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9:00 AM
I recently bought my first huawei... It was for the camera but damn the functionality dropped like hell without rooting/flashing
The UI is plain ugly, but I need to deal with it. All I can customize is the launcher
I thought android 10 with dark mode would look good anyway so no more rooting/flashing required
I was wrong
Just buy thing fits your need. As I like swiming and I need my phone when Im swimming
it's not even amoled black, it's dark so it doesn't do shit in battery life or whatsoever
@nyconing what. who needs a phone while swimming
I stay away from any manufacturers which have been known to release updates which slow down their phones
9:02 AM
Playing phone underwater?
But you want to hear the worst of it.. Apple released an update to its phones in Australia and then denied them customer service because they installed "third-party" updates that they themselves released
they were sued for that
Me. I need my phone when swimming, or I felt stranger
I don't think the Android dark mode was meant for the battery life
@CaptainObvious Its tru, on OLED panel
Although it will still make some savings, just not as much as if the pixels were fully off
9:04 AM
but phones nowaday are usually OLED screen
You buy a thing, but you don't actually own the thing...
And a reason number two, Apple product leads aesthetic
Apple user feel tired on all-white UI
And wants Black theme
@CaptainObvious huh
@nyconing you can't unlock bootloader on Huawei?
samsung is about to release their new fold phones
9:05 AM
Suddenly some people show-off their iPhone with balck theme
dark pixels need just as much resources as any other color. Turning pixels off is the difference maker
I'm sure they'll be horribly expensive and I wouldn't buy it, but I'm happy to see them on the market
@littlemisscomputerscientist Nobody can
it means future phones will use the same tech and be cheaper
@nyconing I thought you can there are some vids on youtube now I checked
9:06 AM
for some reason iphones haven't taken the route of the foldable phones yet
@littlemisscomputerscientist I think only the chineze president
Thats old model
I have a year old Mate 20 pro and I still can't. Mate 30 is not even worth considering due to the Google fiasco
9:07 AM
I think their internal engineers might be able to unlock it
yes but they will be executed right after
Nah, basically a service center can also unlock it
so these bootlocker codes are quite rare
@Neil "fold the press: a new phone!"
Nobody using Xiaomi phone here?
I think foldables are utterly pointless for the vast majority of people
9:10 AM
I almost had a Xiaomi Redmi pro 30t
But I chose the mate 20 pro
Samsung have their first foldable phone on sale
Samsung claim it was a glass, foldable glass
Foldable phone like that won't last for too long
Samsung released foldable phones to select individuals and then promptly recalled them all
my idea is that there was a serious defect in it, like a crease would form or something
Yeah, design-scooped defects
In some time user might crack their screen when fold
because the panel might have a dead-lock angle sometime
But Im sure this time Samsung is fixed that defect
9:15 AM
I understand it requires two standard smartphone batteries because it has a display on the front and a second larger display inside
it would consume a lot of battery life would be my guess
@nyconing and all I ever wanted was a comeback for physical qwerty sliders
I hate typos eversince I was forced to put away my trusty Xperia Pro
I think part of the issue with the first version of the fold was teh peelable not peelable screen layer thing
peelable not peelable screen layer thing?
@nyconing now try finding a screenprotector for that lol
9:18 AM
There was a layer on the screen which most people thoguht was a screen protector and tried to peel it off, but it was actually an integral part of the screen
Who need screen protector anymore?
And it looked like one becuase it didn't go right to the edge of the screen into the bezel, like screen protectors usually are
Would there be a significant details to be lost when converting png to jpg and convert back to png again?
9:19 AM
jpg is lossy
the original PNG has no transparency
@mr5 not if you made the jpg retain all of its original quality
Still yes, JPEG is a lossy codec no matter how high you set the quality. PNG is lossless, but would come out bigger afterwards because of the JPEG compression artifacts
No. based on converter
9:21 AM
if you're switching to jpg for the transparency, just use jpg from the start
Save it to bitmap :D
@CaptainObvious that is hilarious
So there is literally no reason to go png-jpg-png
PNGs are great for simple graphics (logos, gradients, diagrams, etc) and terrible for photograph style images, where there is lots of detail
Bitmap or Pixmap?
9:23 AM
JPGs are great for photos because the compression is designed to get rid of as much data as possible without ruining the image too much, based on the fact that similar colours are "close enough"
turns out, human beings are awful at distinguishing between shades of darker colors
jpg takes full advantage of this fact
Use PNGs for graphics, use JPGs for images (unless you need lossless, in which case use TIFF)
Source: About 15 years experience in the photography industry
How about BMP and RAW
or, if you're starting off with a vector graphics format, just keep that
they're usually smaller at that
Well, my situation is like this:
1. Client give me an SVG for an app icons
2. The required format is PNG so I converted it first to PNG.
3. After learning it has transparency, I used an online photoshop to "smudge" some colors to the transparent area.
4. Apple did not accept the app icons cuz it still saw alpha channels.
5. I resort to convert it from PNG to JPG and PNG again.
9:26 AM
@Neil Well yeah but if you need rasters, those are the options
Some clients just send you .AI and .PS
fuck them
I don't even have software installed to open those
@DKDhilip BMP is lossless like TIFF, but is a HUGE waste of space. You can use it, but enjoy your huge files. RAW isn't really a specific format and shouldn't be used for sharing puropses
They also include some font files
@mr5 you're doing the metaphorical equivalent of shaking a baby in its sleep
can you not create a png from a svg providing a color to use in place of transparency?
9:28 AM
kinda hard to find a tool that does that
I'd think that'd be a very important feature of a tool that converts from svg to png
note that the background is not just plain white or black
Client needs to export created icons as PNG ? problem solved
@mr5 Why not open the SVG, add a white background, then save it as a PNG again
9:29 AM
JPGing a PNG with alpha will jsut add white in its place
not gonna work because it's not just a plain white/black background
it needs to be 0xfceeed
Well converting a JPG to a PNG won't make it that colour anyway
so put in a background whose color is 0xfceeed
I don't see the problem
Why not just send me the file and I'll do it
SO much complication
I did the conversion because I'm hoping the alpha channels to be removed
9:31 AM
Just send the original SVG to [email protected] and I'll add your background and send you back a bunch of files
"Apple did not accept the app icons cuz it still saw alpha channels. " another proof Apple is for Beta's
@CaptainObvious alpha channels are still retained
(for reference that email will work)
can't you read? It's the alpha channels!
You won't have alpha channel;s
9:32 AM
I need to remove it
I think JPG works on RGB,BRG, format only
so I think it should work
You'd just have to replace Color.White with 0xfceeed
Few lines of C# and it's done
Actually this one is better
Q: Remove alpha channel in an image

zbz.lvlvI have an app icon for iOS but Apple doesn't allow alpha to be in the image. How to remove this alpha channel? I only have the png image with me I don't have the source file as my friend did the image for me.

9:37 AM
I don't want to create an app just for that lol
No need to create an app for that one
@mr5 ಠ_ಠ
Console application?
that's like a programmer's quintessential weakness, man
what kind of programmer are you that you don't want to waste time writing it yourself?
that's a waste of effort haha
9:38 AM
@CaptainObvious ahhh too late
Copy and paste and build, then you got a CLI utility
imagine, you need to read the image first, loop it, save it again, handle exceptions, etc
too much work
Handleing exceptions in a single use app? nah fuck that
then someone would say you should implement the "browse files"
9:40 AM
Who need GUI for that task?
You're asking for a standard feature of basically all image manipulation programs
I mean shit, paint will do what you wanmt
Steve Jobs is thinking if he should accept the app or throw another error
it's not an app in any real sense of the word, you don't have to appease management with it or anything
@CaptainObvious Windows is not open. waste of effort
if it throws an exception, the program crashes
9:42 AM
create a canvas, draw your png as bitmap on it, put a background as white color(or other color you like) and then create a new bitmap, let canvas draws on the new bitmap, and then save that bitmap in PNG.
Just got to wait about a year for review
@MwBakker are you happy with mate 20 pro?
9:45 AM
Ah you bastard
what's a good middle-range smartphone these days?
I'm looking to replace my cracked LG G5
Almost a year old, has most features of the Pixel 3 but significantly cheaper
4A will probably be along soon but nothing announced yet
9:47 AM
@Neil Huawei
Pixel 3A, mid range?
it's a high end phone
But for a mid range price
mid-range as in price
if it's a high-end phone, I'm not going to complain :)
you guys are rich af
I don't mind the cost if it lasts
I'm not the type of person that buys a new phone every year
then go for One Plus
9:50 AM
but my current phone has a cracked display, and has other issues
£329 is cheap as fuck for the 3a compared to the S10 for example at £800
it's the best
@littlemisscomputerscientist yes, the camera in low light resolutions is superb
Oneplus isn't cheap anymore
Chinese phones
I plan to trade-in my S10+ and get S20 ultra
@MwBakker awesome because I am thinking of getting it for the cam
eww samsung
@nyconing Why
bloatware manufacturer
9:51 AM
@littlemisscomputerscientist photos.app.goo.gl/jFVtSRL7VdZZ34kw7 this is an album I made of a nightly urban exploration of a ghost house
Because new...
I was alone so the lighting was not very good, but the phone still did its thing
But most mainstream top line phones are around the £800+ mark
@MwBakker whoa nice
But there's nothing new about it vs the old one
9:51 AM
bloatware? ... hmmm mine dont have those anyway
@MwBakker what about daylight?
what is pre-installed is definitely what I have used, so there is no bloatware for me
@CaptainObvious you consider this cheap?
@MwBakker I think I've seen this in movie
9:53 AM
For a smartphone in 2020, £330 is cheap
I want to take every 108MP photo while my next trip in Melborne
@mr5 you mean the house?
My first smartphone cost £48.50
considering there are phones that go for 900, 330 is reasonable
@MwBakker yeah including the scenery
9:54 AM
Bear in mind the majority of people (at least in the UK) get phones on contract, usually 2 years from the network
@CaptainObvious they do that in america too
awful system
So they pay like £30/mo for the phone + their data plan for 2 years and then they can do whatever
@mr5 I don't think they make a movie of a house somewhere at the side of Cologne
they can't just sell you the phone, it has to come with a contract too
9:55 AM
I've paid for my last 3 or 4 phones straight up, haven't been on contract for about 4 years
Hey all btw \o/
@MwBakker oh no, not movie but a video from facebook
@littlemisscomputerscientist daylight is fantastic but most new phones handle daylight quite well
@MwBakker cool cool
wth is Joplin
9:56 AM
also, I'd want a phone that's galileo enabled
@littlemisscomputerscientist Do keep in mind that night mode is 12MP
The phone I have now (Oneplus 6) cost me £600 or so about a year and a half ago. I broke the back a few months back but as it's still usable I have no intention of getting rid yet
apparently this year, they're going to make available to the public a new gps system that is supposed to be far more robust and accurate
and it's been in the works for a while.. most modern phones support it
@littlemisscomputerscientist before this phone I had a Nokia 7 plus with gCam mod which also did a fantastic job, except the charger port was too fragile so i couldnt use the phone no more... The camera with gCam was amazing
Galileo has been around for ages
9:57 AM
@V.7 what's Joplin?
it hasn't been active yet
@littlemisscomputerscientist photos.app.goo.gl/RFCq9peFMEYUJuwWA this is an old Psych ward in Bielefield. Again, I was alone so the lighting at night was only the flashlight
@MwBakker I am actually thinking of getting huawei p30 pro which should be better
but look how a mid-range Nokia did the job there.. I was surprised and all because of a gCam port
@mr5 A nice open source solution instead of OneNote, Evernote, Nimbus Note, Google Keep etc.
9:59 AM
@MwBakker not bad
@MwBakker Why do you like to go to places like that?
@V.7 ha! didn't use any of those apps
@mr5 he's lying.. Bielefeld doesn't really exist
@mr5 I am at office 40h a week, I need places like this along with the adrenaline rush to remain sane
@Neil lol tell that to the people there and your beer might taste odd
right, this fictional beer from a fictional place called Bielefeld ;)
@littlemisscomputerscientist The difference was not big enough for me to deselect the Mate 20
@Neil I'm dutch, you won't trigger me by saying bielefeld is fake
But bielefelders are already not amused their place is known for a interruption of a nice highway
10:02 AM
@Neil It is though
@Neil you mean the pictures are fake?
The Bielefeld conspiracy (German: Bielefeldverschwörung or Bielefeld-Verschwörung, pronounced [ˈbiːləfɛltfɛɐ̯ˌʃvøːʁʊŋ]) is a satire of conspiracy theories that claims that the city of Bielefeld, Germany, does not exist, but is an illusion propagated by various forces. First posted on the German Usenet in 1994, the conspiracy has since been mentioned in the city's marketing, and referenced by Chancellor Angela Merkel. == Synopsis == The story goes that the city of Bielefeld (population of 336,352 as of December 2016) in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia does not actually exist. Rather,...
@MwBakker I wasn't honestly trying to troll you
just being funny
hahah I never thought Germans had that kind of sense of humor. An entire conspiracy that a place doesn't exist
Like Australia deniers
Galileo isn't specifically better than the US' GPS. It's just that their one was launched by the military, and civilian use is intentionally gimped slightly so it isn't quite as accurate
Whereas galileo is full accuracy for evryeon
@CaptainObvious Well I understand it is supposed to be more accurate in terms of what it can differentiate as well
like it can distinguish between 10 cm of distance
10:06 AM
So can the US' one
Like I said, the military get the full accuracy, civilians don't
you're saying the US military makes it less precise for civilian usage but otherwise it would be just as accurate?
Yes taht's exactly what they do
It's not exactly a secret
I don't see what benefit they might have gimping the version for civilians
I don't think it's specifically a "fuck civvies" thing, it's more a "fuck other countries's armies who we don't like"
Oh apparently President Bill Clinton made them give the same accuracy to civs in 2000
My information is slightly out of date, by a small matter of 20 years
I do remember that
though I had recalled it as improving the technology
10:13 AM
They've improved it a bunch of times
The most recent revision is from 2018 which has accuracy to 30cm
not, say, commenting the code that's written: if(isCivilian()) Sensitivity *= 10
if you could get it down to 10 cm, you could start conclusively using position as a means of avoiding identity fraud
Galileo's accuracy is also 30cm currently, although that's only the encrypted one. Public access is limited to 1m
so it's exactly the same as in the states
for civilians at least
It's the same as it was in the US
10:19 AM
Actually anyone can have the higher accuracy, you just need to pay for it
Something to do with funding the project
Apparently it's not available yet though as the constellation isn't finished
ANy germans near Bochum here btw?
this chat is mine now !
10:37 AM
another human beeing
We're probably all just working
headache to develop on this shit
they failed to give me yaml specification
I have to write it manually, copy and paste
Black on darkblue, nice. I just love feeling old at age of 26 trying to read black letters on darkblue background
10:42 AM
Welcome to PDF format
Where nothing is ever rendered out correctly
oh lol I just checked the text layout of my PDF and it's ordered perfectly lol
@nyconing is there a chinese URL also?
yeah there is!
I would drop the project or quit my job if they have chinese url
the documentation dont even given the base url
pity me, what the hell
they are off work now
contact them in msgr/viber/line/discord
one tick only
I may search in stackoverflow see who is working in Fides, let him f**king give me the yaml spec, so I can literally generates the API...
10:56 AM
Hello everyone, did I miss something interesting?
no, not at all
the squirrels are silent these days
hope they didnt catch corona
if so, we must pray for them
we'll see
i have heard, that old people has the bigger chance of dying from it
yes unfortunately
because their imune system isnt as strong as the ones from younger ppl
11:06 AM
i hope that the squirrels are not old(
haha :)
Hello, what interface do I need to implement in my custom class in order to have myclass.Databindings.Add (on winforms)
i have a function which should return values from the dictionary. ive managed to make a function and add some keys and values inside my dictionary but dont know what to write as return type
do you want to return the keys or values of the dictionary?
that would be your return type
11:09 AM
then you'r return type is the same of the values
can i post code here?
I think so
public int MagicNumbers(Dictionary<string, int> Data_Array)
Dictionary<string, int> myDict = new Dictionary<string, int>
{ "id", 0 },
{ "id2", 1 },
{ "id3", 2 },
{ "id4", 3 },
{ "id5", 4 }
return myDict[Data_Array];
it shows error on return line, something about Data_Array
@hazmatsuit myDict[Data_Array];
Data_Array is itself a dictionary
you're passing a dictionary as a key to another dictionary when it expects a string instead
11:25 AM
changed it to public int MagicNumbers(string key)
should work right?
I suppose so sure
how would i call that function now?
int id = MagicNumbers["id"]; //throws error
ahh changed it to round brackets, seem to work now
to call functions you use parentheses, yes

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