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3:13 AM
@FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier if only I could impress my crush with my code
6 hours later…
9:20 AM
> impress: to apply with pressure so as to imprint.
3 hours later…
12:09 PM
@trentcl TBH that comment can be found through other means. It triggered the heat detector.
oh, that's interesting.
I don't really get how stackapps work or how you're supposed to use them
I visited the SOBotics room once but I think it was just more confusing
It does make me wonder how many times one of my comments has triggered a bot :)
2 hours later…
2:17 PM
@trentcl less than mine
honesty right there :P
it has been a few months since my last outburst. I can't hold it anymore. Rust is so great.
2:33 PM
@trentcl there are web dashboards for some of that
although my name doesn't pop up
and I know I have triggered the smoke detector
a relic from the past
although I think Rails still does it by default
I remember I was somewhat angry at these antics in URLs in the past, now that I mostly have no idea anymore what a string is, I'm just like enjoying the view
2:52 PM
I want to check but it's probably better if I just... don't
3:15 PM
@Shepmaster I got to hear today that I'll get to learn about some of the back-end services by writing it in Rust :-)
I am over the moon!
3:36 PM
4:10 PM
@Jason this. is. absolutely. MARVELOUS, congrats :)
@FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier Thank you! :-)
2 hours later…

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