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12:49 AM
> "This entire paragraph of text will be enclosed in an HTML blockquote element.
Blockquote elements are reflowable. You may arbitrarily
wrap the text to your liking, and it will all be parsed
into a single blockquote element."
@Esailija not in chat, multiline markdown is magic
backticks don't work on multiline either
`first part of message`
`second part of message`
15 hours later…
4:07 PM
4:52 PM
@Zirak bloop
1 hour later…
5:56 PM
Let's see if the build script worked
@Zirak Available commands: help, live, die, forget, regex, jquery, choose, online, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, learn, hang, roll, spec, todo
!!/roll 10d6
@Zirak 4,4,3,6,5,3,4,2,2,5 => 38
  |   |

!!/hang e
  |   |
  |   O
!!/hang o
  |   |
  |   O
e, o
!!/hang a
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, o
lolwut? no e and a?
!!/hang i
!!/hang n
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, i, n, o
!!/hang u
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, i, n, o, u
oh, this is easy
!!/hang unconspicuous
@Zirak Correct! The phrase is unconspicuous.
!!/parse $someone is awesome!
@Zirak Zirak is awesome!
6:20 PM
!!give me a lick
@Zirak Mmmm! you taste just like raisin
6:49 PM
@Zirak it's only easy if you can spell
!!/roll 3*4^5
!!/roll This is an english sentance!
Sorry, bot wasn't loaded
!!what're is an banana are?
!!what're is an banana are?
!!/roll 3*4^5
!!/roll This is an english sentance!
@MooingDuck Invalid /roll argument; use `/help roll` for help
@MooingDuck Invalid /roll argument; use `/help roll` for help
6:51 PM
@Zirak where's my banana?
!!/learn google "http://www.google.com/search?q=$0&btnI=Im+Feeling+Lucky" (~S+)
@MooingDuck Command google learned
!!/learn wiki "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$0"
@MooingDuck Command wiki learned
You were the one who told me not to accept what're, oh and the regex is changed...
You use regular stuff, \w \s etc etc, and you escape stuff (like quotes) with ~
And commands now accept single-quotes as delimiters
@Zirak wait, you take ` and escape with ~`? What sort of monstrosity have you made?
!!what's is an banana are?
@MooingDuck Could not find definition for banana are
6:54 PM
oh right, you had problems with the trailing are as well. forgot
you should unstar the invalid operations, they're confusing
wiki apple
No, I take ' and escape with ~. I had to use ~ as an escaper, otherwise stuff were freakier. And yeah, no trailing "is" and "are"
!!/wiki apple
!!/google apple
@MooingDuck http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/apple
@MooingDuck http://www.google.com/search?q=$0&btnI=Im+Feeling+Lucky
whoa, google command broked
!!/forget google
@MooingDuck Command google forgotten.
6:56 PM
!!/learn google "http://www.google.com/search?q=$0&btnI=Im+Feeling+Lucky" (\S+)
@MooingDuck Command google learned
!!/google apple
!!/google undefined+bahavior+site:stackoverflow.com
@MooingDuck google.com/…
6:58 PM
@Zirak there's not some clever way to replace characters with the learn command is there?
So far, no. I may add proper macro support (like "foo the $someone who $encodeURI(biz&bang)")
namely whitespace with "+"
$encodeURI? Not a bad idea
!!/google thing%20thing2
@Zirak confirmed, URI encoding works fine with google and that command
Why wouldn't it?
Also, that pinging sound is frying my brains out.
7:01 PM
if someone had a bug
silence the speakers?
There's probably an option somewhere
Also, most of my stuff isn't directly addressed to you = not me pinging you
Or, you can not ping me. I see what you're saying when we're talking
I've pinged you like, five times in the last half hour
That's 5 times more than needed. We're talking, I can see what you say. If I fall asleep or something, ping me. Otherwise it's just distracting
That's a hard habit to break, I'm not going to remember most of the time
oh, I've added an urban-dictionary thingy:
!!/urban brogrammer
7:05 PM
I usually make a point to "reply" to make threads easier to follow
@Zirak brogrammer: A programmer who breaks the usual expectations of quiet nerdiness and opts instead for the usual trappings of a frat-boy: popped collars, bad beer, and calling everybody "bro". Despised by everyone, especially other programmers.
And an ES5 spec searcher:
!!/spec +
You can disable the beep with the icon next to the "all rooms" link in the upper right
I don't want to disable pings completely, they're still important for catching my attention. I just don't want my ears ravaged when my attention's already there, especially not when trying to enjoy Cream or Hendrix.
There's just the two of us, really, I think we can keep up with what's going on
And in case you're wondering, I overhauled how the bot is done today. Made a built-script that automatically does what I did manually (adding up the files together)
well, I'm working, and in the C++ chat, as well as here
7:25 PM
!!give Niv a lick
@Zirak Mmmm! Niv tastes just like raisin
!!/roll 3d6+2d20*2/7
@Zirak 5,3,1,9,5 => 13
@Zirak Available commands: help, live, die, forget, regex, jquery, choose, online, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, learn, hang, roll, spec, todo, wiki, google
@Zirak Command cet does not exist. Did you mean: get
7:40 PM
@CoffeeRain [](urbanup.com/314567): Its a fucking musical note!
!!/urban this
@CoffeeRain this: One-word response placed after a quote on a message board as an affirmation of the author's agreement with the quoted person's view or opinion. Commonly used on Fark.com.
7:51 PM
!!/urban minnesota
@CoffeeRain [minnesota](http://minnesota.urbanup.com/1201371): 1. State...ass
2. Hell of a lot better than Wisconsin, but then again Wisconsin is better than Mighigan (Detroit is a Minneapolis wannabe)
3. California shopping my ass, we have the biggest mall in the country...suck it
4. Nice people
5. Better weather
6. Best schools (No really, best rated)
!!/urban stackoverflow
@CoffeeRain [stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.urbanup.com/5997436): A programming Q&A site, where users get upvotes for good questions, answers and comments, and also get downvotes for bad answers, questions and comments. The votes determine your rep (the highest I've seen there is 300k Skeet Skeet)

The users don't play around better not fuck with them. And don't post silly questions, answers, and comments except your Jon Skeet (He has a lifetime supply of upvotes, if you downvote him your wasting your time) . Can be a horror to new users though. Plus its perfectly designed.
8:14 PM
!!/urban unicorns
@Reno [unicorns](http://unicorns.urbanup.com/3193190): The [Roman]s called what we now know as rhinoceros a "unicornus".
Later, they evolved into two species:
1. the white unicorn (of horselike appearance with one beautiful horn on the center of its head)
2. the pink unicorn (of unknown appearance, as it is invisible)
oh you're good.
!!/urban gingers
@Reno [gingers](http://gingers.urbanup.com/4996210): Crazy, awesome people with fire hair. Gingers come in different levels:
(lowest level)
1. Seasonal ginger
2. wanna be ginger
3. "strawberry" ginger
4. Denial ginger
5. radically freckled ginger
6. gingerlicious ginger
7. super ginger
8. lobster ginger
9. epic ginger
10. firecrotch
(highest level)
I refuse to include strawberry blondes in the ginger category. This is outrageous!
@Reno Chuck Norris had to stop washing his clothes in the ocean. The tsunamis were killing people.
8:27 PM
@Reno Invalid /roll argument; use /help roll for help
!!/urban valentines day
@Reno valentines day: a day to make lonley people depressed and loved people possesed
it was yesterday here..:P
New Zealand?
8:29 PM
its 1.59am here
from kerala
!!/urban birthday
@Reno birthday: The day I came out of a vagina
ok guyzz ...actually what is chat bot?
!!/tell chatbot
and how to remove a message from chat?
8:31 PM
@Reno Command bot does not exist.
@Reno Could not process input. Error: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
@Reno Available commands: help, live, die, forget, regex, jquery, choose, online, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, learn, hang, roll, spec, todo, wiki, google
me in this
!!/help chatbot
8:33 PM
@Reno Could not process input. Error: Cannot search chatbot
yes reading it now
!!/define chat bot
@Reno Could not find definition for chatbot
@JinuJD Available commands: help, live, die, forget, regex, jquery, choose, online, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, learn, hang, roll, spec, todo, wiki, google
@Reno Could not find definition for chat bot
Actually profile named Zirak is a bot?
8:35 PM
@JinuJD You do not have permission to use the command live
@JinuJD [](urbanup.com/314567): Its a fucking musical note!
9:02 PM
@JinuJD It's a chat bot. You give it commands, it does them.
You should integrate it with cleverbot
(please please please :D)
In what way?
And the project there is empty
oh it was open the last time I saw it. fuck.
!!/get answer 68805
!!/roll 2d20-7
!!/parse $someone at my cookies! There are only $digit left!
@Zirak 9,4 => 6
@Zirak Jazon at my cookies! There are only 9 left!
:2639635 http://stackoverflow.com/q/9262523
If you're from js:
!!/mdn String.splice
!!/spec splice
!!/jquery on
@Zirak https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/splice
@Zirak [ Array.prototype.splice (start, deleteCount [ , item1 [ , item2 [ , … ] ] ] )](http://es5.github.com/#x15.4.4.12)
@Zirak http://api.jquery.com/on
You can also delegate commands:
!!/tell Reno help
!!/tell 2639640 norris
@Zirak There is in fact an 'I' in Norris, but there is no 'team'. Not even close.
hmm I can get hold of the code I think
9:17 PM
So, you'll do something like /chat stuff, and it'll relay the response?
I don't know to be honest, looking at the closing comments, the API is a hack and the Cleverbot guys did not like it because they lost Ad revenue.
but yeah, If I were to do something, It'd be that.
oh, if you've found any bugs or anything that needs to be taken care of (invalid responses or just weirdness/wrongness in general), please let me know
The guitar tab in your code is of ?
lolwut? what guitar tab? where?
9:23 PM
hahaha, so that's where I left it!
A friend gave me Nyan theme tabs, and I started making it better. Since I was lazy I just copied it to some random Emacs buffer, and forgot about it.
I'll put it somewhere else
@Zirak that's amusing :D
I'm mostly worried about the build file, I don't trust myself to not have made mistakes.
Already fixed something, to allow recursive directory adding...but blegh. It just looks fugly.

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