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It's about time
posted on August 12, 2011 by ryandahl

Uber, Voxer, and Joyent described how they use Node in production http://joyeur.com/2011/08/11/node-js-meetup-distributed-web-architectures/

I thought the intent was to use a repo for posts ... not couch.
However, having a db is handier
I'm considering if a db-less comment-less blog would be of note
6 hours later…
it's possible with jekyll for example
although you would have to use disqus or similar service for comments
that's how I do it
Why have comments all the time?
Are they necessary?
for discussion or feedback
no they are not necessary
Anyways, it's 1:50 in the AM. I am supposed to be up at 6:50
Can you guess what my next action is going to be:?
anything but spleep
see you in a few hours
1 hour later…
posted on August 12, 2011 by ryandahl

2011.08.12, Version 0.5.4 (unstable) libuv/Windows compatibility improvements Build on Microsoft Visual Studio via GYP. Use generate-projects.bat in the to build sln files. (Peter Bright, Igor Zinkovsky) Make Mikeal’s HTTP agent client the default. Use old HTTP client with --use-http1 Fixes … Continue reading →

I didn't realized that presentations were also posted by feeds :/
3 hours later…
Well done
2 hours later…
Any reading material on user authentication
in couch?
Well in general
I also need to do some more couch testing
are you using express?
I think they should have some convenient methods regarding user authentication
They do
just wondering whether I need HTTPS to send passwords
wondering whether the entire server should be HTTPS
this is why I fear to use mongo
Q: Serious MongoDB Question

ScheinerI've been running a nodejs application against mongo db for a couple of weeks. Today, I wrote a new script to extract some data and write to a CSV. As I ran this, I suddenly started getting connection errors. I found I was unable to connect to Mongo either through my application or at the console...

seen the same thing couple of times
I think the question wheter to use HTTPS or not is about the importance of your data
or maybe popularity of the service
time formatting
@Raynos I would. Depends on the type of auth you're doing. Anytime you send a password it will be plain text (has to be) but after that you can do cookies or session.
For a REST api I would recommend BASIC and HTTPS
Well I've got a website
and I want to just login
And it's over the internet? Then HTTPS
Do I need anything to set HTTPS up?
A certificate
you start your server as https instead of http. idk with connect/express
it's fairly simple stuff. I did it with some random walkthrough myself on my test box.
if you want to develop stuff in terms of testing I wouldn't worry about https
it's a thing you can do later on
Yeah, it adds very little to the process. It's done up front on the server start and that's it.
Remember all it does is have the client and the server scramble their messages.
I was yesterday trying to make my own jqeury plugin for animating sprites and I had a lot of fun with it I have to say, animated human model was moving like a cripple, retard or anything else than normal
it was like on a ministry of silly walks
3 hours later…
@yojimbo87 how do you talk to couch?
what exactly do you mean by talk
cradle is buggy for me
Im trying to delete documents
and the callback never fires
does it exist in DB?
I can do it in curl just fine
db.remove(uri, doc._rev, function(err, res) {
  if (err) {
  } else {
and what happens if you don't pass _rev?
it complains
about me not passing the revision
hmm that's weird
do you get error?
when trying to remove doc with rev
No error
simply the http response does not end
and other operations work?
4 hours later…
Everything else works
ill remove cradle tomorrow and try a different wrapper
if not ill write my own couch wrapper
was anyone successful in porting to android gingerbread device ? I am struggling for so much ?

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