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gud mrng :)
hi all
good morning
any one use skpsmtpmessage framework send email background
Hello @Leena
Good Morning
hello @Ranjit
@Leena, I have created my project using storyboards, my rootviewController is tabBarController and then I have made all the attachments in storyBoard, so their is no single code, in appdelegate, But now I want to show product tour for my app, and now when the app launches , I want to make my productTourViewController as the rootViewController and when the tour is finished, I want to switch the rootVC again to tabBarController.
then you need to do code in appdelegate
allocate window object and set the desired rootview controller
when the tour of you app gets completed redirect to the storyboard
I tried that, but my app crashes
whats the error log
bcoz, my app, plist contains storyboard, and inisde storyboard, tabbarController is set as initialViewController
ohh yes
remove that
so I should remove both right
yes you should
in target settings
targets--->General--->DeploymentInfo--->Main Interface
ok, now, its empty
whether we should keep it empty?
keep it empty
Now I should define a ViewController and make it rootVC right?
in appdelegate Yes
I did this now in my appdelegate
ProductTourViewController1 *PT = [[ProductTourViewController1 alloc] initWithNibName:@"ProductTourViewController1" bundle:nil];
self.window.rootViewController = PT;
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
but when I run the code, I get 2 warning
warning: Unsupported Configuration: Scene is unreachable due to lack of entry points and does not have an identifier for runtime access via -instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:.
and application is loading with a black screen
posted on March 26, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Earlier this month I mentioned an excellent Toolset for Quartz Composer for easily creating interactive app prototypes.

@Leena, what you have to say
who is gonna allocate window
oh ok
@Leena, I did that
but now my app crashes
with this log
[ProductTourViewController selectedViewController]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1766a9e0
you are doing nothing wrong
there is some issue with your viewcontroller
good morning
and please make your viewcontroller name to ProductTourViewController
I have made it
anyone heard of BT server 4.0
if I try with any otherViewController, I ge
@Leena, I will try with other VC
try it
I tried but same error
and same warning, Unsupported configuration, scene is unreachable and all that
i want to send some data from android to iphone via bluetooth
You can't send it
@Ranjit In your storyboard, select each of the view controller (red arrow in image below) and look at the Storyboard ID field (red oval). None of the Storyboard ID fields should be blank. When you find one that is, that is the culprit.
but I have kept all blank and till now it use to work fine
@Ranjit i post an answer
as you need
@NitinGohel, ya, I checked it, but I have few doubts,So what about removing storyBoard from plist file and unchecking intialViewController. Also the newRootVC is not inside storyBoard.
Hi All
I need help
Hello @NitinGohel
actually i m struggling to use twilio in my app
can someone help
@Ranjit whyyou used this outside from storyboard
you have to put this viewcontroller in to storyboared and use simply
dont make this complex.. use simple way
But it can be a case, right, let me try
in case if you are using storyboard then why you used xib or programeticully viewcontroller
and if you wan to old way on then why you used storybord
follow the basic way of stufff
you know, I want to shift Root VC based on some conditions, because of that
still going on Ranjit
2 hours later…
@Leena, yes, still didnt work
@NitinGohel, your solution is not working
i think you are on wrong track
dont knw what you doing in this
I followed what you said
its my working code
ok, but is their any other change , I should make?
i dont think there is requered any other chanes
I am getting this error [UINavigationController selectedViewController]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1458f5b0
are you using any tabbar
yes, by default my rootVC is tabBar which is inside storyBoard
@NitinGohel, what about TabBar?
1 hour later…
Hello @Leena I solve it
@Leena, now I have one more issue
@Charan, @Leena, I was successful in changing rootViewController, on application launch, now, I want to again change rootVC from the View which is RootVC. How to do that?
@Leena, @Charan, any suggestion
I meant on applicationlaunch, my rootVC is suppose a navigationController, then later I want to change it to tabBar @Leena
I want to make rootVC as tabBar, from productTour VC, how can we do that?
google it
what is google?
1 hour later…
@Charan there
5 hours later…
posted on March 26, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C Early this year I mentioned a very extensive project for those looking to build full featured messaging apps called Spika. Here’s another nice open source example f

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