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Can we run python based .exe file as a windows service because i tried using sc start <service name> i got this error :[SC] StartService FAILED 1053:

The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
I am using python 3.8 and windows 10
2 hours later…
Gosh. Whoever came up with virtual, proportional set, resident set, and all the other memory families – that must have been some gooood stuff they had.
This-is-going-to-be-a-painful-day-cbg, by the way.
hey guys dbg
1 hour later…
What do you think of logging calls like these: xkcd.com/2200 I just had to make two of those and I kinda think it's better to at least warn about a mess, than to silently fail, right?
i have a couple of those
log.error("If you see this message, something went completely wrong") helps me a lot when sifting through error logs
yep, useful to have, i think i've written a couple like that too
absolutely saved my butt too one time.
i suppose the trick, as always, is to not overdo it
I usually let things crash an burn with an error message, but it's the same idea.
1 hour later…
Found this on tech headlines tiobe.com/tiobe-index
python #1!
Ok I just learned that you can not exchange random files in the /var/lib/mysql folder. I thought I can just copy paste a file to that folder and open it
what happens when you try to? curious.
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
I can't restart the service and once I could the table I wanted to replace tells me something about missing spaces
I really wonder why. Because I copied a file from another system with the same mysql version/os version and changed the permissions from root to mysql/mysql. I couldn't see a difference. But it totally bricks mysql somehow
even after putting back the old file it keeps crashed
Hello, everyone!
Anybody knows about promnesia package of python?
Well, you do, apparently.
I want to know how to use promnesia.
How? Which part of it? What for? Are you aware that it has 3 components, one of which is a browser extension?
I want to use it to get browser history.
I don't think it can help you with that, to be honest. But that's just the impression I got from looking at its README for 2 minutes
@Aran-Fey. Do you know how to get browser history using python?
I need more gears. This toy construction kit only has three, which seems low considering I have 50 of every other piece. My creativity is being stifled.
In other words, your lack of gears is grinding your gears?
Granted, I have no plans for any design requiring three gears, so I'm not being stifled in any practical sense. But there's this sense of foreboding, you see.
My gears are grinded and my jimmies are rustled. Come to think of it, this kit has zero rustlers. Real oversight to leave out the seventh (and arguably most important) simple machine
I'll never frobnicate a widget or reticulate a spline at this rate
I had hoped that I could hop online and order a big refill kit wholesale from the manufacturer. I was able to do that with LEGO a couple years ago. I got, like, a liter of 2x4 bricks for 20 bucks. But I'm having less luck with the Knex brand.
I can buy individual parts off the secondary market, but one gear is like $1.50. I don't think I can justify the price of owning 50 gears just to lift my sense of foreboding.
Which leads me to two questions. First, how hard is it to do injection molding in the comfort of one's home? Second, is it piracy to manufacture a gear with the same diameter and number of teeth as a copyrighted Knex brand gear?
Even if I create a gear using clean-room design, freeing me from accusations of intellectual property infringement, I wonder if I'm violating some kind of nondigital DRM by having it be compatible with Knex brand gears and axles.
Like how Nintendo sued people for making cartridges that ran on the NES
@Kevin lol
@Kevin did they win? It's my hardware I do what I want with it. Also Nintendo is evil when it's about these things, like I was quite involved in the Melee community and they were notorious for trying to shut down community tournaments
Also I completely botched my mysql everything. I tried to purge everything and reinstall, it just mad it worse :( I don't even have an error log anymore, I don't even have an error log folder...
Which is incidentally where every guide tells me to check when I have problems with my mysql...
I know that Galoob V Nintendo was ruled in favor of Galoob, which let them continue making Game Genies. It was a cheat device inserted between the NES and cartridge, which could overwrite values in memory to give you e.g. infinite lives in Mario. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/….
Right, that's what I remember too
Perhaps not quite the same as making a regular cartridge containing Super Plumber Siblings (original character do not steal)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockout_chip implies that Nintendo could sue the distributors of Super Plumber Siblings for circumventing their lockout technology, but the "Lexmark Int'l v. Static Control Components" link at the bottom shows that this isn't a slam-dunk case for Nintendo
Of course it is entirely within the long-standing M.O. of Nintendo to intimidate creators with the mere threat of a lawsuit, even if both sides know the claim has no merit
The Ol' "I can pay my lawyers for longer than you can" gambit
@Kevin Which makes me wonder if training an NLP model on attack lawyer texts can be an easy way to build an AI Scam lawyer, which just burns resources of the defense, because they have to read the spam arguments, because they might be relevant :D
Any idea how I can locate my mysql error logs? I doesn't start and I have 0 indication why and I can't even locate the logs
Reminds me of how companies will send out hundreds of DMCA notices using a bot. In principle, an actual human can be held liable for every claim proven to be spurious. but maybe this is more difficult if no living creature has ever set eyes upon the claim except the victim. [big citation needed for the many half-remembered facts here]
@Hakaishin I have no practical advice, but I too have botched a DB so badly that not even reinstalling could fix it. So you have my most sincere sympathy.
@Kevin haha I thought I'd be the only one stupid enough. Welp this purge/install commands worked :) askubuntu.com/questions/643251/…
I'm really glad they did I was close to reinstalling the OS, which was very low on my list of things to do today
Eventually I "solved" the problem by leaving the botched Oracle install where it was, and installing a second instance with a distinct name. This broke about a dozen projects that all used the hardcoded name of the first DB, but zapping those bugs over the course of a year or so was absolutely preferable to thinking about Oracle for one more second
late morning cabbages, folks
btw is the hangout today?
I reckon so
at what time? I have a housewarming party from 7-10, but I'd love to see some faces together with the familiar names :)
ah 6pm utc, let's see if I can make it
the my in mysql was taken by the creator because his daughter was named my. That's a real fact and not made up :D
Just copying the .frm and .ibd files from one location to another is asking for trouble. Lol I wish I found this post 2 hours earlier: dba.stackexchange.com/questions/16875/…
@wim I got my swag email today :D now the next problem is that since the only swag that would generally be visible is the damn t-shirt I really don't know what size I am in their t-shirt sizing
heyo! I hit 100k!
@inspectorG4dget congrats. Expect your swag mail in 2023
oh cool! that'll give me enough time to lose some weight to fit in that tshirt
I am wondering how seriously large the XXL is lol.
@Hakaishin That would be cool. I appreciate that the timing might not not be ideal (it's obviously tough to get something that suits a broad range of active time; Steve and I have met a few times over lockdown so it was the timing that suited us best. There's no schedule for them though, so I'm happy if others want to put something in that better-suits their timezones on another occasion
Although, you're a lot closer in time than our American friends :)
lol I am going to order XXL at least I can put it on. Probably looks like a tent then.
@roganjosh Nono time is fine, but I already saw a few weeks ago that these two events would collide. No worries, I might drop in for a bit otherwise the next time
Oh, did you inform me? Could well have done and just missed it - apologies if that's the case. I just picked something arbitrarily in the middle (trying to get something that might be ~lunch time in US and still not crazy late for India) to kick it around from there
(I appreciate that's not spanning the whole range of room visitors but it's a wide net)
@roganjosh Nono all good, our date wasn't really fixed yet and I thought any event might still switch around, in the end they both stayed as planned :P Bad planning on my part to assume things would get moved, but it's totally fine
1 hour later…
Man it is really hard to bisect an angle with these
Provably impossible, in fact, if I restrict myself to combinations of rods and connectors that lie flat on the table. I need at least one axle parallel to the Z axis if I want any angle other than K*45 degrees
PSA: DuetDisplay lets you turn any iOS/Android tablet into another display for your mac/PC. Sadly, no linux support yet (but Wine?), AFAICT. The android app is $10 - totally worth it. I don't even notice a lag. Much recommended if anyone's looking for such a solution (nobody paid me to say this)
ok update: I notice the lag on the tablet, but not on the native device. What this means is that I can use the tablet as an external display/demo screen (so I have htop running on it), but not as something that I'd want to mouse/interact with regularly. Also, touch input works on the tablet
Hmm interesting
so now, I've moved my sochat onto the tablet. The typing lag is ever so slightly noticeable - enough to throw me off ("did I strike that key?"). But this is definitely useful for displaying a debug stack, etc. I wonder if I can get the webcam to work
also, sidebar: super appreciate room6 for being a place where I can share personal, cool new tech news
@inspectorG4dget can the extended display be established offline locally, (i.e) without any need to connect to an upstream server ?
using the app ofc
> Duet uses 256-bit encryption and works entirely locally, keeping your display data safe.
@Kevin what about account authentication on starting up
shrug. I have access to the same information you do
I believe the "upstream server" is my localhost right now. I did not sign up for an account. From what I can tell, an account is required for a wireless (i.e. over wifi) connection. I did not sign up for an account and I have a wired connection. I just took my computer and tablet offline (disconnected from wifi) to test and they both still worked as expected
FWIW, when duet turns your tablet into a screen, the tablet still functions as an android device over whatever wifi connection (it still receives emails, etc). However, that wifi connection is not shared to localhost (unless you do some android tethering stuff)
So when can I get into this yamming call, then? Naturally, it worked perfectly in rehearsal ...
It's 5pm UTC currently
Are we still on BST? Surely not ...
Bless me, I may have a conflict. Oh no!
Argh, I've just put some dinner on too so I can't jump on early :/
I need to admit people to the room. If you want me to start it early, I can set the room going and let others jump in, but I'll have to be on mute and no camera as I'm cooking for several people
I'll set it off in a sec as @Hakaishin was also pushed for time. 2 mins
No worries. Let it go. I'll pretend to be in the other meeting ... :)
Assuming two apps can use my camera at once ...
Err, now it's telling me I have to wait for someone to let me join my own room
Well, as it should, since I was on my work account. The room is running for anyone wanting to join early. You might just have to give me a few secs to add you when I here the ping
oh man! I wish I could hang out with you fine folk. Sadly, I have to figure out some stuff at work now that other people have entered the office
Well I'm in, and happy to chat with anyone who turns up.
I'm doing Bisection steps with the following definition:

'def bisection_step(f, bounds):
lower, upper = bounds # "Unpack" the tuple so that we can manipulate the lower and upper bound separately
middle = (lower + upper)/2 # Calculate the midpoint

if (f(lower)*f(middle)>0):
lower = middle
return (lower, middle)
upper = middle
return (upper, middle)

def f(x):
return x**2 - 4
x = bisection_step(f, bounds)
bounds= 0,5'

How do I add the different bounds?
If the question is "how do I call a function multiple times with different arguments?", then the simplest way is to just call it several times a row on consecutive lines
I'm not sure why the formatting isn't coming properly - sorry!
I'm getting errors saying "bounds are not specified"
print(bisection_step(f, (0, 10)))
print(bisection_step(f, (-5, 60)))
print(bisection_step(f, (0, 999)))
I'm trying to call the function for x**2 - 4 essentially with 3 arguments however this definition only takes 2 so I'm confused on how to specify the bounds. If that makes sense
"bounds are not specified" is not a built-in Python exception, so it's either coming from elsewhere in your code, or perhaps in the testing framework you're submitting your code to.
@Kevin Omg that works, thank you. I didn't know how to write 3 arguments when only two were specified but the bounds as tuple works!
Thank you so much!
I'm glad things worked out :-)
Is the error really "bounds are not specified" or is it "NameError: Name 'bounds' is not defined"?
Actually, don't answer that. But if it's the latter, then you really need to work on your question asking skills.
IMO, one of the most important skills a programmer can cultivate is "composing a good question"
too true... the number of times I've written a SO question that ended up solving my problem just by being a rubber ducky
@AnttiHaapala nice
In other news, I hate chestnuts. I spent 15 minutes peeling these little yams (or rather, trying to), and got to eat like maybe 2 and a half of them because the rest were burnt, mouldy, or simply impossible to peel
@inspectorG4dget nice
@Aran-Fey 15 mins more practice and you'll conker it
I had to look it up, but nice pun
He was obviously feeling a bit horse ...
2 hours later…
@python_user Ohh thanks for the ping, make more sense now :D
I'm super late, but is somebody around in the hangout? :D
I guess not, maybe another time :)
ahh, we missed you
this is quite bizarre, what did user2357112 do to deserve 13 downvotes here!
@wim One upset customer of mine got one of my later questions into the negative. Every time a new upset customer wants to register their annoyance, they pick the already-negative question, so I just leave it as a sacrificial lamb.
Although 2357112 is less abrasive than me, they have a lot more coverage. I've noticed that particular thread in the past, and that's my working theory
@roganjosh Baffles my mind that people like this are allowed to vote. Not just on the internet, but in real elections as well.
Other forms of media basically compel them to vote (FB/Instagram), so it'll naturally bleed into SO. This is the new era :/
Also, downvoting my answers would be expensive to internet points, right? But voting on questions is free, and if you get the negative votes high (low?) enough then you can try to discredit the person. "Look how stupid they were when they asked this"
People with a mindset like that should be sent back to kindergarten
interesting. would think I'd have ticked off way more users than user2357112 has, but never needed a sacrificial lamb. I don't have a better theory though.
You have random downvotes on your questions, though?
If the only way to register your distaste in someone is to knock a question down from, say, 10 upvotes to 9. Well, that's not much damage. Going from -1 to -2 seems much more impactful to Joe Bloggs, I'd posit. It's unlucky if someone can snag you where you can push them into the negative, then others will pile on
Or, y'know, Meta. I'm glad I've stopped visiting that place, but it can do damage for ... reasons...

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