I'm working with GCD, perhaps someone here knows about this. I've got an AVPlayer in my app delegate. When I want to pause/play I pass notifications from my main view via NSNotificationCenter to the AppDelegate. The delegate in turn passes notifications back to the relevant views to update the UI. My player is playing over itself for some reason. This only happens when using GCD to play on the BG.
the problem is that code is generating the header,but when i added that header to life project and send request it is saying "make sure that the value of authorization header is formed correctly including the signature"
@MichaelDautermann, if i mark bounty on my question of 50 Reputation... after end of the days of bounty ... 1) If no one give answer to my question then all 50 reputation will add into original points ? 2) If owner give answer of that question and also accepted his answer then bounty reputation will added in owner reputation??/
@Tauseef, sorry man i havn't any idea about her .. when she will come online and offline :( :( but u can ask vijaysinghadhikari he may be know when she will come online
@iHungry help me pls. i could n't clear this two errors. "_KalDataSourceChangedNotification", referenced from: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_KalViewController", referenced from:
i have fount the answer to my question. i just used one more char const
// Upcomming campaigns
static const char *kName_upcommingCampaigns = "upcomingCampaigns";
static const NSUInteger kLength_upcommingCampaigns = 18;
And i have checked for the same in the Start delegate. When it is encounter...
PLease help if any information on this is available
Hi guys, if i want to sell my app in USA and UK store then i have to build my app separately or is there any other procedure? Please help if any information you have.
I am using this line of code to set the font style of the text in WebView but its not working. NSString *abc=@"<html><body style=\"font-family:Verdana; font-size:12px; color:#000000;\"></body></html>"; [msgWebView setCustomTextEncodingName:abc];
It worked when i modified the string like this. Your right chris, it shouldn't make any difference.
NSString *myDescriptionHTML = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<html> \n"
"<head> \n"
"<style type=\"text/css\"> \n"
@all What is the "best" solution to have access to an objets everywhere ? To pass that object via "pushfromSegue". Or to create that object somewhere in app delegate or somewhere else ?
@ken the main thing, is i have my apps. and i have my web service. The app is supposed to retrieve many datas from the web service and some datas i need to keep in all view. (like i have contactView, FeedView, Messages..) where do i store my datas ?
i have some objets "data", "profile", "message", "contact"
i have fount the answer to my question. i just used one more char const
// Upcomming campaigns
static const char *kName_upcommingCampaigns = "upcomingCampaigns";
static const NSUInteger kLength_upcommingCampaigns = 18;
And i have checked for the same in the Start delegate. When it is encounter...
@Slake Core data is a way to store data in the hardware. The most simple type is saving data by Key. Of coz it may be slower if link to hardware. But i guess it is ok for small amount of data like urs.
iPhone4, iOS 4.3.3, iOS SDK4.3
Hi all,
I'm creating a video upload feature. The videos are retrieved using UIImagePickerController and can be captured using the camera or picked from the photo library. I have an application constraint of 60 seconds max duration. This is easily achieved when rec...