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First time using PyPi to make a localized pip repo, can't seem to get my package showing in the supposed packages folder, located at ~/packages/ as per the simple setup. I do a pypi-server -U and it shows nothing, and when I run and check the web interface, there's nothing under /packages nor /simple. Anyone know some quick, easy things to check for? I followed the setup steps, created and modified my ~/.pip/pip.conf to include the index-url, etc.
When I attempt a pip install using --extra-index-url [site:7001], it searches /simple/foo/ and /foo/ folders, doesn't find anything.
6 hours later…
good morning problem in .deb creation in pygtk project... any body can advise?
CBG all.
Hey up
I am a bit confused at this statement from the docs.
"The actual parameters (arguments) to a function call are introduced in the local symbol table of the called function
when it is called; thus, arguments are passed using call by value (where the value is always an object reference, not
the value of the object)."
I understand the first part before ;
But what does it mean by "where the value is always an object reference, not
the value of the object)."
@AbhishekBhatia that means that the actual object is shared between the calling function and the called function. Which can have wanted or unwanted consequences when it is a mutable object.
An example would be better.
"the actual object is shared between the calling function and the called function." There 2 references now right. One in the called function and one in the calling function?
cbg all
Right. If it is an unmutable object, you do not have to care. But if it is a list, for example, which is mutable, if you change the list in the function, it changes everywhere,
@vaultah Cabbage!
@AbhishekBhatia I think what the docs are trying to say is that binding a new value to a parameter inside a function can never modify the binding of a variable outside the function's namespace (though mutations to an object are reflected outside)
morning holdenweb.
Some people expect an assignment inside the function to rebind the argument, assuming the argument is a variable, but Python has no "call by name"
cabbage, @GLaDOS
@AbhishekBhatia, maybe have a look at this: pythontutor.com/…
@Fenikso that would probably be helpful - the pythontutor site is amazingly useful for visualizations
Thanks! The thing I don't understand how mutable and immutuable objects are treated differently.
@AbhishekBhatia that should explain it:
Ah, can I somewhat post the link without it being modified?
@AbhishekBhatia, so run this code in pythontutor, but switch on "render all objects on the heap" (middle option).
def print_better_number(number):
    # of course even numbers are better
    number = number * 2

my_number = 5
@AbhishekBhatia: You may find this article helpful: Facts and myths about Python names and values, which was written by SO veteran Ned Batchelder.
@AbhishekBhatia Mutable and immutable objects aren't actually treated differently, but they can be made to behave differently. If you pass a list like [5] to Fenikso's function then the function will bind [5, 5]to the local name number and print that new list, but the original object in the calling context is unaffected, so [5] will be printed when the function returns. However, you can modify the contents of a mutable container in a function:
def doubler(seq):
    for i in range(len(seq)):
        seq[i] *= 2

seq = [3, 1, 4, 'abc']
[6, 2, 8, 'abcabc']
[6, 2, 8, 'abcabc']
Evening, Richard.
Evening PM2
“Evening”… right.
There's currently a rather weird & messy Hot Meta Post meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/317470/… OP deleted the question after discovering a flaw in the rather extensive answer. What's weird is the time delays:
The dates on this are a bit strange. The question was posted 07-Apr-2015, the answer was written 26-Jun-2015, and the user who posted the question didn't comment on it until 22-Feb-2016. Apparently, the answer sat there for 8 months until OP came back, noticed it was there, and then deleted the question. — Bob Jarvis 21 hours ago
@poke Time is relative. :)
Re-CBG all.
Minor peeve: why do so many people who ask Numpy questions neglect to use the Numpy tag? It's almost like they consider Numpy to be a standard Python module.
@PM2Ring really weird. What was the URL to get a post’s timeline again?
Found it. Am I the only one who thinks the answer does not really deserve that many upvotes? :/
@PM2Ring I have that feeling sometimes too. People asking about “Python arrays” and stuff
@poke It's crazy that it got that many upvotes, but I guess that happened when the Meta effect kicked in before the OP explained his actions. Of course, deleting the Q & A because you don't like the answer is rather bad form: he should've just used comments and a self-answer.
@poke And then there's the people who refer to plain lists as arrays. I often comment that their terminology is confusing, since Python has arrays in the array module, and there are also Numpy arrays.
Some people just don't get what SO is about. But I guess not everyone is motivated to read Help pages and Meta posts. Yesterday, this guy got upset when people asked him to post a MCVE, or at least some code:
I was looking for a good way to search an unsorted list on a forum of professionals I don't think i should have had to post code or should have been down voted within 30 seconds of posting. This has been absolutely no help and usually never is. Luckily my boss showed up for work today to help. The solution i am going with is subtracting feedback score from the score and getting the lowest non negative number. which is brilliant — Kyle Andersen 18 hours ago
The question itself is pretty basic, but the OP's comments indicate that he had some weird ideas, and a bit of tangible code would've made it easy to demonstrate his misunderstanding. But he just didn't want to cooperate.
Hi, Antti.
@PM2Ring that was reopened now
@poke no, you're not.
@AnttiHaapala Yes, I noticed that. :)
that is one messy answer, considering that that op just hit repcap on 2 days and got gold badge and whatnot riding the meta wave
@PM2Ring Things might be easier if we all learned to simply ignore those who come to SO with a sense of entitlement
Unfortunately, the urge to educate them about the site's true purpose is almost overwhelming
@AnttiHaapala I know that we aren't supposed to give compensation votes but I think in this case it might be justified...
@holdenweb I sometimes post a comment along the lines of "Answers on SO are not free. You pay for good answers by writing a good question. The purpose of SO isn't just to help you solve your problem, it's to create a repository of knowledge that will benefit future readers".
Hello everyone, I am new here :)
@Kjjassy welcome. Please take the time to read sopython.com/chatroom.
Greetings, Kjjassy. Hi, khajvah. Hey up, Fizzy.
Oh yes offcourse
Hey up PM
Time to chain me some exceptions.
One more vote needed to close this tool req stackoverflow.com/questions/35599262/…
TIL bytes.hex() exists.
TIAANRTSP2FE - Today I Added A New Reason To Strike Python 2 From Existence.
@Ffisegydd too bad Python 3 still does not chain exceptions in certain circumstances
I just want to raise Something from SomethingElse ;___;
I have a function which raises FizzyTypeError if the type of a variable is not correct. This function is called by a higher-level function which is going through all of my data model and calling the low-level function. If it encounters a FizzyTypeError I want to then raise a FizzySchemaError but I would like details of both errors to be brought to the attention of the user.
Kind of like "Oh there's a generic high-level and helpful schema error, and a more specific type error."
And this may actually end up being N-deep, not just 2.
I don't have the code on this PC so cannot reproduce sorry. Please do the needful and fix. FYI I'm more ranting at the moment and don't expect anyone to actually seriously divert time towards helping me.
Just be my ranting ducks, that's all I ask.
>>> def test1 ():
        raise FizzyTypeError()

>>> def test2 ():
        except FizzyTypeError as e:
            raise FizzySchemaError from e

>>> test2()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#31>", line 3, in test2
  File "<pyshell#25>", line 2, in test1
    raise FizzyTypeError()

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#32>", line 1, in <module>
@poke yeah exactly! Perfect! Unfortunately...
11 mins ago, by Ffisegydd
TIAANRTSP2FE - Today I Added A New Reason To Strike Python 2 From Existence.
OH! You’re on Python 2
Let me respond to that with a simple question: WHY?!
I am on Python2 because linux.
I ask myself the same question. I asked my team the same question when I started. I explained all the usual problems, I went through my "Teach The Non-Believer That 3 > 2" booklet. Unfortunately it's simply project constraints.
There are reasons to still be on Python2.
@InbarRose wat
The distributions come with Python2, and we don't want to disrupt the delicate client's devices by upgrading their Python.
And yeah whilst I don't like it there are still valid historical reasons to be on 2. That doesn't mean we shouldn't push to migrate when feasible as much as possible though (as I have for other projects)
@InbarRose :(
@GLaDOS Yep, it's sad.
But you know you can install versions parallel, right?
having python 2 installed doesn't harm
just forget about it
just alias python=python3
I already got used to typing python3. Even on windows I first try "python3"
@khajvah Python being in the PATH is not necessarily the case though. You should type py -3 instead ;)
(also py3 shebangs! shebang all the things!)
@poke Isn't it adding python to the PATH during the installation?
Only if you tick the checkbox
People, I use setter like @order_time_take_start.setter, but how I can use it for 2 or more fields? I need it because setter doing the same.
^ That’s the default. Launcher is ticked by default, but the executable to PATH is not.
So you can depend on the launcher being there, but not necessarily the python.exe/python3.exe
I see
py -3 is shorter than python3 anyway :P
the minus sign makes it harder type
I always mistype = and -
@InbarRose Like virtualenvs don't exist? My company is implementing on Linux with Python3. Quite possible to create Python 3 virtualenvs with Python 2 ... what's your next excuse? ;-)
You can place a py.ini into %LOCALAPPDATA% with the following contents:
That way, just using py will use Python 3 by default.
ok you won
But windows still lost :P
Nah, I don’t think so :P
imho windows used to be the source of all evil, but has gone tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeelFaceTurn
IIRC Windows puts Python in the registry, so There Can Be Only One (tm) Python
But (happily) my Windows knowledge is way out of date
My university finally moved to https
after many many years of login over http
@holdenweb For quite a while now, Python installs the Python launcher and only registers that with the .py file extension. So there is no direct association with Python files specific to a single installation. Yes, installed versions are registered in the registry, but there can absolutely be more than one :) I have 4 Python versions running simultaneously on my machine right now.
@poke sorry to break it to you, but you're weird
Or rather: Why specifically now? :P
because you have 4 python versions simultaneously installed.
I thought it was about windows stuff
Quick question, what is your preferred method to generate documentation for your Python modules?
@InbarRose sphinx
@khajvah Yeah, me too. I’m a bit disappointed actually. :P
Pretty sure Martijn had something like 8+ installed versions.
@Ffisegydd to be able to answer all the python questions on SO?
It’s mostly lazyness about removing old versions I’d say.
backwards compatibility counts.
@FlorianMargaine To be able to answer all python questions across all space and time.
Installing Python 3.5.x does not replace Python 3.4.x, so depending on how old your machine is, you easily get 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5
He's got the Python 4.rc0 version installed.
@poke doesn't the launcher work with shebangs in windows?
Yup it does
30 mins ago, by poke
(also py3 shebangs! shebang all the things!)
she bangs all the things, FIFY
"Title comments" along the lines of ### UTILS FUNCTIONS. How do people style these?
@PM2Ring @Fenikso Thanks for the help! I understand yr points. But I don't understand the statement->"thus, arguments are passed using call by value (where the value is always an object reference, not
the value of the object)."
The value of the object is passed right! That's is why we can a change in mutable values not immutable. Why does it mention reference is passed?
@Ffisegydd Why would you need these with a proper file structure?
@wonderb0lt Even within a "proper file structure" you could still have titles. The term "utils function" was the first one that came to my head.
For example you could have "imports" then "config" then "actual code"
@AbhishekBhatia My suggestion: Don't worry too much about that "call by value" and "call by reference" stuff. Those descriptions are appropriate in languages like C, but they can be confusing when applied to Python's data model. Try to think in terms of Python's data model of objects being bound to names, as explained in Ned Batchelder's article.
The docs are rather confusing on this, it should mention a value is passed but no new copies are created.
@Ffisegydd That's what you mean. If I really need to do these, I would do something along the lines you're already doing. Maybe a pound signs around it so the boundary is really visible, like:
# Util functions
Yeah, his article was very helpful. Thanks for reference!
@wonderb0lt yeah definitely. I was basically asking because it's not documented in PEP 8 (the absolute source of all knowledge on python styling that must never, ever be broken in anyway)
(Apart from the 80 char limit, that rule is stupid)
^ agreed
@Ffisegydd I just use a 160 char limit. :)
Hey, windows question.

I was going to work on a project. All of the tests for the project are in tests folder. So when running a specific test, I wanted to do `python -m unittest tests.test_all.Tests.test_specificThing`

Running that gives me a `module not found tests` error.

I have the project root in PYTHONPATH, and PYTHONPATH is appended to my system path.

Any ideas?
not enough information to help.
how about a stacktrace.
Sure, one sec
@Ffisegydd FWIW, in the editors I use (kate & Geany), any runs of ### (and a few other symbols that I can't remember) get rendered in red by default, with the rest of the comment text in grey.
C:\Users\Joshua\Documents\Development\sc2reader>python -m unittest test_replays.test_all.TestReplays.test_creepTracker
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python27\lib\runpy.py", line 162, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\runpy.py", line 72, in _run_code
    exec code in run_globals
  File "C:\Python27\lib\unittest\__main__.py", line 12, in <module>
  File "C:\Python27\lib\unittest\main.py", line 94, in __init__
Sorry about the triple ping. I really need to clean this keyboard. :)
@Cereal Can you run python -c "import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path)" ?
Well, yeah, that sucks. Not sure exactly why it's not working.
I would say "check your spelling" but I guess that's probably not the problem.
Try to recreate the problem somewhere else.
Will do, thanks for looking
@Cereal Random guess: make sure one of your own scripts doesn't have the same name as one of the modules that you're trying to load. Python will only load the first module with a given name that it finds as it works its way down the path list. So if one of your scripts earlier in the path list has the same name as a standard module (or 3rd party module) your script will get loaded instead of the desired module.
@poke Thnx for the Windows technology update: sounds much more satisfactory
@AbhishekBhatia The most important statement I made to beginners back in the day I was teaching Python is "assignment NEVER copies data"
@PM2Ring We called one of our projects "pipes". Well, cue "mv /usr/lib/python(...)/pipes.py (...)pipes_.py" in every installation script xP
@Ffisegydd "Out of cheese" isn't an error, it's an exceptional condition. Kindly update your message
@wonderb0lt Oh dear!
@holdenweb +++MELON MELON MELON+++
@Ffisegydd I usually avoid having to label them but when I do, something like this:
# Utility functions
^ Same, or i do a 60ish width "section separator" if there's a good reason not to have them live in a different module. if it's a particularly large section, i'll sometimes close it with a "section separator" as well
I might just fill a screen height and width with # symbols just to ensure people understand they're separate things.
That's good, yeah.
And right in the centre have "utils functions".
Banging idea.
SOCVR just closed a question from a 105k user. He's not a happy camper... meta.stackoverflow.com/q/317570/4014959
socvr is a dumb room
We're not exactly the brightest bulbs.
21 hours ago, by tristan
what about spaces and tabs at the end of the line? how many should i put there?
You are. I'm not.
@PM2Ring I have never read that user name before…
question: what would you be if you weren't a programmer?
I would be a cook/chef.
@PM2Ring It was a fresh install of python, sadly
alternatively, a neutron star
@khajvah Likely some other computer job
@poke Me neither. But I mostly stick to the Python tag.
@Cereal Ah, right.
@poke I don't like considering programming as a computer job
@tristan I tested the script. It turns out it gets eventually killed by the OS (linux)
Doing some further research, I also tried https://github.com/julman99/eatmemory
Set the eater bigger than the RAM could handle and it got killed as well.
Apparently there's something embedded in linux called "OOM Killer" (out of memory). It has a certain algorithm to select which process to kill.
Note that the script uses virtual memory. IE: after running out of physical RAM, it proceeded to use SWAP memory (memory from HDD).
@khajvah I mean things like sysop or something
Er why would an sd card be available as swap?
@RobertGrant Raspberry pi.
kernel.org/doc/gorman/html/understand/understand016.html the selecting algorithm is under 13.3 Selecting a Process
@HamZa Ah, yeah, you can tweak the OOM killer. I'm surprised that reaped your process -- I bet if you disabled the OOM killer (a common thing to do on hungry java applications), you'd get the memory exception I guessed
@HamZa: Yeah, putting a swap file / partition on a flash device is a great way to age it prematurely. It's ok if you never actually use swap, but otherwise...
A: Any ideas why my question about programmatically finding details for a "certificate" object was closed?

tristanI don't agree that it should have been closed, but it was linked in the SO CVR chat room, and they've very close-vote happy. As I understand it, your question is "how do I tell which intermediate cert signed my X509Certificate2 in my C# code", which is pretty specific. I voted to re-open. edi...

The script runned for over 2hours. 800MB of RAM could contain +20 million entries in the queue. So I guess I should not be worried
lol, answer why the question was closed. socvr gets upset and downvotes.
@tristan Nice, I should research that and see how to handle it
@PM2Ring swap was enabled by default (~100mb) :/
cant we pickle defaultdict values?
Hello all !
I mean
pos = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
and pickling pos using cPickle
@tristan Let’s all upvote that and show the CVR room which room is stronger…!
Well, ours is. Theirs is drunk on the feeling of the tiniest bit of authority possible.
Further, our room is centered around a common interest -- Python, programming, and typing nonsense at each other. A room set out to do menial moderation will attempt to justify itself by doing a lot of it.
@tristan in the beginning, close requests were not appreciated in that room
@HamZa I don't believe you that requests to close were not appreciated in a room called "close vote review"
But I believe it’s true; cv-pls were not welcome in there originally
@tristan blah, I was there from the beginning and then dropped. I was "pro close vote requests" and asked about it. The owner told me he wanted the room to be a place for gather ups, that's all. No requests.
Interesting. There's no ability to counter the effect of CV, so it was just a list of ones that exist?
vimeo.com/64522190 <- the original room owner made this then.
"i guess a room for collecting close votes could result in more close votes, but that's not what i designed it for!"
@tristan no, the owner created "room events". We gathered at those events and tried to make a dent in the close vote queue.
no cv-pls involved
Oh, heh, I forgot those queues existed.
I stopped reviewing as well. Too much for little return
@Ffisegydd Like this?
      #    #  #         #                   #    #
      #       #         #                   #
#  # #### ##  #  ###   #### #  # ###   ### #### ##   ###  ###   ###
#  #  #    #  # #       #   #  # #  # #     #    #  #   # #  # #
#  #  #    #  #  ##     #   #  # #  # #     #    #  #   # #  #  ##
#  #  #    #  #    #    #   #  # #  # #     #    #  #   # #  #    #
 ###   ## ### # ###     #    ### #  #  ###   ## ###  ###  #  # ###
Trying to install psycopg2-2.6.1-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl. Says 'not a supported wheel on this platform'. But let's me install psycopg2-2.6.1-cp35-none-win32.whl. I'm on a 64 bit system and confused
@PM2Ring hah
This discussion feels like a room fight
The discussion on that CV mob question or the discussion about how to denote a utils function area? Which is to say, I want to start throwing chairs, but I'm not sure in what direction
I was talking about the CVR room, but I wouldn’t mind throwing some chairs at oversized code comments
moderating SO has always been a headache (except for the beginning I guess)...
Haha gross, they're doing the cult-recruiting approach. If you disagree, maybe come spend some time with us -- attend some meetings, then make up your mind
@holdenweb Makes sense. I understand the logic. But I am confused in terminology here. In nedbatchelder.com/text/names.html, he never mentioned object and equates references to names. So I don't know what object by reference means.
anyway, RIP SO notification inbox for the next couple hours
@tristan :)
Feature request: disable notification for a certain thread :P
Gather your weapons. I see we're at war with SOCVR?
Deploy the snakes.
Feature request: Enable notification for votes (not reputation change, but votes)
had an actual "ha ha" at one of the SOCVR regular's assertion that people read or care about room rules
Yeah that's just not true, because people are bar stewards.
It'd be nice if they do, and them not reading rules is no excuse for breaking them, but at the end of the day people just don't.
Rules exist solely so we have something to point to when the people we kick go "but what did I dooooooo"
@Ffisegydd what if they counter with mongeese?
@Programmer bigger snakes.
snakes v3?
@tristan LOL – That was mean.
in SO Close Vote Reviewers, 2 mins ago, by Kevin Guan
Err...I know that this guy doesn't like SOCVR...but isn't that the answer little abusive? http://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/317578/5299236
What's strange is that they jump to like/doesn't like. I have no emotional feeling about SOCVR
It's not strange. People tend to see "like/dislike" when someone criticises/attacks someone they are invested in I think.
Yay! I managed to convince someone to undelete their question so I could post my answer. I think the OP deserves an upvote for that. :) stackoverflow.com/questions/35578955/…
@Ffisegydd Sure, but if someone was discussing what our room tends to create as output, I'd want to debate and talk about why that's the perception, not jump to "well, that person just doesn't like us"
I've been spending a little bit of time in SOCVR lately. But I wouldn't want to spend too much time there. It's a bit depressing wading through crap all the time.
@PM2Ring that's why I don't answer Qs anymore :P
Most of the SOCVR room reminds me of when I was 3 and got a toy sword and walked around hitting everything.
Your 0 button is broken.
@Ffisegydd :giggles: It's even worse when you just look at the concentrated garbage, though. It reminds me a bit of when I had to spend 3 or so hours a day going through the spam folder of a marketing company, just in case some legit email had ended up in there. After reading nothing but spam for several hours you feel like you need a shower. :)
@AbhishekBhatia One last try, then. In static languages like C, names refer to a fixed area of storage that can hold a value of a specific type. In Python, names refer to a fixed are of memory that holds the address of a value.
@Ffisegydd I have no toy sword. Only the crushing weight of perceived failures and the stress of not being entirely in control of my emotions.
@tristan Sounds like you could do with a toy sword to cheer you up.
@Ffisegydd I'd love one.
I like how explaining what tristan was saying now puts the focus on me again asking for my problems (which I did explain ~10 comments earlier)…
Me too, but unironically. I'm positive it's a small number of SOCVR regulars voting up each others comments and intentionally skipping over my points. It's not a debate and it's avoiding the main theme of "you have made a system that encourages people to vote less objectively than they would otherwise". It's just a time sink.
As we were saying.
Is something dramatic going on or something? I just got in.
good morning lovelies
Oh sweet summer child
Hey up both.
Yeah, cbg
There's nothing dramatic, just low level annoying. Probably best to change the subject
I saved 15% on car insurance and so can YOU
I don't wanna.
I don't have a car, but I'm considering buying a station wagon and driving across America
@idjaw maybe we can use this as a scheme together. I save 15%, then you save 15%, then I save 15%, repeat. soon they'll owe us money!
How am I supposed to connect to a local pipe on pymysql? I tried using the unix_socket and it doesn't like that. I should mention I'm on Windows.
@rlemon I'm in. This morning is off to a great start already.
@tristan I just added recursion to that comment thread.
SO has so much politics
@khajvah everything (that involves humans) has politics.
@poke Nice. Especially as the other answer has "_I will point out that it was only last week that I gained sufficient reputation (3,000) to cast close-votes on questions; _"...
@tristan Which could possibly mean in other words: “Nice, so I just got this new permission to close things! I have no idea how to use this, so let’s just let others tell me what I could close”
Yesterday I played The Resistance which is basically politics and subterfuge distilled to its simplest possible components.
@poke Yeah, exactly. They made a belt conveyor system for people that want to use the close button.
@Kevin Reminds me of Secret Hitler (which I’m super excited about)
@Kevin good game.
My favorite part was saying "[player name] confirmed as scum" regardless of whether it was true or provable.
@Kevin It's a game where meta game is a huge part of the game
I find it deeply amusing that as I don't have a lease or mortgage, and as I'm looking for a car to do a cross country trip in, I'm a homeless person looking for a car to live out of.
oh cross country trip! cool. What's your route?
BoltClock ended it.
Ugh. Continuing the discussion within the SOCVR room is not ideal.
But it’s super easy to step out of the discussion now :P
(which is my ulterior motive)
Good call.
@idjaw making a map with my rough idea
@tristan Weren’t you in Germany/Berlin?
@Kevin I used to play this. It is interesting
@poke In Moscow right now for another couple weeks
@tristan that's awesome! Best vacation I had was when my wife and I drove along the west coast. We started in Seattle and ended up in SF to stay with some friends. We mapped out local breweries along the way as well.
Ended up getting busy and not coming over to Germany, though I do love Berlin and the German people
Oh, I see, must be cold
Above freezing -- went outside with a sweater earlier and was fine
It was snowing here earlier..
Mafia is very interesting in principle to me but in practice I haven't got the "soft skills" to pick up tells, and I haven't got the short term memory to delve N levels deep into "if X and Y are scum but Z thinks Q is scum, who thinks X is scum but Y isn't [...], then I should vote for ___" scenarios
It's 0ºC here
checking..... -4C says the weather thing.
5°C at the moment
It's 8:49 here. You guys have really weird clocks.
@Kevin Have played it live? it's so much better
Well I played The Resistance in person. My performance went up after I started drinking.
One more reason to continue drinking
What is this about playing games in person? I'm confused and intrigued at the same time.
I wonder if Kevin is more star-able in person when drunk.
I don't know the answer to that question. If I'm impaired, my ability to assess my own starrability is also impaired.
@tristan Did you delete that last comment or did BoltClock do that?
@tristan That’s a weird picture of Russia
@poke I deleted it, not worth it
good call
Heh :)
And I can't wait until I'm sober to judge the starrability of the things I said when I wasn't sober, because at any point in time I can only feel a vague fog of embarrassment for anything I did longer than 16 hours ago.
I see a red line at Montreal. :)
Oh yeah, definitely coming through Montreal. Montreal's a beautiful little city
The "fly over" states are the ones I'm not so sure about.
@idjaw To be clear, I was playing with my non-Python IRL friends. You didn't miss a secret New Jersey chatroom convention or anything.
@Kevin You have non-Python friends? :(
Yes, they're dreadful.
I feel sad for you.
I don't really have any interest in the south or the northern midwest, but figured it wouldn't be a complete trip without going to the very end of route1 in key west
None of them get my hilarious quips about nonlocal statements :-(
@Kevin I didn't know those games supported local multiplayer. That's awesome.

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