die, roll, tell, mdn, get
7:57 PM
bla --> tell
b -> t
>> e
a -> l
>> is insertion and -> is replacement
oh oh oh, did you see regex? and spec?
!!/regex buttsecks1337ab9 \d+
!!/spec + operator
@Zirak 1337
@Zirak Command spec does not exist. Did you mean: die, user, get
whoops, forgot to add /spec
!!/regex (for var key in value) (\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['"]+)\s*)
@Esailija Could not process input. Error: Unexpected end of input; expected "
do I need to quote string regex or both
It processes commands by spaces, accepts quotes to surround arguments which contain spaces
And you actually had a " in there
8:00 PM
do I need to escape the "
Without a matching one, so it was like "the fudge is this?"
!!/regex "(for var key in value)" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['\"]+)\s*)"
@Esailija Could not process input. Error: Unexpected end of input; expected "
aha! le problem! ...I shouldn't have fixed that
To allow regexs to have \, I disabled the escaping mechanism...
you need to keep a quote and escape stack
And frankly, I don't have a solution... :S
8:02 PM
I have since I made very advanced template parser during weekend :D
basically razor templates for js
the razor templating is awesomest
@var instead of <%= var %>
what's not to love
The Microsoft part
Anyway...escaping and quotation isn't the problem. It's combining escaping and regular-expressions
8:07 PM
I don't actually use microsoft products
I just reverse engineered it
for javascript
where do you set state = "escape"
I still like good ol' sprintf
I removed that, after forcing people to do ~w in regexes instead of \w...
shouldn't it be
	if( ch === "\\" ) {

		if( state === 'escape' ) {
			state = 'data';
			ret = ch;
		else {
			ret = "";
			state = "escape";

Checking for escape is already done, before anything else
So if you get a \ and the state's escape, it'll be escaped
so I use ~ to escape the quote?
Right now, you can't escape the quote :P
hhmmm...so should regex have to use ~, or should escaping be done with ~?
8:15 PM
I don't even get the ~w
why not just \w
Because escaping would turn that into w
and escape quotes with ~ or something
Yeah, that was my question. So you pick the latter
~~ would be a single ~
~" would be a literal quote
Have ~ be the escaping character.
8:16 PM
everything else is pretty much normal
\w is \w
so "$1 is a $2!" "(~w+) (~w+)"
would become "$1 is a $2!" "(\w+) (\w+)"
I'll go do that
and in the more rare case when you need a quote inside quote
you'd just write ~"
Before I push that one change, anything else I missed besides that?
allow for both quotes to be used as delimiters
'""""' '""""' would be fine without escaping then
it's very easy to do with a stack
It's even easier to do with two booleans
8:21 PM
I love my stacks :
Stacks are indeed awesome, but I am of the lazy
but yeah can do with booleans as well since there is no nesting like with blocks and expressions
@Esailija Try that stuff again
!!/regex "(for var key in value)" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['\"]+)\s*)"
@Esailija Could not process input. Error: Unexpected end of input; expected "
@Esailija Command regex does not exist.
8:26 PM
you have 2 bots on?
eeeerrrr...whoops @_@
okay, again
!!/regex "(for var key in value)" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['\"]+)\s*)"
@Esailija Could not process input. Error: inString is not defined
A wild bug appears!
btw I need to escape " with ~ now?
that one had "
Escaping is done with ~ now
8:29 PM
!!/regex "(for var key in value)" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['~"]+)\s*)"
@Esailija Could not process input. Error: inString is not defined
one sec, fixed a bug
!!/regex "(for var key in value)" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['~"]+)\s*)"
@Esailija Could not process input. Error: inString is not defined
send me teh codez
oh, whoops
Having two variables is conshizzles me
Last bug...hopefully
8:31 PM
inSingleQuoteString inDoubleQuoteString etc?
yes ~_~
I know, lame solution
!!/regex "(for var key in value)" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['~"]+)\s*)"
@Esailija No matches
olulz, encoding fail.
8:33 PM
!!/regex "for( var key in value)" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['~"]+)\s*)"
@Esailija No matches
The produced regex was: /(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.][&#39;"]+)\s*)/
oh yes
chat gives you encoded stuff
I decode entities, but apparently the #n ones slipped by
!!/learn objectify '$1""""$2' '(\w+) (\w+)'
@Esailija Command objectify learned
!!/regex "for( var key in value)" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['~"]+)\s*)"
@Zirak No matches
8:40 PM
!!/regex "for( var key in value)" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['~"]+)\s*)"
@Esailija No matches
/\(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.\]\['"]+)\s*\)/.exec( "for( var key in value)");
["( var key in value)", "key", "value"]
I still see the encoded ones...
Added some console.logs to see what's happening inside
!!/regex "for( var key in value)" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['~"]+)\s*)"
@Zirak No matches
uuhhh, I see quot lots of times...
It's just the #shit
ooohhh, the regex doesn't capture it
!!/regex "for( var key in value)" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['~"]+)\s*)"
@Zirak No matches
The regex is correct!!!
8:46 PM
Actually...are you sure?
/(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['"]+)\s*)/.exec( "for( var key in value)" )
/\(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.\]\['"]+)\s*\)/.exec( "for( var key in value)");
["( var key in value)", "key", "value"]
...you didn't escape the (
btw it's
not [_$0-9A-Za-z.]['"]
^--Here and                                                         Here--^
I just copy-pasted what you gave me
8:49 PM
oh yes that old one was mispasted soz
!!/regex "for( var key in value )" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['~"]+)\s*)/"
!!/regex "for( var key in value)" "(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.]['~"]+)\s*)"
@Zirak No matches
@Esailija No matches
aahh, icwatudidthere.
8:50 PM
the chat escapes them
yes the chat escaped that
I wrote \( actually
Millions sons of millions bitches...
!!/regex "for( var key in value)" "\(\s*(?:var\s+)?([$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*in\s*([_$0-9A-Za-z.\]\['~"]+)\s*\)"
@Esailija ( var key in value),key,value
8:52 PM
so, for some reason the chat doesn't take \( and \[ literally
but does take \s literally
you have to write \\\(
You did \\(?
with 2 slashes, not 3
\\[ and \\( but for some reason \s works fine
"content":"\\\\&#91; and \\\\&#40; but for some reason \\s works fine"
how weird is that.. it doesn't take it literally when it is with ( or [
but other characters are fine
Complain on meta?
But exclude the part where I say "Millions sons of millions bitches". Two grammar mistakes there.
\{ \} ( ) [ ]
it's just parentheses and brackets
I wonder why
8:59 PM
I am making a meta question
yay, bot will be famoose <3
15:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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