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from the sounds of it, you'll have to redeem it anyways. so it might just sit in the email until you use it
let's try both at the same time first
> The gift membership emails with your message and activation keys will
be sent on the dates you chose.
they take a while.. no receipt email yet
ok I got purchase confirmation
hopefully they are not slow with you
yeah I got the emails
separate emails with separate activation codes, no mention of an expiration date
premium one (1mo) gives you downloads
other one doesn't
ahaha it gave me your address in my profile X-D
I'll go ahead and delete that
the hell... all this address info is required
aha I don't care
I've posted it in the chat before
as long as it didn't give you my CC number :P
solved that problem
let me check account + billing for cc info
lol if they gave you my CC that is horrible :P
nope no information listed there, just what my account type is and how long the subscription lasts
thanks man
np, it was and is my pleasure

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