Hello, I'm having type annotation problems again... MyPy seems to not understand ABCs for some reason? Below's a MRE:
import typing as tp
import numbers
T1 = tp.TypeVar("T1", bound=numbers.Integral)
a: T1 = 42 # MyPy errors here.
Why is this the case? Why isn't assigning `int` to a variable of bound generic type `numbers.Integral` allowed, considering `isinstance(42, numbers.Integral)` is True? Below are the error messages when testing in MyPy playground:
main.py:6: error: Type variable "__main__.T1" is unbound [valid-type]
import typing as tp
import numbers
T1 = tp.TypeVar("T1", bound=numbers.Integral)
a: T1 = 42 # MyPy errors here.
Why is this the case? Why isn't assigning `int` to a variable of bound generic type `numbers.Integral` allowed, considering `isinstance(42, numbers.Integral)` is True? Below are the error messages when testing in MyPy playground:
main.py:6: error: Type variable "__main__.T1" is unbound [valid-type]