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Q: Creating CSS shape dividers between content

yash Bandikatlahow can i create such section in wordpress ? and have content in both black and white sections adaptive to the diagonal line ? https://i.sstatic.net/9e6tf.jpg

3 hours later…
Hey @web-tiki how have you been?
I've been bashing walls, sanding painting, moving heavy furniture around...
my back is broken but I'm fine
how about you?
very good, passed probation and now starting to save towards a house with the gf
what is probation?
The time period at the beginning of a new job to show you can do the job
at the end of probation, you're either kept on or let go though 95% of people Ive ever seen on probation pass
its like a final safety net for employers to know if they have employed the right person but they can get in serious trouble for rejecting someone for no reason as you're still technically a fully employed individual
only time ive seen people fail is when they genuinely are rubbish or cant do the job theyre expected to do and theyre usually gone within a couple of weeks, I had a 6 month probation so felt pretty confident I'd pass :P
@web-tiki ^^
Good job @Stewartside
we have the same kind of thing in France but it usualy lasts 3 months
Yeah depends on the place tbh, my last job was 4 weeks and this was 6 months so kinda big jump
but then my leave notice at my last place was 3 months and here its 1 month
so kinda odd @web-tiki haha
Q: Can you make this shape in CSS

user3547018Is it possible to make this shape in css without using a circle and hiding the overflow in a div? I have tried to use border-radius and i am fairly sure you it is not possible with this.

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