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Do any of you have any experience with quad copters?
Nice. How long do you estimate it's flight time will be?
Will it be able to carry a payload?
Not teh kitties!
@ton.yeung - You should check out Beats Antique sometime.
hey @ton.yeung... poh kai!
I just saw them for NYE in Tahoe.
Amazing show.
My name is Kendall, and I'm a code golf addict.
private const bool _isDefault = True;
is there a clean way to have the value as a bool and have T4 writing it as true?
ToString().ToLower() feels ugly
It outputs it as True with a capital, huh?
Hm. Chat messages are still coming through, but no new webpages will load
dns glitch?
The socket's open, but no new connections work
Don't refresh or we'll lose you
it's back
that was weird
it is
well...facebook is back. bbc still shitty
@Annie I assume you know about Newtonsoft I did not read your question carefully but there is a chance you can linq it.
Would I be correct to say that [TestInitialize] methods do not run if not required?
well, Borderlands 2 is pretty intense
my hand hurts from throttling the fucking mouse
ooh, idea. There are revolvers that say 'fire as fast as you can pull the trigger'. Autofire setting on my mouse :D
I prefer sniper rifles.
But they're super nerfed in BL2
if I can get a sniper rifle that fires incendiary grenades, I'm in
psychos seem to deserve being set fire to
Headshots are more satisfying.
@ton.yeung - Yup. That was the only way to get through the Crimson Lance Enclave
@SpencerRuport I hate when things are nerfed
Maybe. It was that mini town full of the Crimson Lance guys.
I've just completed that one
and yeah, I sniped the gunner
Oh, I saw the word turret
@KendallFrey - It's mostly irritating because I had a mode of play I got used to and the change in mechanics make it implausible.
Gunner doesn't understand bullet drop. Stand behind a wall, far enough away, he keeps shooting and never hits
And the sword isn't NEARLY powerful enough.
Anyone familiar with jQuery's datepicker?
It's cool, I managed to solve my issue :P
triggering click was failing to launch the datepicker, but apparently triggering focus does the trick
I was making a click through element frobnasticator and it wasn't handling datepicker fields properly
I made it up.
Masticate.. whoa
I haven't heard that in ages
After masticating, you end up with a bolus.
Why'd you want to dehydrate your food?
Do they have to be dry?
Do you like soggy chips?
apple chips sound kinda kinky good
@TravisJ YEAH
Not soggy lol but I find dry chips uneatable
It forces me to drink more water than I'd like
@ton.yeung Oh I think I know what you are on about.
I thought you meant chips as in fries
Lol. You were not. Until I inferred "dry chips"
I see.
So that then ^
I've never had that :O
@Lews did a bodge job of understanding but really its horses for courses when talking chips or fries!
@KendallFrey LOL
@TravisJ Rofl.
@ton.yeung no oily women even?
What's a taro?
@Lews - That took some research lol
!!urban taro
@KendallFrey Taro The first emperor of Japan. He got all the ladies and was thought of as a god.
taro is a root
Taro is a common name for the corms and tubers of several plants in the Araceae family. Of these, Colocasia esculenta is the most widely cultivated and the subject of this article. More specifically, this article describes the "dasheen" form of taro; another variety of taro is known as eddoe. Taro is native to South India and Southeast Asia. It is a perennial, tropical plant primarily grown as a root vegetable for its edible starchy corm, and as a leaf vegetable. It is a food staple in African, Oceanic and South Indian cultures and is believed to have been one of the earliest cultivate...
I like the urban definition better
Taro is actually pretty tasty
Sounds completely foreign ha
/me finally updates to VS 2012 Update 4
Taro Ice Cream. Try it.
    public static XmlWriter WriteAttribute<T>(this XmlWriter writer, Expression<Func<T>> value)
        var member = (MemberExpression)value.Body; // is this expensive?
No, why?
It is just returning a reference
@BrockHensley-FKAdirt Sounds horrible
Taro sounds like something that should be cooked
No, but I wouldn't make a potato ice cream either.
Never even heard of Duran :O
The durian is the fruit of several tree species belonging to the genus Durio and the family Malvaceae (although some taxonomists place Durio in a distinct family, Durionaceae). Regarded by many people in southeast Asia as the "king of fruits", the durian is distinctive for its large size, strong odour, and formidable thorn-covered husk. The fruit can grow as large as long and in diameter, and it typically weighs one to three kilograms (2 to 7 lb). Its shape ranges from oblong to round, the colour of its husk green to brown, and its flesh pale yellow to red, depending on the...
Looks like pineapples
@ton.yeung [durian](http://durian.urbanup.com/717782) A large fruit enjoyed in asian cultures. Only those those who will brave the foul odor and dangerous spines are worthy to enjoy the repulsive slime contained within.

Eating of durian may be more of a badge of cultural identity than nutrition; in this respect, it shares company with Marmite, Lutefisk, Spam, and Poutine.
Is it that foul smelling?
> the repulsive slime contained within.
LOL.. that puts me off already
@JLott might like it haaayyyooooooo
Is it cooked ?
Is it a fruit?
And it tastes good?
@LewsTherin Potato ice cream can be good - sweet potato ice cream is great (and similar to taro)
I guess the fruit is "trying" to "protect" itself lmao
Lady finger bananas?
Wow I know nothing
Lady Finger bananas (also known as Sugar bananas, Sucrier, Niños, Bocadillos, Fig bananas, or Date bananas) are diploid cultivars of Musa acuminata. Their fruits are small, thin-skinned, and very sweet. Taxonomy and Nomenclature The Lady Finger banana is a diploid (AA) cultivar of the seeded banana Musa acuminata. They were once placed under the Sucrier group in the old system of classification. Its official designation is Musa acuminata (AA Group) 'Lady Finger'. Synonyms include: * Musa acuminata Colla (AA Group) cv. 'Sucrier' * Musa acuminata Colla (Sucrier Group) cv. 'Lady's Finge...
@ton.yeung No definition found for lady finger banan
@ton.yeung No definition found for lady finger banana
But that's just bananas
private static readonly Dictionary<int, KeyValuePair<string, Func<object>>> Cache = new Dictionary<int, KeyValuePair<string, Func<object>>>();
Oh I think I have seen them before
Yeah definitely seen them before.
Just didn't know its name
I'm watching durian videos people don't seem to be affected by the smell
Ha ha
But that means going to Texas.
I can check some Asian shops here
You can find them around sometimes
they're often fairly expensive
Are they rare in Asia?
Ok I will wait till summer then
it's like pitahaya - another asian fruit I love, but around here, they're always expensive to buy
@ton.yeung They grow them well near there?
around here, they're almost always imported, which is why they cost so much :(
@ton.yeung Lol
Is it worse than garlic?
Durian's smell? It's more like a "rotting" smell
most people describe it as smelling like dirty socks
at least most americans seem to ;)
Dang, and I don't even like garlic.
@ton.yeung Even the non-green varieties?
@ton.yeung I don't have a license
@ton.yeung They can't, I'm a subcontractor
Less expensive to upgrade, right?
VS is supposed to be going for smaller, more frequenter versions I guess
@ton.yeung They bought me 2010 and 2012
Probably for a loss
But no free lifetime upgrades, I guess
I like that
Makes sense
Wrote some kick-ass JS today
JS sucks
and WHY
Why not?
Were you thinking array access?
on a string?
String is just an array of chars after all.
A: Site Won't Display

GregAfter further diagnoses, the fact that I could directly access an image file within DotNetNuke's Root Folder indicated that DotNetNuke wasn't serving the page correctly. Under Admin Settings and through the advanced tab I modified the Site Alias back to Canonical and Auto Add which fixed the issu...

I thought that was a good question.
!!start game now or wait for update to finish
@KendallFrey wait for update to finish
Wait, how has it applied more than it's acquired. That makes no sense
> Pastor Kills Blood Pressure With 1 Weird Food
Religious figures now?
1 obscure bible verse holds the key to a slim tummy!
@KendallFrey array access on s? isn't s=0? :D
@MarcinJuraszek no, array access on "FE"
and yes, s is a string
It was 0
@SpencerRuport "Life, Birth, Blood, Doom- That hole in the ground will be coming round soon."
@KendallFrey and what does the code do?
@MarcinJuraszek - That part just generates undefined. It is an obfuscated way of creating either a 0 or a 1.
"FAIL"[r] will only ever hit F or A
Q: Finding n'th character in a Lucky String

user3016220Lucky numbers are those numbers which contain only "4" and/or "5". For example 4, 5, 44, 54,55,444 are lucky numbers while 457, 987 ,154 are not. Lucky number sequence is one in which all lucky numbers exist in increasing order for example 4,5,44,45,54,55,444,445,454,455... Now we concate...

Thanks @KendallFrey!
2 hours, 24 minutes.
public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
    var node = (XElement) XNode.ReadFrom(reader);
    Major = Convert.ToUInt16(node.Attribute("Major").Value);
    Minor = Convert.ToUInt16(node.Attribute("Minor").Value);
does that look right?
Assuming Major and Minor are defined elsewhere.
        Minor = Convert.ToUInt16(node.Attribute("Minor").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
yep they are properties
Major = (uint)((int?)node.Attribute("Major") ?? 0)
I though you can cast XAttribute to uint directly, but looks like you cant' :(
Have a good weekend all.
Major = (uint)((int)node.Attribute("Major"); // Will this explode?
or Major = (ushort)((int)node.Attribute("Major")) if you don't want to handle missing
@JohanLarsson May overflow - which is why I used long ;)
you can use uint
should be ushort ;)
Major = (ushort)((uint?)node.Attribute("Major") ?? 0)
no need for nullable in there, though
unless you don't want to throw if it's missing
depends on how your code should react on missing attribute
I think throwing is best, fail fast
That's your decision
You'll get ArgumentNullException then
imo still much better then NullReferenceException from .Value property :)
I fixed that :)
You could also use XmlConvert class: XmlConvert.ToUInt16((string)node.Attribute("Major"));
why the cast to string?
prevent a box?
because it takes a string
and casting XAttribute to string does not throw an exception when attribute is null (.Value would)
You should avoid using XAttribute.Value property and try casting instead. The same applies to XElement
yes sir
the cast-fest (ushort)((int) is not very nice :)
Yes, I agree. I'm disappointed you cant cast to short/ushort directly
but you should probably go with XmlConvert instead of ushort.Parse and let the framework decide what format should be used to do the parsing properly
No xAttribute.WriteTo()
You people need to just calm down.
There's just too much going on in here.
@Steve! What did I just tell you?
farewell hats
I may never refresh this page again
if it retains my hatliness

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