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9:00 AM
@scheien 2x the damage in head
that makes it worthwhile
Ye. Widowmaker can oneshot that way. Really neat :P
@JakobMillah the thing is that i could do it in other way but im in a traineeship and the guys who is technically my "boss" want me to do it this way :/
Players who can aim with widowmaker make me so angry lol
I can't get my sensitivity right for the headshots
9:01 AM
Think it's the FoV I can't get used to
103 is a fucking odd max FoV
Field of view
@JakobMillah and if do the scroll down thing i basicly finish this and i have a dead line :'(
@Sippy I actually got into the sniping really fast.. Might be due to CSGO and Battlefield
Usually snipe in both games
I sniped in CSGO until they nerfed the AWP then cba to learn how to use it again
Battlefield I just used to run round quickscoping like a twat rofl
9:04 AM
Depends on what map :P I run sniper or assault rifles
I stopped at BF3
@AndréMarques Well, figure out a way so that you actually add rows to the datagridview. then use ScrollToStartOfSelection to scroll up and down
@JakobMillah ok thanks for trying to help me anyway :)
I could be pretty good sniping in BF2/3
Took me ages to warm up
Hitting the target that is, not bad. Not playing like an idiot and getting pwned, not so much
ak all the way
9:09 AM
@AndréMarques FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex <-- method I meant of course. Someone linked to a SO answer in your question.

Well, I am not writing any code for it since I am at work myself. But that is what you need to do. Then if that dude tells you to do it another way, tell him about the issues.
did anyone else play BF2142?
Sniping in BF3/4 is harder than Overwatch. Any day
I loved that game lol
@JakobMillah It's totally different so .. you can't really compare
Playing against a team with a decent assassin you will regret being born as a sniper
Sure is
I do recall a mate getting into one of the launching APC things and not knowing how to launch the pod
9:10 AM
@TomW lol.
Cue "How do i shot pod?' meme homages
@Sippy Gotta move all the time :)
@JakobMillah that someone was me, about half an hour ago
@Squiggle get overwatch
come play overwatch
@Sippy wait you must have been like 12 when that game was out
9:13 AM
@TomW yeah
yeah @Squiggle and @TomW, get Overwatch
well, maybe slightly older
It was back when I couldn't afford to buy games
So yeah probably around then.
is it Monday today ?
to all stupid put all fps in your steam account
9:15 AM
!!youtube friday - rebecca black
@JakobMillah Something went on fire; status 403
!!youtube rebecca black - friday
@JakobMillah Something went on fire; status 403
Ok, friday is ruined
What now huh!?
Probably do some work
9:17 AM
@scheien might do. I dunno. All the videos I've seen just make it look graphically dizzying - I can never tell what the hell is going on
One of my fucking coworkers was singing RB-F on his standup lol
I can't escape it
the gif is real!
It's my belly button. My belly belly button!
9:24 AM
And thus the chat room is filled with images.
:( oh dear
I give up on C# developers
you lot are clearly beyond repair at this point
Why lol
@JakobMillah told you its Monday !!
@RoelvanUden Well, surprised? I am around!
9:29 AM
@RoelvanUden THAT
You don't know?
Do you want to know?
Have you googled it?
Don't tell him
@RoelvanUden die
I have heard that in anime before
But have no idea what it means
Tesla is increasing the production ramp as fast as possible, but I'd recommend ordering a Model 3 soon if you want 2018 delivery haha
Q: Is "あらら" (arara) a word or just a "vocal noise"?

hippietrailA friend just wrote this as a comment on a photo of mine on Facebook. Is it an actual word or is it what I call a "vocal noise"? By "vocal noise" I mean those things which convey some meaning but they're not really lexical and can't be used like regular words. Examples in English include "shhh"...

StackExchange ftw.
9:32 AM
such serious answer, much wow!
i have found a trick!!!! finally!!!
:D :D :D
@RoelvanUden awesome
@MikeVinyl You are the trickmeister
9:33 AM
put svg to pdf using itextsharp :D
            string a = "alma";
            string b;
            b = a;
does the last b = a assign the same memory address?
? @ntohl are you normal?
@MikeVinyl So you managed to speed things up?
not but it's very simple
@ntohl No
9:34 AM
@MikeVinyl I guess
iTextSharp.text.Image immagineTestata;

using (MagickImage immagine = new MagickImage(svg))
immagineTestata = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(immagine.ToByteArray(MagickFormat.Png));
you must install MagickImage
@MikeVinyl why would it be simple? string is immutable
@ntohl: Wouldn't that be a string interning thing?
in this function
btw our guess at the company is yes, because b = a is not the same as with copyto
9:36 AM
@ntohl try it? I am pretty sure that's not the case. You are just assigning the value, but a different address
MagickImage immagine = new MagickImage(svg) you take image svg from stream as http etc.... and convert it into arraybyte and instanced by itextsharp :)
So if you after that would write a = 22; b would also be 22
cell = new PdfPCell(immagineTestata);

cell.UseVariableBorders = true;
cell.BorderColor = contornoGrigio;
cell.BorderWidthTop = 0;
cell.BorderWidthBottom = 0.5f;
cell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT;
cell.BorderWidthRight = 1;
cell.BorderWidthLeft = 1;

but that is not the case
@JakobMillah tried, but can't check address of managed type
9:37 AM
in this case i put image converted into pdfpcell
.method public hidebysig static void Main(string[] args) cil managed
// Code size 10 (0xa)
.maxstack 1
.locals init ([0] string a,
[1] string b)
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldstr "alma"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: stloc.1
IL_0009: ret
} // end of method Program::Main
this is the cil
IL_0000:  ldstr       "alma"
IL_0005:  stloc.0     // a
IL_0006:  ldloc.0     // a
IL_0007:  stloc.1     // b
IL_0008:  ldloc.0     // a
IL_0009:  call        System.Console.WriteLine
IL_000E:  ldloc.1     // b
IL_000F:  call        System.Console.WriteLine
IL_0014:  ret
Different locations.
it's only talking about the .locals reference. Not phisycal location in memory
ah yeah
My bad
There's a reason why a = b; works the way it does. Otherwise you would have the same functionality for "a = b;" and "&a = &b;"
9:42 AM
They share the same hashcode
I have posted a question late yesterday.
I got university assignment to describe "Query languages, purpose and principles, SQL and QBE, SQL standard, SQL critique" Does anyone have idea what is ment by standard and critique :o?
@scheien nice
@Marek can't you just ask the person who set it?
So what's the hash code exactly?
"looking it up"
9:44 AM
@TomW that'd good if they'd work on weekends
It's not the weekend?
Oh ye, the hash code is used to identify the actually value?
It has nothing to do with the address itself
the reference iirc
using System;

public class Program
	public static void Main()
		string a = "almbba";
		string b = "almbba";
		b = a;

no matter what the hash code is the same
I think the first one is related to string interning, I might be wrong though
9:47 AM
Yes, but the addresses are different?
it doesn't test if the phisycal memory address is the same
You British folk, what makes more sense? "You have voted on 5/5/2016" or "You have voted at 5/5/2016". (tagging @Sippy @Squiggle)
@JakobMillah dunno
@RoelvanUden "You voted on 5/5/2016"
@ntohl Why not print the addresses and check? :)
9:48 AM
@RoelvanUden "on 5/5/2016"
@RoelvanUden Convention in English would be to use 'on' for a date and 'at' for a time.
@JakobMillah tried. Compile error. Can't set address with &a managed types
you would never say "at $date"
on == upon
Right. So if it would be a date AND time, you'd use 'at'?
"You voted on 5/5/2016 at 12:00"
9:49 AM
"On Wednesday at 6pm"
Aha. Thanks bros.
Grammar police out.
This is going in an app so it would be hilarious for me to deploy 'at'. image--
9:50 AM
actually english.SE is a really good resource
What's the convention for the omission of 'have'? I mean, I'm native, so I 'just know' whether it should be present or not
But I couldn't explain the rule
@scheien thanks. I had no idea there is this interning thingy
@Squiggle I use it quite a lot lol
@TomW in what context?
@Squiggle the one we're in :P
> "You have voted on 5/5/2016"
9:51 AM
@ntohl :)
Why do we not say 'have' in this sentence?
Is it because there is exactly one event expected, and we're not interested in confirmation that it occurred; we know it occurred, we want to know when
Oh, good you mentioned the omission. I would've chucked 'have' in there.
Be more explicit @Sippy pls :p
@RoelvanUden I did remove it on purpose
@RoelvanUden More explicit?
    static public void Main(string[] args)
        string a = "alma";
        string b;
        b = a;
        if (a == b)
            Console.Write("same memory ref");
sais same memory ref
interning does that
@Sippy Tell me you removed it :p
9:57 AM
string a = "alma";
string* aPlace = &a;
@TomW You're allowed to omit "have" when the context is time-boxed
does not compile
@RoelvanUden SOZ BRAH
or when it's not exactly past-tense
It's not technically wrong to include the 'have'
It just doesn't sound right
The great thing about English is you can say pretty much whatever you want, it's very difficult to be completely misunderstood
10:00 AM
aye, and at least we don't have cocking genders
System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException: Culture is not supported.
Parameter name: name
English is an invalid culture identifier.
Hahaha see, even .NET knows English is not a valid culture.
My lady would know. She's got a PhD in this shit.
@Sippy I am loving English since first I did begin speaking
^ that's how I probably sound when I speak German
It's very obvious that they teach English wrongly in some countries, India mostly I'd assume
Feels like they're taught lots of vocabulary and no rules.
Because they just replace their Indian words with English words in sentences and keep their grammatical rules
"I am having a problems sir"
10:05 AM
@JakobMillah yeah. That's C++. I was woundering about C#
Should work the same?
@Sippy Indian English has diverged so much it almost has its own dialect now. It's not taught wrong - it's surprisingly consistent
@Squiggle Consistently wrong? Lol
hey, for a country with 1 billion people and 37 languages, they're not doing bad!
I don't really care, they were the example.
10:07 AM
@JakobMillah string interning
sorry, India has 22 official languages
I can understand them because english is very forgiving when you make a mistake
But they make a lot of mistakes
@Sippy please be begging my pardon sir
Japanese people have it the hardest though
Their language is so fucking different
Different from what?
10:08 AM
Cantonese and Finnish are two of the worst, IME.
@scheien Anglais
@Squiggle Finnish is pretty weird
string a = "alma";
Console.Write("cannot take the address of, get the size of, or declare a pointer to a managed type ('string') {0}", &a);
should, but does not
compile error with the error message i wrote
Tonal languages are weird in general.
@Squiggle that's how you sound if you speak Westcountry
10:11 AM
@scheien But...But... Is it sharing the same physical memory address? :S
@Squiggle Aren't the scandinavian languages tonal languages?
@JakobMillah yes it does
@TomW I'm from Yorkshire. We talk proper normal, like.
bbl foods
Truth, I find the most difficult ESL speakers to understand tend to be Indian.
@ntohl But that is fucked up?
10:12 AM
@scheien I don't believe so...
or I might misread the wiki
@JakobMillah it is not fucked up. memory conserving
I'd ask a question on ELU but I'm worried about being panned for cultural bias or whatever
russian is the best language guys :^)
cause we have the best poets
"abstract" from google search
10:12 AM
and writers too
yeah I did, it was a different paragraph, my bad!
I'm going to sit in the corner now.
legend: {
	useHTML: true,
	width: 230,
	align: 'right',
	floating: false,
	layout: 'vertical',
	textTransform: 'uppercase',
	labelFormatter: function() {
		if(this.index === 1) {
			return this.name + '<span class="button blue view-users">'+btnText+'</span>';
		} else {
			return this.name;
	itemStyle: Charts.ChartTextStyle
@JakobMillah anytime You set the value of any string a or b, the immutability will kick in, and new memory place should be allocated for the new string (it doesn't happen, if You set it to an already existing one)
There's something very wrong with that isn't there.
That's the legend for a chart lol
@ntohl But.. You have no control of the memory at all? What if you want to change data on a variable where the address is fluctuating?
10:13 AM
@JakobMillah i have found a way to let it scroll my friend showed me a diferent way to do it
@AndréMarques Show
I like it actually
@ntohl You will risk to change the value of something else
@JakobMillah You will change the data which You reference. managed memory will ensure, that You cannot write on an address, where You don't have free memory
10:15 AM
@JakobMillah instead of using datagrid we used panel and it scrolls by it self now im putting the scrolls buttons with datagrid it didnt even scrolled by it self
@JakobMillah it's same like You write on the 'C:\' drive
@JakobMillah You don't give a fuck where it will be written on the actual SSD
I guess that's the point with c#...
Garbage collector.
It's weird, having a C/C++ mindset
@JakobMillah: It's the same with all languages that has a garbage collector.
it's memory management.
10:18 AM
@JakobMillah java does kinda same as C#
C++ doesn't have a garbage collector :(
@Meraj99 that is it's strength
@ntohl But not really?
@ntohl But it also means you'll have to be really careful about pointers and stuff.
and a great pitfall for unexperienced devs
10:19 AM
I swear I saw Bjarne once write that garbage collection precludes the creation of robust, performant programs in the real world
Which is provably untrue. But now I can't find the quote
@JakobMillah some black magic shit can also happen. I don't know. Since java 1.8 they support multiple inheritance with some constraints.
@scheien I feel like that's where you should start :P
@Meraj99 embrace it
@Meraj99 You are the ruler of the memory
You learn something new every dayeroni
@JakobMillah Why use time to build a hammer, before you can hammer something, rather than buying it at the store and start hammering at once?
10:21 AM
At least I knew how it worked in C/C++, which is a relief :P
gtg eating
@scheien Ye, that's what you want in c#
You have hardware to take care of all the traffic anyway
I get your point, but c++ isnt for everyone, me included.
That doesn't mean that one shouldnt know the concepts, and how stuff works under the hood.
which kinda also means you can't do any of the C++ey cool stuff.
like what?
10:24 AM
Well, there are reasons why you'd use C++ for certain tasks over C#.
Performance is pretty much the only thing
And memory management
hmmm wardy ain't around
or he changed his name ?
yrdwa pls
I wish I could just persuade a multi-billionaire to give me like 100m so I can just be rich and not have to go to work anymore
10:26 AM
@Sippy it won't going to stop there
@Sippy try nailing Elizabeth Holmes, she's rich.
And maybe going to jail so, YOLO
Has it really hit the fan for her then?
She's worth 4.5bn roflmao
Best scam ever
the performance gap between managed and unmanged is getting smaller and smaller, with stuff like .net core and .net native it will be all but gone sooner or later
I really don't think C++ is that superior anymore, unlike 10-15 years ago.
@Sippy well they're being investigated by the SEC
10:28 AM
I have no documentation to prove it though
C++ is not worth it IMHO. It's sometimes a necessary evil, but bleh.
For allegedly defrauding investors as to how viable their product actually was
@AlexL yeah, indeed.
I saw that
Wonder if her assets are frozen :P
Never heard of that woman before.
10:29 AM
@AlexL how
I have seen talk about having stuff like managed drivers on windows as well so there may come a time where you have no need for unmanaged code at all
There was a project to do an OS in C#. It was stopped unfortunately.
It was interesting.
It's not worth it if optimizing is not an issue.. But whn you only have couple of KB RAM to work with, it's the way to go
@RoelvanUden ouch
@Sippy even if no fault is found, they're still cancer for investment now
10:32 AM
@JakobMillah but as its always said now "Memory is cheap"
Nobody's going to want to go near it
@JakobMillah If you're into teh whole embedded thing then yes.
The original investors will pile more money into it
It's gone beyond VC now hasn't it?
yay sunk cost fallacy
10:32 AM
Not sure if that's how it works
@AlexL Memory is cheap, lifetime / battery time is not
There's so much money in it that they won't wanna cut and run
@Sippy yeah classic sunk cost fallacy. Also known as 'throwing good money after bad'.
The belief that having spent on something that went badly, you can redeem it by spending more
Am I wrong though
Oh I agree with you, I think they will
10:35 AM
So what's so fancy with Theranos? They are making a handheld device to do bloodtests?
It just doesn't follow that because it's been expensive so far the only rational decision is to keep spending to protect your investment
But it's gone well beyond an initial investment I thought
Hence why the big investors will probably wanna stay put
If it's not a sunken ship already
@JakobMillah isn't that pretty awesome?
inb4 Lizzy moves to Russia with her 4.5bn and dissolves the company
@scheien I guess? I don't know.. Depends on what the use will be?
10:37 AM
The way I see it, it shouldn't take another $N billion to save the company. If it can be saved, it'll be millions, not billions, to actually get a viable product out of a good idea
Will everyone be able to test themselves to check their own values?
Not sure
Billions is what builds the corporate infrastructure, manufacturing at scale, marketing, lawyers, certification etc
The idea is either a goer or it's not
@JakobMillah that might be an option.
@JakobMillah self-testing is usually not thought to be a good idea in medicine. Most diagnostic tests require expert interpretation
Things like diabetic blood sugar excepted
10:39 AM
you talking about that Theranos thing?
@AlexL yes
wasnt it shown to be totaly non-functinal
Unless we can't test ourselves, I am not really that ecstatic
@AlexL the way I read it, it worked for certain niche cases but wasn't the general-use device they were claiming
@TomW from what i have seen even the niche wasnt considered accurate
or there wasnt enough proof
10:42 AM
Just another tool to feed the hypochondriacs?
"I'm low on X, better get to the doctor, like yesterday".
hypochondriacs == money
Feed on the sick, mentally sick.
Can we talk about money now ?
dont forget the stupid
@Mathematics I like money
10:44 AM
I don't have enough money.
what are we calling money today ? is it paper, electronic, gold, silver, what is it ?
It's not enough until they have to use the inifity sign to show my balance.
@Mathematics I only use gold, silver and copper
although I might take a cow or 3
and the occasional cloth?
10:48 AM
What about dragonhide?
@scheien I have that, my eyes are worth infinite money :)
@Sippy Red or green?
Black, come on man
@Sippy I'd accept that.
@Sippy I could work with that but they dont sell as well as the gold
I also accept Mattresses from the swamps of Sqornshellous Zeta
10:52 AM
Ooo you spelled it wrong
what Squornshellous ?
lads I am learning Golang, is it worth it?
or is it just a meme
it has pretty memester syntax

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