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A quick survey on a naming convention. I want to categorise a group of constraints on the solver which deal with general days and times. So, you might say "Product A cannot be produced on Monday" or "Prod A can only be made between 6am and 2pm". Kinda like a cron job. The best I can come up with is "calendar" constraints but I think that's misleading, because no actual dates are involved, it's a rolling constraint. Any suggestions?
This would be customer-facing too, so it's not in terms of a technical interface for development
"Time constraints" seems fitting IMO
Sounds like a schedule to me.
Or "scheduling requirements" to match the technical case.
Scheduling requirements fits the bill. Maybe scheduling rules since the solution does not have to make product A on Monday, only that that's the only day it could choose to make it. "Time constraints" is too muddy because of something I left out - other rules are "Swapping from A to B has 2 hours downtime" or "Cannot make Prod A for less than 4 hours" but that's a separate category. Thanks both
Everything is scheduling all the way down.
I really should have checked your calendars and scheduled this discussion on scheduling
8 hours later…
Cbg. Could anyone help me understand this code (github.com/jsh4887/ConvLSTM/blob/main/1.%20Make_dataset.py), please? I want to understand if this code uses a sliding window in relation to the frames used in each record of the final array given by using the function hist_data_5d, next_data_5d, date_data_5d, scaler = generate_dataset(values, date, values.shape[0], past_history, future_target).
1 hour later…
by using hist_data_5d, next_data_5d, date_data_5d, scaler = generate_dataset(values, date, values.shape[0], past_history, future_target*

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