@ManishAndroid How many times i told you about hindi chatting in android people room and how many times you replied for that? I think you are free check previous chats :P . Repeating same thing is professionalism? Me too joking :P
BTW i am not rude and harsh. But i wanna keep atmosphere clean and attractive to fellow users also. I hope you got me
@Abhi I only post jokes in hindi, not a full chat. And AFAIK most people would like to listen jokes in hindi, coz english jokes are not much full of laughter than hindi jokes. Can you post a better punch/jokes/shayari in english than hindi ? And If you want I never post anything in Hindi further
@ManishAndroid Can you try to post hindi jokes in Android room, try once and update me ? Moreover i dont think it is laughing club to post jokes. Off course we need fun along with development.