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12:00 AM
Is knowledge knowable? If not, how do we know that? (source)
8 hours later…
7:45 AM
    class Test
    public string Caption {get; set;}
    public string Label {get; set;}
    public int Value {get; set;}
    public int OrderIndex {get; set;}
var testSet = new List<Test> {
   new Test {"Cap", "Cap1", 1, 1},
   new Test {"Cap", "Cap2", 1, 2},
   new Test {"Hat", "Hat1", 1, 4},
   new Test {"Socks", "Sock1", 1, 5}
   new Test {"Cap", "Cap3", 1, 3}
I dont think this is gonna be valid syntax anytime soon
I have a collection of Test objects I am looping through in the UI, But i want to print all the CAP (Caption) together and rest of the items above or below "Cap" based on the order index of the item. Do i need two loops ?
@Wietlol Just for the example
8:11 AM
	public List<Test> tests = new List<Test>() {
	  new Test {Caption = "CAP", Label = "A", Value = 1, OrderIndex = 1},
	  new Test {Caption = "CAP", Label = "B", Value = 1, OrderIndex = 2},
	  new Test {Caption = "CAP", Label = "C", Value = 1, OrderIndex = 3},
	  new Test {Caption = "CAP", Label = "D", Value = 1, OrderIndex = 4},
	  new Test {Caption = "SOCK", Label = "A", Value = 1, OrderIndex = 5},
	  new Test {Caption = "HAT", Label = "A", Value = 1, OrderIndex = 6},
8:33 AM
you need two loops
either loop and print the CAP items and then loop and print the non-CAP items
or loop to sort/partition the items by it.Caption=="CAP" and then loop to print it
5 hours later…
1:42 PM
2:17 PM
If you expect me to get excited over a picture of a Shiba Inu, you're barking up the wrong tree. But I'm a C# developer, not a dog whisperer. Anyhow, let's get back to discussing C# and leave the dogs to the pet enthusiasts.
/imagine a dog person
hello guys, I need help with something I'm doing in C#, it happens that I have an application in which I want to execute some powershell commands related to docker-desktop; but for some reason, despite working, the docker-desktop becomes completely unstable, to the point of crashing. I don't know if a question that mixes development and system commands will be well received...
I don't know what's happening in the picture but I'm on-board.
/imagine a cat person
2:23 PM
@FranciscoNuñezIALover The biggest problem with what you've presented here is that it's not clear what the problem is. Entirely possible that C# has nothing to do with the instability. You really need to narrow down what is it that is causing the issue and ask for how to solve that.
Also note that docker is on-topic on SO but not all questions related to it. In general, a question like "Why docker doesn't work" isn't. Configuring/maintaining/managing docker is usually out of scope. Things that would be on-topic would be how to handle stuff inside a container. Or anything clearly programming related.
Check out DevOps.SE which handles a wider variety of Docker questions. It's the top tag on the site.
@VLAZ The problem is that I can't find the cause of the instability, running or opening docker-desktop from its own icon works perfectly... and is completely stable, the problem is when I pull it down with taskkill and try to open it with star-process . .. I execute these commands from within an application developed in C# that invokes powershell
@VLAZ ok thank you
3:37 PM
Quick MVC question
if I have a ActionResult method that returns a request object what is that doing
 public ActionResult EditRequest(Request model)
     var url = string.Format("Submission/EditSubmissionRequest");
     var result = ApiHelpers.Post<ResultStatus>("POST", url, model);
     return View(Request);
you mean return View(model)?
this return(request) gets the httpRequestbase object
any idea what that means
so after update it shows the update values?
is that was Request is
Gets the HttpRequestBase object for the current HTTP request.
would that be related to this ApiHelpers.Post
3:58 PM
2 hours later…
5:44 PM
posted on February 23, 2024 by Jason Chlus

Game development is evolving rapidly and keeping up with the latest trends is crucial. I’m thrilled that David Li took the time to highlight all the improvements added to Visual Studio for game developers during 2023. Check out his blog here.  The post A Year of C++ Game Development Improvements in Visual Studio appeared first on Visual Studio Blog.

I had another mvc quesiton
public ActionResult Index(int SubmissionId)
and this
    public ActionResult Index(Request model)
in the same Controller?
public ActionResult Index(int? SubmissionId)
why would int? not work but int works

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