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Hello everyone,

when using Google colab with mounted gdrive, the following command

!python "/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/Building Computer Vision/chapter6/computer_vision/models/research/object_detection/dataset_tools/create_pet_tf_record.py" \
--label_map_path='/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/Building Computer Vision/chapter6/computer_vision/models/research/object_detection/data/pet_label_map.pbtxt' \
--data_dir='/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/Building Computer Vision/chapter6/computer_vision/petdata' \
May I know why this error shows up?
4 hours later…
take a look at what the module error line is saying, you may need to install that package
@hugovdberg didnt know about that, thanks!
2 hours later…
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
s = pd.Series([True, False, np.nan])
print(s.astype(bool)) # apparently np.nan is truthy
print(s == True) # desired result
# is there a better way to do this than == True?
1 hour later…
That's a new low point for me @MisterMiyagi. I'd just rolled over in bed, picked up my phone and saw garbled sql building and someone reinforcing the notion that strings themselves need initialising. I'll stick to orange juice to start my mornings going forwards
"I'd just rolled over in bed, picked up my phone" - there's the issue. no phone just after waking up!
Exactly! Use a tablet!
Much easier on the eyes...
@ParitoshSingh but then how would I reply to my fan mail?
I can recommend mango porridge with extra chocolate, by the way.
i'd have to taste that combination to see how it would work out, it does sound intriguing.
Interesting mix. The extra chocolate does sell itself
Good morning.
don't you guys have your phone mounted over your bed so you can just open your eyes to plug back into the networks? ;-)
In PyQt5 for QMovie is there something to know when closing QDialog? With QMovie the background QDialog can't be scrolled and focus QLineEdits etc...
@MisterMiyagi "and forget the mango porridge!"
@ParitoshSingh I guess you could fillna but I'm not sure that's overall better
I wish "".split(",") would return an empty list. But well maybe that doesn't make sense in general
I'm guessing it's the edge case of how e.g. "1".split(",") returns just the original string in a list.
@MisterMiyagi <3
2 hours later…
I've been posting Python questions on the developer channel at work to try and get a sense of the level of Python knowledge that's out there. I thought everyone would know that __init__ had to return None, but apparently not.
we're all adults ;)
The classic "now let's write a function" moment in every workshop... ^^
function??!? Nervous feet shuffeling and internal screaming
1 hour later…
I know the answer to "is it useful to make` __init__` return something?" but not "will Python intentionally crash if you make __init__ return something?"
Or rather, I currently know the answer to both right now, but five minutes ago I only knew one, and by tomorrow I'll be back to only knowing one
I know I will forget because this is not the first time this has happened for this particular factoid
If it's worth discovering once, it's worth discovering again and again and again and again and ...
It's like watching a sunrise
should return None not int, interesting :)
satisfied_demand = total_demand
stat_bundle['satisfied_by_dms_returns'] += total_demand - satisfied_demand
That's a particularly nifty way to throw a day-long simulation in the bin and generate millions of zeros :/
It's not even like the rows were separated. How could I not see the order needed shifting!?
It's a good job I didn't need the results for a customer meeting in 17 minutes. I'd have to get quite creative explaining how that managed to happen.... oh
I get the impression you've been a bit overworked, or at the very least stressed, for a while
I have a particularly high pain threshold for work but that tends to mean I get more of it. That was a silly mistake above with me jumping around the file.
ah always fun, crushing nice results by your own stupidity (also, immutability does have its advantages..). I tend to use snakemake a lot lately for data pipelines, where I save costly intermediates to files and mark them as inputs to a postprocessing step. It has saved me a lot of waiting time, and provides reasonable parallelisation
hello there ! I try to change an element from a list of objects but the list still the same. any idea why this happens ?
Can you show an example code how you change the element?
show your code? (5 bucks says you're using a for loop and reassigning the loop variable)
*erases similar message to everyone elses :-P
this line is where i want to change list's element
Pieces[0][0] = Pieces[0][1]
That's a lot of code for changing an element in a list.
Are you sure that line actually gets run? How did you check that the list isn't changed?
changing the element is just a piece of my project
i guess the line gets run because i printed a message when code gets there and the message appeared
this is quite some code for us to analyse.. are you sure there are different things in each position in the list? from scanning that code it appears you place the same picture in every item of the nested list and then swap the two, which might not look like anything happens
@Mihai please see our room rules, particularly in regards to large blocks of code that we ask be hosted off-site and linked back here
That said, as others have pointed out, it's highly unlikely that so much code is actually relevant to the problem
Ugh having to not worry about software licences was a nice thing in academia. Now everybody wants a piece of the cake and I actually gotta read these licences carefully and sometimes I can't even use the libraries I find(without jumping extra hoops) :(
I mean I get that people want money if they provide me free software and I'm making money with it, makes total sense. But just make an online store and don't ask me to "contact" you for an offer to receive a dozen of pages legal document to start negotiation to be able to at some point next year use the software :D
There's a theory that it's actually more profitable to require negotiations and complicated legal documents, because then you know that everyone that contacts you has a ton of resources to spare. Then you can safely ask for much more than your product is worth
If HakaishinCorp has two employees, then they're going to be looking at their license-related expenses and really asking themselves if they want to pay $11,000 for a license that's worth $10,000. Meanwhile Apple will pay $100,000 because it's all pocket change to them
haha I see, but aren't you missing out on the bunch of people who would just click the buy button?
Maybe, but it's not a strict improvement. If you put up a buy button, it might increase the chance that a mid level Apple exec will say "hmm, not enterprisey enough. Find something more worthy of our prestige"
haha true
One potential solution would be price discrimination: whenever an Apple representative visits your page, hide the Buy button and show the "call us for a quote" box. When a HakaishinCorp representative visits, show the opposite.
That would be a good solution :) Maybe it's already happening the algo has decided we are huge tm
Or, if you're not a fan of "I have two dates to prom" scenarios, just have one page that offers CoolSoftware Community Edition, and CoolSoftware Enterprise Edition
but having less than 20 employees I doubt that. Also it's crazy to me that larger companies don't tell how many ppl work for them. Like Occulus had me sign an NDA for an interview and they would not tell me for their life around how many people work in their company :D
Maybe throw in a middle Edition so you can catch the occasional medium fish that says "I can't afford the fanciest Edition, but I don't want the worst Edition...", even if they have no idea what features each Edition has
Always offer a large, medium and small coffee.
Speculation: hiding your employee count is a defense against a particular kind of bad PR. Example: suppose KevinCorp pays minimum wage to its 100 employees and says "we'd go out of business if we increased everybody's yearly salary by $1000 :-(". Then they turn around and give the CEO a $100,000 bonus. If all of this is public information, the public will easily determine that the statement was a lie.
But if they don't know the employee count, they can't prove it was a lie. Maybe KevinCorp has 100,000 employees, and it would cost $100,000,000 to give them all a raise. A mere $100,000 bonus to the CEO is less than pocket change then, certainly not worth canceling us on Twitter or anything
Erm, just wondering... is it okay to just hand large amounts of rep to people via bounties?
For answers to trivial questions that don't merit a bounty, no. Otherwise, mebbe.
@MisterMiyagi depends on context
Oh well, nvm...
"I think this post deserves more points" is an acceptable justification, but "I want this user to have more points, irrespective of whether they deserve it" is not so justifiable
Tl;dr bountying content good, bountying people bad
You can always raise a mod flag and wait 3 weeks for it to be handled
Yeah, I think I'll pass and let mods be mods and mind my own business.
If I was 10% more capitalist, I would say: transferring reputation for any reason or no reason should be allowed, unless it violates a specific rule relating to e.g. reputation farming
If my nephew created a 1 rep account today, perhaps I'd like to give him a 100 rep present so he can use chat immediately. I might like to do that even though he has not yet contributed positively to the community in any way
That's voting fraud
Yeah, don't do that
Under the current rules, yeah, which is why the version of myself that's 10% more capitalist would send some lobbyists to the mod headquarters, for some wining and dining
@MisterMiyagi I can't ever remember earning a bounty, and certainly never looked specifically for questions offering a bounty. I suspect my longest streak is about two weeks.
The actual version of me is concerned about the practical implications of bounty deregulation. Perhaps the total quality of the site would go down, after accounting for both the increased power of voting rings, and the increased quality of the average post thanks to my nephew, who surely will walk in my footsteps
You earned a bounty there
@MisterMiyagi that's not a mod, that's an employee
Bountying another employee. Ugh.
I'll ask around
I feel like we're a dangerously small step away from someone implementing "ghost questions" just to give non-existent rep to employees. Now I'm sad
I'm ambivalent about employees being able to treat rep like monopoly money, as long as it's not used for evil
Just build the panopticon so that it also looks inward, easy
I have 100% looked for questions with bounties
because 1) I wanted more rep to unlock the next tier 2) all you have to do is have the /best/ answer for the bounty question and you win 3) usually they weren't answered because they were tough questions
overall probably less than 1% of my current rep is bounties
But I'm not sure how I'd find out lol
@AndrasDeak Who knew? Not me ...
woah, this gave me a scare. askubuntu.com/questions/1106795/… I thought I made a mistake on installation and had to repeat installations of a days work (yes a guy starting end of the month will make the days work a script, leave me alone for now :P), but it's turns out it's just ubuntus odd default behaviour
I think I offered bounty once and the question was never answered. Or maybe it was not sure anymore
alright folks have a nice weekend :)
Pointless theoretical physics question: Suppose there is a stable spherical free-floating wormhole in my house, with one end in my kitchen and another in the living room. The wormhole has a diameter of 1 cm. What happens if I pick up a 10cm x 10cm x 10cm wooden cube, and try to push it into the hole?
Will the cube seem to shrink from my perspective, and emerge from the other hole unharmed? will a 1 cm diameter cylinder of wood be bored out of the cube, and only the cylinder travels through the hole? Will the cube just get, kind of wedged, against I don't know what?
I'm trying to imagine the scenario in 2d using the "poking a hole through two sheets of paper" thought experiment, but it's hurting my brain trying to move a square along a curved region of space. I don't think a very rigid object would make it all the way through intact, for the same reason that you can't make a map of the Earth without some stretching
I wonder how many people spend (waste?) as much time thinking about whether the body of an abstractmethod should be raise NotImplementedError or pass as I do
@Aran-Fey I rarely use inheritance because I've almost never been working on a problem domain where it was the right choice
I subscribe to the idea that abstractmethods should contain a return <sample value for the return type> instead of raise NotImplementedError or pass
Of course, then I start thinking about which value to use
But if the return value doesn't matter then pass is fine, right?
I'd say so
I don't use abstract anything that much, but when I do, I typically raise NotImplementedError
Also consider the note in the docs:
> Unlike Java abstract methods, these abstract methods may have an implementation. This implementation can be called via the super() mechanism from the class that overrides it. This could be useful as an end-point for a super-call in a framework that uses cooperative multiple-inheritance.
So there are scenarios where your abstract method should do useful work and return a useful value
The thing is, if it does something useful, why is it abstract?
Multiple inheritance is the only reason I can think of; because in multiple inheritance even a function that does (almost) nothing can be useful, because just by existing and doing nothing, it can prevent a super().function() call from crashing
Scratch that, you don't even need multiple inheritance. Even if you only have a single subclass, the subclass might think it's a good idea to chain-call the parent function.
Imagine a class like this:
class Plugin:
    def activate(self, app):
        raise NotImplementedError
Right now, Plugin.activate doesn't do anything. But maybe in the future there will be something it needs to do. So here pass would be better than raise NotImplementedError
But if you have a class like this:
class MutableContainer:
    def append(self, item):
        raise NotImplementedError
There's literally nothing useful this function could ever do. There is no reason why it should ever be called; that would indicate a bug. So here raise NotImplementedError is actually the better choice
The docs kind of muddle things (IMO) because it sort of alternates between abstract classes in the sense of "a class containing a method that has no* implementation" and "a class that represents a generic category of types, such as Collection or Number, and which can magically work inside isinstance calls even if the object being tested isn't really an instance of the class"
(*or at least, an implementation that subclasses can't access unless they explicitly opt into it by using super())
I suppose we can call the former kind "abstract classes" and the latter kind "abstract base classes". All ABCs are ACs, but not all ACs are ABCs. Maybe this is exactly what the docs are trying to say, but I'm not reading carefully enough.
I'm having some trouble seeing the difference between the two tbh
I've only 60% convinced myself, so I imagine the idea is considerably less persuasive for minds that don't live in my head
This is all a bit of a tangent anyway, since it doesn't address the question of "when would you want to provide an implementation for an abstractmethod?". I don't have a good answer for that.
Doesn't this have to do with things that other languages have called protocols?interfaces? and "extend vs implement" and stuff?
Sort of, I think. In case of interfaces, it's clear that there is no implementation of the abstract method you could call. But abstract classes still have the same problem
This is a problem you have to solve for each individual abstract method, not the class/interface as a whole
Because you could have a pass method and a raise NotImplementedError method in the same class
In C#, there are:
- interfaces, which define function signatures but not function bodies;
- abstract methods, which also have signatures but do not have bodies;
- abstract classes, which may contain both ordinary methods that do have bodies, and abstract methods
Confidence that I havn't mixed anything up in that message: 80%
So basically the problem doesn't exist in C#. If the method is abstract then it can't be called, and vice versa. Not a bad "solution", honestly
> Beginning with C# 8.0, an interface member may declare a body. This is called a default implementation.
Wait, how can abstract methods be called in Python? Should I read the start of the discussion?
Oops, just cross out my first bullet point there.
@AndrasDeak Short answer: super()
@Kevin oh I almost missed this one. Let me procrastinate using this instead.
C# might be able to do it too, using the base keyword... I'm not super familiar with it though
Ah, sorry, I thought you said "physics"
Not super familiar, you say? :P
I'm hopelessly basic, I'm afraid
I think* your stick would just bump into the wormhole, giving you a mostly hard stop (as elastic as the wood itself)

(*my guess is as good as anyone's)
On second thought I think I'll go with "not even basic can let C# do what Python's doing" for the time being
If you have the usual 2d gimmick representation, imagine you have a long stick you're trying to force through the wormhole perpendicular to its length. In the 2d case this would be a long stick, the middle of which would have to pass over the hole. If you start moving it toward the hole, the parts on the hole would try going down into the hole, thereby elongating the stick in the middle.
@AndrasDeak That's kind of what I was imagining, myself. It's like that one funny picture of the cat between two mirrors, with its reflections forming a circle. None of them can reach the center without getting stuck between the two cats to either side.
If the stick is rigid it won't bend, so you'll be stuck
@Kevin I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the paper you're referencing
Black holes solve this problem pretty neatly by simply spaghettifying everything into individual particles, at which point rigidity ceases to be meaningful
aaaah, the demon summoning one
No, not like that I think
But I'm starting to think the 2d case might not be representative of the 3d case due to topology. In the 2d case if you have a long stick you can't pass either end next to two sides of the hole without getting the stick's middle passing through the hole. In 3d you can easily avoid the hole with a stick. Dance around it.
The cat circle metaphor is not a perfect match, because you wouldn't see reflected versions of yourself. Maybe your right shoulder would bump into your left shoulder, but your right shoulder won't bump into itself
"the 2d case isn't representative of the 3d case" sounds plausible. I must ponder this.
It might not change the overall outcome when you try to use the wormhole as an undersized wood chipper, but it probably affects my musing about a rubber band being pulled across the wormhole.
But it's also equally likely that a "spherical wormhole" is itself paradoxical.
I'm a little confused by that, myself. Wormholes in videogames such as Portal are effectively ovals, not spheres.
it's easier to reason about those, because the output is also a plane, so you can think of it as a window
But Wikipedia says that spherical wormholes are the least crazy shape, so :shrug:
But the exit might not be spherical... The kind of things that make me wary: if you start pushing your hand foot through the sphere, it will enter the sphere in a concave spherial shape. Like :)->-< (
But then if the output is also spherical you get a convex sphere source for your pieces: ) -< ??? Of course wormholes don't teleport, so this reasoning might be flawed too.
That's about what I was thinking of when I said it's hard to slide a square along a curved portion of space. At some point some of the angles will have to bend, or some of the sides will have to stretch. For the same reason that you can't draw a perfect 60-60-60 equilateral triangle on a sphere.
but it's a bit tricky because spacetime itself bends...
One thing we do know from observation is that a teeny little bit of bendy space doesn't hurt your hand, because Earth's gravity well is bending space a teeny little bit right now
The problem is I've dealt with mathematical objects where you have a sphere (a filled one, a ball) and each point on the surface of the sphere is identical to the point on the opposite side of the sphere. But I can't visualise 3d spheres corresponding to 3d spheres like that.
I think I know what you mean
If the wormhole ends were hollow shells, and the outside of end A led to the inside of end B, then your hand wouldn't get bent. But it wouldn't be a very cool experience, because there's no way to travel from the outside of end A to the outside of end B.
(The object in question represented rotations. Direction from the center of the sphere encodes the rotation axis, distance from the origin the angle of rotation. So if you take direction n and rotate by pi or you take direction -n and rotate by pi you get the same thing, so these represent the same transformation.)
@Kevin yup
"Here is a wormhole to Alpha Centauri. See, this cubic meter of empty space is technically from its solar system"
"Cool, can we see the star itself?"
"Nope, just the empty space"
Is there any way to look at git commits in a more functional sense (as in, the functionality of a file changed vs cosmetic differences)? I'm getting real bored of seeing commits with 100s of lines of changes, but actually it's just black smashing things up
I feel like such a thing should exist, and the universe delights in proving me wrong, so therefore such a thing probably does not exist
@roganjosh sounds like someone forgot to send their whole codebase through black as step 1 :P
Separately, this seems to be something that black did to a df, which is why I just ban it for my repos.
d["drive_time"] = (
            (d["activity"] == "end") & (d["ac_shift"] == "ReturnToDepot")
            | (d["activity"] == "deliverShipment")
            & (d["ac_shift"] == "ReturnToDepot")
    - d[
            (d["activity"] == "end") & (d["ac_shift"] == "ReturnToDepot")
            | (d["activity"] == "deliverShipment")
            & (d["ac_shift"] == "ReturnToDepot")
That's just not ok
yeah, there are really bad cases like that
It also butchers mathematical formulae since it doesn't understand underlying semantics. That's why it got a hard no on SciPy recently.
@roganjosh of course one could argue that this is a good sign that the masks should be pulled out into a new variable
especially since you're doing double work
d_filtered['arrival'] - d_filtered['shift'], right?
12.5% baked idea: separate repos for stylistic changes, vs changes that alter the byte code
I only just got round to doing a "review" (I wasn't added as a reviewer but it's a library I started and I "dropped in" on github to find that)
Sometimes I get a huge diff after running our formatter that uses black, and it's always the "Oh, I guess black just got updated" moment
I'm the unwelcome guest that'll start pinging people at 11pm + with "what on Earth is this about?" because I start wandering repos
@Kevin it might be more feasible to move black from a pre/post-commit hook into something applied manually when a PR is done. Sounds finnicky and fragile though.
I think it would work best if you designed a language with this kind of structure in mind. I'll add that to KevinScript 4.0's feature list.
You'd still write the bytecode part, so what good would the formatter do then?
Formatting code that nobody looks at?
It's the "dance while nobody's watching" compilation step, essential for a proper level of élan vital
On a scale of 1 to 10, how horrible is it to write a base class that automagically creates a suitable __init__ function for its child classes based on their type annotations?
On one hand, I'm aware that invisible magic like that is a surefire way to make your code unreadable. On the other hand, why isn't everybody using this kind of thing yet?!
Uuuuh what does "for its child classes based on their type annotations" mean?
Basically it works like @dataclass, but instead of writing @dataclass you just inherit from MyBaseClass
Annotations of class attributes, then?
10/10 weird, I can't assess its horribleness
Well, no. Class attributes are annotated with ClassVar. But yes in the sense that the annotations are in the class body
Yeah, that's what I meant.
If-it-werent-for-your-base-class class attributes. I guess this makes it even weirder.
It would definitely trip me up, but the question is if it would trip up someone
1. who uses dataclasses, and/or
2. knows about your library before seeing code that inherits from it.
Would it make sense to call your base class a mixin? Maybe it's just me but I'd be more wary of magic when I'm aware that something is a mixin class.
Even though my usual notion of a mixin involves extending existing functionality rather than being the very basis for it
Yeah, calling it a mixin doesn't sound quite right. Although I'm not entirely sure what a mixin really is
I guess I have to live with the boilerplate of a @dataclass attached to every single class in my project
I just found out that attrs supports type annotations. Was happy until I discovered that it creates __slots__ per default
Where should an exception be handled? The first place the function is written or the function (__main__ for example) that consumes it?
That depends entirely on how you want your program to work
Ideally, you'd probably want to handle it at the lowest level of work that you could. But I'd be lying if I said I don't sometimes wrap massive blocks of my code in a try/except in some loop iterating something
Oh yeah, I completely get that. lol
What I want to come to terms with is this: Is there any situation wherein a function stub, I do something like

except ValueError as e:
raise e
We have a formatting guide which will help, and save you pinging me repeatedly with edits :P
4 pings now. I'm finally popular!
@roganjosh Sorry about that.
There's no reason I know of that you would do exactly that, but of course you've caught the exception and then raise it anyway. Anything could happen in between; maybe you dump all the program state to a file before raising?
I'm not saying that dumping program state to a file is the right thing to do. Just that it's something you might need to do based on your actual application
I actually don't need to do that. I was just wondering what the uses cases may be to write a barebone function that I know may raise an exception but leave it to the calling function to try..except it. It is a web application, by the way.
Sounds like under no "reasonable" condition should you re-raise the same exception.
Unless you wanted to actually do something in the intervening time before you actually raise it, I don't see the point. But I'm happy to be corrected
@roganjosh Makes sense.
cbg @Code-Apprentic
@hello that's not an entirely accurate model. More accurate would be that under no reasonable condition should you catch and re-raise an exception without doing anything worthwhile.
"worthwhile" being highly dependent on whatever the heck your own needs are
except ValueError as e:
    print('lol I caught a ValueError, sweet!')
That could be worthwhile to you. I mean, it's not to me but
@hello If a function knows exactly how to deal with an exception, it should do so. Otherwise, it should let the exception bubble up, until it hits a layer that does know how to handle it. If no layer knows, then let it bubble up to the user, preferably in the form of a nicely presented error message &/or log entry, not as a raw traceback.
Jul 17 '15 at 12:55, by PM 2Ring
In accordance with the ancient programmer proverb: Never test for an error condition that you don't know how to handle.
2015, that is ancient (:
My very favorite thing to do is make programs like this
class MyProgramError(Exception): pass
# other errors go here

if __name__ == "__main__":
    except MyProgramError as e:
        print("Well, we failed to account for an error condition that we created. That's totally our fault.", e)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Well *that* was surprising. We had an error we did not expect:", e)
you can put better logging & reporting in the except blocks
Or, always write error messages tired
That's my secret, Cap
Just don't write "You should rethink your life choices" as an error message...I had a developer on my team do that once in an Android app. The message would only appear for users that had particular Samsung devices.
@Code-Apprentice Well, if you're using computers you probably should ;)
Needless to say, my boss was upset when a customer called in when he hit that error message.
teaching sand to think was a mistake
@Code-Apprentice oooof
on a side note, the error would occur when pairing or connecting to a bluetooth device...
Just out of curiosity; was the error something you'd only likely to hit if you started messing with frontend?
Heh, 1 step ahead of me
@Code-Apprentice I mean... were they wrong though?
and I guess Samsung devices bluetooth stack is notorious to work with
@WayneWerner about which part?
(though, they probably were also projecting about their own life choices)
using bluetooth devices, period :P
@roganjosh the error would come up when a problem occurred while pairing a bluetooth device on samsung
@WayneWerner yah, bluetooth implementations aren't great on Android from what I understand. And on top of that we had a proprietary device that was used with the app.
and we had constant issues with the firmware on that device
I'm guessing the dev really wanted to try cover the case when someone was meddling and they missed a false positive use case
If their message was intended for a hacker, I guess it's not so bad. At the same time, awful when it leaks into the product's general features :/
there was an interesting story, I think back from when SO allowed fun, about test cases
there was a POS terminal they were working on, and the main boss was known for being a very rigorous tester
every single possible scenario went off without a hitch
and then I think the dude tried to put in $-99999.99 as the cost of an item
> I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
or something to that effect, whatever the name of the head honcho was was put in there
lol, nice
I'll have to remember that for a future error message.
Oh! Actually I think it was "Nice try"... but heck if I can find that story again lol

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