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I don't know how effectively they're moving the Overton Window at the moment. If your viewpoint is indistinguishable from a parody of your viewpoint, you'll have a hard time convincing anyone of anything.
I'm just done. I think I'm going to take a break from the internet and probably not come back to online communities.
I dunno, I thought they've got people fired. But might be wrong about that.
Sure they have. ex. Donglegate.
Ok, now I too am done.
The faux-moral grandstanding leads to bad things. It just wasted time in here. It pushes people away from moderate opinions.
I'll be back once I have something programming related to say.
I reckon it's worse than that - people aren't allowed to be neutral anymore
I think the main issue is that Fry needed to hire a twitter manager. Like Cartman did with Butters.
Or like Chairman Yang did with The Neural Amplifier.
Normal people are do or don't deal with Twitter culture by ignoring it or participating in it. As a celebrety his relationship with it is different from a normal person's and it makes sense for him to handle it differently.
Wasn't Stephen Fry an early adopter of twitter? So his interaction with it is more genuine than some FizzyCorpCeleb coming in later with full PR team in tow.
I'm using hashlib.sha1 to generate sha1 hash and then zlib.compress to compress it, what would be better way to convert it to non-binary value without exceeding length size of original hash?
Huh? Why would you compress a hash?
i need to use it as key in redis
and i have too many of them, so i want to see if i can compress
That makes no sense.
if you can provide any feedback i'd apreciate that as well)
please read our room rules, don't post recent main site questions here
ok, sorry if i did something wrong
@alexus It's fine. Checking out the room rules will help you get along in here.
i only posted my question here to try make myself clear
but if you wouldn't mind i can try again in my own words
I have very large data set and I'm looking into using Redis. My data set consists of: sha1 hash and additional n value(s) that is associate to that hash.
Understood, but not everyone that answers Python questions on the main site uses this room. I'd put that clarifying effort into your question on the site and offer a bounty if you feel it's not getting enough attention
I tried to be as clear as possible in my question, I'm hoping it's enough but I'm always up for feedback and improving myself)
So what do you do when a TV cameraman asks you to 'type something'?
I was just about to say "open up hackertyper" but I'm pretty sure that's exactly what that guy did in the video :-D
that's his site anyway.
But if all else fails, there is also geektyper.com.
Didn't someone actually make the file manager from Jurassic Park? I'm sure you can do better for the camera.
@QuestionC yep
File System Navigator (fsn; pronounced "fusion") is an experimental application to view a file system in 3D, made by SGI for IRIX systems. Even though it was never developed to a fully functional file manager, it gained some fame after it appeared in the movie Jurassic Park in 1993. In a scene in the film, the character Lex Murphy, played by Ariana Richards, finds a computer displaying the interface. She exclaims "It's a UNIX system! I know this!" and proceeds to restart the building's access control system, locking the laboratory's doors. After the release of the film, some perceived the v...
i pretty much imagine that martijn codes at the speed of a hackertyper website
Request: a hackertyper-like site that outputs the "What did you say about me, you little..." speech
Turns out Hollywood's depiction of hacking is accurate. We just aren't on that level.
@Kevin "Gorilla warfare"
I would not want to go to war against gorillas.
That's why it's so effective.
(community television show reference)
this is the only part of Community I've seen yet.
It's on my list, though.
It's SUPER hit and miss. When it hits, it hits hard, though.
It's maybe the best show of its type and time (e.g. sitcoms like parks and rec/the office/30 rock/etc)
Oh I've also seen the part where the guy asks for an autographed photo of LeVar Burton and his friends organize a surprise face-to-face meeting with him and the guy gets really upset because he knows that seeing the man would only besmirch the perfect image of the legend he has in his own head.
I would agree. The highs of community are way higher than any other modern sitcom.
especially as it's an allegory for the irish famine. well, no time to stay and chat. have a good day all
It does make me slightly sad that Dan Harmon is such a terrible person, but I can forget about it enough to enjoy that and R&M.
Whoops I misremembered. He only wanted a photo because "you can't disappoint a picture". Got the direction of disappointment backwards.
for person in ('Patrick', 'Antti Haapala'): cbg(person)
@Kevin Please use this version.
Ooh, nice use of "ƒ"
Does anyone know how to split a string using regex matches?
For example:
Suppose I have the string 'Patssssrick Basssssut'. I wanted to split that using by 2 subsequent letters S. Giving me a list like ['Pat', 'rick Ba', 'ut']
Q: Splitting a string with repeated characters into a list using regex

Mathews_M_JI am not well experienced with Regex but I have been reading a lot about it. Assume there's a string s = '111234' I want a list with the string split into L = ['111', '2', '3', '4']. My approach was to make a group checking if it's a digit or not and then check for a repetition of the group. Some...

Morning cabbage.
The following should work s{2}. I guess.
Wait, it's not the morning anymore! Long meeting..
Hmm, wouldn't regular str.split work?
@Kevin No, because it's not very simple like the shitty example I gave.
sorry to interrupt but can someone help me with this stackoverflow.com/questions/35439162/…
There's could be other things between the s letters
@PatrickBassut: so you want the 5s in "Basssssut" to be removed?
>>> import re
>>> s = 'Patssssrick Basssssut'
>>> re.split("ss", s)
['Pat', '', 'rick Ba', '', 'sut']
I guess you want that link I changed my smart ass answwr to
Hmm, not quite what you wanted...
Q: Splitting a string with repeated characters into a list using regex

Mathews_M_JI am not well experienced with Regex but I have been reading a lot about it. Assume there's a string s = '111234' I want a list with the string split into L = ['111', '2', '3', '4']. My approach was to make a group checking if it's a digit or not and then check for a repetition of the group. Some...

@DSM To be honest, I don't know how the regex engine would behave. But yeah. I do want that.
What do you want to happen if there's only one s? What should "asbsscsssd" produce?
@Kevin I will sћit diamonds all over you and you will drown in them
@JoranBeasley Due to people posting questions here in this chat to be answered more quickly, I didn't pay a damn attention to your message. Sorry. I'll try that.
@DSM It shouldn't split when there's only one. Only when there's two.
Nice use of ћ and the context too!
Oh, and
You win. I'm done. — Qix May 28 '14 at 17:13
How about:
>>> re.split("ss+", s)
['Pat', 'rick Ba', 'ut']
@Kevin: that would give an empty match at the end. Is there an easy way to suppress that, or should we just filter the results?
@JoranBeasley That won't work. I want to split BY THE MATCHES. I don't wanna get the matches itself.
@PatrickBassut being a software programmer sometimes means thinking beyond simply copy and paste ... consider how you might apply it to your problem statement
@DSM Nothing that I'm familiar with. But I wouldn't be surprised if there was a way anyway.
@DSM Filtering results would require more processing. We're dealing with maybe 100 matches in the actual use cae.
@PatrickBassut: well, yeah, but it would take less time to filter it than it took you to type that sentence. :-)
Only 100? Great, so more processing is no big deal.
That's like a millionth of a second of extra work.
@JoranBeasley The question your sent me is basically a split. I can't get the matches and use regular split because... well, I fell like it won't be accurate.
I was going to suggest non-capturing groups which I just learned about forty seconds ago, but they don't seem to work right
>>> re.split("ss+(?:.)", s)
['Pat', 'ick Ba', 't']
My previous code sample is much closer to the desired output.
Which I am bringing up because I think Patrick might have missed it.
@Kevin I did. I actually tried it. I'll try to apply to my code now.
@Kevin Why that non-matching group is there?
To prevent an empty match at the end. Don't use that one, it doesn't work. The code sample I posted prior to that one has no non-matching group.
>>> s = "abcssdefss"
>>> re.split("ss+", s)
['abc', 'def', '']
>>> [x for x in re.split("ss+", s) if x]
['abc', 'def']
s = "abcssdefss";print(re.split("(.)\\1+",s)[::2])
Im reading more into it and assuming he want to split on the more general duplicate letter case than just s
@JoranBeasley I'm on py2, can't do anything about it.
I am also on py2
Okay, thanks for you help.
meh I need to log out ... im too grumpy today :P
good luck man
@Kevin Yeah, I guess that works.
Yeah, that works. Thanks man!
None of my coworkers or bosses came into the office today. This worries me.
The accounting department is still here, so it wasn't a building-wide evacuation or anything.
They better not have fired all of IT by email because I certainly didn't come in today to not get paid for it.
Not a single coworker?!
@JoranBeasley To be honest, I never saw that :: syntax on python. I googled and now I know what's about. That's why I thought it was a python 3 thing. But looks like you're not in a good mood today. Either way I really appreciate your help. Really.
Well I only have four of them, so it's not an astronomical coincidence.
My ex-coworker who got a new job in the same company and now works thirty feet away, is as confused as I am.
I guess I should lock the door and slide around Risky Business style.
Won't the carpeted floors cause a problem?
adds to the challenge
Man I knew I should have worn my extra slippery socks today.
(I'm remembering this conversation here, BTW..)
@Kevin please, get that on video.
Can't. Images of me are anti-memetic. They actively resist being spread to outside observers.
(This is not an invitation to prove me wrong and doxx me by finding a picture of me and making it a viral sensation, thanks)
My office is the same way. Only 4 other people came into work today out of my 11 co-workers.
And considering I've had nothing to do all day, I'm wishing I had done the same.
5/8 working remote on my team today...me included
I'm having the opposite day. Two people came in who don't usually, and one of them it was my first time meeting. Some new economics kid is interning or something.
Morale has been low ever since HugeCo snatched our big customer away from us. I wonder if that has something to do with it.
Maybe they're all on a tandem interview to HugeCo right now. The scoundrels.
HugeCo does have an impressive-sounding name. I know I'd be tempted to give them my business.
BigCorp is bigger by most measurements, but it's hard to feel big at times like these.
To be accurate, it's everyone else's morale that's been low. I continue to be unflappable.
> Bart: Nothing you say can upset us. We're the MTV generation.
> Lisa: We feel neither highs or lows.
> Homer: Really? What's it like?
> Lisa: [shrugs] Meh.
@Kevin @MorganThrapp Have you guys considered the remote possibility of being a holiday? Maybe you guys are too worried about the job itself. I don't blame you.
My calendar says "Washington's Birthday (Observed)" for Monday, which is why I stayed home yesterday. It doesn't say anything about today.
Could they all be stretching a three day weekend into a four day weekend by making use of sick time that may very well cease to exist in some kind of acqui-merger in mere days?
(Which I personally am not worried about because I'm the only person on the planet that knows how my project works)
@PatrickBassut We don't do holidays.
@Kevin I like how you think my projects are much the same :P
Note to any HugeCo spies: I did not become irreplaceable intentionally. It's just a quirk of BigCorp management policy that nobody other than me has looked at this code base in the last decade.
You know you've been playing too much Magic when Access pops up with "Invalid use of Null" and your instant reaction is to wonder if there are any Nulls that can't be sacrificed to pump Kalitas (spoiler alert: nope, they're all vampire or zombie types)
My own Magic experience is in peril because the IRL friend whose kitchen table I play on, has decreed that nobody can use infinite combos. 7 out of 8 of my decks use infinite combos. 3 of them can win literally no other way.
That's a stupid rule.
Incidentally, being eliminated in the first round of an 8-4 feels much better when you opened Gideon and Kalitas anyway
@Kevin Just agree to a finite cap. N=100 is way less than infinity. Should be fine.
I'm considering playing the most hard-ass fun-police strategies possible to see if I can bully him out of that viewpoint. What's that? You don't like me playing Tangle Wire + Vorel of the Hull Clade? Sorry, I had to find something to replace Pemmin's Aura...
Any deck can win on the play without playing a card. As long as both decks have the same number of cards, the draw player decks first.
I may attempt to rules lawyer him, because there's no strict definition of "infinite combo". No, see, I tapped this creature to the left last time, and now I'm tapping it to the right, so this doesn't constitute an additional loop of game actions.
Unless both decks have Ulamog/Emrakul/similar.
Now I'm casting Reclaim on Early Harvest, whereas previously I cast Call to Mind on Rude Awakening. Toooootally different.
man Im looking forward to my 4 hour meeting today ...
@Kevin There could be a strict definition... pretty easily, I think.
You can win without casting spells even in non-contrived situations. Turn one Mutavault. Turn two island, attack for two. On all remaining turns, attack and play Wasteland or similar to ruin your opponent's mana base and prevent him from mounting an effective defense.
All non-land cards are "spells" in Magic, though.
Oh right, Mutavault is a land, not an artifact.
This is approximately the game plan of the Vintage deck which plays 90% lands, although it typically casts Exploration and Life From The Loam for extra gas.
Ugh, flashbacks of a 48-land Magmatic Insight deck
so bad
I'm curious what the 7 infinite combo decks are.
Reminds me of the Seismic Assault / Swans of Bryn Argoll deck, which is composed of mostly lands. Once the two combo pieces are in place, you draw your library and deal a large but finite amount of damage to your opponent.
I think the deck list I was thinking of is 48x Mountain, 4x each of Molten Vortex, Magmatic Insight, Tormenting Voice
Standard legal for about a dollar but incredibly boring and not particularly effective
@Air Let's see... Sharuum The Hegemon / Disciple of the Vault / Sculpting Steel; Ghave, Guru of Spores / Ashnod's Altar / any Undying creature; Riku of Two Reflections / Palinchron; Omnath, Locus of Mana / Elixir of Immortality / Ant Queen / Perilous Forays / Lightning Greaves / Skullclamp / Patron of the Orochi; Volcano Hellion / Azorius Charm; Vorel of the Hull Clade / Pemmin's Aura / Gemstone Array; and, uh, I forget the rest.
Quick dupehammer question - say I close a question as a dupe, then realize there's a better dupe target. Can I single-handedly reopen the question, then close it again as a different dupe, or will it need 5 votes?
In my Karador deck I could theoretically do Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth / Cabal Coffers / Sun Titan / Acidic Slime / Nighteyes the Desecrator / Some sacrifice outlet, but I've never assembled all the pieces.
Is the legend rule a state based action? Seems like it would have to skip the stack for the first one to work
@MattDMo I think it will need 5 votes.
(to close again)
Yeah, the legend rule is a state-based action. The chain of events looks like:

Sharuum enters the battlefield. its triggered ability targets sculpting steel.
The ability resolves. Sculpting steel ETBs as a copy of sharuum. Its triggered ability triggers but does not go on the stack yet.
State based actions are checked. Two Sharuums are on the battlefield so I choose one to kill. I choose the original one.
Sculpting Steel's triggered ability finally goes on the stack. I choose the original Sharuum as its target. Disciple of the vault's triggered ability also goes on the stack and I drain my
Man I miss playing Magic
> Omnath, Locus of Mana / Elixir of Immortality / Ant Queen / Perilous Forays / Lightning Greaves / Skullclamp / Patron of the Orochi
I don't see it.
Cast Patron. Equip with lightning Greaves. Tap it to untap all your stuff, generating lots of mana. Sacrifice Patron to Perilous forays. Cast Elixir of immortality and activate it. Create many tokens with Ant Queen and kill them all with Skullclamp, drawing the remainder of your library. Return to step one, repeat as desired.
Oh, I guess you don't need Omnath for that one.
It seems elaborate but I've actually done it many times. It's easy to assemble a six card combo when you regularly cast Genesis Wave for fifty.
Note that "activate this ability only once each turn" restrictions don't apply if the source leaves the battlefield and returns later as a new object.
You need 3 mana to create a token and kill it
Yes, this is true. Usually at this point I have about twenty forests and a couple mana doublers such as Caged Sun and Vernal Bloom. Really helps grease the wheel.
You can also get exponentially increasing mana if you throw in Doubling Cube, and a Terastodon to destroy the Doubling Cube so you can draw it again after you activate Elixir.
This sounds like the Magic version of an obfuscated code contest
By the time you can go off this way it seems like you should have won any of hundreds of simpler ways, many turns ago
Omnath's threat level usually goes: t1 harmless, t2 harmless... t6 harmless, t7 oops I played my entire library.
Is this an EDH deck?
At which point I could attack with a hundred flying indestructible hexproof 100/100 ooze tokens, but then I get blown out by Wing Shards.
So it pays to do a little extra work to, say, destroy all the lands my opponent controls etc etc
@Air Yeah.
That explains why it sounds like an alternate universe.
Okay, explain Volcano Hellion/Azorius Charm. I see no interaction there.
I have a similarly elaborate combo in Sharuum: Tap Gilded Lotus for WWW. Use Krark-Clan Ironworks to sacrifice 5 artifacts for 10 mana. Sacrifice Codex Shredder to return Open The Vaults from my graveyard to my hand. Cast Open the Vaults, returning all my sacrificed artifacts. Repeat as desired.
I'm assuming you choose the lifelink option so you can kill something for free.
I don't like to use that combo much though, because it requires me to sacrifice all my nonland permanents and the last time I tried it my opponent flashed in a Tormod's Crypt.
@Air You're close. I cast the Hellion and put its triggered ability on the stack. I cast the charm, giving it lifelink. The hellion's ability resolves, and I choose to do 10^100 damage. 10^100 damage is dealt to a creature and 10^100 is dealt to me. I gain 2 * 10^100 life, which completely reverses all the life I just lost.
At no point am I at less than 0 life, because the loss and the gain happen simultaneously. (this didn't use to be the case, but changed sometime around eighth edition)
Huh. I thought lifelink happened after damage and you'd die.
Not any more :-)
I miss mana burn.
You have to be careful to use a card that literally gives lifelink, though. Just giving it a triggered ability like "whenever ~ deals damage, gain that much life", then you really will die.
I don't really miss interrupts.
So Spirit Link and similar auras are out of the question.
Spirit Link predates the lifelink rule text, doesn't it?
I feel like that's an Alpha card
They didn't errata it to "enchanted creature has lifelink" because that would qualify as a substantial functional change. As printed, the controller of the aura gains the life. If they changed it, the controller of the creature would gain the life.
@Air First printed in... Legends, 1994.
Yeah, that makes sense, because Spirit Link could be sort of a quasi-Pacifism
with the caveat that you can't get too low
Yeah, I remember using it for that very purpose in my very first deck which was absolutely terrible
I would win games with it by comboing Moonlit Wake with Fanatical Devotion. Sacrifice a creature to regenerate itself, gain a life... I later learned that this combo didn't work for about four different reasons.
Hi everybody, I'm curious about libraries you use to communicate with bash. I'm using pexpect currently but had a few problems with it and it doesn't quite do the thing I want. I want to send and read commands asynchronously with the same subprocess.
@Kevin Invalid target, regenerate wouldn't work, and it wouldn't go to the graveyard? Is the fourth reason something to do with why Spirit Link is related? (Or was the "it" that you won games with not Spirit Link, just that deck?)
@Desertricker Probably not what you want to hear, but: could you rewrite the bash script as a Python script, in which case you don't need to do any communication at all?
@Air The first three are right. Spirit Link was just in there to stall for time.
Spirit Link + Visions of Brutality is the new hotness
You know what would be really interesting is a global enchantment that made all creature enchantments in play global
I should be saying "auras" but get off my lawn
All I want to do is cast Radiate on an awakened Part The Waterveil, and take N extra turns during which I can attack with all N of my lands that have become 6/6 creatures.
And it only costs a mere fourteen mana.
"While [this card] is in play, replace 'enchanted creature' in the text of any Creature Aura with 'all creatures'"
I'm not sure there's a logically consistent wording for that kind of effect... and if there is, it would do insane things.
"enchanted creature gets +1/+1". "all creatures gets +1/+1". grammar twitch
Hmm, maybe "replace 'enchanted creature' with 'each creature'". Then the tenses match at least.
I'm sure there are a hundred corner cases where it acts weird though
@Kevin Well, it looks hard, if you are talking about hacking into bash(or did I get it wrong?). I thought there would be tool I could use for it.
I think you mean "hilarious"
Air's All-Encompassing Aurification, Persuasion, I control everything, good game?
nvm, I guess I'll write a detailed question on the main site, have a good day.
@Kevin More like Spreading Seas + Freed from the Real
in a multiplayer game
Some men just want to watch the world Twiddle
One time I played Boom/Bust plus Boros Charm to destroy everyone's lands but my own. And that's how those two cards got forbidden from being in the same deck.
(at my friend's kitchen table, not everywhere)
Guess you'll just have to play four copies of Armageddon, Ravages of War and Impending Disaster instead, then
If I win the game and all my friends resolve to never play Magic against me again, then that counts as a loss.
I've only ever played in one sanctioned constructed event and it was a land destruction deck with Terravores.
I've only ever played in one sanctioned constructed event and it was my second deck ever, which was much less terrible than my first one. I still went 0-2 drop.
My first round opponent was playing some kind of Balance deck. He was very cranky when he realized what I was playing.
"Every elf from the Legions set" is a superior strategy to U/W non-functional combo, but not by much in a competitive context.
@Kevin I spent a summer working and playing Tekken 3, a game we played in our uni house
I became (relatively) amazing at Tekken 3, and once the new academic year started played the next best person in the house about 5 times. And then never again, because I was unbeatable.
Heh, I know that scenario pretty well, from both perspectives.
It's hard to find a game that everyone enjoys and that everyone has a good chance of winning.
Fluxx? Munchkin? Dominion, even?
Especially difficult for me since half my friends are board game elitists and refuse to play anything with a significant element of chance.
Chutes and ladders?
I haven't seen a proper d6 in months ;_;
@Kevin I like that :)
@Air I miss Fluxx.
Currently we keep the playing field even by choosing a game from the Big Shelf of Things We've Never Tried Before. Should keep us occupied until June or so.
That game was my favorite.
There is a Fluxx board game. I haven't tried it but my local game store has it.
Actually, all of those.
One day I want to try Diplomacy, which has no elements of randomness. But I need to play with complete strangers on account of its reputation as the Destroyer of Friendships.
Remember, if no one bursts into tears during gameplay, you're doing it wrong.
I would play a round. I've never played, but it sounds like a ton of fun.
Diplomacy is great :)
I also really like Power Grid
Which has minimal randomness, and some rubber-banding

 SE Diplomacy

please don't kill me (the current game: webdiplomacy.net/board...
That's another one I need to try. I wish I had board gaming friends.
We had one game and then got sidetracked/lacked interested players
I struggle with Agricola
I can't play Power Grid very effectively. Any game that requires me to emulate the thought processes of another player, who may be emulating my thought processes, and so on, gives me an enormous headache.
I'm too autismal to read the facial expressions of my opponents to determine what they're thinking of doing.
Yeah the last couple of turns can be as intense as poker
Possibly the most rewarding part of Power Grid was understanding the terribly-translated rules
If folks are interested in a slow-ish Dip game we can probably rustle up 7 for it
I would definitely be interested.
Sorry, I haven't got the patience for play-by-mailing list or similar. Last time I tried it was for a game of Mafia, which I petered out on after two rounds.
Yeah I think I'd struggle with ultra slow Diplomacy :)
That sounds like real diplomacy
Well, if you change your mind, hop in the room
@Qwertiy last sentence: "The problem wasn't solved, it just had a new layer added to it because we think flashing "read the rules" just one more time will definitely fix the problem." Aptly demonstrated. — davidism 1 min ago
User comments "what if we showed them a message" right below me saying more messages won't help.
Don't forget to read our "read the rules" message!
Be sure to read Robert's message above this one as well (and read this also (and that (and that (and that ...
Sorry, I don't read any messages that has the word "read" in it.
Please read every single message that has ever been written in the room so you have full knowledge of the current quantum state.
I'm tempted to reply to every help vampire with "the solution to your problem can be found [here](http://sopython.com/chatroom)"
If they protest that no solution exists on that page, I reply "you must not have read closely enough. Try again from the beginning"
I would also like to have an encoded message in the rules along the lines of "congratulations, you have spent enough effort on reading the rules to discover this secret area. Use the passphrase 'swordfish' in the room and we'll give you the codes you requested"
Yeah, point them here - just keep clicking next day
P.s. - don't forget to read the instruction about using a password, listed just above
"The solution to your problem is surely some permutation of all the characters ever used in chat. Assembling them properly is left as an exercise to the reader"
"Then you will see it is not the process that forks, it is only yourself."
Nice :)
@Qwertiy based on my answer and subsequent responses, is my position on this matter still unclear to you? It seems like you're not really taking in what I'm saying, thus demonstrating what I'm saying. — davidism 1 min ago
it's so easy
And fun to join in
Oh hey, another video streaming question in flask
@Ffisegydd Nice article. It reflects my opinion closely.
2 hours later…
One question regarding using static variables in python
def static_vars(**kwargs):
    def decorate(func):
        for k in kwargs:
            setattr(func, k, kwargs[k])
        return func
    return decorate

class Astris():
    def resetAstris(self, reset_delay = 0.3, retry = 3):
        self.resetAstris.attempt += 1
        if self.resetAstris.attempt > retry:
            print ("3 Attempts made. Cannot reset astris")
self.resetAstris.attempt += 1
AttributeError: 'method' object has no attribute 'attempt'
any help is appreciated.
I have a question
I have a photographer model
photographer has photos and subscription
is it ok to have a custom function
which will return those relations?
for example get top 3 most popular photographs
what data structure are you planning to use to store association?
@AnttiHaapala Antti you have helped me many times before, any answer for my question baove?
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