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1:35 AM
Is anyone around?
2:22 AM
Hi. Had anyone tried Visual nHibernate?
1 hour later…
3:42 AM
how r u all
it's my first time to user sof chat
10 hours later…
1:13 PM
Q: Why isn't my button activation code always working?

ChrisFI'm experimenting with a UI where certain buttons are only active under certain conditions and only become visible when the mouse moves over their location. (NOTE: I'm actually thinking of abandoning this approach but I'd like to know why my code isn't working.) The problem I've got is that unde...

The problem actually is that the MouseEnter event isn't firing
What does the button look like when the mouse isn't over it?
It's invisible
By that, do you mean "doesn't draw anything", or do you mean "Visible = false" ?
I've changed the code to set the opacity and that hasn't changed the symptoms
Visible = false
If Visible = false, nothing is on-screen
So you can't mouse over it
It isn't there
(note, I'm a Winforms guy, I hope this doesn't differ in WPF)
1:23 PM
You would have thought that - but I do get the mouse events most of the time
It just fails in the circumstances I outline
Disregard that "visible = false". It's "doesn't draw anything" - I'm confusing myself now
I set button.Visibility = Visibility.Visible and either button.Content.Source = null or button.Opacity = 0 to hide it and then set the image or opacity to 1 on mouse enter, but it's not getting the mouse enter event
1:50 PM
You could try and set the opacity to #01000000, so it's not visible on screen, but not exactly invisible. That might change the behavior. As far as i can tell, invisibility by Opacity is handled as "non-existant"
color, not opacity
my bad
2:01 PM
@Semyazas - nope, no different.
ok, was at least worth a try

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