@roganjosh idk, it seems to me like an correspondingly serious issue. There will potentially be a lot of published material out there, and/or social relationships that would poison the existing identity
I would be surprised if any academic type worth their salt wouldn't actually just be intrigued by what a tumour can do to the human mind; recovering from that, to me, would be a badge of honour
I suppose people take things in different ways, but I think I would be able to wipe the slate clean if I knew the story. I guess I wouldn't begrudge someone for changing their name if I later discovered they were the person hurling abusive emails at me a few years ago, but it does seem disingenuous
"During sickness, we lose our appetite because digesting food requires a lot of energy. Stick to easily digestible foods like soup." Me, eating lentils with dumplings and bacon: "Interesting"
Huh, interesting idea for a soup. Never heard of that before
There's a lot of variety in the image search results for this... on one extreme there's water with a handful of lentils in it, and on the other, things don't look much different from what I'm eating right now
Good lord, the link is too long to post. But search "Baxters Favourites, Lentil & Bacon Soup 400g". It's pretty tasty, actually
It's a thick soup. Baxters >> Heinz. Heinz was done for ripping off German customers a few years ago anyway because they were diluting your "juice" (?) on baked beans etc.
Working with other languages always reminds me of how convenient it is to work with data structures in python. JS be like... List comprehensions? Nah, Array.from(someCollection).map(item => ...). dict.pop? Nah. Iterable WeakDict? Nah. Tuples (i.e. a hashable container)? Nah. dict.get(key, default)? Nah. Soooo much boilerplate required to do everyday things
I think that just makes me want to double-down on getting everyone at work using virtualenv
"This won't work. This is why." is much easier to explain than "Python did something here to look for things and it seems to have found something but I don't know where or what it did"
How do you guys use virtualenvs? I have my IDE (i.e. debugger + everyday tests) use the global python, and before a release I let tox run the tests with all supported python versions (3.7-3.10, currently)
I don't do anything fancy, but I have 12 customer repos to jump between and I know I can navigate there in a terminal, source env/bin/activate and it will just work. It's a contract to myself, basically
for me, i use pyenv to downlod the different python version without adding then in /usr/bin, and with those python version create virtual environment for each project ( wrong way as per this pdm) with specific python version requirement
@Aran-Fey all customer projects are just that - repos. They could be webapps than you could launch without installation, they could be libraries that I install into the virtualenv
No, absolutely not. pip freeze > requirements.txt will lead to pain. You can use pipreqs if you're trying to backdate, or just stay on top of it when you're building a package
pip freeze will pin everything in the dependency tree and get broken very quickly
@roganjosh Ok, I see. I thought if they're apps it makes sense for them to have pinned specific versions of their dependencies, which would then conflict with other apps. In which case the venvs would be unavoidable. That would pretty much be only reason why I'd bother creating per-project venvs
@roganjosh so how it determine the versioning ? like lets say i clone a project and didn't install any package in environment only pipreqs and then run the command to store , but with that way will it be able to handle the lagacy project ?
also how is pipfile.lock , by reading through it it seems it is better solution to lock all requirement precisely
basically all i want is whenever someone in future run my project, they shall able to install the exact package and not wait for dependcy resolution of pip to try all packge to be compaitable with each other
@sahasrara62 I think we need to make a distinction here. pip freeze will list all packages installed, even those that are a dependency of something else you installed. The point is not to do that - you list the packages you actually use and let pip resolve all the supporting packages
@Aran-Fey this deployment approach holds for me, but you make a fair point
@roganjosh ok i guess i am doing it wrong, will try with the pipreqs to get all running/used packages and let there be no pain for other person in future
@sahasrara62 Huh. I never had a problem with dependency resolution taking a long time. Your only goal is to speed this up? You don't care about having "reproducible installs", where every install uses the exact same versions for all dependencies?
Oh wow. Well, I was gonna suggest you figure out why it's taking so long and then only pin the package(s) that cause(s) the problem, but if you spent a whole week on it... probably not worth the trouble. Best just pin everything then
@Aran-Fey well project is legacy and soon going to be refactor in different framework so idc about anything now,, just use the same version and let it reproduce in local so one can start working on it be for maintaince
whole issue was using 3.6 in mac m1 chips, and i didn;t know about rosetta2 and one can use x86_64 in that, also there are some custom packages of 4-5 year old so lt of compaitibilty issye, plus no one maintain the project so well
not complaining anything, just joined the startup a week back, and all handled by 1 person so far, so noblame to him
I guess pinning too much could cause problems for other people. Just because it works on your PC doesn't mean it works on everyone's PC. If a module needs to compile some code, or it depends on an external program, things can easily go wrong
I have yet to encounter (or at least notice) an issue where a project of mine actually cared about the version of whatever. but I haven't exactly been trying to set up tests to see what will happen if someone else already has a really old version of whatever dependency