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2:10 AM
Q: Is every dense complete endless linearly ordered subset of real order-isomorphic to real?

Z WuLet $(M,\leq)$ be a non-empty dense ($\forall a<b\in M,\exists c\in M,a<c<b$), complete (every non-empty subset that is bounded above has a supreme) endless (there is no minimal or maximal element) linearly(totally) ordered subset of $(\mathbb{R},\leq)$. Do we have that $M$ is order-isomorphic ...

2:58 AM
Q: Is it guaranteed that a specialization of std::numeric_limits<T> for user-defined numeric type S, works for cv-qualified S out of the box?

TomI have a user-defined numeric type S for which I specialized std::numeric_limits<T>. Although I specialized for S only, my custom max() is also used for cv-qualified S, at least with recent versions of gcc and MSCV. Is this guaranteed to work, or am I relying on an implementation detail here? #in...

5 hours later…
8:10 AM
Q: Is this theory of well founded countable sets formalized in infinitary logic, complete and categorical?

Zuhair Al-JoharWorking in $\mathcal L_{\omega_1, \omega_1}$, add symbol $=$ with its axioms; add symbol $\in$ and axiomatize: $\textbf{Extensionality: } \forall x \forall y : \forall z (z \in x \leftrightarrow z \in y) \to x=y$ $\textbf{Foundation: } (\forall v_n)_{n \in \omega} \, \exists x: \bigvee_{n \in \o...

5 hours later…
1:10 PM
Q: How many points should we remove so that there are no n points lying on a line?

X. LiProblem. For any integer $n\geq 2$, how many points should we remove from $\{(x,y,z)\colon\, x,y,z\in \{0,1,\ldots, n-1\}\}$ so that there are no $n$ points lying on a line? Let $f(n)$ denote the minimum number of points satisfying the above problem. Then clearly we have $f(n)\leq n^3-(n-1)$. Thi...

1:40 PM
Q: Automate the boring stuff with python - Guess the number

Jarne Vercruysseimport random def guessNumber(guess): if guess == randomNumber: return 'Good job!' elif guess > randomNumber: return'That is to high!' elif guess < randomNumber: return 'That is to low!' guesses = 0 randomNumber = random.randint(1, 20) # print(randomNumber) ...

1:58 PM
Q: Atoms for Markov kernels

Tobias FritzLet $X$ and $Y$ be standard Borel measurable spaces. A Markov kernel $f : X \rightsquigarrow Y$ is a map $f(-|-) : \Sigma_Y \times X \to [0,1]$ such that: $f(-|x)$ is a probability measure on $Y$ for every $x \in X$, $f(S|-)$ is a measurable function $X \to [0,1]$ for every $S \in \Sigma_Y$. Th...

5 hours later…
6:40 PM
Q: Limits and colimits in the category of algebraic theories

Arshak AivazianLet $\mathrm{AlgTh}$ be the category of one-sorted algebraic theories (synonym: Lawvere theories; morphisms are functors that are identical on objects and strictly preserve products). It is known that it is locally representable, hence it is bicomplete. I wonder how the limits and colimits are de...

Q: Teaching algebraic geometry to computer science people

A ManiHow does one teach algebraic geometry to computer scientists/engineers? There is a 2009 book by Sumio Watanabe. It has its prerequisites, and would require plenty of adaptation. Is there anything better? Ideally, it should involve geometrical representations of datasets, transformations of finit...

1 hour later…
7:40 PM
Q: question about c++ auto keyword when using initialze list

WasonI have a question for using of key word auto when I run code below: auto i_num = {1}; printf("%x", i_num);//61fecc return 0; I think it's the same as below but not: int i_num = {1}; printf("%x", i_num);//1 return 0; Can anyone explain this difference to me? It seems auto i_num and int i_num de...

2 hours later…
9:40 PM
Q: Retract of a product

EchoLet $G$ be a retract of a product $\prod_I\mathbb{Z}$ of copies of $\mathbb Z$. This means there are group homomorphisms $\pi:\prod_I\mathbb{Z}\to G$ and $\sigma:G\to\prod_I\mathbb Z$ such that $\pi\circ\sigma=Id_G$. Is it true that $G$ must be a product of copies of $\mathbb Z$?

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