I went & found it anyway. I wish I hadn't... But I guess it's a change from looking at homework dumps on Physics that consist of a crummy phone photo of a text book page, pasted in sideways.
@RoadRunner-MSFT Half the time they don't even bother to make sure the page is flat. :) OTOH, Physics has a very strict homework policy, so we can generally close those questions.
@MisterMiyagi (the reason for pinging you specifically: How to submit solution on exercism?[Yes, I can google it, I did that, it didn't helped]). I am using linux(mint).
@PM2Ring The sad part is there are still people who think homework questions are okay on Physics (overflow or SE)
or rather see "homework questions are okay but .... " and completely ignore the but ...
@RoadRunner-MSFT There are things you can do using webcams & remote desktops but all can be bypassed (I just changed a solid chunk of my questions to open-ended ones which are harder to cheat and made it harder - also did a few bot sweeps to make sure my questions weren't super "Google-able")
@ChrisP with your track record you are required to come with an MCVE when you ask for help. Have the shortest amount of code necessary to reproduce your issue, with a clear problem statement and question.
I feel like it was suppose to be a pointer to the solution (using //) but agree the wording is a bit weird
#1 question from students (even though all my examples use decimal) for my Rule-based analysis assignment: How come my confidence percentage will not match yours & I keep getting inf?
It's the course where they can use Python, Java, or Scala as they choose (they can also use C# or R but C# would be difficult and nobody has wanted to use R yet)
All 3 of the first options have a Decimal class of some sort (built-in or standard library - its called BigDecimal in Java & Scala but same concept)
yep, somebody somewhere rolled their own Decimal class with Python (I honestly don't look for it because I'd rather call out a student early then have them get bitten by that - just copy & pasting stuff without understanding it - later on)
its a functional nightmare thing (chaining from list to map to str to ... ugh)