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02:00 - 09:0009:00 - 21:00

@Abhishek hi
@Prem kuch search kiaa?
@IphoneDeveloper bete kuch mil nahi raha hai
@IphoneDeveloper me to khud google me gayab ho gaya
@Prem mujhe bhi yahi lag rha hai ki.. aise songs ka title get nahi akra sakye
@VJAY plz help
ysss bta
@VJAY Avaudioplayer se song ka title get kara sakte hai kya
@IphoneDeveloper ipad ki application banai he kya splitview with tabbar
mpmediaplayer se to ipod ke songs ka title , artist name get ho sakta hai
@VJAY par mujhe documnet folder me khud ke song len ahi
@VJAY kasie hoga bata do
i think but nvr wrk on dat coz we can retrive the artist name rit
@VJAY ha to ipod ke songs ka to akra ssaket ehai
@IphoneDeveloper haan par apko kya chaiyee??
@VJAY but documnet folder ka song play to AVaudioplayer se hoga.. par usme aise koi property nahi dikh rhai
mujhe ipod library use hi nahi karni
khud song le rahi hu
ab usko play to Avaudioplyer sehi karungi na
Q: how can i get the name of song that is currently being played by the avaudioplayer

user644479i want know what song is currently played by the avaudioplayer

@IphoneDeveloper isko chk kr or meko clr kr krna kya hai
@VJAY iPodMusicPlayer ye iske lie hai
tu songs kahan pade hain?
ye maine kia hai
document folder me
waha se maine Tableview me display kara leiye hai
@IphoneDeveloper ok to kisi naam se save kra rai ho??
us naam ko get krna hai??
wo name to maine get kara liya
par songs ke sath kuch aur info bhi hoti hai
to krna kya hai re?
album name. artist name
artwork image
@VJAY are yar... kitna to clear bata rahi hu
album ka name get karna hai
@IphoneDeveloper haan to sb mil raha hoga na teko ... screenshot pste kr idr
hoga kyaa
@VJAY nahi naa,.
ab bata
kasie samjhau
@IphoneDeveloper sry re smj ni aa raha hai ...tu sabi songs ek foldr m daal rai hai ya album k hisaab se alg alg folder m??
screen shot pe bas song.mp3 file hai
ab yadi wo ipod ki library me hai...... to mai uska album name get kara sakti hu
par yadi wo song khi aur hai.. application ke sandbox me ya documet me
wo puch rhai hu
to kasie get hoga
Q: Iphone application with audio player

IphoneDeveloperI have added music files in application's document folder and I am playing that music from AVAudioPlayer. How can I get Its title , album name and artist name. I used MPmediaPlayer to access ipod library . but now I want to make my custom player. Is there any need to use mpmediaplayer in this ...

@IphoneDeveloper m dekh k batta hu tu tb tak isko add kr le ye help kr skta hai shyad jmann4489
skype p
@VJAY skype nahi us e kar sakti
@sandy suno na
@IphoneDeveloper hello bataogi kya mujhe ipad ka
@Abhishek split viee nahi use kia
@Veer hii
plz helpe
@IphoneDeveloper, hi, kia hua yara?
@all hello
kisi nay soap webservice use ki hay iphone main ?
@FaheemRajput yes I have tell what's the problem ?
mujhy aik error araha hy @dark
@dark here is the error error in msg parsing:
XML error parsing SOAP payload on line 12: Mismatched tag
Q: Iphone application with audio player

IphoneDeveloperI have added music files in application's document folder and I am playing that music from AVAudioPlayer. How can I get Its title , album name and artist name. I used MPmediaPlayer to access ipod library . but now I want to make my custom player. Is there any need to use mpmediaplayer in this ...

@FaheemRajput then you have parsed xml wrong
Q: Iphone application with audio player

IphoneDeveloperI have added music files in application's document folder and I am playing that music from AVAudioPlayer. How can I get Its title , album name and artist name. I used MPmediaPlayer to access ipod library . but now I want to make my custom player. Is there any need to use mpmediaplayer in this ...

plz help
@dark hii
@IphoneDeveloper hii ok let me see
@dark @dark @dark
@IphoneDeveloper :yes?
Q: Iphone application with audio player

IphoneDeveloperI have added music files in application's document folder and I am playing that music from AVAudioPlayer. How can I get Its title , album name and artist name. I used MPmediaPlayer to access ipod library . but now I want to make my custom player. Is there any need to use mpmediaplayer in this ...

@dark you mean addres of url?
@Reefaq plz chk this
@FaheemRajput no when you are going to request to webservice it will return you an xml in response right ?
@IphoneDeveloper do u have title to the that mp3 ?
@IphoneDeveloper have you check that musicPlayer it contains some object ?
@Reefaq yes
@dark yes right
@dark dekho.. ipod librafry se jo song aate hai na, unke title get karayehai maine
@FaheemRajput then you are going to read the xml through NSXMLParser ?
par,. ye jo songhai.. ye application ke sandbox me add ahi.. uska title bhi get karna hi
@IphoneDeveloper hmmmmm I have no idea about that
@dark yah but my response come with error
@FaheemRajput first check the envelope make sure you are sending correct parameter but it still an error then web guy take care of it
its from his side then @FaheemRajput
@dark kisi ko nahipata. muhje bhi idea nahi ,, mai to aise hi try karke dekh rahi hu
@Reefaq u have any ideaa?
@dark my request syntax is wright cus i prient in log and a;; tag are well packed
@IphoneDeveloper :)
@FaheemRajput didn't get you ?
beta abhi thoda sa busy hu
@IphoneDeveloper try album title
@sandy ok
@Reefaq tried this already
@dark can you tell me any tuts about soap webservice and xml parsing
@Reefaq have u seen Addmusic sample code of apple?
@IphoneDeveloper nope
@Reefaq it has code to get album name from ipod songs and 1 code to play application sound..
I m trying to use same code for application sound. I don;t know whether its posible or not
@IphoneDeveloper have a look at this proj oleb.net/media/MusicPlayerDemo.zip
@IphoneDeveloper for code reference see this oleb.net/blog/2009/07/…
@FaheemRajput i didn't have any tutorial link for that I have done that couple of months before and am just take care of the things that I have sent correct parameter with correct data types in envelop just . @FaheemRajput paste you envelop here may be then i am able to help you
@Reefaq i used this also.. but this only for ipod library access
I want to get song title for.. songs whch i saved in document folder
@IphoneDeveloper ohh .. i had not tried yet on anything like this .. will surely try to do it today night n let u know tomorrow
@Reefaq okk, thanks
Q: method delegates doesn't get called

georgeI tried to implement this: UICRouteOverlayMapView .h file @protocol DrawingDataDelegate <NSObject> @required -(void) drawingSuccessful:(BOOL)done; @end @interface UICRouteOverlayMapView : UIView { id <DrawingDataDelegate> delegate; } - (id)initWithMapView:(MKMapView *)mapView;...

hi @all
@Harvin hii
@george set the delegate in initwithCoder method this may work
@dark I have no such method
will you help me
@george at start add a method initWithCoder and initilze you delegate there this method is get called before draw rect method
@Reefaq hi brooo
@dark abhi dekha ..
@dark but the delegate is set in the class that adopts the protocol.There I have no drawRect method
Q: an UIButton in an UIPickerView doesn't respond to click event

Dinguai add an UIButton to an UIPicker view bu this code - (UIView *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView viewForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component reusingView:(UIView *)view { UIView *returnedView=(id)view; if (!returnedView) { returnedView=[[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMa...

@george @synthesize delegate;

- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(drawingSuccessful:)]) {
[self.delegate drawingSuccessful:YES];
@dark yeah, this is in the class that implements the protocol.But the delegate is set
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view from its nib.
routeOverlayMapView = [[UICRouteOverlayMapView alloc] init];
routeOverlayMapView.delegate = self;
in the other class
hi @all again haha
i have a question, please have a look at this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7738885/grabbing-multiple-photo-albums-from-facebook
its about fbgraph api... im trying to grab multiple photo albums, i manage to grab from FB, but when it comes to storing them into array, i only can store the last grabbed album.
@Reefaq hello
@george hello
posted on October 12, 2011 by Mugunth Kumar

Just wrote this quick and dirty method that dumps a ASIHTTPReqeust on console as a curl command. You can add it to your project as a category extension on ASIHTTPRequest or on a subclass (if you have one). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [...] No related posts.

Anyone have idea about PLCrashReporter
@Harish hi
Can any one any idea about .i have requirement like this i have display every view two buttons and one image view .for that button how can add action in every view
@Narayana hi try to add another view to window in Application delegate class...
@Naratana hello....
@george hello
@Harish hi
UIView *myBottomBar = [[UIView alloc] init];
[myBottomBar setBackgroundColor:[UIColor purpleColor]];
[myBottomBar setFrame:CGRectMake(0,415, 320, 45)];

[self.window addSubview:myBottomBar];

// Now add what ever controls you want to add on this view... This myBottomBar is appear in all view...
Q: ScrollView and PageController not working

GabrielleIn my app I have a variable number of pages, that I receive from a php script with data that I must display. I have 2 labels and one tableview that must be populate every time the page is changed. I put this on a view and this view I added to scrolView but it is not working:((. For changing the p...

please help..
@aimzy Hello Umme Umme
hi all
bye all cya
@aimzy huh?
hola @aimzy bye...
applicationIconBadgeNumber of UILocalNotification doe's not work in iOS 5..... anybody observe that?
@aimzy bye....
@aimzy Laddu ko meri aur se bye....and Good Night keh dena FB PE....
@Prem bas javu 6e bhai...aavjo...JSK...
Which language is this?
Does it mean Bass Jaa raha hoon ?
@Aj aavjo....jsk....good night
means .. i have to go now... bye.
@Prem ok sure bye
where r u from
I am new to iOS
@aimzy Hi Umme Umme
@aimzy thank you....
@Smallville where r u from
@Smallville hey hi fren .. u here?
@aimzy aur ha....@IphoneDeveloper ko bhi keh dena agar vo mile to
@aimzy GOOD NIGHT...!!
@Prem ok
@Dhaval gn tc :)
@aimzy Hi, Yes I am new to iOS
@harshit2811 Hello
@Smallville yup am as new as u :D cya later mate :)
ta ta all tc bye cya
@aimzy Ok. See you soon. Please come soon I miss you
@Smallville hhaha ok ...
@Smallville will maybe come later yeah on fb.. cya
@aimzy Ok. Bye :D
@Smallville k... no prob.. when u become old to iOS ..give me that answere...ha ha
@Harish Your UILocalNotification fires?
ya...i can see pop-up..but no applicationiconbadge
@harshit2811 Sorry I don't know :P
k..no prob...thx
@IphoneDeveloper ha beta
kha ho
@sandy aaj koi nahi hai yaha pe.....me bhi ja raha hu....kal aaunga....Bye.....Bro
bye dost
bye to all
mai bhi ja rha hu
@sandy hello
@sandy r u know about tabbar add items and remove
@sandy byee
Does anyone know why web services works on iPhone simulators but not the real device?
anybody home?
Good Morning
@JackGleeman What type of web service?
@all hiho
@JackGleeman What kind of web services?
@JackGleeman It should work since it is only a webpage at the very base
Anyone ever see this "Could not load the "someImage.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier" error?
I am attempting to test against latest iOS and I suspect the xibs were somehow corrupted, I deleted and readded them but they're still blank on device, I also tried recreating them, and now this error appears.
@OhDannyBoy Sorry, I dont work with nibs X.x
@Canelo hello mate
removing and readding everything fixed it. Weird.
@ManjinderS Hiho
@Canelo u alright mate
@ManjinderS yup, thx for asking
@ManjinderS What about u
@Canelo mate u know how to adjust labels. Like on xib file i have strached label and put another label exactly after that. now if i put smaller sentence in that that will be fine but if i put larger then i will like .... how can i arrange
hello all
sorry for late response
@JackGleeman Hello
I've had my issue resolved noe
thank you
@OhDannyBoy hey mate
Goodbye all speak to you tomorrow
@ManjinderS mmm
@Canelo its ok i will append one string to another
@Canelo sorted :-)
@ManjinderS Oh ok
1 hour later…
posted on October 12, 2011 by Umut M.

Advertise here with BSA Frameless is a fresh project that shares ideas on grids that adapt column-by-column (rather than pixel-by-pixel). It suggests a practice on fixed-width grids that are created with mobile-first approach which guarantees that designs created will adapt to any screen-size. There are several files (like LESS, HTML or Photoshop templates) provided aiming to create a starti

2 hours later…
posted on October 12, 2011 by Ray Wenderlich

TweetAt long last, it’s the day we’ve been waiting for – the NDA for iOS 5 has now been lifted! [...]

posted on October 12, 2011 by Brandon Trebitowski and Collin Ruffenach

iOS 5 has been officially released, and iOS developers are eager to begin making use of the many new features available in SDK 5. In this article, industry gurus Brandon Trebitowski and Collin Ruffenach reflect on the opportunities, efficiencies, and most exciting features of the latest SDK. This post is a must read for all iOS SDK developers! iOS 5 Overview With the release of iOS SDK 5, t

2 hours later…
posted on October 12, 2011 by Ray Wenderlich

Tweet Note from Ray: Congratulations, you guys did it! By helping to spread the word about the iOS 5 Feast, [...]

02:00 - 09:0009:00 - 21:00

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