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9:56 AM
dpaste.com/1K0MG9V Can someone help me with this issue? I wrote it above a few hours ago. I m stuck on it from yesterday and trying to find out different ways to solve but none except this w'd work
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3 hours later…
1:01 PM
hmm, the error is that I 'm using python comtypes to convert a docx to pdf. The thing is the newer microsoft office creates a temporary file(autosave feature). That is colliding with the pdf creation. I 'm stuck badly dpaste.com/2VYHZ1R
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1:24 PM
You mean like this?
yeah I tried using the alternatives there but isnt't working on windows
Which one? There's several mentioned for Windows
I have tried all the methods in the first thread of that page
nvcc --version
@RaphX And what did you get for this?
'nvcc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
1:30 PM
@RaphX Did you scroll down to the answer for Windows?
And what do you get from where cudann* from this?
@roganjosh Yes, it couldn't get the file
So it's not on your PATH
INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).
14 messages moved from Python
4 hours later…
5:38 PM
dpaste.com/0AA80QD, isnt this good enough?
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