@Aran-Fey not sure what this should look like. There is a plugin that will let you preview markdown but it won't be entirely inside the active editor
If you right click on the .md you can select to "preview" it as the first option. I could have sworn I needed an extension for this but I can't see one that was relevant, just ones for being able to do something similar for CSVs
I reckon the whole "preview" thing is what Aran would like to avoid. It does mean jumping between windows while I'm guessing he wants it embedded in the actual editor
I never really used pycharm but I don't know if it's a feature there. If it is - there's hope that there will be some VSCode extension to replicate it. VSCode gonna take over the world
the only working solution I found for doing that is a vim plugin, which I don't think would be relevant here anyway...:github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki
it's targeted for making "knowledge base", but, based on the code (I remember going through it on older version at least) it modify the markdown code to their representation without switching window/buffer
it only work for a portion of markdown syntax though, but there a trick to make it work with the full markdown syntax (have to use an older version of the markdown plugin for vim though)
Actually I don't think it directly support comments, so disregard what I said earlier
I think I talked about it with you once, but I guess it could be a viable solution to make an extension using that, although it's archived now..
I use VSCode almost exclusively and, if I'm honest, I'm not sure I would use this. There's already enough stuff going on in Dark+ theme than have bolding thrown into the mix. I appreciate that this is totally subjective, though
I certainly wouldn't have thought to look for it, anyway
I think I solved (partially) the mystery of why what I wanted to do with multiprocessing + a different python executable didn't work. When using, and only when using multiprocessing.set_executable, if I use Queue to pass things around to a specific process/pool, everything hangs because of the fact that Queue use a threading.lock.
I obviously couldn't do it either with a global variable/list/dict since each process do not share that. So I tried Deque instead and it worked :)
Now it doesn't fully work either, since using Deque have the same problem as using list/dict/variable across different processes. So I used the pickle idea I tried last time with that, and it now work 100%
It's also decently fast, since I only use time.sleep(0.01) with a while loop to wait when the deque is empty. (speed wasn't the main goal anyway)
Hello everyone! i became interested in python memory topic. I didn't really understand how private heap was implemented, I got it that way like, its like origin heap manage by python interpreter. So we have private heap -> python interpreter -> python memory manager (operating with pool, arenas and block).
Keep in mind that there are multiple different python interpreters, and how they deal with memory is 100% implementation details. Python itself doesn't specify how things are stored in memory
To my understanding, an arena would be for something like high-performance games with blitting short-lived objects en masse. That does not fit very well with the generalisation of python
I equally couldn't properly explain the memory model of python, but that's perhaps testament to the abstractions it supports, where you don't really have to care too much about these things
@PeterT mb u can explain, how private heap implemented and is there a difference with heap, I understand that the only difference is that it is controlled by the interpreter ?
Skimming the file you linked, it looks like the private heap might just be the pool of arenas that python is carving out as it goes. Presumably that's a block that the OS couldn't give to something else, rather than some kind of free-for-all for space. But I'd be lying if I said I understood that file properly. Still, interesting skimming
I'll have to read up on how lower languages handle this; looks quite interesting. My understanding for heap memory was just that it was "haphazardly" allocated by the OS for each allocation but Python seems to be speculatively chunking out blocks for itself as it goes
More so than, for example, the extra allocation it makes for lists (progressively) so that they can expand
@roganjosh This seems to be something use-case specific and I suspect it's why Aran and me had so drastically different views in the discussion just linked.
Thanks for this! I'm gonna spend some time chewing over the info. I've read articles variously saying it's niche and, at the same time, I see it baked into CPython itself. But one thing now going off in my head - each iteration of my solvers could be a "frame" of a game, and maybe there's this one weird trick I could employ to really push performance
(solvers not in python. I'm just plotting for now, but it's something a bit 'ike Aran's TODO; I end up spending more time researching the optimal setup before I start writing the thing)
Having read through that, there was one difference that stood out - "spill" and "swap" between the two of you. Possibly there was a difference of stance on the micro/macro level
Reading more on the python memory mgmt was interesting. abarnert saying, effectively, there's no way to know does make me feel a bit better, but I also understand postgres pages a bit better from it (tangentially)
In fact, a lot better on the postgres side. It's never been tangible to me exactly what a page is