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6:57 PM
Q: How do I read SQL stored procedure data through pyodbc and get results into a dataframe?

Joe ThaI have a stored proc in SQL Server called test.storedproc My py script is as follows import pyodbc import pandas as pd conn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};' 'Server=PMI0x8x\xxx;' 'Database=Warehouse;' 'Trusted_Connection=yes...

i am able to execute storedproc through pyodbc but not store it as a dataframe. Not sure if sqlalchemy can be used in my case because its sql server,t-sql and not sql-lite
3 hours later…
10:02 PM
pixel=np.random.random((1,2,2,3)) #
pixel[0,0,1,:] #pixel(1,1) #with three classes probability it should belong to class 0

mask #you can't select from above with this mask add more dim
mask=mask[..., np.newaxis] #pixel (0,1) mask say 0 which is What we expect
especially not like this, please

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