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please help me please
Anyone there?
anyone know how to print the out an array to NSLOG?
@TopChef NSLog(@"%@",array);
@0x8badf00d so if my array is named exercises.... NSLog(@"%@", exercises) ?
@TopChef Yes.
I'm getting an expected expression before @ error
What does it say
NSLog(@'%@', exercise);
" not '
that worked!
how do I save an array from one class to another object's array? I'm creating a saveExercise method in the first class...can I just create an instance of the other class and make self.exercise = [Class2 array] if array is a property of Class 2?
Within an IBAction method?
please responde to my question
@TopChef You want to create an instance of other class and set it's array to the current class exercise (which is again an array) ?
@gregrock If nobody is answering, probably they don't know. Did you consider posting your issue at Stack overflow web?
@TopChef I guess then - Yes. Class2 *obj2 = [[Class2 alloc] init...]; and then obj2.myArray = self.exercise;
@AppleVijay Funny ^_^
@AppleVijay Although this is funny.. why is it pinned ?
@0x8badf00d To illustrate "we should avoid/change this situation"
@TopChef Assignment operator assigns RHS to LHS. Your assignment confused me ^_^
thanks :)
@スイムイ yes i posted but no one respond stackoverflow.com/questions/10093470/… here is the link if you can respond
@gregrock Unfortunately i don't know cocos 2D too :( Few here know who i know, but aren't here right now. All i was trying to say is - If not posted on the web, please do it ^_^
@スイムイ hii
@IphoneDeveloper hi
kya kar rahi ho
suimui ji
cream laga rahi hu
ek min hand wash karlu
(╯°□°)╯︵ ƐpɐԀı
is there something wrong with storing ' in sql?
a single apostrophe?
an apostrophe is an operator of sorts
seems like the damn sql doesnt like it
you need to escape it if you want to store it
what is the escape?
or \
to put a \ in front of it
ok i ll see
what database system are you using
what does that mean?
mysql, mssql, oracle
access, db2, paradox, foxpro
none of the above?
what software are you executing sql against
sorry, I am not so well versed in SQL
I only do it in xcode/iOS
so sqllite?
then try the \
its probably the same
doesnt work
tried %' <-- crashed my app
haha, i dont know where to begin
just show me the sql line
it is this whole host of things
@"INSERT INTO PeopleTable VALUES (%d,'%@'), etc <---something like this
it is just one of the field I wanna put ' in
so the problem is with the apostrophes around the %@ or apostrophes inside of the %@ value?
inside, as value
i see where you are going with it
let me see what else is available
apostrophes in sql are used to encapsulate a variable
so "select from table where name = 'mario'
mario being the variable
in mysql i (we) use ` around column names
same thing for the insert - althought i hate it when people dont write out the column names
that is the problem, ' = ` kinda
insert into table (column1, column2)values('mario','anthony')
im trying to make sure that a person can put in value sure as 'I'm'
so the ' in i'm needs a \ before it
I did, still syntax error
what's going on?
@benuuu im trying to escape ' into SQL but \' isnt working :(
try double escaping
that might just work
hold on
the problem is likely with nsstrings is that \' is being interpreted as ' when fed to whatever sql you're doing
nope.. still syntax error :(
want to see the searchbar near navigationbar...
any suggestions guys?
@Byte can i see your couple lines of code?
and the error message
verify your table name and column names are correct
ok let me give you a pastebin, I doubt it will help though :(
@Puneeth uh how are you displaying them now?
One of the object, has ' in them, and boom.. "syntax error"
doesn't give you more information than "syntax error"?
i mean It works with everything but '
tried escaped with \' %' \\' "'
what line is erroring?
Q: Issue escaping single quote in iOS with stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:widthString

Thomas Joulin NSString *test = @"d'escape"; NSLog(@"%@", [test stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"'" withString:@"\'"]); prints me this 2010-10-25 15:10:54.833 MyApp[7136:207] d'escape What am I doing wrong ? I want to get this : 2010-10-25 15:10:54.833 MyApp[7136:207] d\'escape

it needs 2 \\'s
use stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString
he tried that
@benuuu SQLite 3 INSERT statement bug! near "Missing": syntax error
@benuuu...i am displaying it in new empty view controller...

[self.tableView insertSubview:ovController.view aboveSubview:self.parentViewController.view];

ovController is the empty view where i am displaying the searched data
but i think he tried putting the \\ in the sql statement, which you cant do
you need to escape the variable
in the sql statement, ' are ok
its in the variable its screwing up the sql
@Puneeth give me some time please. you're not the only person i'm talking to right now
Hmm... the value comes in from a textfield
and I put in \\'
and \'
@Byte in the actual textfield or in the sql
none of them work :( i doubt there is anything in my code
@Mario textfield
i feel that might not work
\ is special, so it might need to be added from using something like stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString
let me try hard code it real quick
@Mario i don't think that makes a difference.
I doubt that would make a difference. Since you essentially put \\ in front of the stuff
@byte can I see the NSLog(@"%@", query)?
if you need to remove any personal data do that.
INSERT INTO PeopleTable VALUES (12,'draft', '', '', '','', 'Missing','N/A','N/A','Unknown','','','','','','','04/10/12 - 18:43','No UUID','')
for normal condition
hold on one moment
INSERT INTO PeopleTable VALUES (13,'draft', '', 'No Photo', '','', '','Missing','N/A','N/A','Unknown','','','','','',''','04/10/12 - 18:45','No UUID')
hm your log tells us that the error happens near 'Missing'
yea which is weird because, it doesnot matter where I put ' in, the log comes out that way
that is false
one moment please
ok in the case above :SQLite 3 INSERT statement bug! near "04": syntax error
same error for this :INSERT INTO PeopleTable VALUES (14,'draft', '', 'No Photo', '','', 'Test Exercise','Missing','N/A','N/A','Unknown','','','','','','\'','04/10/12 - 18:48','No UUID')
as you can see, I put in \'
what's that doing?
and same case for this :,'','\\'','04/10/12 - 18:49','No UUID')
I am definitely missing something here :(
did you try not escaping anything?
is ' a special character?
' is same as 'hello' as a parameter
and yes I have
Does not work either
so your object at index: foo contains '
it can be I'm and it still wouldnt work
so the issue you're running into is that it's not escaping and you end up with things like ''','Missing'
so it reads the syntax as '' ',' Missing
and escaping does not help
right, something like that
so im thinking, i am not using the correct escape
how /where are you escaping?
or '\\''
nothing works :(
but where are you doing that?
:,'','\\'','04/10/12 - 18:49','No UUID')
i mean
are you just doing that in your personArray?
in the textfield
right it get collected as NSString into the array
which then get parsed here
also you should NSLog the [query UTF8String] since that's what you're executing
thats what i was trying to say before; you need to escape the personArray, not just arbitrarily add \\
@Mario this is right, i misunderstood the problem
Let me log out UTF8 , meanwhile you can help puneeth
@Puneeth so you have an empty view, buttons above the empty view, and a table view?
lol NSLog(@"%@", [query UTF8String]); damn thing gave me bad_access
try executing the sql with just query, not the utf8string
@Mario wont let me :(
ok, i have disturbed you guys enough. dont worry, i ll find a way
and will let you know
(just have to sleep on)
Q: iPhone SQLite commands with apostrophes

NathanI'm writing an application for the iPhone that communicates with a SQLite database but I'm running into a small problem. Whenever I try to query information based on a condition that contains an apostrophe, no results are returned.... even if a result that matches the requested condition exists....

this one says double up the apostrophe
@Mario @benuuu lol '' works
with 1 \
i just saw it right before you posted lol
simply put '' <--- so it looks like 'I''m'
what about "
does that work?
unless it is the quotation, then it is ok since Quotation does not need to be escape.. at least for my work
I dont know if you are doing '' or "
i'm doing quotation
oh let me check
if you have a quotation in your query
it seems to work without escaping
make sure to test your code!
oh I know why, since @"%@" <--- takes in string
does not matter if your string is "
because it will look like @"\"" to that
that is why, I didnt have to escape. But normally people would have to
i just don't know how sqlite will behave
Lesson: escape apost with apost :D
@puneeth why not just put the buttons under your table view?
today i learned
me 2 :)
live and learn!
the man that can respond to this is god stackoverflow.com/questions/10093470/…
@gregrock im human, i guess i wont try :D
Is it possible to have an NSMutableArray full of NSMutableArray's?
@TopChef i don't see why not.
@gregrock sorry i don't know cocos2d
@gregrock ccpropertyaction ?
-(void)addNewWorkout:(NSMutableArray*)array {
[self.workoutList insertObject:array atIndex:0];
NSLog(@"%@", self.workoutList);
method I wrote...keeps returning null
after calling it from another class
workoutList being an NSMutableArray
call it from:

Workouts *new = [[Workouts alloc] init];
[new addNewWorkout:customWorkout];

[customWorkout removeAllObjects];
[new release];
i dated a french girl once. we drank wine like it was water
great girl.
@TopChef well you are removing all the objects...
where did customWorkout come from?
customWorkout is an NSMutableArray that keeps track of strings that are clicked on from a table
once the save button is pressed, I want those strings to be saved in a seperate NSMutableArray (which would be the array full of arrays)
did you debug line by line to see where the point of failure is?
I think it is the [self.workoutList insertObject:array atIndex:0]; ... its not adding anything.
@TopChef well the way i look at it there are two probable points of failure on that line
Hey everyone, I currently have a bounty on a question that is probably really simple, but I'm very new to Objective-C. Any help would be great!
Here is a link to it:
@benuuu yes?
@TopChef well what do you think i think they are?
I am thinking it has something to do with my instance of new
the array isn't being added
or perhaps it is being deleted
use the debugger, check the variable pointers, etc.
see what changes each step
hello all
@benuuu in fact i just got bored want to write here:)
@ilis TED is my friend when im bored
TED of HIMYM ? @Byte
@ilis TED of www.ted.com
@ilis wasnt there a new episode last night?
@Byte it has been a long time i havent wached. since i have started my job :(
@ilis how can you let job comes in a way of watching tv??
@ilis do you have no work ethics?
@Byte oh no you cant say that
i just changed my city and since there is nobody to watch that comedy series together i dont want to watch
i live alone for the moment, but during colleage(university) i used to live with a home mate
@ilis (you know I was joking right?) and cant you watch it alone?
@Byte comedy? no i cant.. it is a little strange but i mostly watch drama or historical movies since i have come to this city(this is istanbul by the way:)
have you heard of istanbul? @Byte
i like to laugh while i'm alone.
@benuuu i like laughing when there are a few ones: )))
@ilis I only heard it from Fulmetal Alchemy
@ilis i like that too.
I like laughing at people
is that the same as you guys?
it depends on the people
I laugh whenever I want... alone or otherwise
@benuuu @Byte i like laughing-and my frieds say i laugh too much. but when im alone something changes.
@Byte your last word is right for me too
i laugh wheneer i want
but i dont watch comedy series when im alon:))
i laugh at least once everyhour, just cause otherwise life wouldnt be fun :)
@ilis actually I'm the opposite. I dont watch anything else when im alone.. only comedy
@Byte can i ask where you are from:))
@ilis North pole
land of smile
@Byte hahaha:))
i'm from turkey(a kurdish native). unfotunatelly here is land of bad fat. wars and politic lies.. @Byte
@Byte but there is allways a reason to laugh at life
@ilis that is the thing, there is no reason to not laugh at everything. (absurdity begins:) life is a joke
@Byte that is what i beleive and live in every condition. but still dont watch comedy series alone:))
ok last one was a joke:))
anyways.. averting from this...
@benuuu you have linkedin app?
@Byte for the iphone? nope
@benuuu yep, ok
i barely use linkedin
@benuuu just asking, if you have seen the starting animation, thats all.
@Byte @benuuu and @all good nights
i will sleep
@ilis night
it is 23:37 (11:37 pm)
@ilis night
the guy that can answer to that is god stackoverflow.com/questions/10093470/…
@gregrock replied to your question
i was a bit curious myself, so i looked into it...
1 hour later…
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Hi any one who knows openGl here ?
Just need some basics
As am going to start learning ..
What is the difference between coreanimation and openGL ?

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