@IphoneDeveloper but the prob is i want my time should be in this format "hh:mm a".Wheni select the date from picker it displays proper date in my string variable but in the date variable it displays date in the format 1970-01-01 05:18:00 +0000 and is of year 1970
// get current date/time NSDate *today = [NSDate date]; NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; // display in 12HR/24HR (i.e. 11:25PM or 23:25) format according to User Settings [dateFormatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle]; NSString *currentTime = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:today]; [dateFormatter release]; NSLog(@"User's current time in their preference format:%@",currentTime);
@IphoneDeveloper arrey link par to aa rahi hogi na,ye error jo tune paste kari hai wo browser ki error nahi hai,ye jab usse parse karwa raha hai to kisi ki value null aa rahi hai to error aa raha hai
@IphoneDeveloper json paring ke baad mere ko do data mile hain 1st is state name aur uske respect me city name now mujhe state name section name me use karna hai aur cell me city..
i want to parse the api like this:-
Now it this i want the image url i.e the "" tag.
Now i am using NSXML parsing like this:-
//new method
-(id)initWithURLMy:(NSString*)theURL arrayRootObjectTags:(NSArray*)arrTags sel:(SEL)seletor andHandler:(NSObject*)handler{
if(self = [super init] ){
@MithunMadhav Excellent choice. Are you going to accept and update my answer? In any Case, my friend Mike will be pleased. He likes it when people use his open source code.
@Abizern When my navigation bar is coming underneath the status bar.... do u ve any solution It appears when the vedeo played in fullscreen and we change the orientation ..
When my navigation bar is coming underneath the status bar.... do u ve any solution It appears when the vedeo played in fullscreen and we change the orientation ..@PratikshaBhisikar
@ArchanaChaurasia Be sure that you call beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications before you do this or you will just get a 0. Also, make sure that you turn it off when you don't need it with endGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications After that you can get the orientation from the orientation property or by registering for the UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification
@ArchanaChaurasia A good place to do it is in viewDidLoad and turn it off in viewDidDissappear of the view controller where you want to be notified of changes. It's bad practice to leave it on when you don't need it as it has a slight impact on performance and power
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