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12:00 AM
"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson (source)
12:45 AM
Hi, is there any difference?

var person = new Person();
services.AddTransient(_ => person);
6 hours later…
6:22 AM
2 hours later…
7:53 AM
@user23207089 probably not much
1 hour later…
9:09 AM
@Wietlol OK. Thank you.
/imagine a world without coffee
not quite
/imagine a world with too much coffee
9:22 AM
@Hans1984 There is definitely no coffee. Just "Cufff Ffiee" or "Coffee offee"
@VLAZ hmmm
:o wow
Nope, definitely not too much coffee :D
just the right amount for me
9:24 AM
i will climb that hill for sure !
/imagine a coffee-powered cyborg in a cyberpunk setting
It's more beautiful than I anticipated!
"Human, drink from my loins."
2 hours later…
11:38 AM
is it waearing a mask
oh no it's a hat hes just looking down
11:52 AM
hes about to turn into cyber-shiba
his head already has
/imagine Doctor Who rescue the cyber-shiba
Wow that's...weirdly interesting.
android tried to rape poor shiba
Is that like a micro-Tardis?
Android is understandably getting shot too
12:37 PM
/imagine an android getting shot
the human-like faces are weird
Also the toes.
its because Oak wishes it was a human
2 hours later…
2:19 PM
shoe cat is best cat
2:30 PM
Puss in boot
> Bram Moolenaar, Author of the Open Source Vim Code Editor, Has Died
it's from Aug, but I only know now
I'm sad
@ntohl Hi sad, I'm Oak!
I'm interested who tought that to Oak
I'm not amused
2:48 PM
I'm not amused
No response from Oak? Does it exclude "not"?
I'm amused
Oak is just tired, dont try to overwork him
dad joke listener has a cooldown :)
I'm impressed
ok nvm
it's like 1 hour or something
cooldown way too long
2:56 PM
[Captain Obvious] can't have too much dad spam
3:46 PM
delicious cat
3:55 PM
i was going for a nsfw work joke but then i decided not to
2 hours later…
6:02 PM
posted on March 01, 2024 by Mike Rousos

Learn about the latest features in Azure Migrate Application and Code Assessment to help you move your .NET applications from on-premises to Azure. The post GitHub Copilot Analysis, Customized Rules, and more come to the Azure Migrate application and code assessment appeared first on .NET Blog.

5 hours later…
11:27 PM

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