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Gud Morning .. @Tirth @RichaSharma
good morning :)
@SidShah hello
VARUN, i'm here too :P
@Tirth good morning sir
<span class="s1">Sent</span><span class="s2"> from Zone </span><span class="s1">Mail</span><span class="s2"> for iOS</span></p>
How we replace s1 with s1' and s2 with s2' soon
i'm not sir .. Sid, Mrunal Richa are masters here
use stringreplacingwithcharacter method of NSString class
<span class="s1">Sent</span><span class="s2"> from Zone </span><span class="s1">Mail</span><span class="s2"> for iOS</span></p>
try stringByreplaceoccuerencewithstring
how we replace s1 with s'1
thanks sid :)
i m trying this but not getting
@SidShah stringByreplaceoccuerencewithstring i m not geeting from this
replacement = [replacement stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"<span class=\"s\" "withString:@"<span class=\"s\"'"];
NSString *str = @"\"s1\"";
str = [str stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\"s1\""withString:@"s\'1"];
"s1" to s'1..
Hi all
Good mOrning
@SidShah Morning
@Tirth@SidShah@Mrunal"UISplitViewControllerDelegate" -- How do we avoid swipe to open menu?
swipe to open menu???
i didn't understand
wait let me check first
When we use UISplitViewController, we swipe to open/close the master view
That's what I want to avoid for one screen/viewcontroller
Got it
by default menucontroller and detail view controller both are displyed
Actually googled it
By default the UISplitViewController provides a swipe gesture to open the master view in portrait mode.
I am using Portrait
ohk .. now got you
you need master should visible in portait mode too
I want the to disable the swipe gesture for opening the splitview for one view, that's all
Q: UISplitViewController - open in portrait mode with masterViewController visible

Rameez HussainI have a UISplitViewController which keeps the master and detail views visible in both portrait and landscape orientations. Everything works fine except that when the page opens in portrait mode, the masterViewController is hidden until I rotate the screen and rotate it back. Any idea how I can f...

My problem is relevant to --
Q: UISplitViewController swipe gesture interferes with other swipe gesture

RenéI'm using a UISplitViewController and one of the detail view controllers contains a view which has a UIPanGestureRecognizer added to it. When I swipe this view in the detail view controller, the gesture is recognized, but the swipe gesture recognizer of the split view controller interferes with i...

and this -
Q: How to suppress the Master-Detail Controller swipe gesture, and recreate its behaviour on iOS 7

tarmesBy default the UISplitViewController provides a swipe gesture to open the master view in portrait mode. Unfortunately, this gesture opens the master controller even when manipulating sliders on the detail page! I discovered another question on here where this was marked as a bug reported for iOS...

swipe gesture don't know much more
good noon @every 1 ..
don't have idea.. you have to wait for right person :(
good afternoon
any one worked with wearable product
i'm fresher
its ok ,...
I am fresher, too
@SidShah is having experience on it
No @RichaSharma
f ([mySplitViewController respondsToSelector:@selector(setPresentsWithGesture:)]) {
[mySplitViewController setPresentsWithGesture:NO];
found something @RichaSharma
Let me check once
kya hua..hua ke nahi..
nahi hua :P
Ha, Nahi hua
still searching way
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
FBSession *session = [[FBSession alloc] initWithAppID:FACEBOOK_APP_ID permissions:nil defaultAudience:FBSessionDefaultAudienceEveryone urlSchemeSuffix:nil tokenCacheStrategy:nil];
[FBSettings setDefaultAppID: FACEBOOK_APP_ID];
[FBSession setActiveSession:session];

NSArray *permissions = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"email",nil];
Noepe solve the problem
maine toh kafi saalon pahale kam kiya tha FB pe
not latest
Getting bored..
@Tirth can you suggest me the fadoo game..
@SidShah concepts rise depends on public interest
at last they are your audience .
Bhai i want to play in my iPhone 6 @Tirth
not for developing
infinity blade
hmmm.. Infinity blade is gud..
its awesome
actully i'm not playing games much more
my favorite games is online 8 ball pool, Shellshock and Ace2three rummy
online flash games
in 8 ball pool my winning % is more than 80
Hmmm.. I love the action and high graphics game...
Shell shock live is i plying frequetly
so many variety of weaponse provide us depends on repo one by one weapon get unlock
physic bhi accha implement kiya
like projection, reflection etc etc

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