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02:00 - 11:0011:00 - 20:00

brb Retro
yeah it matters when you want to explain to some devs the efficiency of some containers as compared to others
depends on the scale of the looping
I would always resort into a lot of explanation wherein I could just use that big-O notation to close my case.
I would say it matters when you want to do stuff, you should not really worry about optimizing, except for the growth of complexity
O(n) is decent
lower than O(n) is good... say O(1) or O(log2(n))
11:01 AM
is the C# List<T> O(n)?
O(log2(n)) is good?
higher than O(n) is a big question martk... say O(n^2), O(2^n) or O(n!)
for the record again, I don't know how logarithm works
log2(n) is like binary search
1 operation for 2n, 2 operations for 4n, 3 operations for 8n, etc
the number of operations grow a lot slower than the n
I had an idea of how logarithm works by looking into this. But I'm not really sure
@Wietlol then why do you consider it decent?
ye... that is not really log
first of all, that is biology, not math
11:05 AM
it says "Logarithmic..."
left: linear, right: logarithmic
@mr5 I said O(n) is decent, O(log2(n)) is good
ah I mean this:
4 mins ago, by Wietlol
lower than O(n) is good... say O(1) or O(log2(n))
I thought it means O(log2(n)) is good as O(1)
@mr5 it can say "Left: Banana, Right: Frigging Broomstick!", still doesnt have to be true
@Wietlol if the line went straight diagonal, it means it's getting serious right?
or getting linearly logarithmic? (is that even a word?)
11:09 AM
what's up with the broom?
(I did not just create that image)
is there O(log3(n)) or O(log4(n)) or O(log5)) and so on?
too much work to edit the other girl out of the image
the number after log means exponent right?
Found bug in Google :D
11:10 AM
log<x>(y) = z means x^z = y
(if I am not mistaken)
it works with every (at least positive) number
why log instead of exp?
because... it is log, not exp
exp would be exponential
which is the opposite
> For example, log2 64 = 6, as 26 = 64.
but yes, that is it
how do you inverse exponent in code?
11:12 AM
using log
I mean, create your own log
Found some bug in Google: tinyurl.com/tqjwroy (link was too long to post here xD)
working for me
maybe the images are blocked for you?
I do even have a "shopping" tab
11:15 AM
This image is from another guy ^
you do not create your own log tho
just as you dont create your own exp
@V.7 if we click that link, can you possibly steal our cookies?
@Wietlol I'm curios how they arrived with the formula
This is a link which is shortened above:
I once looked at cos, sin, tan, and other trigo functions in C++. Oh boi, it looks nightmerish. I wonder how did they come up with such algorithm
I am not curious, because I dont give a shit about maths
I only care about relevant things
if you have a function called log, which does what you want it to do, be happy that you have that function
if you dont, then maybe try to copy an existing one and translate to whatever language you use
but... other than that, just be happy someone smarter than you did the job to create that function
that smarter person may or may not have been me tho
11:21 AM
if I were to design the cos function:
if (x == 0) return 1
if (x == 1) return 0.5
that is actually a very common approach
except... with more ifs
memory is very limited back then
so they have to come up with memory efficient hacks
especially in gaming industry
just have a chain of 500 if statements (or just a switch case)
and accept that you dont have 100% accuracy
you only really care much about the first 2 digits mostly
in which case, 200 cases in the switch will do
is that the real J.Doe?
11:25 AM
@Wietlol nah that would occupy more RAM
218 more days and the king will return
> First black programmer
why does he have that in his profile
@mr5 it would be a shit ton faster tho
at the cost of a little bit of source code generation
it would also be a shit ton uglier
11:53 AM
@Hans1984 ^
In case I would play it some day
TIL: pajamas does not necessarily means pants facepalm
if they are pyjama pants, they are still pants
@mr5 honestly no idea
@mr5 This is quite literally how it worked before computers too. They had big tables on paper to lookup the values.
12:38 PM
@mr5 nice
you still here
loll got so much nothing to do ?
I'm 24/7 in my laptop
1:38 PM
Get yourself an ITX or something so you can game with real power.
2:00 PM
1 hour later…
3:08 PM
got you !
3:55 PM
Visual studio call stack window is showing me all external calls, I need only the project calls. I think this happens since the last VS update
@mshwf it will happen if your method is indirectly called, usually by bindings
or reflection
No, it's called from C# code no reflection or binding
would you guys be able to help me with a grouping?
so i did i foreach to combine two dictionaries but now i want to say if the "workstations" are alike combine the value of both of them into 1
do you want the two dictionaries to be merged if they both have the same sequence?
@mshwf did you checked if the project generates pdb file when building a debug? or this might help you
4:11 PM
i already merged the two dictionaries i just want to merge the results that are alike
var buffers = await _bufferRepository.GetAsync(plant);
                var m1Buffers = await _database.GetBuffers(false);

                foreach (var buffer in buffers.ToList())
                    foreach (var m1Buffer in m1Buffers)
                        if (buffers.ContainsKey(m1Buffer.Key))
                            foreach (var line in m1Buffer.Value.Lines)
                                if (!buffers[m1Buffer.Key].Lines.ContainsKey(line.Key))
that's ...
a lot of nesting
@LuDevGon does this code just merged the two dictionaries?
yea i know because its dictionaries on dictionaries on dictionaries, yes it displays both of them but its not grouping the alike workstations
what do you mean by workstations?
4:17 PM
buffer intensified
Oh i mean
my bad
oh i mean buffers
Yo I need some help with my Azure security. Same problem for a whole week now:
Have Azure SQL DB on Azure SQL Server.
Have Azure App Service.
App Service shall access DB.
Current solution:
DB Server is open to internet and Azure Resources.
App Service has connection string with URL to DB.
Azure tells me weekly to tighten my security.

How do I tighten my security? How do I access the db from the App Service without making the DB open to the internet?
So I'm trying to wrap my head around the factory pattern, which is what I think I need. The factory pattern is what I use if I don't want consumers to be directly aware of a handful of constructors, I just want them to be able to construct an object, right?
4:19 PM
@LuDevGon you said you already managed to merge the two dictionaries. Is the problem about the condition during the merging process?
@Squirrelkiller reverse proxy
@Sidney Consumer basically has a factory, which could also be injected. When the consumer needs an object it goes this.myFactory.BuildMyObject(true, whateverDataObject, 3);
@mr5 Gesundheit!
@Squirrelkiller Pagpalain ka nawa!
Why the hell is the starboard like 80% Wiet?
@Squirrelkiller So if I have a handful of classes, each class defines it's own way to build itself, injects that way to build itself into the factory, and than consumers call the factory for the specific object?
@mr5 no i merged them to display them for example if lets say buffer car has 1 cars but can store 10 and the other dictionary has the same buffer but in the that buffer has 5 cars. i would want it to display the buffer with the value of 6 cars
4:22 PM
Hi Guys, I'm new to the c# game and I'm having difficulty with events not firing for user controls inside another user control inside a form.
Is the right subscriber attached?
@Sidney The factory knows how to build the objects.
Otherwise, right.
@Squirrelkiller or restrict the access to your db by certain domains only. like what you do on most IAM consoles
@LuDevGon ahh you want to difference between the two dictionaries
@mr5 yes and combine the result
@mr5 How? I haven't done much with azure security, just CORS, ports, and IPs basically.
4:27 PM
A: finding difference between two dictionaries

Magnusvar diff = dicOne.Except(dicTwo).Concat(dicTwo.Except(dicOne));

Currently I've created a checkbox like control (stageCheckBox) that has a panel as the checkbox and a label for text, the mouse enter, leave, down and up events work fine and these have been added at the user control level. Once I Insert this stageCheckBox into another user control that holds many stageCheckBox I though I could assign the onclick event for each stageCheckBox and it would fire in the main form but it does not. Is there a trick to get these to work?
@Squirrelkiller Ok, so in my use case, generic objects are actually defined by the consumer (but they inherit from some base class that provides a whole lot of functionality, the consumer defines like 4 properties and the base class uses those to do a whole lot more). The factory wouldn't know what's implemented ahead of time, so I think having the consumer also define how to instantiate the objects would be proper, and the factory could call that?
@Squirrelkiller welp. I'm not familiar with Azure
Ah, this sounds nice and enterprisy. I hate it already yet I think it's what I need. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_factory_pattern
@mr5 thanks ill try that out
4:30 PM
@Sidney Sounds about right
@LuDevGon just a recommendation. organize your code first so that it would look more readable thus it would attract a lot of help from other devs.
@Squirrelkiller why can't you put your database and your APIs in a single computer?
@mr5 Because they're serverless
oh boi. I'm not familiar with that.
I'm missing a lot of jargons in the interwebz. I think I need to switch working in backend
@Squirrelkiller Thanks for the clarification. I knew I had it, then I started to read my code.
@Sconz2 what happens if you manually assign the relevant event handler in code for each checkbox?
4:37 PM
@mr5 nothing I've put breakpoints in all the clicked events but none of them fire
how are you adding these checkboxes?
@mr5 mind you the click events are on the user control that holds all the stageCheckBoxes, is that an issue?
also, which platform are we talking about?
I'm not even sure what user control means
@mr5 design mode and desktop app
4:39 PM
UWP? WPF? Win32? WinForms?
It's always WinForms :/
There's no more Win32 devs
Why would a C# dev use Win32 directly though
C++ sure, but C#? We got all the frameworkz!
4:40 PM
yeh defo winforms
is Win32 C++ only?
No, but C++ doesn't have the awesome WinForms/WPF/UWP designers
Of course we could just use Win32, but why? There's WPF!
because you want a hard life
Fair enough
5:06 PM
Ben Popper on March 30, 2020
Our most requested feature is finally coming to life. You can try out Dark Mode in beta across Stack Overflow and help us make it great.
Stack overflow: loads of our users are leaving, quick introduce dark mode!
Also stackoverflow probably: Chat? What's chat? Why would we make dark mode somewhere else?
Can confirm: Doesn't work on chat.
why would it lol
SO don't care about chat
Is there anyone who's not using the dark theme extension? I pop in here like, once or twice a month and I still use it.
5:11 PM
mr5 is a serial killer confirmed
Well ok I toook the easy route: Put my App Service in a vnet (which required an upgrade from 11€/month to 50€/month) and allowed only that vnet onto the SQL Server...
Time for dinner, bye o/
5:49 PM
I didn't know there was a dark theme extension. Where can I get it?
i dont think its a downloadable extension, just a setting you have to enable
Not sure how to use it, though.
go to your profile
Oh! I see
then go to site settings / preferences
5:57 PM
It doesn't affect the chat room section
Well that sucks
i also feel its not dark enough
Do the admins not like to acknowledge that the chat rooms exist?
I don't even see the link on the bottom of the main site any more.
probably not part of the main site, must be a separate service
6:01 PM
@Feeds Fucking finally
are any of you guys familiar with SignalR?
the typical use case given is for something like chat, but was wondering if it can serve as an alternative to this Asynchronous Request-Reply pattern docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/patterns/…
10 wins in a row
@erotavlas can you use other web socket client?
6:23 PM
@mr5 i don't understand, you mean for polling when my job is done for example and then getting the response?
@erotavlas it's just another signalR but easier to configure
but yeah, signalR can be used with that async request-reply pattern imo
from what I read it uses 4 tech behind the scene (web socket, forever frame, event source)
and long polling
// Is this something similar to what you have in mind?
var newData = request.Content;
notificationService.NotifyClients(...); // fire n forget
var result = await service.LongRunningProcess();
i guess, probably notify clients of progress and when complete, and also send back result
but its per client, i don't need to broadcast a message to multiple clients at once
eh who are the listeners then?
6:32 PM
a web site (single client)
actually if you want specifics you can see my related question softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/408152/…
it was async request-reply pattern, now it's another pattern o_O
well the orchestrator is something separate, doesn't really apply to the request/response aspect
> client.PostAsync("ocr", multiContent).Result;
what's wrong with await?
you mean why i didn't do await client.PostAsync()?
@erotavlas your code is fine for that use case. a server can handle multiple requests: stackoverflow.com/a/17020765/2304737
@erotavlas yeah
6:41 PM
but I guess what I'm wondering is if the processing takes something like 1 minute
I mean it works fine right now when I tested it and I get a response back almost instantaneously, but hypothetically it could take longer
basically, if I understood your question correctly, you just want to listen to file upload right?
If Stack Overflow dark mode is an April Fool's prank and I'm leaving this site forever and never coming back.
hmm I never considered that lol, it is April Fools in two days
@MikeTheLiar lol. too much effort for an April fool's prank
@mr5 have you seen some of their previous pranks? Completely reskinning the site is well within the realm of possibility.
6:45 PM
I remember that 1990 ASCII graphics
I thought they just forked it somewhere
and this one too:
@mr5 no, just waiting for the response to come back from potentially long running process....well anyway I think I know the answer I can use SignalR or one of (web sockets, long polling etc) between my web client and orchestrator service
marquee ftw
wasn't that last year?
@erotavlas no. you're over engineering. you don't need it.
I think that was 3-5 years ago already
but I want to need it
and I need to want it
6:49 PM
well, if this is just for a personal projects, then go for the sake of learning.
yes this ^
@erotavlas but you are actually going to broadcast the message if you plan to implement web sockets
i'm going to throw in some kind of queue in there as well to handle multiple clients bombarding the service with files
and the clients will be the browser's tab
wth happened to FreeRey/AlRey
and Neil
7:05 PM
how will the pandemic affect software developers jobs?
will there be new jobs? will companies hire? cut back?
increase in jobs?
7:24 PM
I'm in MD, we just got a Stay Home order today. No one is supposed to leave their home unless they're getting groceries.
@erotavlas I don't know about in general, but we just hired a new person today.
same here Re: stay at home,
I noticed LinkedIn is a bit quieter, not getting as many messages from recruiters or connection requests as before
02:00 - 11:0011:00 - 20:00

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