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4:28 PM
Q: Is diagonalizability a local property?

Display NameLet $R$ be a commutative unital ring. Let $n\in\mathbb{N}_+$. Consider a $n\times n$-matrix $A=(a_{ij})_{i,j=1}^n$ with entries in $R$. A diagonal matrix is defined obviously. We can define several notions about diagonalizability: $A$ is diagonalizable in $R$: if there exists an $n\times n$-matr...

5 hours later…
9:29 PM
9:40 PM
Q: Questions regarding answer to complex symmetric square root of a complex symmetric invertible matrix

jcb2535I am looking at showing that a complex symmetric invertible matrix always has a complex symmetric square root and I refer to this Q&A for the answer to this question. I am little confused at the reasoning given in the answer however, specifically in two places. Firstly, how can we show that the ...

10:22 PM
Q: Plateau problem for fluxes of curves

tommy1996qConsider $\mathbb{R}_t \times \mathbb{R}_x ^n$ , let $b_1(t,x)$ and $b_2 (t,x)$ be two velocity fields with all the regularity you want and consider the flow of the point $(0,x_0)$ for a time $T$. Now, I can view the trajectories of $(0,x_0)$ as curves in $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ like $ \gamma_1 =(t, ...

11:22 PM
Q: Riemann mapping theorem with smooth boundary

J_PThis is closely related to the question here. The setup is that $U\subset\mathbb{C}$ is an open bounded simply connected domain with $C^\infty$ boundary. If $\phi:U\rightarrow\mathbb{D}$ is a biholomorphic mapping from $U$ to the unit disk, it is known that $\phi$ extends to a smooth map $\overli...

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