Here's a recent output from my random circle program. I just did an ugly hack to get it to make a tileable image, I'll probably figure out a cleaner way once I've refined the circle placing algorithm and have built a proper GUI for it.
Earlier this morning, I got a "User Removed", losing 460 rep. Anyone else have the same thing happen to them? It didn't happen at the usual script running time, so I'm guessing a mod stepped in.
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I've lost a few points due to "User Removed", but not recently. 460 points is a pretty big chunk to lose in one hit. I guess that user had upvoted a lot of your answers and perhaps they got deleted due to voting irregularities.
Anc regarding the rep thing, I find it possible (albeit unlikely) that deletions of this magnitude lead to a decoupling of deletion and vote cleanup. @cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ could check a few JS hotshots and see when they lost their rep
@JonClements It's funny... a couple of days ago I could've lost 460 rep and still ended up with a positive score at the end of the day... but that -xxx in red looks ugly on my rep summary ;(
Is there a reason why you can't say who the deleted account was? Like, what's the harm in anyone knowing? (I'm sure there is a reason, I'm just wondering what it is)
@Rawing Well, must be someone extremely fond of my answers, for them to upvote me so many times. (462 is only indicative, since I'm usually way over my rep cap there must've been many more unseen upvotes lost as a result of this exercise).
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ the account wasn't deleted in connection with your account, so there is no record on your account as to what account was deleted.
We can speculate and connect it with account deletions made that day, nothing more. Batch processes take care of the reputation recalculations, so the connection to an account deletion is not immediate.
That person clearly doesn't comprehend the purpose and/or existence of pseudocode...
"not working code fixed"
IMO the only worthwhile improvement that edit has made is rephrasing the "we will not catch e" bit. Having except ValueError as e: print("we will not catch e") is really a bit questionable
ok, if you'll back out the function rewrite to minimal changes from the original to such that the pseudocode works, I'll approve it. (no *args or superfluous code, please)
But that is I think where reasonable people will disagree, and at that point, I'll suggest you to write another answer if you want to offer that sort of an example.
I think the function change is too tangentially related to the point. It is intended to be a very trivial function with only two possible correct arguments.
If you wanted to add a tuple with those two arguments, such that the function would execute, I'll approve the change.
I vote for removing the example at all. It is confusing anyway for beginner and experienced programmers. We are not using OOP and a lot of programmers I know do not know to code without OOP.
"Errors can not be raised." It is an exception that we raise. Errors occurs but are not raised.
I'm coming in late, but this seems silly. ValueErrors can be raised, and presumably a ValueError is an error. So I'm pretty sure it's perfectly reasonable in a Python context both to say that errors can be raised and that errors can occur. Words can be used in different ways, after all.
Error is a cause and exception is an effect. Error causes an exception to be raised. Error occurs and exception is raised. In python every error cause an exception to be raised and we use "try" statement to catch them.
@ElisByberi I only recently started learning Python/coding. It appears simple enough to me. I have not really used any OOP except through using a couple of modules. One of the earlier chapters of most tutorials/books refers to try/except statements. Some of them show simply how to do what Aaron's example does in that answer.
@ElisByberi: repeating the definition you wish people would use doesn't make it the one actually used in Python. I get that you wish the word "error" wasn't used as loosely as it is, but I'm not sure what to tell you except that I offer you my sympathies.
@toonarmycaptain A return False would be sufficient in the example. It is bad habit to use exception everywhere. Exceptions are used sparingly for performance reasons. You can use try/except when getting a key from a dict avoiding checking if key is in dict.
@ElisByberi return False may be sufficient in many cases, that doesn't make this example a bad example of the technique demonstrated. The argument you made that I was responding to was that the example is confusing to beginners. I disagree: If you're in your first few hours of python, maybe, not if you're trying to raise exceptions.
Hi, I'm sort of new to python programming, i have learned the basics and even made a gui with tkinter for my little app. But in tkinter the styling options are limited. So how is it possible for applications like dropbox or any other application written in python to look pretty with such limited styling options
I want to eventually make something that looks decent, if you know what i mean
This user asked a question yesterday that was put on hold. Today, they opened a new question with a copy-paste of the same exact question that was previously closed.