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Guys, I am Scraping multiple web pages which gives the same results as the first page in Python selenium. What would be the reason?
3 hours later…
@Jason You're not updating the URL
Am I imagining things or did the main UI change? Quotes beginning with > look different
yes, the quotes did change
been like that for about a week
I liked it more the way it was
yeah me too
it had a yellow background IIRC, which visually distinguished it from non-quote
now looks too similar to rest of post, want the bg color back.
i agree.. i liked using the box quot for aside topics in answers
nicely distinguished it from the rest of the text
I wouldn't want to get sick in italy
morning cbg o/
@wim Yes. See meta.stackexchange.com/q/343919/334566 & meta.stackoverflow.com/q/394507/4014959 Several people have complained that it makes quote blocks less visible.
@Todd Quote blocks should contain quotes. It's confusing if they contain text by the post author. Some people use quotes for error messages, but I guess that's ok because they're essentially quoting the interpreter or compiler.
re Coronavirus, a very good article, takes a statistical approach
In my one of the blog on Creating pojo classes in Python, I got one respond which says "There is no such thing as a compile-time error in Python — Python doesn’t compile in the natural sense. This would be a standard runtime error."
Can somebody explain this to me?
Of course in the context of the program for which I wrote compile time error, he is right. It should be runtime error
compile time implies that the interpreter knows aprior that the object you're passing isn't going to be work for what you're passing it to...
And Python don't do that?
it can't as duck typing wouldn't really work then
Yeah true that
there's libraries/IDEs out there can analyse code given type hints and annotations and all that and make guesses... but ultimately... objects at run time can act like any type even if they're not strictly that type or a descendent etc... or even change their types/attributes/methods at run time
so you're saying that duck typing isn't all that it's quacked up to be?
Heck, you can even create new types at run time...
@TheLittleNaruto on a side note... looking at your post - I would suggest looking at: marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/stable
by the way, there are some compilers for python code
@JonClements :)
@JonClements Thanks checking that
@TheLittleNaruto also - depending on the use case... it might be worth pointing out (apologies if you knew this already) that if you did def concat(a, b, **kwargs)... then you can make it so that a and b have to be passed, but if extra is supplied - they're just ignored...
Yeah I am aware of that.
I'll add, thanks for the input
But definitely check out marshmallow - it implements type checking, common and custom vaidators and nested objects etc...
@TheLittleNaruto in fact it seems the quickstart is kind of full of two field examples similar to your post showing how schemas, validation, loading/dumping works
@JonClements It's almost same :O
@TheLittleNaruto certainly missing a village though :p
But I took help of guys from this room when writing this blog. I never knew about marshmallow
Yeah ^^
To be fair... I'm still discovering libraries I wish I'd have known of... there's so many out there these days it's easy to miss them and partially re-invent the wheel sometimes
anyone that can get ip address from onion url using python?
@JonClements Also check my website :D
It's there on my SO profile page. I have written couple of blogs on other things(!Python)
@TheLittleNaruto Not Python... I'm not sure :)
That's fine :)
@Jincowboy we generally ask you wait 48 hours before posting questions in chat - you've asked that very recently... Having had a quick look at the Q though - you need to add what output you're expecting and what it is you're actually getting so people could actually help you
Thanks for your reply@JonClements
But it is very urgent for me
I hope you check it and help me
To be frank - it's urgent for you - but do note that everyone is a volunteer that chooses to answer (or not) based on the time they have in their lives... so you have to be patient... the US is asleep, Europe is just waking up, so you might just have to be patient until someone sees it/can answer it
In the mean time - do make edits to that question describing what you expect and what you're getting as people are going to ask that anyway
@JonClements You forgot to mention Asia.
Who is already awake
And Australia mostly is as well... was just pointing out that half the world (as in the geographic that uses the SE network) is asleep right now :)
don't say like that to @JonClements
@JonClements is giving me good advice now
@TheLittleNaruto I am but the question is above my level :(
@superv Too bad :(
@TheLittleNaruto Hopefully with hard work I can get there soon :)
@Zeta.Investigator On Windows, it depends if you're installing Python as Admin or User. Generally it's almost always better to install as User, and then you can pick an install dir like C:\PYTHON38 rather than a directory "C:\Program Files\Python\x.y.z\", which has access control enforced on it, e.g. every time you install a package. (A few packages are better installed as Admin, and cause grief)
Obviously if you want Windows 8.3-compliant directory names, you can name it C:\PYTHON38 but not C:\PYTHON381, C:\PYTHON382... .
And if you use "C:\Program Files\Python\x.y.z\", then make sure to surround it with quotes in every DOS PATH, install setting, batch script, Windows alias, DOS/Windows environment variable etc. etc. Otherwise the space in Program Files causes grief.
And of course if you have multiple users who might want to use different or incompatible Python versions or package versions, better to install as User not Admin.
@Jincowboy: if it's urgent then please read the SO guidelines and post an executable code example (MCVE) in the question so people can reproduce it. And instead of saying something like "I am not getting correct thing, this is error also", post the exact text of the error in your question (or show the wrong output). And please read How do I ask a good question?, then edit your question to follow the guidelines, more likely to get answers then.
@Todd you may have not noticed but @Jincowboy just carried on asking about the problem that Jon told him not to, which is why I kicked them. Please don't help them here.
why someone would "very urgently" want to scrape TOR websites is beyond me
i just saw that he was asking something earlier and not being clear before you said taht
yeah, you don't have to notice, that's why I pinged you
@Jincowboy if you ask for help here (for something else, when you're not explicitly told not to) you'll also have to first convince me that you have the fundamental knowledge of python to be helped here. Until that happens please spend your urgent time reading a few tutorials.
okay @AndrasDeak
Thank you for understanding.
think I"m going to go run by the rotating knives to bed
rhubarb, Todd
oh.. so it's cabbage when you come in and rhubarb when you go?
alright.. rhubarb
but it's all optional of course
Oh noes friday 13th :P
@Andras yeah... luckily I've employed Jason for the day in case Freddy turns up :)
oh noes... think I've mixed the films up and don't think Jason even won... oh boy - what a waste of money :)
/me gets more coffee
@JonClements have a look dear — shubha namaew 47 secs ago
ahhh... haven't had that in a while... bless 'em - good they've finally shown their attempt though... looks like they might be receptive to further input
Hello guys, I wonder what is urllib3? How is it different from the official urllib library in python3.x?
@Rick have you looked at its homepage? urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest
Yes.. I read that homepage
It's not documented in the offcial python website so I think urllib3 is a third-party package.
> urllib3 brings many critical features that are missing from the Python standard libraries:
it is a 3rd party library yes... but that wasn't what you asked :)
So these features are what they add and achieve
basically, it's more sane... urllib for making requests and dealing with what should be easy things can just be a right PITA
The very popular requests library wraps urllib3 to make it even more sane and convenient
Ok I see. Ya, definitely I know requests
I was mistakenly thinking that urllib3 was an official module, since the name.. you know urllib3
Thanks bro~
I think it was named because Python 2 had urllib and then later urllib2 (so the next one up was urllib3) to try and make it more sane... then Python 3 basically removed urllib and replaced it with a restructured urllib2
@Rick if you want a headache... have a look at the boilerplate and work you have to do to even send simple requests with docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.request.html :p
no no no. Definitely I would use requests. I just want to know a little bit history
And they shouldn't name a third-party library like an official one. :)
there's only so many meaningful names I guess :)
@Rick, you can send requests with it over tor net
I am reading about celery. When might it be the idea time to use it?
@superv well what are you reading about it?
(when there's a nice bit of hummus that needs dipping in to? :p)
@AndrasDeak I was reading a tutorial about sending pdf to email and it was mentioned briefly
@superv and did you then do a search and maybe look at its homepage? celeryproject.org
I am reading more about it now and thinking to myself, when can I say maybe celery will be idea for this feature, hence the question. Most documentation I have read so far do assume you already know why you need the package
@superv Have you considered finding a use-case first, then the solution?
@superv If you understand what it does, then the reason you'd want to use it is when you want to use what it does... I'm still unsure what you're asking...
@AndrasDeak the photo is 7 MB so I have no idea if it'll be giant from mobile
Oh, it flat-out failed to upload :/
@MisterMiyagi I just finished reading a use-case. I understand what it does now. @JonClements As I do understand what it does now, I guess the time to use it will come from experience. I may be wrong tho. The use-case I just considered created a random user and use celery to delay the request until all the task has been excuted before responding to the user.
@roganjosh you know how to find me :P
It's here. I guess SO has a size limit on uploads
Yeah, 2 or 5MB
But I'm slightly distressed at the mention of celery. I dont have seeds/bulbs for that!
Time for another trip
Well, I now have a loyalty card and I still have my 2 free cups of tea for the month at the garden centre that need to be used, so this could happen :P
@roganjosh Sorry about that. If I 4get what you mean, I feel like that all-time when the pros talk.
This doesn't have anything to do with programming. I just saw "celery" and realised that I need to be growing that too :P
That was in response to "I feel slightly distressed about .."
oh! You meant gardening?
Yeah, follow the link back that I replied to for Andras. We were talking about it yesterday. Also, I'm trying to give some conversation that isn't just a debugging fest based on the collective discussion yesterday
I got that now. How is the rain this morning?
@roganjosh sadly... depending how large the gathering is... "debugfest" might have to be cancelled :)
@superv not happening, thankfully. I've just been in the shower cos I guess I miss it
@JonClements oh shucks. I was looking forward to that too!
Who shared the link to casually explained? The guy is so funny :)
@AndrasDeak Ah, didn't know they had been. Dang, didn't even notice their post was not on SO, it was on Tor.SE (beta)
@smci it's alright to give meta-help
It's just that most people can't stop at meta
@AndrasDeak Uhu but I should have noticed it wasn't on SE
Can anyone help me with this request from Tuesday? I should have phrased more explicitly as a request:
@superv Paritosh
Mar 10 at 9:49, by smci
I was unable to find answers under the keywords [python] convert minutes seconds to float or [python] convert mm:ss to float. But tons for the reverse. And as for [python] convert time to float, there are surprisingly few of those, and many of them start from datetimes, not a string 'mm:ss'
So: are there any good Q&A for [python] convert minutes seconds to float` or [python] convert mm:ss to float? (and with optional 'hh:', and trailing 'am/AM/pm/PM' meridian). Or deg°mm'ss'' input format?
What'd that float actually mean at the end?
@JonClements Minutes (as a float). (Or hours, if the input was hh:mm:ss. Or degrees, if the input was deg°mm'ss'').
There may be some Q&A out there, but if so, they are resistant to search.
umm.... so the float meaning can change depending on the units of the input... that's confusing
wouldn't that mean 2:00:00 and 120:00 and 2:00 will all give 2 ? (although the first two are the same)
@JonClements It doesn't matter, it's all the same thing: converting input stream into a float. Where each successive subfield is weighted at 1/60th of the previous.
Yeah... just saying Minutes (as a float). (Or hours, if the input was hh:mm:ss ... that to me reads that 2:00:00 and 2:00 will both be 2 which is confusing
Hahaha... nice little meme going around the moment... I guess if I can't buy loo rolls anywhere I'm going to have to learn how to use the three seashells :p
@JonClements Yes I get your point, if they don't specify units; the user is responsible for figuring out what the float represents. (But if the input format was XX:YY mins or XXhYYmZZs or YYminZZsec(s)then it's unambiguous.) Anyway my point here is just a simple snippet to parse the separators/units and extract the numbers/tuple and do the arithmetic. And hopefully not generate spurious decimal places. Maybe do rounding, optionally.
@JonClements (That's always generically true of any timestamp, UNIX command elapsed time output, log entry, angle or lat-long coords).
well, not really, since they have defined epoch/anchor/base points...
ping ping ping :)
@JonClements did you see the article on the BBC from the loo roll factory? I never knew, but they come from a giant loo roll - a Mother Roll - that can make 10k actual rolls. Battery farming, I say. Poor Mother Rolls
@JonClements I mean the sort of timestamp written to stdout/stderr by say grep/awk/ls/du/etc. or a user command. Not a fully-formed UNIX datetime.
@roganjosh I did notice that - yeah... I liked the picture... I was thinking that'd be great for the GFB or something...
ping ping pings again :p
@roganjosh Anagram of 'carp'.
No, it's more 'closely' related to your toilet-roll meme.
@roganjosh oh you silly - how did you miss that one! :p
@JonClements guess sarcasm got the better of me :P
Which reminds me, did everyone notice back in the day that the company name 'Agilent' had an obscene anagram...
What's wrong with gelatin? :p
How about a company-name-generator that generates you one within a Levenshtein distance of n from 1+ naughty words?
if im not mistaken, isn't anagrams for rearranged letters? those wouldn't be anagrams
if we are thinking back in the day, a joke about the holding up of a tickle-me elmo factory by a nice old lady not knowing exactly what to test?
The mention of Agilent has flung me back to my lab days. I can hear the sound of the HPLC in the same way you'll recall the dial-up internet sound
those dial-up sounds wouldn't leave my head
@PM2Ring Perhaps but I said I wanted it to return a float, not a datetime.
@ParitoshSingh Yes you're right. But you get my general idea.
33.6 kilobaud modem was all the rage
@smci aye. i will admit though, i have no idea what word you're thinking of that's close to agilent, and it's been bugging me :P
@smci I have the perfect story about my aunt and her company name that she got from google translate but I can't deliver the punch line here :'(
@smci FCUK proves you can get away with that :p
@metatoaster 33.6K? When I were a lad, had to content self with 14.4K, could run lap of building before interlaced GIF had finished loading... tell that to young people of today...
@ParitoshSingh Oh nuts.
I was waiting for that line basically telling me to get off the lawn
of course someone might chime in with their acoustic coupler, but I digress...
@metatoaster Acoustic coupler?! In the real old days, 'directory transfer' meant sending a cassette by courier/van and using 'tar' to extract from it...
@smci My answer to that question returns seconds as an int, which is easy enough to modify. I suppose it'd be nice if the stdlib provided functions for this stuff, but it is pretty basic & I'd expect anyone with more than a couple of weeks coding experience to be able to write such code when they need it.
the true broadband - a bandwagon full of cassettes
@PM2Ring Hmm. One customizable to detect all units/formats; yours is hardwired to expect ':'; I think it's better to separate the format parsing/strptime/regex part, to pass a tuple intermediate expression, and then the computation of the tuple to get a float. And outputting a float maybe requires rounding, or at least avoids spurious extra decimal places. (How do people usually handle this when they convert from units weighing 1/60th, to a float?)
(All common units/formats, at least. Not silly stuff)
@metatoaster Bandwagon, you had? Luxury! We had t'use cart with three-legged donkey. Wasn't even our donkey either, had to return him to coalmine before dawn.
good times
@metatoaster while young_people_of_today.unappreciative(): spin_bigger_yarn()
@smci Yes, it's just a simple example, but that's all that the OP needed. Why bother making it fancy when a couple of lines do the job, and are easy to read?
@smci still strikes me that 1) you can't really have an all in one that handles all the cases you mention and 2) it's fairly context dependent and ambiguous... so I don't think there is a "generic" way of doing it
@PM2Ring I'm thinking it can still be kept to 10-20 lines, we just have a function interface that allows customizing the units or delimiters for each field. By passing in either a strptime format string, a regex, or a list of expected delimiter(s) at each level.
@JonClements I suppose it's a tradeoff between how many formats we could handle, and unnecessary generalization. Whenever I next need to code it up I'll see how it goes.
True, sometimes you do need something that can handle various separators, and stuff like days & milliseconds. And you may want to validate fields, so that eg the number of minutes is in range(60). And you may want to perform the reverse conversion. In which case, you find (or write) a library that does that stuff.
On a side note: pandas.Timedelta takes quite a flexible range of inputs
for dt in ['3:1:15', '2 days 4 hours 6 seconds', '546:78:12']:
    print(dt, '->', pd.Timedelta(dt))

3:1:15 -> 0 days 03:01:15
2 days 4 hours 6 seconds -> 2 days 04:00:06
546:78:12 -> 22 days 19:18:12
@PM2Ring Also, latlong parsing from deg°mm'ss'' [EW]? deg°mm'ss'' [NS] input format, to tuple of float. And sometimes the order is longlat.
But a lot of the time, you just need code that converts to or from hh:mm:ss, and I'd rather have a simple readable function that does that in a couple of lines, rather than installing & importing a 3rd party library...
I don't see how that belongs in the same function
@JonClements Neat, thanks for reminding me. There could also be advantages to the output being pd.TimeDeltarather than float. As long as we don't get spurious decimal places/loss of precision when we convert to float, or print.
@JonClements It could be the same function, just with a different format-string/regex frontend.
In my own code, I like to separate the string parsing from the arithmetic. So I have a couple of functions that convert to or from tuples of (hours, minutes, seconds) or (degrees, minutes, seconds).
Conceptually to me the type of objects that HHMMSS and DMS will return are similar in a way but going to be used for different things... I'd not try and force them into a one size fits all approach (even if some stuff will be common to both - like parsing bits)
@PM2Ring Yes this is something yukky in most languages or companies, people always write their own crufty things, then they break when they see e.g. times > 60 secs, or negative lat/long, etc. etc. I suppose this is inescapable. I looked at Python unit libraries last year a bit. There's also unit conversion in TB/GB/MB/KB/bytes, and internationalization considerations, and whether 'K' signifies 2**10 or 10**3. Oh and the decimal separator and thousands prefix vary by internationalization.
pesky humans and their ill-defined conventions... gotta feel sorry for the computers :)
@JonClements like the German output format of du -s/ ls -sh
By the way, do any of you ever have need to use decimal.Decimal? or write your own custom subclass of number?
Decimal is nice. subclass of number, no never had to do that
@smci have used Decimal but only really as a side effect of using databases which have currency fields and the DB API adaptor translates those to Decimal
@smci fractions.Fraction a few times when float precision got weird. Never needed Decimal.
@smci Yes, if you try to write your own time conversion code it's easy to muck it up.
But please use the date conversion algorithms in the standard modules. It can be an interesting learning exercise to write your own, but it's not wise to use such code in a "real" program - it's too easy to get something slightly wrong, and then you have to live with your mistakes. Eg, Excel has "inherited" a buggy leap year algorithm to maintain compatibility with Lotus 1-2-3. — PM 2Ring Mar 4 '16 at 13:38
once made an integer type that represented the count of locks on a parallel file system.
@ParitoshSingh IME Decimal feels nice, until you have to use it in production, then you find out it's kind of toy (like, you can't use it in mixed arithmetic with floats). Yeah it's really only for currency. Maybe the name is overly general misnomer.
But that OP needed to do time stuff without access to the stdlib, so I showed him how to do it the hard way. ;)
In our case, it was excel with currency, had to do financial calculations, and there were no desires to fix the problem upstream ("problem storing currency as floats in excel? what even is that?!!)
I'm used to storing currency as integers of the minor currency. Storing major currency as floats is asking for trouble.
@MisterMiyagi Yeah, it handles some other use-cases that Decimal doesn't, and v.v. IIRC trying to do mixed arithmetic either doesn't work or is a pain; and if it's your own custom class, then you have to write all the __ldunder__ methods
Ok rbrb for now. Thanks for the comments.
The decimal library is pretty good in Python 3, now that it has a few transcendental functions. In Py 2, it just does basic arithmetic & sqrt. But I still prefer mpmath for arbitrary precision maths, mostly because I'm used to it.
@MisterMiyagi Yes I said Decimal is good for currency. But it's ironically not good for arbitrary decimal classes, IME.
what do you mean by "arbitrary decimal classes" ?
@JonClements Like I said above, a class where we are storing a decimal (with a known, fixed number of digits and decimal places), but expect to implement any interoperability (mixed arithmetic) with other number types and operators.
rbrb. Bye for now
@JonClements which db is that?
don't actually remember... worked with so many databases and DBMS over the years...
I did have a clean up of databases the other days and find some interesting stuff.... like a web scrape job I did for a sex toy company :)
@smci I remember discussing floats for currency here before and ending being horrified with my own assumption that it wasn't a big issue. I wasn't aware that a db API would return Decimal but I guess it makes sense
Ha, you have an interesting portfolio, then :)
a DB API will just map the DB<->Decimal if it understand that's best... can't do much if the DB has float to start with :)
Oops, I'm not sure how I tagged smci in my second message. Apologies
@roganjosh strangely... if I bothered finding a dropshipper and/or could attain and ship such products.... I'd have quite a few million interesting (but random) things I can setup an online store around... :p
I seem to remember that they make up quite a sizeable portion of Amazon sales so it could be quite lucrative :)
uh oh... probably not good that I read that as "lubricated" - HELP! :p
It's almost as though I chose my words for that association... :P (I did)
you crafty so and so :) (good job though!)
There's an Australian proto-grunge group, formed in the mid 1980s, named Lubricated Goat...
Well, now I've seen everything.
My brother and I had a drink inspired evening of trying music by bands with the weirdest/most offensive names a few years back...
Hope the drink was good.
Oh yeah... some really decent rum.... but needless to say the music was awful
I dont believe that for a second. Surely Lubricated Goat had a couple of bangers?
haha, figured as much. saved by the rum!
There's nothing else for it; to YouTube!
"He moves in mysterious ways" actually wasn't that bad at all. I could survive that without rum
@ParitoshSingh One of the silliest band names I ever heard was "Love Mum And The Urgent Ringmes".
Oops. I didn't mean to tag you with that, Paritosh.
Mmm. Coincidence or is something going on? I think we're both on mobile viewing chat in desktop version? I can't work out how I tagged smci a little back
has anyone played catan the board game if yes, is it good?
Does anybody know how to get a .pcm audio file? I am testing a text-to-audio api which requires a .pcm file. The recorder app of my Android phone only supports wav, mp3 and aac.
@Manik in the good old days, we played that with cardboard and wood…
you mean you made it yourself the board and pieces?
@Jincowboy What?
Q: how can i play pcm file

Haneen BassamThe following code should record audio and store it in to SD card in PCM format. the code is working with me ,but the PCM file doesn't play !!!! I got this code from this link.... Android : recording audio using audiorecord class play as fast forwarded I need to play the PCM file How can i do ...

@MisterMiyagi i know i thought you made the board and stuff yourself
@Jincowboy No it's not about playing pcm files.. It's about how I can get a pcm file recording with my phone..
What's the python component in that?
ok thank you....
@Rick PCM is just the raw audio data, with no header. If you have a .wav file you can use the standard Python wave module to read it & then just write the audio data to a binary file. I guess you want PCM that's like what's on a CD, in which case the WAV file needs to be 44100 Hz, 16-bit stereo. If that's not the case, I suggest using a program like Audacity to do the conversion.
@PM2Ring Yes, you are right. I just found an article talking about relation between PCM and WAV
PCM is just a kind of encoding method.
@Manik I played the original catan and it was awesome. And I'm not much of a boardgame fan.
are you okay from my help?
Yes, thank you
I am super for that kind of help.
are you familiar with python and tor?
@Jincowboy please don't put standalone pings in messages, that's just noise.
I've got a friend that owns 70+ board games and his opinion of Catan is "too much of the gameplay is dependent on random chance, and the most interesting part of the game -- making bargains with other players -- completely dries up in the second half"
idk i bought risk recently and it wasn't that fun :\
risk never seemed too thrilling to me, but I've never played it
kevin exactly i like chess because there is no dice rolls and luck stuff it is a real test of intelligence
He's probably in the 99th percentile for ability to think N turns ahead. This ability is not so useful in Catan, so that may color his opinion.
@AndrasDeak Risk is the only board game I actually engage with properly
I'm not even sure what I base my impression on...probably the history and war framing that puts me off :P
I don't like Risk because I'm bad at it
@roganjosh it's useful for practice... it's come in useful for my real-life version of it :p
I also loved Shogun Total War. The Total War games got too complicated for me with Rome and I lost touch with the series after that
@JonClements I have a couple of things to show Sun Tzu :P
@roganjosh yup so from Risk and the Pandemic computer game and lots of biding time... 2020 is the year of the puppies! :)
have you played shadow tactics blades of the shogun? it's really good especially if you played commandos :)
I started spending some of my evenings at a local boardgame group, and it's lots of fun with many people being really passionate about it
@JonClements pulling the strings from Madagascar?
the only downside is that they all favor the kind of games you need 45+ minutes to explain the rules
stuff like like puerto rico
@Kevin had a good bit of luck the other night with a deck... had 17 straight wins
Hmm, I'm jealous. Don't think I've ever had a run that long.
statistically it shouldn't happen.... I imagine it was just luck on the match ups and quite a few ops were really getting card screwed so while I was getting nicely balanced land and creatures/enchantments for straight-forward ramping each game...
@Arne My board game group plays "accessible" games on Wednesdays, and "complex" games on Saturdays. Puerto Rico falls under the high end of "accessible" as long as at least one person has played it before and can explain it to everyone else.
Tomorrow is Complex day. We're playing Eclipse, which usually take 40 minutes to set up, despite all of us having several games under our belt, and 5+ hours to play
even Sid Meier's civilization was a board game originally. enjoyed playing civilisation a lot.
We aspire to eventually play Twilight Imperium, which is even more complicated than Eclipse. I sat down and read the manual one day. Took me maybe 90 minutes.
@Kevin I'd quite like to try something like youtube.com/watch?v=7pGaokYn42c one (long) evening :)
Looks a bit like Arkham Horror, a game which we keep meaning to play on Complex night but never get around to
For an accessible game with the aesthetic of "exploring a mansion containing lovecraftian monsters", I recommend Betrayal At House on the Hill.
Better perhaps for a group seeking an "experience" than a fair competition, though. It drips with spooky atmosphere, but you'll be hard-pressed to find a game whose outcome is more dependent on randomness than this one.
You don't even know what the win condition is for the session until it's halfway over
Just spent ten minutes writing a comment about how JSON can't contain arbitrary Unicode and how you must work around this with escape sequences. While constructing my last citation, I notice json.org says "A string is a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters, wrapped in double quotes". So much for that comment.
Fresh cabbages eveyrone
Just because json.dumps("©") returns '"\\u00a9"', doesn't mean that '"©"' is invalid JSON
does that insert '' between all the elements of cur?
Is this the result of a database query? What are you trying to do?
@piRSquared thanks for pointing that out... silly me!
@JonClements np (-:
@Permian so what's that supposed to do exactly... where did that function come from?
@Permian Can you give some contenxt?
Unrelated to your question, but some_list += [something] is more idiomatically accomplished with some_list.append(something) instead
right... so is that a function you're writing to try to solve it or something you've picked up from elsewhere @Permian?
it looks like a simple problem
but the modulus operation is quite tricky
A quick run of that seems to suggest that it does what you want. Is it failing?
its not failing
im just tring to understand the code
@Permian Then yes, it does join the words without adding any extra whitespace. My first comment was wrong. If you change ''.join(cur) to res.append(cur) then you will see that you have a nested list
ok thanks
cur[i%(len(cur)-1 or 1)] += ' '
i find that line super hard to understand
i%(len(cur)-1 or 1) is equivalent to i % (len(cur)-1 if len(cur)-1 != 0 else 1), if that helps any
this is one of the times i feel a bit stupid
I feel stupid all the time... so you're ahead of me :P
^^ I don't think it's justified (baboom chish) because it's pretty compact code
cabbages, everyone
Or, to expand it even more,
x = len(cur) - 1
if x == 0:
    x = 1
@roganjosh baboom chish?
@Kevin the most complex one I tried was "scythe", with 1 hour of explaining ~3 hours of gameplay. lots of fun, even though I was constantly overwhelmed. Sadly, that was the last day I went there, it's now suspended because of that little pandemic we got going on =(
@Permian I tried to make a joke based on "justified" and I was trying to emulate the sound of a drum
Bailed out by @inspectorG4dget :) Thanks
@roganjosh happy to help. Especially when "help" means "provide youtube links"
@Kevin i still cannot see how this line put spaces between the words
it looks to me like it could be spaces in the middle of words
@piRSquared umm... couldn't come up with better than your .concat approach there
morning cabbage
/changes name to cabbage
morning Code!
I need to come clean with all of you... I have a feeling 90% of my reputation is based on pandas questions that might be duplicates
that's great. Wanna help me learn pandas?
Sure I would love to, tho I'm far from being the best pick
@inspectorG4dget groupby. Now you're all set :)
Gropuby indeed.
stackoverflow.com/q/60672770/4799172 too broad. I got drawn in because it's around what I'm doing day-to-day but it's a rabbit hole the way the OP is going
@JonClements thx. I still like the dictionary to gather the results better though.
@piRSquared for some reason it feels wrong to use native Python approaches with pandas stuff, but sometimes, it's just so much better
That is the difference between 2016 version of me and 2019 version of me. Before I tried to cram everything into Pandas API... eventually, I actually learned Python.
It's been said many times in this room that Pandas users would be much better off learning Python first. I agree.
You've certainly come far!
@Kevin we need to somehow get you one rep so to get a palindromic rank :)
My ultimate goal is to reach 69,420 and then somehow never get any points again
Today I am annoyed that Super Mario Bros 3 has been decompiled and commentated for a decade, but I can't find a straight answer about whether the "line up three shapes" minigame intentionally cheats to make it appear as though you just barely missed a win
you know you saying that, that 1) I'm not sure the significance of that number and 2) I'll just award you a bounty anyway just to be annoying :p
Something close to the max 16 bit int?
Gotta find a loophole in the intellectual property licensing agreement where I allow all of my posts to remain on the site, but users can't vote on them anymore
<joke_explainer_slash_ruiner> 69,420 is a concatenation of the numbers 69 and 420, which are the two numbers that a hip young person is most likely to respond to with "nice".
Yes. I'm gonna guess that the people on the street would immediately have picked up on that :P
For the 69, you already have the ideal web scrapper in Jon (I didn't realise that it would actually hurt to use scrap rather than scrape)
Can you make all your posts community?
@piRSquared only answers (and only doing so individually) - why do you ask?
to prevent further rep gains/losses. Trying to help Kevin out
I think Kevin's fine... or am I missing a concern here you have that?
Because he's suggesting he wants to freeze his rep at a particular value
ahh... he wasn't being serious
In the event he achieves his desired reputation, he'll need to preserve that number. I thought that making all posts community, he might be able to.
Helping me not get points is the exact opposite of a voting ring and therefore completely virtuous :-P
Figuring out how to hack the system is in our nature. The danger lies in what color hat we wear.
But yes, I'm 85% joking, so I'm not in dire need of a plan to actually carry this out
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