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12:00 AM
Optimism is the content of small men in high places. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Crack Up" (source)
3 hours later…
2:34 AM
@nyconing wow, black shiba
shiba after looking at stock market:
2:46 AM
2 hours later…
4:46 AM
@Feeds XKCD #2968 Explained: In this comic, Cueball tries to make their university older than another university, but due to the laws of time, it doesn't work.
1 hour later…
6:01 AM
@nyconing ♪What dose the shiba say?♪
@Mr.Squirrel.Downy Ruff
7:04 AM
Good moaning
7:30 AM
@Mr.Squirrel.Downy Probably some high dose :D
7:41 AM
goat moaning
8:00 AM
Any idea for get json field list when deserializing a json with newtonsoft.json?
8:16 AM
or DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string,string>>
@Mr.Squirrel.Downy just like that picture
But I need a Entity not a dictionary
DeserializeObject<Entity[]> ?
I dont know Entity, is that your class?
You want a field list, then use dictionary
if you just want to deserialize to a dynamic model, try JObject.Parse(json)
8:21 AM
JSON: {"A":1,"B":2}

public class MyClass
public int A {get;set;}
public int B {get;set;}
public int C {get;set;}

return a instance of MyClass and a string array with ["A","B"]
JObject acts like a dictionary
if you want to deserialize into a specific model (for which you have a class) then either jObject.ToObject<MyClass>() or JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyClass>(json)
in your case, just get a JObject first, then convert it to object with ToObject()
and from the JObject, list the properties and get their names
thats correct just use dictionary
8:23 AM
not using dictionary tho :)
I'm asking this.. is because I don't want to do the deserialization twice...
@Mr.Squirrel.Downy Hi asking this, I'm Oak!
I'm not ask you OakBot
what I said is what you want
it does the deserialization once, but splits it up into two separate statements
8:25 AM
you want a field list from a class, or field list from a json, its completely different
in the middle, you get your "reflection-like api"
true that, if your names in Json are different than the ones from your class, what should happen?
public class MyClass {
    public int PropA { get; set; }
do you want "A" or "PropA"?
if you want field list from a class, use .GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
then use the JObject approach
2 hours later…
10:04 AM
posted on August 06, 2024 by Carlos Guerra Vazquez

One of the most powerful and frequently used features of Visual Studio is the Attach to Process dialog, which enables you to debug processes running on your machine or on a remote machine. For anything you could develop using Visual Studio, The post Introducing the revamped Attach to Process experience appeared first on Visual Studio Blog.

2 hours later…
12:00 PM
"At least 6 years experience as a Could Architect" lol
Sounds like a perfect match, I've been saying I could architect for years
sounds like a nice job
I think I could be a capable architect
12:17 PM
@Michael I certainly could architect. I just don't.
1:13 PM
Every honest senior developer is capable of being an architect, imho
Dishonest ones should not even try!
Hi all
@Darj Do senior devs need any add'l training or certs?
@VLAZ It's seriously true lol
If you're honest and you're working dilligently you've already have an understanding how to design complex systems
@Alex No idea, you probably might want to look on your local job sites to see the requirements
@Alex Certification is a mixed bag. Some companies value it a lot. Some even over actually having the skills. I've heard of people gaining certificates with no real usage of the skills they may have gained. But a big stack of certificates does give them bigger salary, even if they have shallow (if any) knowledge or if they've forgotten whatever they learned (say, from a course 5 years ago that they never used in practice).
@Darj Thanks
1:25 PM
Training might help. But the important thing is to understand big systems and patterns. This usually comes with experience.
@VLAZ Yeah, certs are okay, up to a point
However, training in this area is also available. There are books, courses.
Imho, it doesn't really matter which way you've gained knowledge, as long as you're able to present it
@VLAZ Plus, this is also very true
Certs are good if you gain and knowledge because usually getting a cert ends up with passing an exam
@Darj Yep. Same here. You can read some books on architecture. Or have participated in planning and building a big system. Or whatever.
1:28 PM
Training, unless I can apply it to a proj, is kinda lost on me. Did some courses but couldn't use the knowledge immediately, and the information seems to have vanished from my brain
I would go for a certificate but I would have to sacrifice a significant part of my family life, which I don't know if I want at this point. Also, there's so many certification paths and they're so vague that just looking at them give me headache lol
@Darj In theory, a certification shows you have some core set of skills in a technology. This works OK to a point. If somebody who has some .NET certification and has worked with .NET and applies to a .NET job (maybe even internally - for a promotion) - then that's probably relevant. But somebody who comes in with, say, a certificate for Python after doing a short intro course - I'd not really trust them a lot.
@Alex Yes, that's also what happens if you dive into "tutorial hell", unless you imediatelly start to use/practice the knowledge you've gained through video tutorials suddenly after a week or so you realize that you've spent some hours on tutorials but you didn't remember as much as you could.
@Darj Same here :)
Related: I signed up for a short intro course in Python. I've been meaning to pick it up for a while but never did. Finally decided to sign up with a colleague, so I don't just leave it for later, as usual. The course is weird. It's free and online. You pay 25 euro if you want to take the exam. The exam gives you some sort of a certificate. But I wouldn't want it because the subjects covered in the course are: checks, more complex checks, for loops, while loops, nested loops.
1:32 PM
@VLAZ Oh absolutely. A short intro course on Python taken by a new member of the team tells me only that he has a gist of the language and some basics, that's about it. Still lacks experience which he could gain and use it in good way but that always comes with a risk of hiring a inexperienced person.
Those are literally in the plan for the course. A lecture each + some practice.
I'd feel ashamed having a certificate for knowing loops in Python.
Yeah, yup
To learn something, I have to break it and debug the heck out of it. Otherwise, it'll just be superficial
Certificate *should* say that a person have enough skills to tackle usual problems that developers encounter in real life work, imho.
I feel like IT certificates have more career value, vs programming certs. It's fairly common to see things like "Azure certified" on DevOps positions and the like.
1:34 PM
I get where you're coming from. Certificates can be a bit of a mixed bag. They might show some foundational knowledge, but they don't always convey deep, actionable experience. Speaking of learning, have you all seen the Microsoft Learn platform? It's packed with practical, hands-on modules that really help solidify knowledge with the beloved .NET and Azure ecosystems. And for those who are keen on certifications, there's the Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate. It's a bit more ...
rigorous and practical than a quick Python basics course, for sure. If you haven't checked it out, it's worth giving a shot, especially if you're into full-stack development with .NET and Azure!
i.e.: implementing OAuth mechanism from scratch with a custom provider, writing ASP.NET request filters (i.e.: profanity filter) and so on
@Michael when I read IT certificates I imagine more of a IT management certificate rather than an actual technical certificate but maybe that's just only my experience
I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE working as DevOps/Admin in an on-premise datacenter, rather than a paid cloud option like Azure/AWS/GCP
Considering my server administration experience, including recent RAID disk crash and all the stress I had when I replaced the faulty drive - I could do that for a company as well LMAO
Often, I'd rather code than to do any online training. It's good to have a broad understanding of what's possible, but imagine wanting to learn all of .NET before coding
@Darj That's what should matter but often HR reads the resume and excludes people, it never reaches the relevant folks
@Alex Yeah. Not possible. Not even possible with way smaller things. I remember when I was starting my professional career, I had this wrong impression that I had to understand everything in order to start using it. Well, I was wrong, as I didn't even know "all of Java" after writing mostly Java in university and I got a Java-based job after it.
Nowadays, it's often that I get a task to do something with some code base I don't know about. Or even a code base I know but a feature I'm unfamiliar with. I research just enough to be able to start, then debug my way into it further. Or otherwise only pick up things I really need.
@Darj What I meant is technical certificates, but about data center, devops kind of stuff. Software dev positions don't usually ask for certification in programming languages
1:44 PM
@VLAZ With similar approach I've started to read books from Troelsen, GoF and Uncle Bob. Turned out one of the important skill I had to get was to understand how things work and how to get things done
For me, it's like driving at night: the headlights show you just enough to keep going. You uncover more of the road the further you go
@Michael Are people being asked for DevOps/IT certificates for DevOps jobs?
@Alex Yeah, exactly. Eventually you can look back and figure out the bigger picture.
@Darj I see them mentioned fairly often when browsing devops positions in my area
@Alex That's a good analogy, although I would say that the headlights have to be clean enough for the driver to see the road clearly meaning those headlights are working as they supposed to
1:46 PM
Azure has about a gazillion certs
@Michael What's your area?
Philadelphia USA
@Darj Mine have that foggy thing that develops over time
@Alex Well, it's a revenue stream for Microsoft, so not exactly surprising. Same with Java/Oracle
@Michael East Coast? Somewhat close to New York? Am I remembering it correctly?
@Alex Same but don't tell anyone. :x
1:48 PM
@VLAZ They're okay for conveying big-picture stuff but I prefer the blood-sweat-tears of experience
@Darj Close to New Jersey state, yes :P
@Darj :D
Oh, so what you're saying is that it's a Jersey thing? :D
@Darj It's in a shallow basin. Soft, smooth, and with a nice spread: image
Plus them Philly cheese steak sandwiches :D
1:50 PM
One day we'll have The Matrix knowledge downloader... plug it in, learn how to do anything
also liberty bell, ben franklin, etc
@Alex With Elon's Neurolink that "One day" might come sooner than you think...
If Trinity could fly a helicopter, I can learn to swim in the Olympics
@Michael I didn't know about that one, I need to learn about those
1:53 PM
@Darj It'd be cool!
2:03 PM
I can't agree on that, sadly
@Darj On second thought, not sure that's a safe/positive thing
God this sounds like the army adverts we have in the uk
@Alex There's plenty of arguments for it and against. My biggest problem is that it would the purpose of learning, which, imho makes people better, regardless what are you learning. There is something in the process of learning that could not be achieved with just a bunch of data sent to your brain, which nobody knows how your body, mind and soul would react to. If that service would be available for all then it would defeat the purpose of pursuing goals making living shallow and miserable.
and that's just the top of the surface of conversation that could and should be taken regarding "artificial learning" (?)
2:15 PM
Yeah, data's not knowledge, experience, skills
@Darj I don't think that's the biggest problem. If we make a really big leap and assume it works perfectly to give you the knowledge and skills that would take months or years to acquire, then it sounds great. However, I sincerely doubt that can even happen. We don't know how the brain and memory works. We know bits and pieces but not the full extent. Trying to "inject" knowledge is almost guaranteed to fail. And almost guaranteed to be catastrophic.
Well, with our current knowledge and understanding of the subject.
@VLAZ Agreed. 🤝
I think the main issue is that the brain is biologically still "magic" a bit
It might be possible to at least transfer knowledge in the future. Assuming we understand enough to do that. However, that is still going to probably be terrible because, with current trends, such an attempt would be done well before it's sufficiently safe.
it's not all figured out
2:18 PM
and, like I've said, the subject is so broad and nuanced that it's too many unknowns to predict any guaranteed positive outcomes as of now
For now, it may have uses in medicine, to help people with some diseases or injuries
@CaptainObvious Yep. Fun fact: the AI field started roughly in the 60s. At the time, they figured that it's going to be simple to create a true AI. Just emulate the human brain, then you'd get a machine that thinks like a human. That didn't work out because of a small hitch in that plan. You probably guessed it - we didn't know how brains work.
Neural Networks are probably the closest we have to "emulating a brain". And funnily enough, they are not capable of being a true AI. They are good at pattern recognition. But not with thinking or reasoning. Or even understanding what patterns they recognise.
At uni, they taught Lisp, which was big in AI but horrible to write. Imagine writing infinite {{{{{}}}}}
@Alex Tons of medicine is still vibes based too
If knowledge were to be uploaded to your brain, you'd probably experience it like some kind of intense fever dream
2:21 PM
There's an alarming amount of drugs which we aren't entirely sure how they do what the do, but it works so 🤷
Yeah, looking forward to the Star Trek med: lie on a table, have a scan tell the doc what's going on. No radiation or invasive procedure... at least initially
@CaptainObvious Also, an alarming amount of drugs we know aren't entirely good for you. But are commonly prescribed to people. See: opioid crisis in the US.
That was a business decision though, not a pharmacological one
TL;DR - big companies that produce painkillers paid off lobbied for their products to be accepted mainstream. Turns out, they are really adictive and have destroyed lives. For the company to just rake in profits.
@VLAZ At the same it's funny how all those Anti-BigPharma activists were completely fine with untested COVID vaccines with absolutely no knowledge on how far future (side-)effects it might cause lol

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