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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

does the urlopen(url).read()... run in the background?
@linuscl use greenpool
like in the example in the eventlet page
I spend a few hours on my github -> discord bot, only to realize they added semi-hidden github integration built-in /headdesk
You mean the webhooks?
You mean the chaos emeralds?
Yep, since I last checked they added their own "webhook receiver" API endpoint that has builtins for slack and github
for group in chunker(stock_list, 100):
    pool = eventlet.greenpool.GreenPool()
    pool.spawn(main, group)
why do you still have threads?
if pool.running() == 0:
    print ("Gappers:", gapperlist)
What's wrong with threads?
I'm not using "threading"
Did I miss something big going on?
I cannot receive many webpages and then work with them
@ByteCommander he wants to download bunch of stuff in parallel
threads = []
for group in chunker(stock_list, 100):
    pool = eventlet.greenpool.GreenPool()
    pool.spawn(main, group)
while (pool.running() == 1):
print ("Gappers:", gapperlist)
@linuscl first of all, pool should be initialized once
threads = []
pool = eventlet.greenpool.GreenPool()
for group in chunker(stock_list, 100):
    pool.spawn(main, group)
while (pool.running() == 1):
Next Step? ;)
OK, I tried it, it won't start the right process, but spawn some cpu-eating threads, which, however, don't do anything
smth like that
ARGH I just compiled network drivers for my puppy from yamming source, and it's working, and the system recognizes it, but STILL ETHERNET IS DISABLED
*froths at mouth*
anybody seen similar, when the ethernet controller says "DISABLED" in lshw for no apparent reason?
your pupper linux?
my pupper linux
now I'm starting to think that the problem is unrelated to drivers and my heroic effort of compiling said driver was for naught
why did you decide to recompile?
does lsmod show it?
because my network card is r8168 and the original driver was r8169, and googling quickly showed that it usually but not always works
@khajvah yes, so does lspci, it's nicely linked to the corresponding controller
@khajvah: result printed is None
@linuscl yes, beause your main doesn't return anything
OK, I found something in the kernel log that might be relevant
no, that's unrelated
@linuscl I tested by printing html in the main and it worked
Sorry, printing what?
@linuscl html = str(response.read().decode())
how can I make the list gappers, which I would like to get as result, global?
@linuscl that are many issues with your code but I will give you a starting point: return gappers_list from main, then, in the end, push that list in some other global result list
and thanks for the script you've wrote :)
with append, am I right?
@linuscl that code is wrong. I just showed you how to use eventlet, you should read the docs
for example, for result in pool.imap(main, (group,)) isn't right, I think. Read about imap
The most important thing is that eventlet is the right tool for this problem
And, the question is if it is FASTER then the previous method without threading.
multithreading is very difficult in python
@linuscl your gapperlist isn't being populated
there is a problem
That's right
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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