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2:34 AM
Q: Smale's view of mathematical artificial intelligence

TurboThis snippet is from Smale's paper Smale, Steve (1999). "Mathematical problems for the next century". In Arnold, V. I.; Atiyah, M.; Lax, P.; Mazur, B. (eds.). Mathematics: frontiers and perspectives. American Mathematical Society. pp. 271–294. ISBN 978-0821820704. Did he follow up on these thoug...

2 hours later…
5:04 AM
Q: find infinitely many (or all) positive integers n so that n and rev(n) are perfect squares

user1127 For a positive integer n, let rev(n) denote the integer obtained by reversing the digits of n. Find infinitely many (or all) positive integers n so that n and rev(n) are perfect squares. The problem is similar in nature to some contest problem, though I'm not sure if there are neat tricks for s...

3 hours later…
8:28 AM
Q: Dereference a pointer to volatile structure in C++

Seth RobertsonI have a pointer to some volatile memory that I am trying to dereference and copy to a unqualified copy of that structure (and vise-versa). The format of the memory is specified by a third party structure definition. In C, I can dereference the memory and all is well. However, C++ complains th...

8 hours later…
4:46 PM
Q: Bounds of heights of coefficients of rational polynomials

joaopaFor a non zero rational $r=p/q$ ($p,q\in\mathbb Z$ coprimes), define the height of $r$ by $\mathrm{ht}(r)=\max(|p|,|q|)$ (by convention $\mathrm{ht}(0)=0$). For a polynomial $P\in\mathbb Q[X]$, define the height of $P$ by the maximum of height of its coefficients. Let $A$ and $C$ be two non zero ...

5:46 PM
Q: Exceptional zeros of a convolutional inverse

Roland BacherLet $\kappa:\lbrace 1,2,3,\ldots\rbrace\longrightarrow \mathbb Z$ be the convolutional inverse in the Dirichlet ring of $n\longmapsto {n+1\choose 2}$. It is defined by $\kappa(1)=1$ and by the functional equation $\sum_{d\vert n}{d+1\choose 2}\kappa(n/d)=0$ for $n\geq 2$. It is not hard to show t...

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