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now that is some engineering
holy cow
quittin' time. rbrb
4 hours later…
@MartijnPieters the md5 comments that were not leading anywhere
what would cause python to not recognize self in a method, as referring to the instance of the object and not a argument that needs to be passed to that method
def look(self, where):
return self.currentRoom.pointData[where]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/groundscore/pytextrpg.py", line 135, in <module>
File "/home/groundscore/pytextrpg.py", line 124, in start
print(player.look( 'description'))
TypeError: look() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
@MartijnPieters just reread the java bug: they did actually fix it ofc
by allocating more memory
which is still less than what python is allocating right now :D
simply because java arrays are max 32-bit addressed
Hello everybody
I claiming for help, PyQt
Q: Line between widgets drawn in wrong position on graphics view

Mr_LinDowsMacI'm drawing a line between two widgets (two push buttons) into a graphics view with their positions as reference. But the line is drawn in a wrong place. I tried using functions like mapToGlobal or mapToParent with different results, but it's still wrong. In the same class I have another method ...

@Mr_LinDowsMac cant help more except to say that self.mapToScene is expecting other coordinates than what you're using
@Mr_LinDowsMac you should add the definition of self.mapToScene to your question
ah or is it qt
PyQt4 to be more exact
Also, I'm using Qt designer, I trying to find a way to implemented the pyuic generated file also
I already made the buttons to be dragged and dropped as I described here: stackoverflow.com/questions/28258050/…
but I still have problems to draw lines between them
@AnttiHaapala If I can't do this with qt designer and custom classes, this will be a pain on the ass, I have a lot of controls to set up
2 hours later…
urllib.request.urlopen gives me BadStatusLine exception. the response is just a string (without any correct headers). how could I read the string?
@Ago ?
@ago ofc it should give badstatusline exception
@AnttiHaapala ok, but how can I read the string then?
(the mystery of the disappearing notification!)
@AdamSmith mine
            response = http_conn.getresponse()
        except http.client.BadStatusLine:
            # something went wrong with the HTTP status line
            raise URLError("http protocol error: bad status line")
happens in there, in http_conn.getresponse...
    http_conn = connection_factory(host)
so if you can supply your custom http_conn
then you need to hook the http_conn
short story, you can't
not with python standard lib
you can try monkeypatching http.client.HTTPResponse
@Ago if you just want to guess what is wrong,
you can see the line number
because there are several places where the error is thrown
@Ago so short story: you cannot read the string really. these classes are meant for http,
such a response is not http
@AnttiHaapala ok. but is there anything which allows me to read raw string?
I don't know. You can send the request manually to a socket instead and then read the response from the socket
or maybe requests library allows
I do love requests
wget works correctly. I wonder whether I need to just call wget to get the response. it could be done in pure python too I guess
@Ago what's the URL?
platform.oskando.ee port 17801
Cbg :)
is that safe to login into this codewars.com site?
How would we know?
anyone have an account in the above site?
stange, in python 2, urllib2 doesn't mind not getting http response where python 3 has this bad status line exception
2 hours later…
office cbg
Every time you guys mention cbg, I can't help it but to think about "tossing the salad".
@AvinashRaj: This guy stackoverflow.com/questions/28716267/… admits he doesn't know Python. But if you want to give him the codes before the question gets closed I guess it's up to you...
@PM2Ring I don't know what OP is after, but this is fairly simple to do in R, too.
The OP wants to modify HTML using regex, which as we know is a task fraught with danger. It appears he knows a little sed, but not enough to handle multi-line patterns or how to escape special characters like &. But he doesn't know Python or Perl, so his question isn't really a legitimate programming question for those tags.
I wonder if big enough companies hire a regex guy
I think this is a dupe of this but I don't know much about Excel, and nothing about xlrd.
However, I can't use the 2nd question as a dupe target, since the answer is in a comment, not a proper answer.
How can I use sequencematcher's get_matching_blocks generated objects? (Match objects)?
never mind :)
Cbg dude
Man, I'm feeling old. Someone's invited me out to a night out, and I still feeling like I'm recovering from last weekend...
I see Kevin's already broke the "TimSort be broken, yo" news
I too feel old. I don't even want to go out anymore really.
I never want to be that old
Well I don't not want to go out, but I don't want to go out heavily.
Rockstar have delayed GTA V on PC again. Why do you continue to hurt me? ;_;
(I figured, otherwise that's Agoraphobia ;) )
I can go crack some skulls if you want? I know where their offices are and I know some (probably dissatisfied) employees...
Go for it. I'll send you up a crate of scrumpy.
Oh... now that's tempting
Although I shouldn't threaten GBH, accept payment on such a public medium - I'll probably end up on another list
I didn't read the "TimSort broken" thing to the end, is there a minimal reproducible code to show that?
No. There's no computer that is big enough for it to actually break.
It's just been proven theoretically.
I have 8 invites to keybase.io btw for anyone interested (while we're talking about speaking about things on a public medium :P)
@Ffisegydd that's clever
It is. Zero has an account (and invites) too.
That sort of multiple identity thing is so freaking useful, and I don't get why MS/Google/Apple seem hell-bent on everyone using their user IDs
TimSort: at least we're going in with our eyes open
Yeah it is. Anyway ping me with email addresses if you want an invite. Gonna warm up my lunch.
I find crypto/keys/stuff like this really interesting
@ReutSharabani The bug in TimSort can cause an array to be indexed beyond its bounds when the data contains lots of small ordered sublists. But the Python implementation of TimSort adds a fudge factor to the size of that array, so it's impossible for the bug to manifest unless you're sorting a list of more than 2**49 elements. And the guys that discovered this bug also show how to calculate the correct array size, so that no fudge factor is needed.
@61612 Sigh. I worry the unparalleled era of peace and prosperity is coming to an end
Wasn't that the 80s? :)
Anyway, I think this was a correct response to Putin's behavior. He likes to show his "power" by sending the fighter jets to fly by the normal countries' borders
Hello guys. I am a bit stuck searching for a concept that I want to learn about - because I don't know what to search for i.e. I don't know what it is called. Is it ok to ask for some advice on here?
Don't ask to ask. Just ask :D
@61612 yeah, unfortunately there isn't really any response to a bully but a show off united force
Which costs our economies billions
@RobertGrant Close enough ;)
@RobertGrant Of course, people bitch and whine about the USA (and the UK), but notice how no other nation stood with us to show how "united" we all are against it
@Ffisegydd I like the personal web site btw
@IntrepidBrit article mentions Estonian, Dutch, Spanish etc?
I stopped reading before it was mentioned.
@Intrepid ta. Stole it from tristan.
@IntrepidBrit freakin Yanks, Brits, never finishing reading their articles
I only read the title :D Well, and glanced through the first paragraph..
@RobertGrant Yeah. What absolute yammers ^^
Well said.
I was asked to help out with a programming contest for new candidates for the corporate overlord of my current client.
Quickly, someone fetch the cheese!
Contest in India, get yourself an interview when you pass the test.
So I produced a problem (reused a Python Challenge problem), moderately challenging, multiple approaches possible, no online solutions easily googleable.
That was considered too complex, can I do a few simpler ones.
Sure, gave a few simpler ones, modifying existing puzzles to, again, not give away searchable solutions.
One was used for a few hours by a contest running site they hired, but it was done incompetently, and they failed to specify how to get the input and produce output.
So noone was passing it, so they swapped it out for a trivial minimal spanning tree problem instead.
I now reviewed 4 candidates, 3 of which copied and pasted the first solution found on google for minimum spanning tree python.
Number 4 used a table that's too slow for any non-trivial tree.
Can you share the original one you wrote here? Would be interesting to see.
Concur with Fizzy
Go play the Python Challenge, a variant of it is part of the game. :-P
Idea for event : "Challenge set by someone in advance and event to discuss solutions"
secretly gets his SO answer ready in preparation
Level 32 or so, I think. 'Etch-a-Sketch'.
@Ffisegydd that sounds like a cool idea, actually.
@BhargavRao flagged
4 flags! I guess it needs 1 more
@BhargavRao not just looks like. is.
Just wanted "expert view" :(
So it needs 6 spam flags to close automatically?
@BhargavRao 6 community spam flags will nuke it.
But a moderator comes looking pretty quickly.
I like this site. It is built to near perfection!
@61612: it's 3 flags to remove a post from the homepage.
A: What are the spam and offensive flags, and how do they work?

KipWhat makes something spam and when should I flag it? A post should be marked as spam ONLY when it contains an unsolicited advertisement. It should NOT be marked as spam when: The answer contains no useful information, such as an answer that says "I don't care about your problem". Flag an answ...

LOL, the example there "fsdguejgkfdlk"!
@MartijnPieters Ah, cool, thank you :)
Just heard my two other problems are still in the contest too.
Which contest?
Extra problem supplied by the contest site: 100% of candidates completed the task. My problem #1: 80%, problem #2: 0%.
@BhargavRao If I say which, it could disqualify everyone that knows me from this room for the contest. :-P
Being acquainted with the problem designer is usually a disqualifier in such contests.
Oh, So you are the judge at that contest?
@BhargavRao I created the problems. I didn't know up front that they'd also ask me to screen candidates, but today I was asked to do so for the one problem I didn't create.
The results were not promising.
Ah! Ninja creates problems! The others would have been so screwed!
Oh! Contest in INDIA? Cool!
I mistakenly concluded that the other problems were not part of the contest, but they are dishing them out randomly. I only saw my problem #1 once, early on, and was frustrated that the I/O requirements were not clear. Then later I checked back, saw only the new problem (it was the first time I ever saw it), then saw it again on a later check.
Then they asked me to review candidates for just that problem, so I leaped to wrong conclusion.
This question stackoverflow.com/q/28719341/4099593 gave me a headache
@BhargavRao flagged most of the comments as non-constructive too.
after voting to delete the post.
I flagged the first as rude. It was rude
hah, all that I flagged are now gone, but a new one cropped up.
and post is gone.
Bluefeet noticed the flag flurry and came cleaning up.
stackoverflow.com/questions/28718762/… : Unclear. I still reckon OP probably wants a dict, but it's hard to tell. :)
And another bookmark for my list of posts to see after I get to 10k!
@PM2Ring Voted already!
Needs reproducing code.
Also maybe flag the answer there, which boils down to "I don't know what's wrong"
eh, someone voted my linked post as a typo. Interesting choice.
Must be a mistake
Or they're jumping to conclusions. "the code you posted works, therefore you must have mistyped it when you ran it on your machine"
But that is just one possibility.
I think the commenter is on the mark - there is an actual problem, it's just not in the part of the code that was shown to us.
That whole comment chain is unconstructive except for "There is not any this type of tools"
(assuming it is accurate)
Yep! That user has rep 10k! and a cool user ID
Actually my old company wrote something that converted C# to Java
No, Java to C#. The easy way round, basically.
The 1 rep users must never know of our secret language-to-language translators.
I need a Python to KevinScript translator
If your script contains only print statements and string literals, the syntax is identical!
I actually do want to write a KevinScript to C translator. It's the closest thing I can get to writing a compiler without having to learn assembly.
My code contains classes and objects and loads of inheritance!
Sorry, you are doomed.
This is soo sad! The inventor of a language tells GTFO! :(
LOL, Anyway, howz KS progressing?
Have you thought of a good name for the KS package repo?
Kevin's Crypt
Wait, I already made that joke
@BhargavRao The next difficult design change will be "allowing the user to call Parent_class.function_name(self) inside Child_class.function_name"
In python, it's literally as easy as class Child_class: def function_name(self): Parent_class.function_name(self)
(Or you can use super)
So there is no super in KS?
But in KS it is not currently possible to access methods from the class in this way.
If you try Parent_class.function_name, you'll get an attribute error
How are you implementing classes?
Because those functions are stored in a special instance_methods collection, rather than directly in the type's attribute list
Which might be a dumb idea, but it's the first solution I could think of to the problem "How do I distinguish between someclass.__repr__, which returns the string representation of a someclass instance, and someclass.__repr__, which returns the string representation of the someclass class itself?"
Is that created on object creation?
Solution: the former is in someclass.instance_methods.__repr__, the latter is in someclass.__repr__
Or is it a dynamic lookup each time instance_methods is accessed?
It's partially dynamic. The method exists when the type is created, but it creates a wrapper function when you access it with someclass_instance.some_method
So if the parent is modified, the child doesn't receive the modifications?
The wrapper does you the favor of supplying the self argument, so when you call my_function(self), you don't have to do myclass_instance.my_function(myclass_instance)
If by "parent" and "child" you mean "class" and "instance", then the instance does notice changes to the parent
or it would, if the user had any way to modify the instance_methods collection
They eventually will, it's just going to take some changes to my assignment statement logic
Or, hmm, would that just reintroduce the __repr__ problem again... Shit
No, sorry I actually thought you were talking about something else - thought you meant inheritance, not class vs instance
I'd have thought __repr__ called on an instance would just return the representation of the instance
But maybe I'm not getting this
in regards to inheritance, it's dynamic lookup too - if the function doesn't exist as an attribute on the instance directly, it checks instance.type.instance_methods, and if it's not visible there, it checks instance.type.parent.instance_methods, and so on up the ancestor chain all the way to the base Object class
Ah yeah that makes sense; I thought it was weird what you were describing. But that's because you weren't describing inheritance.
Bah. Not as fun as Slack.
My whole developement process regarding class design, has been a lot of stumbling around and trying random ideas
So I'm not surprised to hear if another language has a better system :-)
What's __repr__ going to be used for?
Same as in Python, returning a string representation of the object
The problems I described above with __repr__ really just apply in general to any double-underscore method, I suppose. repr is just the first one I implemented.
Sorry. I mean, if it's class vs object, don't you just always pick object? Unless they say Classname.__repr__()
If I understand your question correctly, yeah, object gets priority
Practical example
class Fred{
    function frob(self){
        return 23;

x = Fred();
x.frob = function(){return 42;}
print x.frob();

#prints "42"
But then what's your __repr__ problem?
(or whatever method)
I assume to get 23, you'd say print Fred.frob();
@RobertGrant If I understand correctly, Kevin's __repr__ problem is how to make repr(Fred)` return something different to repr(Fred()).
The problem is, roughly,
class Fred{
    function frob(){
        return 23;

#I want to change the behavior of `frob` for all instances of `Fred`, past and future.
#so I will try this:
Fred.frob = function(self){return 999;}

x = Fred();
print x.frob();
#uh oh, this prints "23" and not "999"
Can it use a similar mechanism to inheritance? So it looks in the object, then in the class, then up the inheritance chain?
So if you haven't overridden frob in the object then it's looking in the class every time anyway, which you can modify freely
Or am I stretching the bounds of what can be done and/or your patience because that's not relevant?
omnomnom coconut cookies.
I could modify my code so that attribute lookup also looks at the attributes of the class in addition to its secret instance_methods collection, but then this behavior occurs:
class Fred{
    function __repr__(self){
        return "Hello";

print Fred();
#prints "Hello"
print Fred;
#prints "<class `Fred`>"

#I would now like to change the behavior that occurs when I print a fred instance
Fred.__repr__ = function(self){return "Goodbye";}
print Fred();
#prints "Goodbye"
print Fred;
#prints "Goodbye". Uh oh.
I could change the behavior for attribute setting so that, if the object is a class, then it checks the instance_methods collection before the normal attributes collection for the name, and assigns it to the former if it exists there, and the latter otherwise...
Which solves the above problem, but introduces the problem of "but what if I really do want to change the behavior of print Fred?"
Maybe that's where you explicitly have your Fred.instance_attributes vs Fred. Which is what you said at the start, and I now understand :)
Actually, I guess it's an impossible dichotomy no matter how I design it. Depending on the context, Fred.__repr__ = function... may be intended by the user to modify the behavior of print Fred(), or print Fred, but the interpreter can never figure out which one the user wants unless it develops psychic powers.
Well, maybe focus on that
:) but doesn't your instance_attributes thing solve that?
Modify the class? Fred.__repr__
Modify the current instance? x.__repr__
Modify all instances? Fred.instance_attributes.__repr__
The question is: do you want to give people the power to mess with things that much? :)
Tentatively, yes.
Requiring them to modify Fred.instance_attributes.__repr__ does solve the ambiguity problem. I'm just not sure whether I want to make instance_attributes visible to the user
You could have a .__instances__ method or something on a class that could allow them to modify all instances at once
Or just list them, or whatever
Which might make it a bit more generalised
Or have a function eg class(Fred) that gives you access to the Fred class object itself.
So you could do Fred.__instances__().__repr__ = function(self) { "I was one of the brave first Freds." }
You know, the entire reason I started this project was so I could better understand the seemingly mysterious design choices of existing languages. Stumbling blocks like these are exactly what I'm looking for.
Obviously how it overrides probably wouldn't actually look like that.
Maybe at the end of this problem, I'll understand why x = Fred(); x.__repr__ = lambda: "B"; print x doesn't print "B" in Python
(assuming Fred is a new-style class. I'm surprised to see the behavior differs between the two styles)
Yeah wow doesn't it?
Does it print the __repr__ for Fred?
class Fred(object):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "A"

class Barney:
    def __repr__(self):
        return "A"

x = Fred()
x.__repr__ = lambda: "B"
print x
#output: "A"

y = Barney()
y.__repr__ = lambda: "B"
print y
#output: "B"
Only applies to Python 2.7 though. The output is "A" and "A" in Python 3
Okay, well that's a bit better. Still don't understand it
I would understand "B" or Function: lamdba or something
What do I call that to google it?
I also don't understand, but maybe tomorrow I'll throw up my hands and say, "forget it, you can't overload dunders locally in KevinScript" and go "ohhhhhh. That's why you can't overload dunders locally in Python"
Thus solving the mystery and validating the point of my project
I reckon you'll be able to, and the answer will be because Guido's lazy.
@RobertGrant I don't know if it has a nice name. I think @MartijnPieters may have explained the underlying reason to me once, but I've now forgotten.
Hmm, I wonder if it's worth making a SO question asking why the outputs are different... There's a fair chance it would be closed as too broad, though, if the answer is "here is how the entire class system of Python works"
> Well, actually that's only true for new-style classes. For old-style classic
classes (Python 2 only), it will work on the instance as well. That is, in
Python 2 only, if I had left out the "object" base class, dir(k) would have
returned ["cheese", "spam"].
Yes, this explanation is in line with the above code block.
But doesn't explain why it has to be that way
I bet the answer lies deep within the python dev mailing list
From back during the first emergence of new-style classes, whenever the heck that was
yeah :)
I'm interested enough to ask, unless you want to?
Not at the moment, no
I have a vague feeling that the answer is related to the philosophy that types are objects like any other and should not be treated specially, whenever possible
There is an aesthetic appeal to not having any special-case code in your interpreter like if obj.type == "Type":
Although my vague feeling can't provide any concrete arguments that special-casing is necessary if you want locally overloaded dunder methods.
Yeah I agree with both of those statements
import types
z = Fred()
z.__repr__ = types.MethodType(lambda self: "B", z)
print z, z.__repr__()
#output: "A B"
Yes, although I believe that also happens if you do z.__repr__ = lambda: "B". The magic does not lie within MethodType
@Kevin well, found the answer :) for performance reasons, dunder methods are only called on the class
Yeah, ok. The types.MethodType stuff lets you give the lambda a proper self arg. If you do z.__repr__ = lambda self: "B" you get
TypeError: <lambda>() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
@RobertGrant I guess that makes sense & is perfectly justified.
Oh, that's a handy feature. I will have to remember MethodType.
Hmm, maybe steal it for KS...
It would be good to nicely encapsulate the method binding behavior I already have, which is sort of just floating nebulously in my objectFactory module
But for KS, where performance is less of an issue, it would be cool for it to be modifiable :)
hello, does Anaconda exist for Python 3 or only for Python 2.7 ?
Next step: change where the brackets go and release it as Arc 2.0 (the 101 year language!), to really annoy Paul Graham
@Kevin Yeah, MethodType is great for binding a new method to an instance. But tonight I've learned it doesn't work for dunder methods. Oh well. :)
Possible solution: I create a set_instance_method(type, name, func) function. The benefit there being, I don't have to expose the instance_methods collection directly to the user, which as I have said would be a pain
javascript hackery ** 3
It's not the most elegant possible solution, I suppose, but dynamically modifying instance methods is frankly a weird thing to do. It's probably fine that weird problems have weird solutions.
@Kabyle hi Kabyle -- Anaconda is probably going to be ported in time for Fedora 23 at the end of this year. As far as I can tell the plan is to switch from yum to dnf first, and since yum is Python 2-only it's too dangerous to also switch Anaconda to Py3 because then there will be no fallback.
@Kevin I was thinking about whether you could also have an unset_instance_method function, to revert back to the class-level method
Yes, do that
Perhaps. This also gives me the idea that a del statement may be useful
Resist it as long as possible if you're garbage collecting :)
@michel-slm thank you very much for the information. But even if they switch it to Fedora, it can always run on debian distributions like Ubuntu ?
I have no explicit memory cleanup; all garbage collection is done by Python... Maybe.
Resist it, Luke
The object system is a highly entangled mess of references to themselves and other types and parents and etc, so it's possible that nothing ever gets de-allocated.
I haven't run a big enough KS program to observe slowdown that would indicate that.
@Kabyle hmm, as far as I can tell Anaconda is only used by Fedora, RHEL and derivatives. Ubuntu uses its own installer... there is another installer project designed to be distro-agnostic, but Anaconda pretty much only officially supports one package manager -- yum -- at the moment.
I'll have to do memory management eventually though, if I ever want my compile-to-c-inator to work
@Kabyle this is the only distro-agnostic installer I'm aware of -- lwn.net/Articles/631549
That should keep me well-stocked on stumbling blocks for a few years.
morning everyone
@michel-slm last question if I may (and sorry for harassing you): do you think it is a bad choice to use Anaconda ? Because it is produced by a company, so may be in the future they will sell it instead of getting it free as today. I even read on their websites they have plugins/APIs that are not free for Anaconda. So may be for the long time software development you advice me not to use and just use long term free opensource things ?
Cbg @corvid
oh, no problem at all. Hmm... I think the danger of Anaconda going closed source is miniscule. Red Hat has a tradition of doing the opposite -- actually open-sourcing products that they buy. The danger is just that the development focus will be on Fedora's use cases, so if your use case is significantly different you might have a lot of additional work to do and maintain.

May I ask what you plan to use it for, actually? If you're on Debian, taking a look at either the Debian, Ubuntu or Mint installers might be a good idea (the Mint one is a bit too basic, though). Or maybe look at Calamare
rbrb @PM
@Kevin so how does KS now differ from Python?
This chapter is an absolute monstrosity -_-
@michel-slm Ok, thank you. But Anaconda is not purchased by Fedora yet. I prefer to use Ubuntu, yes because it is well documented.
@AnttiHaapala What I consider to be the most noticeable differences are, it has curly braces instead of significant whitespace; and function definitions are expressions instead of statements.
Most of the other differences boil down to "Python has X feature and KS doesn't, because I haven't implemented it yet"
@Kabyle hmm -- you might be misunderstanding what Fedora is. It's a community project (kind of like Debian, or openSUSE), that happens to have Red Hat as its primary sponsor. Fedora doesn't buy anything ... but technologies are developed and trialled there first before then becoming part of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Ex. I have precisely zero standard lib modules
@Kevin so you should go to python bugtracker and complain that the source code lineno tab sucks
maybe I'm missing something, but you can run Anaconda on most operating systems and distros.
... Partly because I don't have an import statement yet.
bc if it didn't, everything could be done with a simple source translation to python mostly :D
also Anaconda supports py2 and py3...
@Kabyle but if you just want to make a derivative distribution you normally don't have to tinker with the installer -- whether a derivative of Fedora or a derivative of Ubuntu. On the installer side you might just have to change the artwork .. and what packages get installed by default
if that is the anaconda as in the sublimetext pluugin, than I can confirm, py2 and py3, win7, osx, ubuntu
@puredevotion no, anaconda as in the python distro
@AnttiHaapala Heh, I do want KS to be distinct enough that direct translation from Python isn't possible. Otherwise it's too easy.
in that case I'll just stfu
@michel-slm you seem to be going off on a tangent. All @Kabyle asked was if Anaconda has a py3 version. It does.
I could just say "KevinScript's syntax is exactly identical to Python's" and my interpreter could be reduced to execfile(sys.argv[1])
Not sure what you're going on about packages/linux distros either, you can install Anaconda pretty much anywhere.
But that would be unsatisfying.
@davidism yeah, the discussion sort of drifted. Wait, are we even talking about the same Anaconda?
@davidism oops. @Kabyle - apologies, was talking about Anaconda the installer (which happens to be written in Python), not Anaconda the Python distro
@puredevotion there's a sublimetext plugin called anaconda too? yikes, namespace collision abounds
My boss says I need to improve the aesthetics of my web page, which is currently B&W text. This is challenging to me. When you're prettifying an interface, how do you know when you're done?
yes, it's a linter/autocomplete plugin. From the time that sublime-lint wasn't stable (and it's a zero-configuration install)
@Kevin whenever your boss tells you so
I am talking about Anaconda produced and owned by Continuum
@Kevin slap some bootstrap on it, and ask for first remarks. That should give you an idea what he is looking for
@Kabyle to answer your original question: yes, it says right on its homepage that it supports python 3
@davidism yes, you are right, i just read Easily switch between Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4. But I think only Python 2.7 comes with it. if I want Python 3 I must install it and see how to configure Anaconda to use it ?
@Kabyle your answers are easily found by reading the Anaconda website, please read through their documentation.
I have no idea. I would assume if you want to use most things on a computer, you need to install those things.

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