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I dont disagree... tbh i guess its good to know them ... but I was using the observer pattern long before I knew anything at all about design patterns... I feel in large design patterns are just like buzzwords or marketing speak for people to put on resume's ... the patterns themselves should naturally emerge...
I think anti-patterns are more usefull ...
in terms of "DONT DO THIS!"
it may seem like a good idea but its not
I came late to the pattern game-- my programming courses were all in algorithms and methods, not software engineering. So when I first learned they were a thing, I though they were handy abstractions, but I never quite got what all the fuss was.
@DSM thats what I meant with my comment about patterns
I invented decorators in college :> Other people invented it first, of course, but I think I deserve some credit anyway.
essentially ...
I rediscovered wanting yield, and I sketched out a skiplist implementation before realizing that it had to exist already even if I didn't know what it was called.
Ooh, and I invented coroutines last year.
invented URL-shortening services in ... I think it was about 1996
HAH! Finally my code gets through the asserts! HA HA! Take that, unbelievably noisy data!!
was drunk at the time, and forgot about it until seeing them in the wild
Looking up skiplists... Cool, it lets you do binary search efficiently over collections that have O(N) item access.
Not sure when I would ever actually use it. Oh how I am spoiled by O(1) lists.
That is not even valid Python.
It's at least a little cute. Just change the , to ;.
Not very general, but still cute.
ahh change it to ; that will then work ...
I didnt even notice that until DSM said that ... I would like to retract my delete vote
@JoranBeasley, re: your comment on the now-deleted answer for this question, It seems as though int(x) does work properly on strings with leading zeroes.
It's only literals with leading zeroes that are interpreted as octal.
>>> 011
>>> int("011")
yeah thats what I said in my edit to the comment :P
once I actually tested what I said
I still wasnt one of the ones who downvoted ... i just opened my mouth when I shouldnt have :P
happens to me alot :P
I voted to undelete that answer ... for what its worth
I don't think that question is going to get a satisfactory answer. Map-territory confusion posts are usually real messy.
whats the canatonical link for floating point numbers?
and their inaccuracy?
"How do I add a zero to the left of the internal representation of an int" displays a fundamental misunderstanding of the memory model of the language.
The correct answer is "you can't", but the OP won't accept that.
So, is anyone here good with swept test collisions?
re-cbg. I have popadoms. My life is complete.
Never heard of swept, so no
then check this out
will give you lots of fun coding..
Oh hey, I implemented that a year or two ago. I didn't know it had a formal name.
I think I visualized it as, finding the point of intersection of two three-dimensional prisms that were skewed on the T axis, or something...
Took me a couple days to nail it down.
Im glad I dont do much with physics collisions(or games for that matter) ... and when I do the bounding box collisions is good enough
I enjoy playing video games to much to ever want to write them :P ...
even knowing how it works under the hood takes away from the enjoyment ... not to mention spending hours fighting with a codebase everyday
@DSM - And that is a perfect example of the importance of code formatting. :)
My initial lazy solution was to check if there was a collision at T=1, and if so do a binary search for times in [0,1] to find the latest noncolliding time. But this lets the box jump over particularly thin walls, or get stuck in spiky surfaces in unpredicatble ways.
@iCodez: it's still a bad idea to use because of the fact it only applies to some types and doesn't work for all of those.. but I've seen worse from n00bs. :-)
This week is going to kill me
13h of work yesterday
♫ there'll be days like this ♫
I admire your dedication.
I wish I could develop my own ability for hard work and dedication, but you know what it takes to develop one's abilities? Hard work and dedication. Bam, chicken and egg problem.
If I had some bacon, I could have some bacon and eggs, if I had some eggs.
This is pretty much my #1 existential issue.
Patiently waiting for a more understanding future to arrive, where my laziness will be recognized as a disability and not a moral failing.
the chicken is invested but the pig is commited
if they were to open a breakfast diner together :P
I don't have much choice. being lazy will get me fired
which will force me to take even harder jobs
it's not like there is a shortage of programmers where I live
On the other hand, if you move somewhere there are no programmers, it's likely there won't be anyone interested in employing programmers. :-/
well, I will move soon to a place that has many more jobs
(Tel Aviv, currently in Be'er Sheva, which is mostly into car-shops from what I gather)
I'll probably not be using python though, since I saw most jobs are Java/C++/C#
their loss ...
There aren't many people who only use one language these days anyway. Here we have actively developed codebases in C++, C#, Python, Java, and JavaScript, and I figure that's typical for most shops.
we have c/c++/python ... and I think a little tiny bit of node.js and js in general
mostly python however
Well, we're an extremely small company and we use Python, c++ and Javascript, but my focus is Python
@ReutSharabani you need to tell your boss that laziness is a trait of excellent developers :P
I will take the guy who can accomplish the same thing in 5 lines of code as the other guy who writes 10000000000 lines
(or gal)
Bill Gates (TM)
I'd take the guy who writes 10000000000 lines. He clearly has skills which transcend the laws of space and time.
10000000000 lines
ok so if you are hiring for a python job and you have 2 canidates you pick the one who
A) 7 in a_list
B) for i in range(len(a_list)):if a_list[i] == 7: return True
7 is a magic number, both are not hired.
the task is "Determine if 7 is in a given list"
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
(this was actually one of my interview questions :P)
@ReutSharabani Clearly the correct answer is SEVEN = 7; print SEVEN in a_list
[ x for x in _l if x == 7 ]
@tristan wins ... but probably not what the interviewer would want :P
just lean into the question because you know the asker wants to do the "did you know about the in operator? i'm sooo smart"
Bleh. I think I need a recursive solution for this, I don't like recursion.
comedy option: bool([ bool(x) for x in _l if x == 7 ])
any([x == 7 for x in lst])
what else do we have?
in_list = lambda x,_l: return x and (next(_l) == x or in_list(x,_l[1:]))
you could do bool/int or any type really
pipe each number to the linux "say" command, then use voice recognition software to look for "se" and "ven" phonemes
or do a generator doing iter
ok goin off the rails here :P
or you could id for id in list
knowing that id(7) will be the same as id(7) in list, so you could iter over id
for num in list:
        1 / (num - 7)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        print "found"
Isn't that -5 < x < 255 specific or something
nice kevin. or you could post it to stackoverflow
... Then do web scraping to search for the first code block on the page and execute it?
(lambda x,_l: return x and (next(_l) == x or in_list(x,_l[1:])))(7,random.sample(1,100,n=10)
oh dang
Genius! With this SO algorithm, we won't need to hire any more developers.
i broke my stupid lambda
lambdas can't have returns! :-)
or go on irc and say "python sucks at finding 7 in a list"
lambdas can have ONLY returns
@Kevin: that's INSANE
ahh I broke it in so many ways then :P
Lots of things I say are insane. You're going to have to be way more specific ;-)
is 7 in this list HELP PLEASE ASAP Do me all the needful
ok done working for today
all amazon instances are off
I cant wait for this question to actually show on SO
Cbg! Just realised I'm at 4567 rep :D
so we can put all our awesome solutions ... making sure to leave off the classic 7 in a_list
@IanClark quick, someone vote!
Pineapple for @Ian!
Melon @DSM :)
A: Different methods to square a value result in slightly different output - which method is most accurate / reliable?

Antti HaapalaThe reason is that you are using floating point values, which by design are not exact or precise - a float in Python has just 53 significant bits. For what this means, I recommend you to read the article What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic or the slightly eas...

I was going to say "4572 is just as interesting as 4567. It's the first number expressible as the sum of two cubes" or something to that effect, but in fact Wikipedia has no cool facts about 4572.
Perhaps 4572 is interesting because it's not interesting.
@iCodez that doesn't answer the other question, which was how to write new lines to a file without overwriting it.
I think the OP was just making it clear that he didn't want to overwrite the file. He is opening it in append mode, so it won't be overwritten.
yeah, missed that 'a'
bool({len(this.s)//this.i//math.sqrt(this.i)+1}.intersection(alist)) is the best I've got.
@Kevin (2**7 - 1) * 2**2 * 3**2 is perhaps very slightly interesting ...
That's 127 Tycho Magnetic Anomalies stacked on top of each other.
4572 is the number of permutations of (1,2,...,9) producible by an ordered triple of distinct transpositions.
So interesting.
Okay, how about this: it's one of the rare numbers such that the sum of all composites up to it is a palindrome.
I feel like you're browsing some kind of encyclopedia of integers site that I once knew existed but have now forgotten about.
I can look up 4572 on OEIS too.
Numbers n such that 14n+1 is a square.
this was the first result
quite significant that is!
You can't find integer facts on the OEIS! The OEIS only has facts about sequences of integers, duh.
@davidism: yeah, but only I can hammer-approve edits. :-)
I appreciate that all these sequences exist and are documented, but why???
Because mathematicians are geeks?
T(n,k)=Number of nXk 0..2 arrays with no more than floor(nXk/2) elements unequal to at least one horizontal or antidiagonal neighbor, with new values introduced in row major 0..2 order --- yeah 4572 there too
I'm not going to write out an advert, but it's surprisingly useful.
I found the OEIS legitimately useful the other day when I calculated the number of binary trees with height at most N for Ns from 1 to 10 and wanted to see the continuation of the pattern up to 20 or so without running my algorithm forever
I'm trying to imagine a time when I'll need to know what numbers have the property "14n+1 is a square", and I can't right now, but when my life depends on it I will be very thankful.
Of course, this was all for a SO question, for which I got a cool 25 rep B-)
Sum of numbers that can be written as t*n + u*(n+1) for nonnegative integers t,u in exactly one way.
Maybe when we need to communicate with the aliens and the only language we both speak is math.
here it is. Mad props to https://oeis.org/A001699.
maybe when we need to communicate with the aliens, the only language we both could have spoken is PHP3, unfortunately everyone has actively tried to forgot PHP3, and because of the misunderstanding a short 2 hour war is fought between our peoples, and then there will be peace.
@davidism When you have to make fourteen 36x127cm shelves and would like a little piece of leftover shelving material to put on them (and have really quite severe OCD), of course!
Oh, of course!
In particular, I found it useful to discover that there is apparently no published method of determining that sequence with a closed-form formula. Without the site, the best I'd be able to do is "I thought really hard about a closed-form formula but couldn't think of one, so maybe it doesn't exist"
yeah, my hard thinking usually is not definite proof...
Time for lunch, which will now be spent trying to remember the no-go theorems for nonlinear recurrences instead of being engrossed in sports news. Thanks, Kevin.
like Fermat: "I thought really hard about it, but couldn't come up with integers a, b, c and n>2 for which a^n + b^n = c^n"
I guess you could argue that the hard thinking of all the world's mathematicians combined is also not a definite proof, but it certainly feels more provey than if it was just me working on it.
Kevin Kevinson: the Stephen Colbert of math.
Kevin Kevinson is too long, maybe just call Kevin Kevin Jr if we want to avoid confusing him with his father.
I forgot that somewhere in the world, somebody is meticulously going through every number and finding out "interesting" facts about them :P
I guess someone will some day pop champagne and say
"number 12323423411232357322246999 is a number that has least interesting facts known so far"
Okay, bored of waiting now. The last two pending suggested tag wiki edits from going through that careless tag wiki edit approver's recent history are:
Someone wanna take a look?
Ta @Kevin :-)
gotta keep plugging the room: stackoverflow.com/a/28462727/400617 :)
+1 :)
I think I'm going to have to make a canonical question for "flask + uwsgi + nginx" eventually, there are way too many of that same question in the related bar.
is the answer "just use apache2+mod-wsgi :P
(I never messed with uwsgi so i just skip those questions :P )
One other common question I notice is "I sent this template in flask, but want to do something after it's rendered. what do?"
they dont realize that the templating language is not really the place to do what they want? is the answer?
basically the answer is "you need to use javascript to do what you're trying to do, or direct to a new page after action"
so i was using php pdo previously, where i can write a sql statement as follows : select * from table where field = ?
is there something like pdo in python?
Plain Data Object? Have you tried namedtuple?
no i haven't.. i'll check that now
so this would work like a pdo
If and only if PDO stands for "Plain Data Object", yes. a namedtuple object is effectively an object that you can staple arbitrary attributes onto. Hence, it's a plain object that holds data.
I think he is talking about the php mysqlconnector thing
Im pretty sure "Plain Data Object" is not what he is referign to ... but i suspect that was tongue in cheek :P
Oh, ok. You just saved us thirty minutes of going "this doesn't do what I want at all" :-)
class Bunch:
    def __init__(self, **kwds):
Unless Joe has already run off to try to get namedtuples working, and will only return in half an hour...
I quite like Alex Martell's recipe for something similar
dont forget the other day I was trying to explain how to struct.unpack without any idea of what said person was trying to parse or the format of the data to be parsed and they copied my struct.unpack exactly and complained that it didnt work
@JoeSaad namedtuple is probably not what you want ....
Too late, he's already writing his mission critical plane-flying and surgery-robot controlling code based on my poor advice.
No time for testing, push it to production! Kevin knows what he's talking about!
dumb question, but what role does python play in blender? As in, what can I do with it?
I think what he actually wants is something like the very well known sqlalchemy ORM
@corvid scripting mostly I think?
@Joran ok, what is it that can work for actually having the parameters passed safely to the sql statement
So you could automate tasks.
or maybe just sqlite3
what database are you using?
@Ffisegydd so can I do something like set up my own keybindings in a programmatic manner? Such as, "take the currently selected face and set its opacity to .8" or something
@corvid I assume so? I've never actually tried it myself.
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table (field1,field2,field3) VALUES (?,?,?)",("field1","field2","field3")) should work for sqlite3
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table (field1,field2,field3) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)",("field1","field2","field3")) should work for mysldb
@Joran ok, i'm using my mysqlconnector
lol what the hell is that?
ok i found it... ill look at the docs for you I guess
@JoeSaad a) switch to mysqldb, b) use SQLAlchemy, c) read the docs???
ha ha.. no you don't have to do that.. i'll read
same as with the mysqldb example above
ok, it's good to know, i guess everyone has been suggesting using sqlalchemy
sqlalchemy is an ORM (Object Relational Model)
it's easy to setup right?
sort of ... there is some overhead
Depends. You said you were using flask? If so, SQLAlchemy is very easy to set up
you dont typically use raw queries like that
yes i'm using flask
its more creating classes from your database
so you would get a Person class
so flask can be using a production library.. not limited to development enviornments, right?
that could have additional actions associated with it
of coarse
try using flask-sqlalchemy. It does a lot of the heavy lifting for you
@corvid alright
(you probably shouldnt use app.run in a production environment though)
Django question, but I have a feeling it's just a basic Python question. I have this code at the bottom of a view-function. How do I pass the extra context to the login function? I thought login(request, *args, **kwargs, extra_context=context) would do it, but it doesn't.
Thanks a lot!
kwargs.update(context) ?
oh hey, xfce version 4.12 is set to release in February or March
@aliteralmind How about:
#rest of function goes here
kwargs["extra_context"] = context
login(request, *args, **kwargs)
oh my raspberry pi's might be happy
@aliteralmind listen to kevin ...
I think he is right
(this time :P)
@JoranBeasley, @Kevin: I figured it was a basic Python concept. I have to step out to pick up my boy. Will try it as soon as I can. Thank you both.
Hmm, now that I think about it, I think you can just do login(request, *args, extra_context=context, **kwargs)
Can't you just put extra_context before kwargs?
Only problem with the original code is, kwargs has to go last
.. and this is what happens when I take the time to see if there was a difference between 2 and 3: Kevin wins.
Oops, aliteralmind already ran off to implement my less-than-optimal code for his nuclear reactor's emergency override logic. I'm sure it will be fine.
Because he mutated kwargs to contain extra context, so too will we mutate to have extra fingers.
Not ordered by any particular aspect though. I'm going to look into sorting a D3 plot for it now
Use one of the bouncy ones where when you click the graph reshapes. They're fun.
@Kevin i dont think its suboptimal ... I think that will work equally well ... its only a few extra characters
I like the second a bit more
I hate windows driver signing and installing .... such a PITA ...
If you add it to the dict you can override existing traits, which passing by keyword doesn't allow.
Also this one is stackoverflow.com/questions/15112125/…, and you can see Kevin's self-answer there too to the top right ish
wouldnt it be an error if you add it as keyword and it already exists in the dict?
Hence "doesn't allow".
Yep. TypeError: frob() got multiple values for keyword argument 'a'
@Ffisegydd: they're both far more fun than they should be.
im not sure which behaviour would be more desireable ...
perhaps the spell checking one
@corvid i just found that on their site : "Flask-SQLAlchemy provides a SQLAlchemy extension to Flask. Flask is a micro webdevelopment framework for Python. You are currently looking at the documentation of the development version. Things are not stable yet, but if you have some feedback, let me know."
development version.. things are not stable yet
I suppose, I think flask is still in version 0.10.1 either way
@JoeSaad Flask-SQLAlchemy is stable, ignore any old messages about dev versions (unless you truly are looking at the dev docs)
Flask is about to get a 1.0 release in the next couple weeks, although that doesn't mean too much, it's been stable for a long time.
    On success file_system_cleanup is not being called, right?

            if something:
                # success
                return True


        return False
yeah it is, finally block is always executed
@davidism aaagh, thanks. One reason down to kill someone.
@davidism ok, thanks
@Kevin: sure list is easier, but that's not going to help you learn about linked lists. :-P
How else would you learn about such things? OrderedDict uses a linked list internally, so even in Python you sometimes have a use for the structure.
Data structure courses should be taught in C++ so they can struggle with pointers in the proper manner :-D
from builtin import solution_giving_high_grade
Awww, is 4577 a fascinating number too... :(
I'd be fascinated to learn that it's not fascinating!
But yeah, all numbers up to at least 14228 are non-paradoxically fascinating, according to Wikipedia's Interesting Number Paradox article.
:O mind=blown
I need to put it on some kind of internet thing to share.
@DSM need a query to find the number represented in the fewest OEIS sequences.
Which would probably make it a very interesting number.
One of the regulars used to track that for exactly that least-interesting-paradox reason.
There are no original ideas!
I wonder sometimes if "name an interesting property of 1729?" would be a good interview question. Not for any content, but because it'll tell me whether or not you read the same recreational math books I did as a kid.
While we're at it, I would like a sequence containing the sequence number of each integer sequence page whose sequence does not contain its sequence number.
House policy is against self-referential sequences like that, although a few have been allowed as our equivalent of the "historical reasons" lock.
That's a sensible resolution to Russel's Paradox :-)
I would also have accepted "the above sequence only contains itself on odd-numbered days"
In [59]: next(x for x in count() if x not in c)
Out[59]: 14972
Is that the first number not in OEIS? Maybe I'll update the Interesting Number article.
Is the smallest number not in any A-sequence. (Which is roughly the first hundred terms of any sequence.)
I think they might want a citation, do you think they'll accept a chat transcript?
Um, no. And we'd have to refine the definition of not in OEIS, because some sequences contain all positive numbers; I didn't include B sequences; some sequences are unknown but might be permutations of the naturals; etc.
4567 is in 156 and 4577 is only in 48, which I think is proof that 4567 is More Interesting(tm).
Yeah, the article acknowledges that it's only looking at the actually printed parts of the sequences.
> (Note that this is possible only because the OEIS lists only a finite number of terms for each entry. For instance, OEIS:A000027 is the sequence of all natural numbers, and if continued indefinitely would contain all positive integers. As it is, the sequence is recorded in its entry only as far as 77.)
You can make a handwavy case that if a number doesn't appear at the start of a sequence it can't be that interesting to begin with.
They don't make any mention of "A sequence" vs "B sequence" so I kind of suspect they're just doing a dumb ctrl-F through the plaintext of each page
The distinction is a legacy of his old filing system. Some of us have (so far unsuccessfully) tried to revise the system and systematize the metadata. I once found a whole bunch of typos by looking for composites in sequences which should be prime; for sequences which would be nondecreasing except for a few terms; etc.
@Kevin: not necessarily -- the A-files for the entire OEIS can be downloaded in csv format.
The fact that typos exist in the OEIS is somehow an upsetting revelation to me, despite it being an entirely reasonable expectation
There's a guy who submits Haskell versions for as many sequences as possible (I used to submit Sage ones before I burned out). I wrote a lot of parsing tools to extract generating functions people had submitted and then evaluate them to check terms.
(Those two sentences aren't really connected, they're both just things which are true.)
Cool :-)
For a sufficiently geeky definition of cool, I guess, which tends to be my wheelhouse. :-)
Now to determine the least interesting real...
Too many of 'em to choose from!
I think I read in Godel Escher Bach that there are real numbers that have no symbolic representation and never will, which blows my mind.
I think the proof was like: any finite sequence of symbols can be mapped to an integer. There are more reals than integers. Therefore, there are more real numbers than ways to represent them.
It's a little comforting that we're not going to run out of numbers, though.
In the same chapter, he proves that there are true facts which have no proofs and never will.
Unrepresentable numbers are lonely and unprovable facts are depressing.
Wow, there's like... Only 80 dupes on SO.
Why so? Does swimming in an ocean instead of an inflatable pool depress you? :-)
@Ffisegydd: BOUNCY!
I don't think I have a rational basis for these feelings. It's like feeling sad for the lamp in that IKEA commercial.
@DSM How far into this ocean are we talking?
@Zero: comfortably within sight of the shore. (smh quietly)
@davidism I've got a json for you if you want. It's got postid as key and the number of dupes used for it as value. We can get the maximum values and see what posts are popular, then compare to our canon list.
It's at sopython.com/wiki/Duplicates_json for now :P a bit of a long wiki...
It's only 6000 lines long :P
yay! think I've repaired all the damage
huh, I scrolled really fast and thought it seemed really short :P
Birthday present for the puppy. :-)
well - all I could given the situation and that backups weren't available because someone also managed to corrupt those
@Ffisegydd umm... are you sure that's 6k?
stackoverflow.com/q/28464941/2555451 - I can't even begin to imagine how he thought that would work.
It's almost like he just posted whatever to get around the "what have you tried" comments.
@Ffisegydd @davidism also - why are the quotes on that wiki - not just "'s? Instead they're inverted...
either @Ffisegydd has produced some weird JSON, or the editor on sopy is doing something weird
@Ffisegydd anyway - interesting to see the results - any chance you can sort the result by count descending order though :p
BTW, Happy Birthday @JonClements. :) Or should I say Happy Birthday * 7 for dog years?
nah... just stick with HB @iCodez :p
but thanks
♫ [lyrics and music redacted] ♫
wow... sopython.com/wiki/sopython_T-shirts seems quite popular... didn't realise we'd ever get such interest...
wb @davidism
Happy birthday @Jon :) *vanishes*
It's the Markdown library, converts quotes to pretty quotes. It won't do it in code blocks.
@davidism ahhh.... that explains that one then
Happy birthday, @Jon! Mine is on Sunday.
Have a look at it in the edit box. There's line numbers. I thought it was 6k but I'm now on my phone so can't check.
@davidism thanks - Feb. appears to be a popular time to have been born here :p
@JonClements at first I though you were making another &quot; joke. Missed opportunity.
@davidism it was remarkably tempting? :p
I was trying to think of one but nothing was good enough that Kevin would read it in the transcript later and think to himself: "That'll do, D-- that'll do."
Is Kevin the standard for jokes? Can we make him into an SI unit?
slightly too close to Kelvins?
He's sort of the standard for continuous humour. Not sure how to incorporate that into the unit definition.
where λ = kevins
@JonClements Reaching Absolute Kevin is humorously impossible.
"According to our measurements that joke has a K >0.05 value"
I assume that kevins are a wave
@Ffisegydd plus don't think it's fair he gets an SI until named after him, until he's finished the low orbit tea canon, terraformation of Mars, warp engines and KevinScript....
isn't a low orbit tea cannon just a small kettle?
He's a busy man, our Mr. Kevinson.
stackoverflow.com/questions/28422883/… asker wants people to play a guessing game
right - long day... thanks for all the wishes and that, gonna have to call it a night... only got a few hours before I'm correcting another problem it appears
happy birthday!
what is the opposite of extrusion in 3D?
40 max per day on the review queue? No wonder there are 12k in there
anyway, take care all
Good idea. Rhubarb for all, and more birthday rhubarb for Jon when he scrolls back up and reads this later!
man what a long meeting about asana
I wonder how much that cost
The guy posted a HTML answer to a Python question. :/
yeah. ... that question sucks ... a crap html answer is only slightly OT
and it does limit the length of html input ... (which theoretically might be how he was getting his input)
(I know its not how he was getting his input... Im just playing devils advocate a bit)

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