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03:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@ThiefMaster if we're going to tell users to ask questions from the Flask GitHub issues, we should probably tell them to read how to ask or mcve first, because otherwise this inevitably happens.
Gold Python badge!
@TigerhawkT3 wow, that was really fast, good job
Finally have a dupe-hammer, but with great power comes great responsibility.
Just remember, you can also reopen in one vote, and if you can't hammer because of a missing tag you can edit that in and the next user can hammer.
I'll add you as an editor if you'd like to contribute to the canon.
How do I contribute?
I just added you. You can add new canonical questions, as well as edit existing ones.
Neat. I'll do my best. :)
@ThiefMaster to be fair, it looks like this user has a history of bad questions
Morning all
Took care of it.
Dark Souls 3 beta. I'm going to have to buy a PS4 soon. :-/
Does SO have an ignore feature of any kind?
for chat yes, for main no
if there's a problem you can flag it
Unfortunately, "rep whore who doesn't care if he gave a bad answer as long as it's upvoted" isn't a flag category.
I believe you take that issue a bit too seriously
yeah, in this case the ignore feature is "go watch netflix for a while"
@JonClements Congrats on the promotion! That's awesome!
He keeps @ pinging me though, and only to continue the "discussion." Viz, I had a typo in my answer, and instead of just saying "hey you've got a typo" or editing it himself, he uses it as leverage to try to "win" the comments.
@TigerhawkT3 Is that in reference to ASK?
When I first noticed his answers I initially wrote him off as a slightly better version of kasra. But IMO Anand has improved his answer quality, and he's much more responsive to feedback than kasra is.
FWIW, the name Kumar comes from a group of famous sages in Hindu scripture: the Four Kumaras. I suppose that's not easy to live up to. :)
His answers are usually fine, but sometimes they're not, and he goes after rep relentlessly.
Bad answer? Doesn't matter, had rep.
See, this is why I don't go on the main page.
I picked my niche and earned the majority of my rep from . Way easier to police bad answers there.
The only library I know is Tkinter, and those only pop up every few hours.
@TigerhawkT3 Indeed, which is why I compared him to kasra. And although his answers are generally technically correct they're often sloppy, and he usually doesn't bother fixing crappy stuff in the OP's code that's not directly related to their stated question.
I've been toying with learning Django, as there seem to be a lot of Django questions around.
@TigerhawkT3 I don't know Django, but from what I've heard many of those Django questions are from clueless newbies that are way out of their depth. They've started learning Django before they have a proper grasp of core Python so they do dumb things & it's not easy to explain to them why what they're doing is dumb and how to fix it.
I guess you get a bit of that with Tkinter, too. But at least Tkinter is relatively small compared to the unruly beast that is Django.
@TigerhawkT3 They aren't necessarily new to programming; OTOH, their previous experience may be in PHP...
The most common problem seems to be learning to program via magic words: gathering snippets of code and stacking them into a pile.
I tried that with JavaScript back in the day. It didn't work.
@TigerhawkT3 Closely related: Cargo cult programming. A friend on a forum I frequent reckons he has the solution: make it impossible to copy & paste in the IDE. :) True, that would be rather impractical; OTOH, it would have the additional benefit of making it harder to write code that repeats itself.
unclear, & OP hasn't responded to clarification request. stackoverflow.com/q/33178699/4014959
I have 2 column's a) date and b) values, i need to group the date by month and sum the values for each month, any ideas on how i could use the groupby syntax ? using pandas
@vaultah there's probably a dupe for ".join only works with strings"
i have a dataframe with 2 columns "date" & "values" *
@vaultah - Dupehammered.
@datguy I don't know if any pandas people are around right now, if one of them sees it they will answer
@TigerhawkT3 I'm too slow! :-)
Sometimes Google thinks I'm a robot.
okay, i was just trying to add details to that question :)
@vaultah Fair enough, but it's pretty obvious that the error's due to attempting to .join a list of ints. So lets give the OP a few more minutes to add expected output.
Re: cargo cult programming, I built a reasonably functional JS web app with 4800 lines of copy-paste.
I mean, it was totally inextensible and a later, much more feature-rich version was only 1100 lines, but still, it did what I wanted it to do.
@TigerhawkT3 Good call. OTOH, I suspect that the OP will need more help once they've fixed the .join problem...
@PM2Ring Yeah, I forgot what could cause that error...
They might, but I can't make head or tail of whatever they're trying to do. :)
@TigerhawkT3 That hasn't happened to me for a while, but it's annoying when it does. It makes me want to tell Google: "I wouldn't be making so many requests if you'd show me some useful results!" :)
The darn website should just DWIM!
@TigerhawkT3 Whoa! :) There's nothing wrong with using other people's code. But you do need to study it so you can understand how & why it works, and so you can then apply the stuff you've learned in your own code.
@PM2Ring Well, the code I was using was from w3schools. All the app does is swap some images on mouseover/mouseout, and play a sound on click... 100+ times.
@TigerhawkT3 I have a vague idea. I suspect they just want to split the input list into chunks of size amtPerRow, but without seeing their expected output it's hard to be sure of the details, eg how they want to handle short chunks.
They commented that all they want to do is print it without the look of a list repro. I commented a small answer.
@TigerhawkT3 LOL. I must admit that I learned a fair bit of JS from w3schools... until I learned that a lot of their stuff was obsolete &/or poor practice.
Getting rid of that copypasta was actually my first SO question, which, since I didn't know JS, went about as well as you'd expect.
@TigerhawkT3 Nice. I don't often think of using print's sep arg; I'm still set in my Python 2 ways. :)
@TigerhawkT3 Oh well. You're still here, so I guess the experience didn't leave permanent scars. :)
lol... Ian Bicking: "Remember my presentation Go is awesome from Pycon 2012? -- I am so sorry"
@PM2Ring Yeah, I just threw up my arms and made a "give codes" thread on codingforums.com. I was given codes.
I did eventually take a JS class, but I don't remember much other than a distaste for JS.
There was one homework assignment that I just couldn't fix, and ended up submitting even though it didn't run. As it turned out, it ran on the teacher's machine and I had it right except for a typo (which I didn't catch because I couldn't test the thing).
3 hours later…
@TigerhawkT3 congrats on the python gold badge!
@idjaw Thanks! Already hammered a dupe. :)
It called, I answered.
We earned it on the same day :o
Nice work, guys. I'm just over half-way there (I only got Python Silver 2 months ago).
I just got bronze :P
I haven't figured out the exact calculation.
@idjaw See Tag Badges You currently have a score of 138 in in 112 non-wiki answers, as you can see at the top of your tags table.
@PM2Ring yeah, I've been looking at that number, and I can't seem to figure out how that 138 is calculated. I've been following that number and can't figure out when it increments.
number_of_upvotes - number_of_downvotes
A: How are tag scores calculated?

Martijn PietersMouse over the 96 and the tooltip tells you: You posted 102 answers (that are not Community Wiki) with a total net score of 96. The net score is the total number of upvotes on those answers, minus the total number of downvotes on the same. The score is recalculated once a day, around 03:00 UT...

@idjaw Its (upvotes-downvotes) in that tag. So if you answer a question with the tag but without the plain tag it doesn't count towards the tag badges, which sucks.
You can always add the parent tag though
OH! OK. this all makes so much sense now. Thanks
@vaultah Indeed. Which I guess is another incentive to add parent tags when you notice them missing. The main incentive being when you want a Mjölnir-wielder to hammer the question. :)
Oh and it's re-calculated once a day! That makes even MORE sense now
The more you know
But really, it'd be nice if some kind of hierarchical tag scheme was implemented, so that those things were all automatic, as we were discussing the other day.
I unpinned that link because it was poorly formatted, maybe we should pin something similar again
Although I don't think our participation/that guy's reasoning will make any difference
Interesting bug on my website is interesting :/
what's the bug
You know when you hover over nodes, they darken and brighten?
Well for some nodes, if you hover over them the colour changes on other nodes.
To repo: take note of the projects node. If you hover over SO it darkens (to dark red), if you hover over Python it goes green.
But it's not just one single node. Some nodes correctly darken others but modify the colours of the rest.
I think I know what it is though.
hovering over SO doesn't change to dark red on my end
Hovering over SO should change projects to dark red, and does
Hovering over Python should change projects to dark red, but changes it green
oh yes, I see it now
I know what the issue is though, it's because when I do the darken I filter to not darken the hovered node. Because I've filtered it (and the way that D3 works) the indexing is borken.
So I've got an array of (default) colours indexed by i, and when I've filtered one single node everything "after" it (in terms of index) is broken.
Fixed, just pushing.
lookin' good
Found another bug :D
Quickly move your mouse repeatedly between two nodes, without letting the transition finish.
leave it
it's an easter egg
Fixed and pushed.
The title sounds like the beginning of a great story
@idjaw A Black Easter egg. :)
oh my haha
Good morning.
An @AaronHall appears in the wild! :)
Anybody have anything great going on to talk about?
Fizzy, where's your site?
Just made a modification so the "gravity" (a force that causes nodes to centre around the centre of the screen) is different for vertical/horizontal aspects, so that way it won't be square on a rectangle screen but will instead be more rectangular.
Ah, idjaw, so how's it going? Answering a lot of questions? Looks like you've repcapped a couple of times, recently, congrats!
:) Thanks! Yeah, been doing what I can! I even hit up a few git questions per your suggestion. Glad to be contributing however I can.
Fizzy, that's a cool page.
Good. :)
Ok, I like to take credit for stuff, but I can't remember making that suggestion, though. :)
I think I we had a discussion recently, you mentioned that git some git questions are another good tag to look up for some rep.
I think
Maybe I was saying to use the feeds in the Core Room?
Someone else probably recommended git. They're probably right though.
Sure, bounty questions will get more attention too, plus you have a chance of winning the bounty. I didn't follow the bounty strategy for Python (my focus), though - usually there's too many good answers or the subject requires the answerer to know an obscure technology.
Oh I meant to link to "newest"
actually, it probably showed me what I last looked at, and I must have clicked the featured tag
So yeah, I tried to get fast answers in on the new questions. That was my strategy. But I was typically learning as I answered, so I was frequently scooped by faster answerers.
that's exactly what I'm going through right now
Go for self-answers then. My job is very interrupt driven and I typically only use SO at work, so I just find a question that's been half-answered by a FGITW and then answer it fully.
I think maybe you can learn more by answering than by asking, because you learn how to find the answer..
(also, yams chat, I didn't forget about you @idjaw -- i should be able to look at that merge on tuesday...trying to get the socket API going)
also, good morning Aaron :)
@tristan no worries! I haven't had time to actually re-work for the updated pr.
Oh, okay, I feel less bad then. I'll take a look at the GH issue as well and probably implement it. i'm going to be traversing available endpoints in the flask url map for interactive mode on the socket API, so i should have a reasonably more complete idea of how to implement it then
actually, take a look at this project, this is what we open sourced, there are some very interesting implementations we put forward here for the api portion
jsut wanted to put it on your radar as a reference. It's a largish project, so not expecting you to read it all line-by-line :P
@AaronHall that is exactly what I've been doing. I've been learning quite a bit with "beat me to it" answers and sometimes I end up finding out more pythonic ways to solve certain problems I find and learn from there. It's interesting how in the last few weeks of me starting to contribute how many little bits I picked up that I'm better for.
i'll take a look at then when reading the issue more carefully. i have a feeling that i'll probably be switching out the .route() decorator for one that does a bit more so the syntax isn't abrasive/ugly for plugin devs
yes, there is a very interesting implementation used in that project that I'm a huge fan of
which project?
yeah, the idea is pretty clever. i think i might use it with custom exception types (e.g. YAMSChainNotApplicable)
@AaronHall context: yams api that idjaw has started contributing to and that i'm working on as my primary open-source project -- the api from his work
I actually had a question about licensing...I'm not all too familiar. How do the license rules apply in the case where we see an idea of a particular implementation?
like this case. Here is a neat method and we are like "hey cool, I can use that too".
depends on the license. i won't really be taking it directly, but if i did, apache license dictates that i mention the original code and state changes made
but for like a 50 line helper function that's pretty standard to implement, licenses don't really enter the conversation
We need a Room Lawyer.
right..that's the part I wasn't sure of
IANAL - prefix usually preceding legal advice
That acronym brings up memories of arrested development
but yams i put in gnu v3 so that if a company starts using it, they are legally required to host the software as a download and share their changes.
Wikipedia State, bitch. I get all the hacker news points.
@tristan easy on the swears. :)
@Ffisegydd We don't need no room mosquito. Every programmer ought to know enough about licensing and first aid as much as he knows about programming.
IHNIWID - I have no idea what I'm doing <insert advice>
@tristan you protest too much :)
@tristan You're not Tristan, the creator of Narwhal. Are you?
"Did you know that pedophila is natural and beautiful and that men ruin society?" Oh no it looks like someone's a first year student at Reddit U.
@Nik Yes, and I also invented the badger.
@tristan Definitely not you.
@AaronHall Well, my grandmother is Protestant, so I guess it runs in the family.
is everyone's real dad
@Nik Please keep me abreast on things that are and are not me.
Things that tristan is not: Kevin, Jesus, a decent human being.
@Ffisegydd A doe a deer a goddamn deer
I'm slowly getting to like WindowsX
I think this is about the best convo in Python ever.
Yep...this convo went places
I approve
Fight chaos with chaos and let slip the snakes of non-sequitur
@tristan Where do you get this stuff? This is gold.
Don't encourage him. I've worked very hard to limit his self-esteem and you're undoing it all.
@Nik It's just the way my brain is wired actually. It's like a crude pattern matching engine that runs on whiskey and self-loathing
@tristan Quit the whiskey, increase the self loathing. I say this for your own health.
I prescribed him the whiskey. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
TMIAD <- There's another
speaking of which, i've decided to make my next fake business the "whiskey cleanse." i'm going to time it with the juice cleanses that happen at the beginning of fall (in which rich women with low self esteem pay for $20 bottles of tabasco in water) and advertise a simple 2 month way to eliminate all the people that care about you from your life
@Ffisegydd If I can so easily undo it all, it means you better stick to your day job.
"You don't need to watch your weight if you're alone with a meaningless life."
@Ffisegydd PhD in hard sciences. Suggests whiskey. checks notes...."carry the zero, don't shave the beard" This all checks out.
My website is missing something but I don't know what it is.
@Ffisegydd Oh, a doctor? Okay, I have this tiredness problem. I'm constantly tired, like all the gosh-darn time. What should I do, doc.
@Ffisegydd A URL that one can spell?
Also, hooray, you took my suggestion about naming the nodes
I'll give you a redirect off of narcissism.me if you'd like
I did. Took an hour or two but you're right it was the way to go.
I need to sort the colour scheme.
Maybe try playing with some shadows for the text?
I also need to fork D3 so I can use colour in my code, rather than color.
@Ffisegydd Ooh, I know, I know. A Nyan Cat GIF!
coolors.co/app is a neat color scheme generator
I think it's missing a sparkle cursor
Yeah I've used that before, but I need more than 5 colours.
Fancy you.
Hey, I am new to Python and I come from C/C++ and I do not know what books/tutorial should I study to become proficient in Python. I used the Google Python class to learn the basics and I was fascinated by the simplicity of the language, but I didn't find anything there about classes, etc. Is there any suggestion on what to study if ypu are not new to programming?
@Grey The official python tutorial is good and won't waste your time docs.python.org/3/tutorial
You should be able to run through it in a handful of hours
@Grey there's also wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Programmers which has a long list of content for people with programming experience
@tristan Oh cool this seems good for my level. Because there many suggestions on books and I do not see a definite list of books like the one I gound in SO for C++
@Grey Yeah. I've been using Python for 3 years and sometimes when I link it, I still think "oh yeah, i forgot about that." Programming Python from O'Reilly is also good, but verbose.
I had the guy next to me at the meetup yesterday (he's got about another week at my firm before he leaves) show me some problems with his code. I see Zed Shaw and %d formatting. I google "SOPython LPTHW" on his machine. His Google search didn't show SOPython though. It changed SOPython to Python. After telling Google, No, I really meant to search for what I typed, I left him to read the article.
@Ffisegydd I saw this list and the other lists that there are suggestions on books, and I also read some reviews on the internet but there are so many different suggestions and mosta are for begginers. It is hard to choose something from those lists
@Grey yeah true. Python tutorial is a good place to start, then maybe go back to the list and look for more specific things you're interested in.
You could always come back here at that point also, and say something like "I really want to look into web dev" or whatever.
LPTHW is the worst. Python. tutorial. ever. </comic book guy's voice>
Thank you guys very much! :)
@Grey Any time. Good luck and I hope you come back
I can +1 the Programming Python book (if you wanted a book)
"There are a million valid reasons, but which one did you pick?"
CBG was not particularly surprised by this, saying, "There are a million valid reasons, but which one did you pick?"

and thus continues my love-hate relationship with wikipedia
Ok, I just finished a really basic python course and now, I've got to do a microproject. At first I was like, why not a simple Tower of Hanoi Game with pygame but then, I felt it wouldn't be awesome enough.
There are always reasons for everything. Lots of reasons. The best results usually come from having a lot of reasons for and few against. But sometimes you just need to go with your gut based on the importance of a single reason. Anyways, I thought that quote was particularly insightful, which is why I posted it.
Yeah, so my gut is saying do a music player.
I'm so screwed. All the code looks so complicated.
Make it work on the command line first?
Mhh, soo many libraries
Music player is a bit advanced for "Nik's First Microproject Straight Off A Basic Course"
Someone suggested using vlc bindings and that stuff ain't looking too hot from the beginner's angle.
Sometimes you don't need to reinvent the wheel. But it can be fun to get wide rims and spinners.
@Ffisegydd It's all or nothing. So, you people have tons of experience. Could you just tell me which wall I should knock my head on to get an idea.
@Nik True, but you didn't mention yesterday that this was for "Nik's First Microproject Straight Off A Basic Course"
@AaronHall Yeah, hence the 3rd party libraries.
@PM2Ring So, I mention it now. Atleast now, I know I'm walking into something a wee bit difficult.
@tristan is it intentional to only have the api work for /aws/ instead of /aws?
Somebody tweeted about sopython
@Nik Ok. So maybe set your sights a bit lower for now. If you're itching to do GUI stuff you might as well start learning Tkinter. It's not fantastic, but you can make decent GUIs with it. And although it doesn't have all the bells & whistles of the more feature-rich GUI frameworks like Qt and GTK, the smaller size makes it easier to learn.
The Tkinter documentation is (mostly) adequate, although it's not particularly well-organised. Tkinter is often bundled in with Python, which means (almost) anyone with Python can run Tkinter without having to install anything else.
And in the meantime, gradually explore the standard modules that come with Python. You don't need to master them all, but it's a good idea to at least get some awareness of their existence in case you do need them at some stage.
@Grey The official Python tutorial that Tristan linked you to has an introduction to classes. But there's a lot more info about classes in other parts of the Python docs. Python classes are a bit different to C++ classes.
Don't be fooled by the apparent simplicity of Python's OOP paradigm: you can do some awesome stuff with Python classes. Once you're comfortable with the material in the tutorial, you might want to take a peek at Special method names
@vaultah That's nice... I guess. :)
Thank you for that very adequate lecture that for some reason was read to me in my mind by Stephen Fry. You do make an excellent point that I should be more familiar with standard modules
I do have a one week time constraint for all the coding. I hope I can manage to do something fantastic within that time frame.
@Nik :) In that case, you don't have enough time to learn enough about a GUI library (even Tkinter) to the point where you can do useful stuff with it. So maybe you can write a CLI tool that does something interesting with Web stuff. Take a look at Requests it makes working with HTTP stuff a breeze and you can start creating useful stuff almost straight away.
afternoon all
hi Jon
hey Jon
:throws Jon a tennis ball:
Oooo... tennis ball.... runs after it...
You'd think someone who's been asking questions here for 4 years would know that it's not good to combine two questions into one. But maybe they did it because they realised that their first question's not on-topic for SO...
I've run out of close votes :C
can we close this as a duplicate of this?
> I don`t konw waths rong
@vaultah Maybe, although thefourtheye's answer might confuse the OP of the other question.
I'm debating throwing an answer using format {:>num} for this...should I bother....
Q: Right align user input in python

user3926730Im given a question where I have to ask the user for his/her address then split to a new line where there is a comma in the address. After doing that align the whole thing to right, ive been trying to figure this out but I can only do one of the 2, split or align. This is my code: def Q5(): ...

However, this is most definitely a dupe
Grr.... come on Scotland - need at least one Northern Hemisphere country left in the Rugby!
Australia - New Zealand is going to be a cracking final.
hello guys. I need to make a web server using a Linux Version. Which of them you think is better to provide some web services ?
@vaultah I was half-expecting a very different tone to that message
@gtzinos which of what? Distros? Web servers? Where does Python come in?
@davidism web server
thank Fizzy :-)
haha...round 1....FIGHT!
guile music
@davidism ... Cause you are a little boy and you dont have any programming experience i ask you again...Which of linux version ( Ubuntu , Debian , CentOS ) is better to have on it a web server which will provide some web services ?
@gtzinos kicked: that's nice, except you specifically responded "web server" not "linux distro" when I asked.
I'd suggest taking a more reasonable tone, since it's easy to miscommunicate when your native language is not English.
@Ffisegydd Apache is to Nginx as PHP is to Python
We have zero tolerance for people being abusive or rude like that. You will be kicked and reported if it happens again.
Hey, we all hate on PHP, the analogy wasn't that rude. ;-)
@davidism pssh. I don't care :P I just said it to disagree with you
@Ffisegydd thank you.
bye bye chat
@Ffisegydd you read Brandon Sanderson, right?
@davidism yeah I'm 70% way through his latest Mistborn.
Was just going to remind you about that. :-)
Have you read it?
Yeah, read it the day it came out. Have to wait until January for the next one.
I just need more Stormlight.
I need it in my life.
I'm re-reading Stormlight.
He's 21% through Stormlight 3 first draft.
I need the next Rithmatist book, that was surprisingly good for "the magic is Starcraft with chalk".
Dear Brandon, please focus on that one book... and also that other book... and when's that other one?
I'm just waiting for when Mistborn becomes a Space Opera.
It will be so good, but it's going to be another decade before that.
> I pitched Mistorn as a series of trilogies, which many of you probably already know. Each series was to cover a different era in the world (Scadrial), and each was to be about different characters—starting with an epic fantasy trilogy, expanding eventually into a space opera science fiction series. The magic would be the common thread here, rather than specific characters.
It's now a quadrilogy of trilogies, where one of the trilogies is a quadrilogy.
It'll be a quadrilogy of trilogies where one of the trilogies has an extra book, yes.
He says the "Wax + Wayne" should be a trilogy but he's also got this extra book in it.
Who was the other author that did that? I was trying to make a reference, but then totally blanked on the name.
"fourth book in the trilogy"
Douglas Adams.
Except he did 5 didn't he?
Yeah it was a trilogy in 5 parts.
I need to re-read David Gemmel's "Jon Shannow" series - really enjoyed those
Mistborn T2/B2 is out January, but T2/B3 isn't out until after Stormlight A1/B3.
(A1 is Arc 1)
@Ffisegydd did you read Sixth of the Dusk?
@davidism no
I was going to say something that's a minor spoiler
> You can see why this is sometimes hard to explain. What is Shadows of Self? It’s the start of a trilogy within a series that comes after a one-off with the same characters that was in turn a sequel to an original trilogy with different characters.
Ooo 16-10 to Scotland
A) go read it so I can say my spoiler, B) Perfect State is a pretty fun example of him incorporating some sci-fi, so go read that too
Also, new book recommendation, haven't read it yet but heard great things on the SA Book of the Month thread: The Traitor Baru Cormorant
I truly think that Sanderson will become the great scifi/fantasy author of the century.
I can see students studying his books 100 years from now as masterpieces of interconnected worlds.
The worst critique I've heard about him on the SA author thread is "his worst writing is just average", which is remarkable for a place known for its dislike of everything.
Just the entire Cosmere is so amazing.
I might re-read Stormlight.
Takes a lot of emotional investment to re-read something so epic though.
That's why I haven't ever re-read Wheel of Time.
davidism changed the name of the room to "Brandon Sanderson Fanclub"
I linked this song before but that video wasn't working: youtube.com/watch?v=wLmdr_YCh3U (unofficial upload)
working now
starting off great
love it
Thank **** for that. Whilst normally I wouldn't support Aus over Scotland, I don't even want to think what @IntrepidBrit would have been like.
@Ffisegydd lol
Temporary cabbage for all.
Hey up
why are so many awesome movies coming out in 2016? So excite
I still need to catch up on the 2013->present backlog I have....so behind
You should see The Martian cause it was very good
My son snuck a ton of salt in to my sandwich without me noticing....that wasn't a pleasant bite of food
An admirable move. He will do well.
yes, a very well played move.
Seconding the recommendation for The Martian.
I enjoyed the movie except for [spoiler redacted, and I can't even really discuss it obliquely without giving out a plot point which pleasantly surprised me].
so, the part everyone doesn't care for if they read the book first? That part?
I didn't read the book so I can't comment. :-)
This has come up the third time from a different user (or maybe multiple accounts): stackoverflow.com/questions/33201552/…
Now deleted, this was one of them: stackoverflow.com/questions/33200775/…
@idjaw Do you use sympy?
@Anthony Unfortunately, no. Sorry =/
It's cool, thanks anyway.
So, I gotta give PHP a tiny bit of credit. implode is a way cooler function name than join.
@MorganThrapp how so? :p
@JonClements Because I get to implode things.
That's way cooler than just joining them.
They do the same thing.
so you also prefer explode to split then? :)
I ponder what that says about your personality :p
Nah, you have it all wrong @MorganThrapp ... PHP is a weak, pathetic little language so all it can explode and implode are strings. Python does have an explode function, it's what Michael Bay uses.
@tzaman I thought he used transform.
That too, of course. :D
03:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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