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i have tried with below code:
if (Constants.sItem_Detail.size() > 0)
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Constants is Greater Than 0", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
else {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Constants is Less Than < 0", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
and getting Constants is Greater Than 0, and showing number of items in Cart is 1
but whenever i use this line in my code getting problem, is it the right way to get value from adapter to activity ?
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1 hour later…
public void callInfoPopUp(View view) {
LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater)getActivity().getBaseContext().getSystemService(getActivity().LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
PopupWindow pw = new PopupWindow(layoutInflater.inflate(
R.menu.info_cms, null, false), 300, 400, true);

final View views = pw.getContentView();
view.measure(View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
//pw.showAsDropDown(view.findViewById(R.id.infodropdown), view.findViewById(R.id.infodropdown).setLeft(20), 0);
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2 hours later…
@droiddev @PiyushMishra How to show option menu in android 4.0 as it used to be in android 2.2 ?
@asifa How to show option menu in android 4.0 as it used to be in android 2.2 ?
@Faiza How to show option menu in android 4.0 as it used to be in android 2.2 ?
@ManishAndroid hi . Please answer my question
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2 hours later…
@Hardy @SilentKiller bura na mano.. abhi naya naya mar**d hy na.. @RobinHood
@AdilSoomro hahahahahhaaha
@AdilSoomro Hahahahah
Bas karo bhai marega wo
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