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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

1 hour later…
I don't want to ping you Martijn or FourthEye, but please check out the pinned trello message if/when you get a chance
Morning, Cabbage :-)
tasty cabbages for all
@Sevanteri up early
2 hours later…
tl;dr disregard the want for personal possessions/money for life experiences/having a nice home/financial stability. trust in a global government to efficiently build large-scale public works projects and hope that other cultures choose to agree with this new world view. please also trust that private enterprises stay as driven to continue making strides in technology
i'd offer that the world is competitive, and some of us are comfortable with the idea of -- and are motivated by -- desire to take care of our own tribe, with the intensity of that desire decreasing as the network distance increases
quick q, is there a way to conditionally add lines in the middle of multiline strings?


string = 'this is something I want ' \
'this is something else I want ' \
'this is something optional' if condition() or "" \
'this is also required'
@RedactedProfile that's not a multi-line string, that's a single line string with backslashes to continue the statement across multiple lines. 'hello{comma} world'.format(comma="," if True else "") will work for conditionally including text
@tristan that's what I thought
off-to or your day just ended?
oh nice!
Yeah! Going to do Fun Stuff (TM) with mini-withnail this afternoon, this morning I'm playing with some ML stuff for Fun and Profit. Mostly the former.
Or I would be if the Kaggle site would play nicely.
4 posts into the HN Brexit thread about MS, there's a guy saying Britain's run by a communist. Right-o...
I thought you guys were a Griffinarchy or whatever it's called when your ruling class is made up of griffins.
That actually made me lol.
@Withnail wat?
I know.
Arguably most right wing g'ment since the war, COMMIES!
if the gov was composed of actual Stalinists, then you'd probably still be better off
yeah just found
Been downvoted to the point of hidden now, i think.
cbg y'all
cbg to you and rhubarb for me
I haven't had enough coffee to be handling that much cognitive dissonance.
splendid idea.
wanders off to make a pot
No espresso machine here, so just a cafietere. ;)
Totally don't get smartwatches. I have a fitbit, and that's about the limit of what I'm interested in.
lol... scary clowns in Finland...
Maybe clowns are the new zombies?
... were chased into a forest by a group of girls...
I look forward to 'The Walking Clown', 'Clown-Nation', and 'World-War Clown' franchises in due course.
... tells the local "the sun"
:D link?
short report, no pic, google translate would make bad job
let me find better
ah, shame.
(Jesus, the rest of that guy's comments. Randian libertarianism reductio ab absurdum )
though, there is a negative side to this clownmania too.
In Finland there was and still is this organization called Soldiers of Odin where Finnish convicted rapists and wife beaters patrol the streets, protecting Finns from rapes and violence committed by foreigners.
As a reaction to that, some trolls organized a street patrol called Loldiers of Odin, which were dressed as clowns
but I guess they don't dare to do that any longer :D:D
Grumble, grumble stupid revenge vote grumble grumble.
@Withnail so...Randian libertarianism then
Freedom from reason.
Freedom to ignore evidence.
Objective subjectivism
Uch, they're going to expand Heathrow :(
They decided that a couple of weeks ago - have they now Decided Even More™?
There'll be plenty of protesting from the people who live near there and want it at Gatwick, as per.
The announcement was only today, though? I'm sure it was decided months ago, ofc.
I just mainly didn't want more flights over central London. I've got quite accustomed to breathing.
*high body temperature cabbage
got the lurgy?
some mild case of the Deadly Male Cold
It's not a fever yet though, and I mostly just have a sore throat. But I'm not sure the same will be true after my lecture from 4-6 PM:D
which is mostly bad because I also have to teach tomorrow...so I'm expecting Big Pharma to help me out
Why do we get so many questions asking how to turn a Python program into a Windows executable? Is Python support on Windows really that bad?
Every time I do pip install on Windows and it doesn't have an old version of a Visual C++ redistributable, I cry a little inside
@PM2Ring "is windows really that bad" and the answer is "yes, it is."
@AndrasDeak you just need to take one Orbán
Hi, @AngusWilliams! Thanks for dropping by. It's normally a bit busier in here at this time of day. BTW, you might like to read our room rules, especially the part about Salad Language. :)
@PM2Ring did you read trello yet
@AnttiHaapala No. Thanks for reminding me.
@AnttiHaapala I'm not quite ready for euthanasia just yet, thank you
@AnttiHaapala Done.
@PM2Ring Yes it is
Pandas question - I'm using df.min(axis=1) to try and pull out the minimum value from a dataframe column - it's giving me dozens of responses - if I run df.min(axis=1)[0] to try and pull out the first, I get 4.
I feel like 'the minimum' should be a singular return, no?
axis=1 suggests that other dimensions are left intact
you'll get a minimum along axis 1 for each row (axis 0)
ok, yeah, that makes sense. I thought I had to provide an axis reference, and I wanted the value. Thanks!
no worries:)
I do love Pandas though, things that were taking me ages to do manually have lovely dedicated commands.
@AndrasDeak Does Numpy have a generalised convolve-like thing I can use to do stuff like what my fill function does? If not, is there a more idiomatic way to do that result |= padded[r:r+rows, c:c+cols] loop?
@PM2Ring I would guess that these arbitrary-kernel convolution stuff are also in scipy
I'll keep thinking in case something comes to mind
@AndrasDeak Thanks. It's not a big deal. It's just I've found myself doing similar stuff in a couple of Numpy questions that I've answered.
Afternoon all
@thefourtheye trello btw
busy-as-anything cabbage-ly good afternoon to you all
@AnttiHaapala Oops, I just updated in slack...
Its done now
it's ok too
early morning release cabbage
Using shapely, how can one find the max distance from the centroid to the polygon's edge?
Cabbage :-)
Morning cabbage.
Hi, @idjaw. Did you take your kids skating yet?
@PM2Ring Not yet. The snow hasn't hit us yet. Another couple of months. However, I would still like to try to find time to go to an indoor rink to teach my son. But scheduling for that is a bit harder.
Ah, rightio. It's starting to get summery down here, but we keep getting these little cold snaps, so the temperature can range from just above 10°C to almost 30°C over 24 hours.
Sounds like what we were dealing with the last few weeks. morning would be around that 10 mark, and then afternoons would climb between 24-30 and dip back down to the 10 area
But it's now getting colder throughout the day.
2 people have voted to close this as a dupe, but I don't like the suggested target because it's promoting the use of globals. OTOH, bruno desthuilliers' answer on the new question is pretty good, but I don't think it'd be appropiate to hammer the old question to the new one.
morning everyone
Good Evening
Do we have a good canonical for unsupported operand type int and str while doing 1 + 'a'?
@MAX cabbage
Damn, That's perfect
Hammer time
hello, anyone working with aloe_django? I want to set the port of the server it uses
the URL localhost:8081 is being blocked by the OAuth services I need to test, so I want to use localhost:8000
reading about that amusement park accident in oz makes me feel uneasy
What happened?
Damn, that's really sad.
the "lamest ride of them all", where the worst thing that happens is that you need to redo your hair
I think the raft flipped over at conveyor belt contraption that carries the raft up to height, trapping people under.
and those rides are everywhere...
Hey guys
I'm a python beginner and have a short question
I have a python file in bin/run.py
I want to import a class which is declared in src/declared_class.py
Hey buddy, before you continue, have you read the room rules?
I'm using python 3. I can't find out how to import this class in run.py
yup just did :)
You're probably looking to set PYTHONPATH when you run it, or look at some other way of setting up the environment / installing your code
Well I tried expanding the sys.path like sys.path.insert(0, '../src'). Is this what should work ?
still when calling: from declared_class import DeclaredClass it fails with an error message which states that it can't find a module named "declared_class"
That's a relative path-- it'll be relative to your working directory, not the directory of the script. You should use an absolute path.
And as an aside, your naming scheme seems to imply you're doing one module per class, which is a bit much
Oh I see. Thanks also to dividism. I got it working now
Is there a best-practice way of managing the imports in one's project ? I read about init.py files
dunderbold cabbage!
@Chris usually you'd have the stuff in one place, or then you'd install packages if you want to use them globally
I see. Thanks a lot all :)
Let's say I have a very big number ( with 100K digits ) and I want to calculate double of that number . Is there a performance difference between : 2*number and number+number ? Does this question make sense?
Hi john, the question does make sense. Have you tried to time it?
No, I have not tried to time it .
because I don't know a way to create such large number
Hi @johnsmith you can try that
timeit.timeit('a * b', 'a = 1000; b = 2000')
timeit.timeit('a + b', 'a = 1000; b = 2000')
it should give you some ammo already
@AndyK addition is faster than multiplication but why ?
@AndyK That's a bit off there.
@johnsmith here comes the limit of my knowledge. If anyone wants to take over, I'm all ears me too
@BhargavRao why?
The use case is a*2 and a+a. So there's no need of a b there.
>>> timeit.timeit('a + a', 'a = 10000000000', number=10**7)
>>> timeit.timeit('2 * a', 'a = 10000000000', number=10**7)
Do we really need to talk about this difference? :/
of course
think about all the kittens
And the cute puppies
Err, No poke. No one likes bunnies
now we have the rabbits to think about too?
@BhargavRao wow
I will show you one day, my 3 legs cat ...
We have a 3 legged puppy. Isn't it @Jon? ;)
You just lost a high amount of respect points with me…
oh ... you beat me @BhargavRao lol
one of those annoying mornings that needs some soothing music....lyrics are not very happy, but music is calming
@poke If you are a bunny person, then you need to change. It's a bit off the normal human way of life.
Either kittens or puppies.
I get a bigger difference at larger numbers:
In [9]: %timeit a + b
The slowest run took 7.23 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100000 loops, best of 3: 8.31 µs per loop

In [10]: %timeit 2 * a
The slowest run took 5.02 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100000 loops, best of 3: 12.9 µs per loop
@Jon Can we do something about this Bhargav guy?
You called the wrong cop. He's a puppy guy too.
But he’s on my side there.
oh is that Bhargav guy annoying the room again?
@johnsmith this guy wrote that lemire.me/blog/2010/07/19/…
Nope, I've got loads of scooby snacks. He's on my side.
I'll take a few
not precisely answering your question but it may give you some food for thoughts
I will always take food for thoughts
best payment ever
Sure sure, Take some @idjaw. You're always welcome to the puppy side.
@poke What time do you get for a << 1 ? FWIW, 1 << n is noticeably faster than 2**n, but I can't remember timing the different options for simple doubling.
@idjaw I take food, instead of the food. That's the best payment ever until you get a bit ... well ... until you get a unique six-pack also known as super belly lol
>>> timeit.timeit('2 * a', 'a = 10000000000', number=10**7)
>>> timeit.timeit('a << 1', 'a = 10000000000', number=10**7)
@AndyK You're mistaken. That's called a one-pack.
Note that the OP specified 100K digits.
100k digits? what the heck
@idjaw I like the one pack #rotfl
@poke Yes! :)
Why is it so when you bitshift an integer to the left, then you double it (multiply by 2). and Modern 64bit computers can add two integers in the same time it takes to bitshift them (1 clockcycle),
processor pipelining?
We're doing this stuff in Python, we're (figuratively) miles away from the bare metal.
Python ints are at a much higher level than assembly-level integers. Aaargh, Kevin'd by PM!
Bit rhubarb, gotta catch a bus.
Safe travels!
rbrb @BhargavRao
@PM2Ring then how is it implemented in python?
I had my lunch 10 minutes ago....I'm still hungry....this isn't good.
Lunchtime is also not for another hour. This isn't good += 1
@johnsmith Python is written in C
in high-level C
rb @BhargavRao
A Python int is a block of memory massively larger than a 32-bit C integer
I didn't know that @poke thanks for the info
Is this not a architecture problem rather than language ? . I think this problem should be independent of language
What “problem” again?
"bitshifting an integer to the left then you double it (multiply by 2). and Modern 64bit computers can add two integers in the same time it takes to bitshift them (1 clockcycle), "
You're talking about an interpreted language, the processor architecture doesn't matter.
Unless you're not asking about Python, in which case you're in the wrong room.
@johnsmith The architecture running Python is a virtual machine.
Speaking of bits, Stefan Pochmann & I have just been having fun with this question. It still seems a little odd to me that the fastest way to do bit-oriented stuff in Python often involves strings, but that's virtual machines for you. :)
@poke Thanks now I get it
That was easy
@PM2Ring that reminds me of this talk about how bytearray and memoryview will almost never help
"hard to beat old fashioned strings"
@davidism I guess Dustin Rodriguez (the last commenter on that YouTube clip) and Alex Martelli wouldn't see eye to eye on the issue of not using += on strings. :)
Alex Martelli looks like a living god...
Oh, he is
'k ...
guys, I see you tomo
Nice one @vaultah
thanks :P
Unless one is talking about a simple dictionary lookup, that seems like a really hard problem to solve
@WayneWerner The kangaroo words? Yeah. I can't think of any way apart from brute-forcing all the permutations of the letters of the target word.
well, if you had a list of synonyms... but you'd kind of have to pre-generate the list, so you'd really just have a dictionary
damn, I already hit the rep-cap and I only answered 1 question. I guess I have to do some real work today
@WayneWerner Ah, right. I missed the part about the "joey" words being synonyms of the "kangaroo" word.
@wim Poor you. :) I got half way to the rep-cap yesterday on a basic question, and almost nothing on questions I spent close to an hour on. Oh well. :)
What are we praising vaultah for?
That is, "for what are we praising vaultah", not "why are we praising vaultah". :-)
"morning" to you too
@idjaw check out other chat
@idjaw: it's embarrassing to admit how cute I find some of those.
@DSM Nah. I think they're pretty cute in a horrific way too :)
Thank you all Room-Owners for the vote of confidence. This is really awesome. Really excited to be a part of this.
Now......where's Fizzy
No, no, this is where you immediately go mad with power and create the Darker Council.
I think I'd die laughing if you immediately de-RO'd Fizzy.
We figured you'd enjoy this extra hat to wear for your avatar.
Do it. Do ittttttt
First course of action here. Everyone is becoming Canadian.
This was a trojan horse. We are actually all jerks.
It would have been somewhat more convenient if you were located in a very different timezone, but it seemed inappropriate to ask you if you were willing to relocate as a requirement..
Well, this took a turn.
On the upside, more maple syrup.
DSM, we said we'd wait until after Canadian Christmas to bring this up
cbg nice picture tristan
Thank you :)
Hey @idjaw It's great to have you as part of the RO team!
@wim I hope you aren't expecting sympathy!
@PM2Ring Thanks! :) Really happy about all this.
Yeah, congrats idjaw
@poke is this jack rabbit?
@idjaw WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!!
@JonClements Major scooby snack celebrations.
@idjaw That's what you think... waits to de-RO everyone until they agree to become British :p
Congrats, @idjaw!!! :) \o/
@AndrasDeak Thanks :)
arrived just in time, I see
@JonClements We need to strengthen The Commonwealth and make a statement.
You know what to do
@idjaw lol
seriously though - congrats. One of the fastest RO proposals to everyone saying "Hell yeah" to being an RO yet I think :p
<3 :)
serious - I'm honoured to be trusted as a RO and look forward to more fine room 6 shenanigans with all of you.
I take it someone's sorted out the sopy, github and slack stuff already?
One less ear for everybody!
or two
... what
@JonClements slack ;-)
Long day. Had-enough rhubarb to you all
Rhubarb for holdenweb!
@holdenweb rbrb! :)
@holdenweb rbrb
Okay, time to grind. Rhubarb for all!
bye :)
Django users : I'm working on a code base where we have lots of def clean(*args, **kwargs)
have you ever heard of args, kwargs being passed to clean? I've never seen that before..
it appears they aren't used except in the call to super
Probably just someone being extra careful about subclassing.
It doesn't take any arguments except self.
That's what I thought. Right, gonna delete them all.
note to self: avoid Small Planet airline from Lithuania like plague
a charter flight from Fuengirola, Spain to Tampere, Finland, had somehow signalled that it had been hijacked :D
(by accident :D)
how do you do regex replace in pycharm
I have super\((.*), self\)\.clean\(\*args, \*\*kwargs\) for the search
and super(\1, self).clean() for the replace
but it says that \1 is not resolved backreference
arrival delayed, stand arrival, 30 police cars come to the runway to check that everything is ok...
wat? Hijack?
donuts in the cargo hold (j/k, police do some thankless work)
@idjaw ah congrats for new font
@idjaw it wasn't hijacked, but I guess the pilots messed up something with the transponder
system works as design
Who the hell made idjaw an RO?
Election was rigged! I knew this would happen! It's all a ploy by the media! IT'S TIME TO MAKE ROOM 6 GREAT AGAIN!
We did, with our votes. We didn't think he was a real candidate. We thought there was no way he'd get that far in the election process.
fair oligocratic elections
We're going to build a wall between us and Python 2 and make Guido pay for it?
@idjaw: congrats!
Rafales escorted the plane from France to Finland, where F/A-18s resumed...
WTF the pilots doing there :d
I assume the pilots are flying their jets...
but what else
@AnttiHaapala Thanks :)
I guess if we're being hyper-literal, tristan made idjaw an RO
@tristan question for you in the other place
@MartijnPieters Thanks! :)
@Ffisegydd Too late. I'm one of you now. You have to be nice to me.
@idjaw that's what i keep telling him :/
@corvid what ever happened to you using Flask? Are you all JS now?
@davidism my one complaint about flask is it doesn't play very nice with front end frameworks and webpack :\ too bad because the ORM (sqlalchemy) is perfect
Just spent six hours debugging a problem that $new_hire fixed two weeks ago and management forgot to deploy -_-
What doesn't it do with webpack and front end frameworks? Generally curious as I'm going to use whatever you say as a feature list for something I'm going to write in December to bridge React/Flask
I'm guessing CORS, like the stuff I went through yesterday: gist.github.com/davidism/f84b0ee5ddd88b747192d792086eda74
I spent like two weeks of accumulated give-a-damn points on it, too.
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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