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:-) OTOH, the Beatles were quite fond of I iii IV V, too.
Churn out that pop music.
@RobertGrant I try, To be honest, though, my mental keyboard let me down there and I think it's C-Am-G-F on the Let it Be bit. I'd have been better sticking with chopsticks ;)
@PM2Ring cabbage! Happy New Year!
Ugh I wish I could just eat a hamburger and take a nap
haha there was a joke by a Finnish standup comedian about...
"which pop song has the chorus chord progression C-D-G-Em" - "All of them"
Is rey related to hon solo or Luke Skywalker
Hi, Richard!
@The6thSense both
ah, rey
Indeed, both :)
I think the better question is "who is General Hux related to"
thought of ren
It'd be better if rey is the Emperor's granddaughter though; Luke's daughter is way too boring
then who's the father?
daisy looks like natalie
Don't eat baby Wookiee: it's a little chewie...
Rey was abandoned by her family to perpetual persistence living / slave labor, so it would be character assassination to make any of the existing protagonists one of her parents.
don't overthink a disney movie
She might have been kidnapped etc.
I am all for being kidnapped
they'll figure it out by VIII
They'll just retcon it as needed for the endless stream of sequels as it ultimately doesn't matter
anw. Gen Hux is GINGER
In the process they'll introduce plot holes because these things are just money factories and the writers don't care
must be the son of the 2 gingers in original: emperor and mon mothma
@tristan indeed
the ep 7 had the most plot holes ever
they'd need at least 6 pre-sequels to cover them all
You've probably put more thought into it than the writers.
Did anyone find it strange that two characters had Irish (Scottish? something similar?) accents? Is there a Space Ireland in a galaxy far far away?
it's just throw chips with writing on them into a bag, shake, out falls a character
I still liked that battle with the ground forces and the x-wings above
Although whenever an x-wing shot at stormtroopers it did that Lord of the Rings physics thing with them
but seriously
IMHO the biggest joke ever regarding this movie is that the score would be Oscar-worthy.
waiting the money amount on my business account to get 5000x increase
You're still talking about star wars?
hmm, "no spoilers until 4th"
IIRC the wording was "no spoilers up to the third", which doesn't preclude the possibility of "no spoilers after the third, either" ;-)
The room is a Star-Wars-spoiler-free zone until January 3rd.
you're correct
After that, the room is a Ruby on Rails room until February 23rd.
Howabout those Python guys, huh? Their bloggers aren't nearly as enthusiastic as ours!
Hm, I don't like this typeface. Can't create.
It's like they don't even meme.
Okay, turns out there're 2 datetime.time classes. One of them is defined in Lib/datetime.py, another is in Modules/_datetimemodule.c. My answer is correct.
datetime confirmed as just as terrible as I've always assumed.
The other thing about it was Rey appeared to be another of these "teenage girl who is astonishingly good at everything" characters that seems to be cropping in lots of movies these days.
    from _datetime import *
except ImportError:
>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.date
<class 'datetime.date'>
>>> datetime.date.__file__
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: type object 'datetime.date' has no attribute '__file__'
ah no :P
"Unusually gifted youngster" is a fairly common part of the Hero's Journey megatrope, so I'll give it a pass
Have you never spoken to a teenage girl, Robert? They will no doubt confirm their omniscience.
@Kevin even Luke wasn't like that, though
@RobertGrant Anything else would be sexist. See also: the trope of a 90-pound-while soaking-wet female character destroying guys that could punch a tree down
Not anywhere near
@Kevin but usually the gifted youngster will have setbacks
@tristan yeah I think that one is actually dangerous, because getting into a fight isn't something they should even attempt
And neither should I, but I know that from movies where the smaller guy gets annihilated
@JRichardSnape They do have one well-advertised shortcoming: they can't even.
It's because Disney knows that people will go see anything star wars, men aren't really put off by a female hero, and it will make the internet activists spend all their parents' money on merchandise.
This weakness seems to emerge most prominently in the presence of dad jokes.
Yeah, 100% correct I'm sure
hello, how can i do something like this in python ? pastebin.com/fGh0uaZ3
@Kevin very odd
@supertrainee If you want to iterate over two lists in parallel, try for a,b in zip(list1, list2):
It'd be cool to see a female hero who has to work to attain stuff, rather than just be magically good at things. Just seems like a princess otherwise
@RobertGrant That's sexist.
@tristan that's sexist
...ad nauseum
Maybe all the character building happened off-screen while she was on the desert planet.
Haven't you learned anything from the internet lately? If you don't like something, you're supposed to complain until it changes. You're not supposed to work hard or do personal development. If you don't succeed, it's because the world is against you and specifically not because others are more talented or work harder.
@Kevin Thats really cool. but I'll find myself having a hard time explaining it every time someone reads my code.
"look at my big wall of tally marks. This indicates that I have earned my survival skills through a long period of hardscrabble living"
Yeah, this treating the world as though it were your parents is quite effective, given the right conditions
@GLaDOS I think it's reasonable to expect the person reading your code to know how zip works. And any other built-in function for that matter.
@Kevin that's fine :) It's the defeating of an uber bad guy in a lightsabre duel that is crazy
@Kevin that's the problem with the movies:
I know she is related to both. I was trying to ask who is her father?. In one scene she would be saying I think hon solo is my father like that
I guess that depends on who you're working with
"we cannot have character building on screen, because the CGI dogfights take too much time"
I don't know a lot of people that use zip that much
@GLaDOS ... millions flies can't be wrong
@GLaDOS My rule is that if you can do help(term) in the standard lib, it's fair game.
Ok but there needs to be a standard of how much you're willing to explain to someone who won't bother to look in the standard documentation. Would you comment how an if block works?
#this code will only execute if this expression evaluates to a truthy value
#truthy values means...
# The following is a comment on the code following *it*
@GLaDOS if you need to explain your code to your boss, find a new job
#evaluate is a term that expresses...
Problem detected: my comment explaining how "if" works, itself contains the word "if"
and if it is not your boss, why do you explain
@Kevin so, append it with a remark: "if you do not the meaning of if-the-conjunction works, then check it up in the dictionary"
I personally liked start war 2 and 3 the most
I try to comment my code as if the reader has as much coding ability as I do, but does not have any of the domain knowledge specific to the problem I'm working on.
new pattern for 2016: anti-helpful comments. # this following code is roughly equivalent to the Prolog expression....
is_parent(luke, rey), \+
Basically I'm commenting for the sake of myself 6 months in the future.
Same, but ironically.
I am answering in stack overflow for myself. In a manner that is helpful to me 6 months in the future.
Due to work realities, I've been writing ~500-600 lines of code a day, so my comments are roughly docstrings of the params/return, a few lines at the top of what the module is supposed to do, then some inline tests
@tristan get to python 3 already
use function annotations for params, return
@Kevin remove 'not'
@AnttiHaapala I use python3 and 2. i thought function annotations weren't a thing yet in 3.5.x
Actually I'd be interested to know the statistics of builtin words in python
in 2.5-2.7...
whats the percentage of zip usage and so on.
@AnttiHaapala wait, what? python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484 says 3.5 is the slated version
@AnttiHaapala yes?
no, you can use the annotations in any python 3
with backports.typing
That PEP only introduced the semantics of the already existing syntax, and the typings module.
but annoyingly pycharm guys do not support backports.typing properly because they're a bit boneheaded
>>> def x(y: int) -> int:
...   return 2*y
>>> x(2)
oh interesting.
and also unfortunately did not specify how to have annotations besides the type annotations
because no one in the python-land ever used java, so they do not understand why the annotations would be cool
and they think "a decorator is better" (no, it is not)
eh, i used java in college a bit. i sometimes just do hungarian notation
how are annotations and decorators related in this context? do you mean as return type checking?
see, in java you can annotate pretty much everything in code
then this usage can be retained in the runtime, or be used to construct new type systems or whatever...
you can have many annotations for a single method parameter, or for a type cast or anything
I don't totally see why this would be useful besides not having to look at the generics definition
Or will it barf more helpfully at compile time or some other point if some criteria isn't met?
anything is possible... and the information can be reflected on the runtime, or not...
some java8 compilers have support for @Nullable and @NotNull annotations
that make it possibly (theoretically, since it'd require the stdlib and all other libs to be annotated properly) to verify the null-safety of code
I used to like the Spring annotations, which wire everything together very easily (and dangerously magically)
dark magic. Whenever I see something like xyz.setAutoWire(true);, I become scared.
In other news, I think I may be a luddite.
class JRichardSnape
@RobertGrant I am doing that, but in Python
except it is not magic...
and they're not really func arguments, but properties...
but I'd like to use annotations for those...
I know you're kidding JRS, but FWIW, I think you're a proper genius.
This room is unusually highly populated by people smarter than me.
(Not gonna name names though ;-) )
@Kevin Is that really unusual?
Harsh @poke, harsh
Damn, you caught my stealth humblebrag :-D
Harsh, yes, but does it make it less true? xD
Sorry @Kevin
But in all honesty, there are so many people with different vast knowledges on here, it’s always inspiring, for everybody.
If we combine the entire human species' knowledge, we will have known everything we have known.
Never mind. I am going crazy with the Scala Futures thingy.
Fun fact of the day. In COBOL, & == -7. Because that makes sense.
You haven't seen JavaScript yet, I guess :D
Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone knows of a good solution to this problem. Suppose you have a complex schema, and you wish to provide some multi-line comments before certain keys. Something like foo = {'a': 'b', """comment""" 'c': 'd'} won't work, because the comment gets prepended to the key c. Since Python doesn't have real multi-line comments, the only solution I could think of was to use #-style comments. Is there no better solution?
Using #-style comments is undesirable, because you hit the line width really quickly for nested schema.
I think multi line comments need to be on their own line
That's what I'm actually doing, but it still prepends to the key.
There are only single line comments with #. End of the question. There simply is no alternative.
Oh, you should use formatting, because it's hard to tell with this
Also, " == -3. What drugs are you on, COBOL?
Yep, can confirm that giving the triple quoted string its own line doesn't help:
>>> d = {'a': 'b',
... """hello I am a multiline comment
...  I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts"""
... 'c': 'd'}
>>> d
{'a': 'b', "hello I am a multiline comment\n I've got a lovely bunch of coconutsc": 'd'}
Yeah, sorry, perhaps I should have pasted the original code for clarity, but I wanted to try to keep it short.
@Kevin And let’s be honest, that looks super stupid too :P
It doesn't look very... Commenty.
@thefourtheye do you think it's a good time to buy?
@RobertGrant I didn't get it :(
I don't think there's much you can do here besides gritting your teeth and putting a "#" at the beginning of each and every line you want to be a comment.
I recommend checking your text editor's keyboard shortcuts to see if they have a "comment all selected lines" command. For instance, it's ctrl-k in Notepad++.
Thanks, I guess there is no good alternative then. It would be nice to have real multiline comments.
d = {
    'a': 'b',

    # This comments describes the following keys in
    # more words than should probably be necessary
    'c': 'd'
Looks good to me.
Yeah, I use vi, it's just that using # makes things pretty messy when you have deep indentation.
Eh? what's your vimrc like?
FWIW I think "keep lines under 80 characters" is the most ignorable guideline listed in PEP 08.
@thefourtheye :)
I thought you said ignoble for a second
Which would've been pretty cool
“It would be nice to have real multiline comments” – Why though? In most languages where you have multilines comments, the style guides say the following two things: (1) Actual code comments always use single line comments on their own line (e.g. //). (2) Multi-line comments are only ever used for documentation blocks, which have a repetitions character at the beginning. E.g.:
 * Foo
@RobertGrant ha ha ha...
Being able to highlight code and hit shift-crtl-/ in Eclipse to block comment is nice though
Proper code editors will not be restricted to real multi-line comments though.
I prefer using multiline comments when I have to explain something that can't be said easily using only a couple of lines.
I think you're really only supposed to use triple quote comments at the beginning of functions, right?
E.g. Visual Studio for C# toggles // in front of all lines.
def do_the_thing(params):
  """ does a very cool thing """
  print("I did it")
@corvid That’s not comments. It’s a docstring. That’s a very different thing.
Oops, the docstring goes after the def line? Excuse me I have a couple dozen projects to revise...
@Kevin lol, yes.
Yeah, I also think it's more natural to place it before the definition.
Maybe, maybe not.
It does seem natural to me too that you describe the thing that you are defining right now.
Well, you lose space due to the indentation after the function definition.
I'd go as far to describe pre-def commenting as "more in line with the style standards of other languages"
@Kevin Yeah, because that’s a valid argument with Python… :P
I hesitate to call anything "natural" that involves these wicked lightning boxes.
The baby wookie joke got a laugh in the office
And to be fair, docstring inside definitions makes sense for consistency with docstrings at module level :P
And since modules are implicit (we have neither a package or namespace block as in other languages), that’s the only place we can put that.
Makes sense.
Morning Cbg
@poke as we say, implicit is better than explicit
Well, they are pretty explicit by having a file.
Grr... reactivity seems so gimmicky
If it's this, it looks a bit like just registering a callback
Though I'm sure there's more too it than that
I made a gif during the holiday. It's a tentative experiment in negative space.
Ah .... my eyes
Switching between "white squares on black background" vs "black squares on white background" is meant to elicit the same sensation you get from looking at a Necker Cube
oooh - are those lines straight all the time?
I'm now looking at other styles of tesselation to see if I can do something a little more interesting.
reminds me of that flash game (Shift)
I look forward to the day where healthy people undergo augmentation to become better-than-baseline. That would be a huge paradigm shift from our current situation where most bionics are for impaired people.
I for one welcome our half-machine overlords, because they will be us.
I mostly just want robotic eyes and brain chips, because really what else do you even need?
@corvid That's great of course, except that after 10 years your eyes fall out
@Kevin Have you played Deus Ex?
If nothing else, Deus Ex teaches us that the secret to happiness is augmentation
I have not played Deus Ex.
I've heard good things about it though.
New one's coming out next year (this year?)
This year! Woop.
The original release date was sometime in Feb and it got pushed back to Aug
Fitting :P
> A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.
- Shigeru Miyamoto
> "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong."
> - Albert Einstein
// Daikatana
I suppose he'd say we just haven't waited long enough
When radiation mutants eat every other game, it will be good by default.
cabbage all
♪ In the year 3535, if Daikatana is still alive... ♪
Nice ref
Cbg davidism
"Oremor nhoj em llik tsum uoy emag eht niw ot"

-John Romero
To be fair, this is a good apology in a world of fake ones:
Romero would later apologize for the infamous "John Romero's about to make you his bitch" advertisement. Romero stated in an interview that "up until that ad, I felt I had a great relationship with the gamer and the game development community and that ad changed everything. That stupid ad. I regret it and I apologize for it."
Morning cabbage for all!
cabbage DSM
Real question: I'm going to be spending an hour and a half on a bus today. Anyone have recommendations for the best way to use the Python chat from android?
Can't say I've ever attempted chatting from a mobile phone.
I just link straight to the chat -- Chrome browser
Phone UI is bad...
there might be an unofficial app, but I just use the web client
it's crap but it works enough
'kay then, will try that.
Yeah, the web client is not unusable, and that's the best I can say for it.
If you're magically good at everything, even better than the specialists, and you have no flaws and make no mistakes that affect the plot, you just might be a Mary Sue.
The justification for the lightsaber battle I can accept, but being a crack pilot seems odd for someone who has apparently never left the surface of their home planet.
Right - I have an out of date question. Can anyone explain to me why a greedy algorithm works for Advent of Code 19b? Will it always work? I don't want to spend time trying to find counter examples if someone's already worked that out...
My opposition to Rei's being underwritten isn't because of an opposition to strong female characters -- she's strong, she's female, but she's not a character.
This doesn't really justify it, but Luke was a pretty good pilot for having only flown a landspeeder before the x-wing fight.
(yes, I'm back at work, hence boredom has got the better of me and I thought I'd polish off the last couple of AoC that I didn't get round to pre-christmas)
@Kevin The novelisation explains that a bit more (albeit ever-so-conveniently). Basically she had a VR set in her AT-AT and would spend all her free time dreaming about flying away/using the VR training set.
@JRichardSnape I had a miniature rant about 19b a day or two after it came out. My conclusion was: the greedy approach only happens to work because the puzzle maker carefully constructed the inputs.
Stealing from Knights of Sidonia, I see. (I'm sure it stole the idea also.)
So she had thousands of hours of flying experience, but never in an actual ship/under duress (hence how she knew what to do but was shaky)
Yeah I don't think that's such a stretch, although this time it's the "hot women are always amazing mechanics and drivers" trope
Marcus gave me a hint indicating that there is a better way to solve it, but I never got around to looking into it.
@Kevin Ah, good, glad it's not just me wondering about that. As you were - Star Wars ahoy
Also, Knights of Sidonia season 2 became infinitely more stupid with the addition of the alien character.
@davidism, have you used the JSON support for postgres much yet?
Yeah KoS went in a weird direction.
@corvid Not for anything more than storing and retrieving objects.
The podcast Current Geek (which is in general awesome and so you should all listen) had an episode dedicated to the film and they had a very good argument on the Mary Sue issue, with some good points brought up about why she isn't actually a Mary Sue (though they admitted that she is over-powered nonetheless).
Yeah, I doubt I'd be persuaded. I've spent way more time in fanfiction communities than I probably should have over the years, and there's no mistake.
See also: Honor Harrington. I enjoy the books, but come on, Weber.
There were a lot of paralells with Luke's story, but at the same time she just didn't feel as real. I don't think that was really important to the story though.
@JRichardSnape There's only one valid solution, so as long as you find an answer, it will also be the shortest
If Luke had beaten Darth Vader with a lightsabre he just picked up before any training, then we'd consider that to be normal, I suppose
Dec 19 '15 at 14:14, by Ffisegydd
You know when something is so awesome that your toes curl? When you cannot stop them curling and you're just like "GO ON! GET IN THERE! F***ING YES!"? I had that when real, actual spoiler
What do you think of it?
Given episode 5 was basically a massive training montage, at the end of which he loses a hand, I can only conclude that Luke was rubbish
@MarcusS Mmm, it wasn't so much that, but I did a very simple replace the longest sequence you can at each intermediate step and it just worked. I can't see why that would always work - I would have thought you could have got stuck in local minima.
Dec 19 '15 at 14:16, by Ffisegydd
I also loved it when less serious spoiler
Patents Jar-Jar in a jar
Will Rey lose a hand in 8?
Jar-Jar Jar!
@davidism she's already easily beaten the antagonist
At the end of the day Kylo was injured by a blaster that knocks other people off their feet. He's also not a Sith Lord at all (he doesn't use his rage constructively, instead letting it consume him). So her defeating him doesn't make me too angry.
@RobertGrant Only with an assist from Chewie, Registered Badass.
@JRichardSnape Check out the input file just by itself and see what rules can be constructed -- it'll help show why greedy approaches work
It all falls into a nice pattern
And Finn was there I guess.
@Ffisegydd she was also angry throughout the fight, but now I'm hearing how boring I sound
I think you'd look angry too when fighting someone with a lightsaber for your life.
If the input file were a little more random (as most people had assumed), then there's no guarantee wrt/the greedy approach
Rey spent a lot of time in the "angry grimace" VR trainer.
@Ffisegydd I'd probably have a massive grin on my face
Or, more realistically, I'd be looking scared if I were scared; angry if I were angry
please can someone help me with this pastebin.com/dn8pi2XQ
A big problem with Rei is, since she was instantly good at everything (better than people who spent their whole life doing it), all suspense was instantly ruined
@corvid that is the thesis, yes :)
not sure if I already linked that, but they're the guys who did the 70 minute reviews of the prequel trilogy
Setting her up for the fall.
@MarcusS Hmm - you've teased me now :) I spotted that Rn, Y and Ar couldn't be replaced so were in some sense delimiters and wondered about the possiblity of decomposing the problem based on that, but just tried the greedy approach first and it worked. Now I'll have to look for a deeper pattern
Episode 8 she's going to lose 2 hands and a pinky toe.
Yeah if she falls then it'd be cool. Like Anakin but done well
In the sequels, do you think Kylo Ren will become more Vader-like, or more... hulk-smash-aarghhhh-y?
> Does anyone want any pizza rolls? Post on my webzone if you want a pizza roll
His character also seems bad
@davidism That was Harry Plinkett though, these guys are other guys on Red Letter Media
@Kevin Put it in the tea!
I think Kylo will learn to control his anger and will deck her, Luke will have to jump in to save her and sacrifice himself.
@RobertGrant But he was actually very well-acted, I think I liked Kylo the second most (after Poe Damaran)
@corvid the one on the left did the Plinkett character
@corvid didn't particularly like his acting even
But yeah, it's not a full breakdown, just a solid review
But I don't think he had a lot to work with
He just looked hilarious with his mask off
I assume we've all seen Emo Kylo Ren
Damn you lack of one-box ;___;
Remove awesome mask - reveal mild-mannered goth face
Mind-reading scene between Kylo and Rei was my favorite for some reason
I think the writer Max Landis had some good points on Star Wars Episode VII
@Ffisegydd exactly!
I liked Rei force mind tricking James Bond.
@RobertGrant But part of his character arc is that he's supposed to be very average and his fear is that he will never reach the greatness of Darth Vader, that's why he doesn't look intimidating
Lando being a wisecracking uncle is best fancanon.
There was a line in the movie that I thought was a joke but maybe I'm looking way too much into it -- Han Solo looks at Rei/Finn and says, "So, fugitives, huh?"
Okay, another sign that I should bow out of this sort of conversation: using the word arc when story will do
@Kevin possibly my favourite family guy line is when they remake star wars and Peter says of Lando "He's a black guy - in fact he's probably the only black guy in the galaxy."
I'd never even noticed that til then
I'm thinking that 1) Finn isn't Force sensitive, and 2) he's just a random guy, not related to the original characters.
There were some funny moments in that special.
> Han: Look Leia, it's the only other woman in the entire galaxy.
> Leia: ... I don't like her.
"Something something dark side..."
"Something something complete."
Skittles missed an awesome marketing opportunity with their Darkside variant
Serves them right for replacing lime with green apple in the original. Unforgivable.
hello, someone of you uses gpu computing with python ?
ugh parsecs are units of distance DAD
Must be one of my favourites.
@hmmmbob as per our room rules you do not need to "ask if anyone knows X"
Can I ask a question about the room rules?
I still do it all the time... and usually without leadup to any meaningful question too
@Rob head explodes
i thought its rude to name someone, especially when he used the worse use instead of know ?
@hmmmbob why name someone at all? Just say "I have a problem with X. It is...." and then if someone wants to help then they can.
you named me now twice
that was what i was refering to and i would kindly ask you to stop that
Yeah I think he's talking to you
Does anyone know if the room rules apply to asking about the room rules?
@hmmmbob Yes because I'm responding to your messages.
yes, by mistaking the word use for the word know without contributing anything else
@hmmmbob Perhaps you may have misunderstood how chat works.
The rude part would be something like "@MartijnPieters @Ffisegydd you know Python can you help me plzzzz!?!" without a previous conversation or relationship.
If there are multiple threads of conversation, the usual convention is to include the target user's name.
I can't remember what year Hansen released that
@hmmmbob: since you started a conversation, it is entirely correct to use your name in replies; chat automatically does this for me if I select a specific message of yours to reply to.
♬ Can you tell me which flower's going to grow? ♬
So to ask people not to do that only will see you singled out for asking everyone to not follow convention.
patiently awaits actual question about gpu computing
@hmmmbob The words can be used interchangably, indeed if someone uses X then it's not a large leap to suggest that they know it.
@RobertGrant I'm just amazed that they're still releasing music.
oh i understand now
then i am really sorry
@RobertGrant Pretty sure they played at our university during a Summer Ball.
clearly if you use everything that you know.. wow :)
@Kevin he thinks it's better to primly enforce a rule he invented, I think
Re-reading the lyrics, Mmmmbop is about how transitory life is and how it's hard to know what relationships will last and endure through times of struggle. Surprisingly dark.

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